Numerology Answers - What does this number mean?
Always Seeing 23
I always see the number 23. It first began when I met a friend who's last four digits of a phone number was 1123. I would see this number all the time, for instance on the clock. And for 24 hour time 11:23 is 23:23. Hear recently I was explaining this phenomonon in my life to a coworker who didn't believe in my connection to the number, until one day when we were splitting our tips, I received a dollar bill that had the number randomly written on it. Before This incident I had tried to point out all the times I saw the number once I was around my coworker. Anyhow, I see this number at least 3-5 times a day or more. I've been trying to research what it means and why it is significant to my life. I've read that it is about change, but things are always changing...life is change. I was hoping I could get a deeper meaning to the number. I have tried to think about new things in my life once I see the number, but I see this number everyday. I am lead to believe that once I start dating a new guy or have the slightest of interest I always see it even more. I'm really unsure if that's the case but it sort of seems that way. If anyone can give me some information on the number 23, that would be helpful. Thanks.
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The Meaning of the Number 41
What does the number 41 mean? It's my number in many of the sports I play, it's always on the clock when I check the time. Does it have a specific meaning?
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222 Appears
For several years the number 222 has appeared to me. It's happened at work on a clock, at night when waking up and looking at the time, in the middle of the day (which just happened a short while ago) and various other settings. Can you explain what this means please?
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Seeing My Birth Date 7/10
I keep seeing my birth date 7/10 everywhere. Does this mean anything?
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Curious About Number 34
I am curious about the meaning of number 34 as I see it 2-3 times a day. Would you be so kind to explain it?
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Seeing Balanced Numbers All the Time
Why would I be seeing balanced numbers all the time??? Like 2:42, 7:17,8:08,9:09 ..etc happens all hours of the day. It started off whenever I saw a particular person I was interested in so I thought it had to do with them (if I saw the number I knew I'd run into them, if I didn't I knew they wouldn't be there) but now I'm seeing it all the time? At all hours of the day. Is there anything this could mean? My zodiac is a libra which is the scales, not sure if that could tie into anything. Never sure how to look this up either so any input is greatly appreciated :)
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Seeing Whole Time Clock Numbers
Hello, My question is why I am seeing whole time on the clock numbers like 11:11, 13:13,00:00. And so on.. Thank you.
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The Number 355
Do y'all have plans on increasing the number of large-number readings on-file? I find them much better prepared than "angel number" pages. Specifically, tonight I enjoyed 182, but would also like a well thought out reading on 355. Thank you!
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Seeing Certain Numbers for the Past Two Weeks
I often see 11:11. The past two weeks I have awakened at 2:22AM, 3:33AM, 4:44, 5:55AM AND 12:34AM. Not in order. It feels like I should be picking up on something.
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Seem to See 6:04 and 6:14 Daily
I always seem to see 6:04pm & 6:14pm daily. My bday is 6/04 and an ex friend of mines bday was 6:14. I never look to the clock to see if it is that time, what does this mean?
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10:18 Time of Birth
It has been similar to the fact that I continually see the time of my birth, 10:18, several times a day when I look to see what time it is. Any ideas?
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Seeing 111 Often
111 see this particular set OFTEN...also 222 and 444
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Seeing and Meaning of 11:11
Why do I keep seeing 11:11 lately? What is the meaning of 11:11?
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Seeing Numbers like 00, 10, 20, and 30
I keep seeing numbers like 00, 10, 20, 30 etc. What those numbers mean?
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Numbers 9.1.9 Meaning
What do the numbers 919 mean?
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Penny With Birth Year 1953
I found a penny and it was my birth year 1953 what does that mean?
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Keep Seeing 3:04 or 4:03
What does it mean when I keep seeing 3:04 or 4:03 I just want to know because my birthday is [birth date removed] and I'm 32 years old and I'm a female and my sign is an Aries
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The Science Behind Seeing 10:13
For years, I have been regularly seen the time 10.13. When it is exactly 10.13, I look at the phone or the clock. Why does it happen to me, what's behind this? I am eager to know the science behind this. Please help me
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Number 13 on the Clock
6:13, 7:13, 8:13, 10:13 And I've been seeing those clocks over and over again for over a week, I don't know why. What could the clock mean?
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Exactly 4:20pm
Not every day but around 4 times a week ill check my phone for the time and it will always be exactly 4:20pm, it has been going on for a few months does this have a meaning?
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75757 in a Dream
I had a dream and the number 75757 occurred what could this mean.
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Meaning of 311
What does 311 mean?
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3s and Multiple of 3s Everywhere
hi! i was curious why the past couple of days i've been seeing 3's and multiples of 3 EVERYWHERE!!! it's either a 3, a 33, 333, 6, 9! i constantly see angel numbers, 444, 222, 11:11, but seeing 3s has been crazy. today at work i was calling to confirm people's reservations (at a restaurant) and at least one number had 333 and the rest all had at least one 3. I broke up with my first boyfriend (i know i'm 19 i should have had more than one boyfriend) a month ago and have really been working on manifesting, affirmations, self forgiveness, etc. I met a guy i really think i like but he's horrible at communicating with everyone, so i've been working on following the laws of attraction and being confident. learning my worth has been hard. could seeing this number mean anything about me learning to use tools like this? i'd love to know what it means!
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Exactly 40 Years and 6 Months Difference
We have exactly 40years 6 months difference in age as I am born on [date removed]. He passed on [date removed]. This is when the number 22 gained some meaning in a way, before this I was surrounded by the number 6. I cannot decide if its 2 or 22 but I would like to know the meaning of the numbers.
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Born at 11:11AM
I was born at 11:11am ..what is the meaning of that time?
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Seeing the Number 27
My ex and I broke up about a month or two ago, but I can't help but feel like we still have connection of some sort, as if we're drawn to one another no matter what. Her birthday is on the 27th and that number keeps appearing on clocks, receipts, license plates, etc. I was wondering why I keep seeing her birthday number appear? We broke up because she felt as if she lost feelings for me, but recently had said that she still does have feelings for me, but they're not as strong as before. Although I had said we could work on things, she stated that she did not want to rush anything between us. I also do not want to rush anything between us, but I can't help but feel as if seeing the number 27 is a sign for something.
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I'm Starting to Get Paranoid
I see the same numbers over and over again almost to the point where I'm starting to get paranoid. I need to know what's happening.
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The Number 444 Haunts Me
My son was supposed to be born on [date removed] That day I was put in the hospital at 5am that morning. I was in labor almost 24 whole hours. He arrived on [date removed] at 4:44am. Ever since that day the number 444 haunts me. I see it multiple times a day every day in everything, phone numbers, vehicle license plates, prices, the time. What does this mean- is it good or is it bad or what. I'm so lost and confused when it comes to this please please help me and thank you.
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Seeing the Number 1
It all started with me being crushing one boy and since then I have started to see the number 1. It's been 2 months since I see the same number. I don't know if it's a coincidence here or something else. What should I do? Will I pay attention to this?
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Seeing 8/17 Regularly
For approximately 4 years or so I see my birthday 8/17 regularly... Multiple times a day, as well as seeing 8/17 in many different ways... Can you explain this to me???
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Noticing __:11 and 10:10 Every Time
For the past two or three months everytime i look at the clock the time is always something 11. Yesterday I noticed this for 5 hours straight 2:11, 3:11, 4:11, 5:11, 6:11 and I notice 9:11 a lot.. Does any of this mean anything? My friend who was born on January 8, 1989 always has a thing with the time 3:11 and ever since he told me that I feel as though I'm always noticing these weird times. He was my sisters boyfriend though, not mine. I don't understand why I would be noticing this. I also 10:10 A LOT but I've noticed that on my own.
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Seeing 11:11 Repeatedly and Also 10:10
Why do I keep seeing 11:11 repeatedly and I've also seen 10:10 - what does this mean?
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Habit and Repetitive Numbers
Hello, first off I want to say I think numerology is interesting and even fun, but I retain that that is all I believe for years now. Yet since I learned of numerology I developed a small habbit of adding numbers in my head, whether it's someone's name or phone number. I notice what hotel room number I have and seat at the theater quite often. I don't act on the numbers I see or let it have much influence at all over any descions I make. I think it's a funny habbit I have developed for maybe the same reason some are supersticious. I would like to believe the universe can talk to me and there's a way to understand it, but I'm an open minded skeptic, possible yes but unlikely.
My number adding is what I lean on when I am feeling unsure and I want someone to give me an answer I'm having trouble finding on my own. My favorite number is 9, I feel good when something I'm doing has this number. My second favorite number is 6. Like many I'm sure, I do a lot of number adding in regaurds to love mostly, beause quite often I want answers right away that I know only time can give me,I am not famous for patience. Love is the area in my life I feel the most unsure, and it is important to me. I had a realtionship with my high school sweetheart for 5 years. It ended, and I began a new relationship on [date removed] with a [name removed], born [date removed]. He wants to build a future with me and become engaged.
But here's why I'm here and my question. A habbit I deem silly or not, I have been seeing this number a lot, 11:11 or 1:11, most often it is 11:11. It has been happening so much at crucial moments and feelings. Whether it is a fight I am having with my new sweetheart or I am bursting with joy at how good I feel about this new love. This number has now happend so many times I've decided even as a huge skeptic I cannot ignore it anymore or just think "huh" and move on. It has happened so many times at important moments it has become very eerie... and the feeling that accompanies the number is strong, like something is happening, something big and I don't know what it is... please help, this number is appearing so much... it is starting to scare me. What could 11:11 mean? Also I've been noticing more 4's in my life than I ever have and for whatever reason, I don't really like the number 4, if that means anything. Thank you.
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Seeing Serial Numbers Since Ex and I Broke Up
i have been seeing serial numbers since my ex and i broke up, everywhere i look its things like 11:11, or 2:22, and sometimes i'll see his birthday, 314, on things. i want to know what the significance of it is.
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The Number 69 Everywhere
For the past year I have been seeing the number 69, it's everywhere. I see it on my receipts when I make a purchase, just today I made a new cell phone purchase with a prepaid card, the number 69 is on the receipt 5 times, the sku number on the new phone box is 69. I also have seen it on my phones, different files that get sent to me, I see it on websites that I go to. My phones have been hacked repeatedly. Every time I get a new phone, it gets hacked. I don't know what is going on but I need help!!!
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The Meaning of the Number 11
Number 11 meaning?
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69 and 96 Stacked On Each Other
Why does 69 and 96 stacked on top of each other when rotated end up the same numbers?
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Meaning of 811
What does 811 mean?
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Seeing 1941 Ever Since Being Little
Ever since i was little, like 10 or 11 i've repeatedly seen the numbers 1941 everywhere. At least once a day i see it on a billboard, a barcode, a license plate, a house it's really odd and i just feel like it's such an odd combination of numbers i don't understand the meaning. Please help me understand this a bit better.
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Seeing Numbers 1111, 222, and 444
I keep seeing the numbers 1111,222,444 What do these numbers mean in regards to my life?
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Birth and Death Date Numbers
Hi my Grandfather just passed away and he has some very interesting numbers correlating between his birth date (1-2-1934) and death date (2-5-21). I was just wondering if anyone could tell me what these numbers mean?
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Seeing Birthday Numbers on the Clock
I keep seeing the day I was born on the clock 3:09 I was born March 9th what does that mean?
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The Same Numbers Everywhere
Why do I keep seeing the same numbers everywhere and sometimes the numbers are backward?
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7:55 in Dream
What does it mean if i saw in my dream 7:55 PM
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The Meaning of 0123
What do 0123 mean?
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Seeing 12:34 Then 2:34
Ok....so, I have been paying attention to the numbers in my life that I continuously see for many years. Well, lately I keep seeing the times on the clock say either 12:34 or 2:34 almost everyday. For probably 3 months i kept on seeing the time 12:34 (day or night) every other day or even everyday. Yet, now I keep seeing the time when it say's 2:34. Like, I still see the time 12:34 from time to time but, now almost everyday I see the time when it is 2:34. The article on here that I just read said that it means that I have manifested harmony in my life. It makes sense because I am pretty peaceful regardless of all the "life changing issues" that I have had since September 2019 when the majority of my close friends moved to Florida. 3 months later my dad passed away and me and my girlfriend broke up, then Covid hit the United States and landed in 2 family members and 3 deaths of distant friends of mine last month. Then another close friend moved to Florida and several months later after my dad passed and then I moved my place of living. So, there seems like there has been alot of departure around me since Sept. 2019 Anyways, I added my birth date [date and calculation sequence removed] = 1990 1+9+9+0 = 19 ...and I am wondering why I keep seeing the time 2:34 nearly everyday after about 3 months of seeing the time 12:34. So, I wonder what that means with my birth date number being 19?
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Mastectomy at Age 42
I had a mastectomy, aged 42 on 24.02.2004. Do these numbers mean anything?
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Every Time I Look, It is 01:23
Almost every time I look at the time it is 01:23. I didn't notice if it happens during the day, but I did notice it happened a lot of times during the night. What could it mean?
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12, 21, and 12:21
Im still fairly new to spiritual development in self and last night I closed my eyes and ask my spirit guided to speak to me. This is the second time I've tried and unlike the first i actually felt (i just had a feeling in me that my question got through) and a little bit later i want to write down a line to a poem I started to think of and I meant to right the date at the top of the page which is 1/11 but instead I look at the alarm clock which said 12:21 and began to write that down. Just wanted to know if this number has significance...and if so what does it mean?
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Seeing Ex and My Birthday Numbers
Keep seeing deceased ex husband's birthday numbers every where every day, then within a few minutes I will see soon to be ex husband's birthday, then mine. This is happening all day every day, What does this mean?
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Meaning of 23
My nephew was born on may 23, 1973, he passed on dec 23, 2020. at the time he passed he was in room 2323. Is there any meaning to the 23? Thank you.
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The Significance of 3:27
What is the significance of 3:27
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3:51 on the Clock for Quite Some Time
For quite some time now, sometimes everyday, sometimes twice a day, I will look at the clock & the time is 3:51, I was wondering if these numbers mean or of it is telling me something?? Thank u
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Keep Seeing My Friend's Birth Year
Why do I keep seeing my friend (who I am in love with) birth year numbers? It's always 1997 or 1 , 97. His Birthday is [date removed] It's constant. When I'm purchasing something. In a book I am reading. An address I just happen to look up an notice. It's all the time. He's worried about it as if it's a bad omen because he will be 23 this year but I think it means something good.
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Number Meaning of Geographical Location
[address removed]. Number meaning?
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Meaning of 8:17
What does 8:17 mean?
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Numbers in Birth Also in Death
My mom was born 11/7/45 When she passed away it was on 7/11 at 11:45 me and my sister has always felt maybe a message was left for us but we always found it strange the same numbers in her birth are also in her death.
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Numbers Ending With Digit 4
For the last 20 years where we lived, the house number is ending with number 4. In 2000 we were in a govt. quarter bearing no. C-124, then purchased a house with flat no. 104, and then again purchased another house bearing no. 2004. Is this just a coincidence? My daughter is also born in the year 2004 (after 15 years of marriage). Just like to know the significance of this occurrence.
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Combination Numbers
What are the combination number of 11 11, 11 13, 11 23, 11 29, 11 3?
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The Meaning of 1111111
What does 1111111 mean?
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Dates of Passing
My parents both passed on the same day Mom Nov 7, 1996 and Dad Nov 7, 2018. What is the meaning of the numbers? Thanks
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Seeing the Numbers 3 and 8 Everywhere
Why do I keep seeing the numbers 3 and 8 everywhere. Major incidents have happened on these days. My dob [birth date removed]. Name [name removed].
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Catching Certain Numbers
I've been more awake since last year and I've been catching 1:11, 11:11, 3:33, but the numver I've seen the most is 12:34 even tho lately all I've been seeing is 12:43, what can be causing that?
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Meaning of Number 10 and Number 16 Energies
What do the number 10 and number 16 energies mean?
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Me and GF Seeing 143
I always see 143, and now my gf is having 143 show up in her daily tasks. What does it mean and what connection is there between me and my gf??
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Numbers 3 in Multiples
My wife passed away 2 months ago...i keep have issues mostly at night seeing the numbers 3 in multiples. Also seeing 3's in succession in things like receipts, invoices, etc. Also i get very cold sensations during the night. Any thoughts?
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Seeing Boyfriend's Birthday Number All the Time
I see my boyfriends birthday number all the time .. what does it mean ? Is there a meaning behind it? Number 31.
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Seeing My Birthday Constantly
I am seeing my birthday constantly which is March 11 so I am seeing 113 or 311. I ignored it first but couple of times woke up at night at 3:11 alarmed me may be I shouldn't ignore this. What can it mean. It also has been a worst period of my life losing love of my life.
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Seeing Number 69 Way Too Often
I feel like I have been seeing number 69 way too often for the past 3-4 months. From my battery percentage to the icon of a website that had nothing to do with 69. I try to tell myself it's just a coincidence, but is it?
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Angels and the Number 12:43
My mobile clock stops at different times since long and i know by the level of synchronized number that these are angels communicating. Can you give me the meaning of 12:43.
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Seeing 921 Almost Every Day
Hi I have been seeing my birthday 921 on my cell phone, car clock almost every day at different times. Please advise what this can mean for me. It happens so often it has prompt me to ask this question.
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Seeing Synchronized Numbers
What does it mean when you see synchronized numbers every day, all day. Example... 7:07 8:08 9:09 etc.
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What Is 1104 Trying to Tell Me?
I continue to see the number 1104 everywhere. I'm curious to know what it's trying to tell me.
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Seeing 419
My birthday is 419, but for years, I have seen that number everywhere. The clock, license plates, serial numbers, phone numbers, receipts, prices, mileage. Everything. I take pictures every time now. It has to mean something.
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Seeing Numbers 9 and 11 After Momma Passed Away
My momma passed away on the 9th and we buried her on the 11th of [month and year removed]. Now every since I would see 9:11 on the clock and that would be the only time I'd see the time...it wasn't as repetitive for a while. Now my health is declining rapidly and I have seen that time the last 3 nights in a row. What does that mean??
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Freaked Out About 3:13
I was born at 3:13 am. Every time I glance at a clock, am or pm, it's that time. I'm really freaked out. What does it mean?
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The Meaning of the Number 23
Keep seeing the number 23 and it plays role in my life and want to know if it means something.
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Favorite Number 7
My favorite number has always been 7, I remember I've loved it since early childhood and I hadn't found out it was a lucky number until I was much older. My birthday is [date removed], my moms birthday is [date removed], my dad's birthday is [date removed], and my fiancé and I started dating on [date removed]. I see the number 7 quite often which I'm not sure if its coincidence or if it just sticks out to me because I love the number. Or maybe it's something spiritual. Is there a reason why I have always gravitated towards this number and why my parents and fiancé also have some connection to it?
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Seeing 1:06 and 10:06 Daily for Years
I have seen 1:06 and 10:06 almost daily for several years. It was after a long marriage ended, our anniversary was 10/06/00. A year or so after the split I started seeing it so much my friends got freaked out. Years later I still see at least one if not 2-3x daily. Thank you very much for any information you can share with me.
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Seeing 11:35 Is Scary
Hello my name is [name removed], and I am from Ethiopia, the things I want to ask is, I usually see the time 11:35, I see this number like always and for real I am getting so afraid of myself cuz still don't get the meaning of that number, I also checked on the internet but I did not get any answer, and I thought maybe some of you could help me by telling me the meaning. Thanks.
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The Meaning of 316
What is the meaning of 316?
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Seeing 43 for Almost Two Years
I've been seeing the number 43 for almost two years nonstop almost every day numerous times. I recently asked a medium but it was at the end of our session and she was dwindling out but she seen a bulky older man whom she said seemed like an uncle basically tossing these cards with the number 43 at me. We can't figure out who he is and why this number.
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Need Answers to Seeing Birthday Numbers
I always see my birthday number on the clock, 10:26 almost everyday I can't even keep count. i need answers please!!
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422 Angel Number Meaning
What does 422 angel number mean?
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What the Number 2 Means
What the number 2 means?
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The Number 1247613012
I believe I've come across a cipher but I just can't seem to figure it out. I'm interested to see if you know what it says: 1247613012.
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Number 47 or 74 Everywhere
I see the number 47 or 74 everywhere. On every of my screenshots as either the time or my phone's battery percentage. I see the combo when I open any book page. It is not the weird part yet. The weird part is that a guy that is my friend but who we got romantically involved together at a point, tho not anymore, also experiences the same thing. The same number combos. Is this special? What is happening?
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Meaning of Seeing Double Numbers
What does it mean seeing double number like 02;02, 04;04 14;14 etc?
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11:11 and Now 10:10 as Well
I keep seeing 11:11 on the clock everywhere. I keep taking photos of it. I have now started seeing 10:10 as well. What could this mean?
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1013 and Surgery
My daughter [name removed] who is 13, [birth date removed] Is having spinal fusion surgery on 3 10 [year removed]. They're taking out 3 discs putting in two rods and 16 screws. The surgery is 6 to 9 hours and a min of 5 day stay. Im worried for her as her mom but keep seeing 1013 and the. Gas fireplace turned on by its self last night at 1013 and car in front of us to school was 103 is there a good or bad sign. Her surgery is a levocurvature toward heart and life treating why this number.
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Guides and Twin Flames and 11s
I'm incredibly confused about signs I'm getting from my guides and hoping you can help clear things up for me. I recently met a man at my local dog park and we became fast friends. After a few months of getting to know each other, we started dating and I immediately began to see the numbers 11:11 and 1:11 everywhere when I was with him or speaking to him. We even hung up a call after talking for 1:11:11. From what I've researched, all signs indicate that he is my twin flame and our connection feels very deep so I do think it's possible. We've even said it feels like we knew each other in previous lives. The problem is that he wasn't honest with me and was engaged to someone else the entire time. After taking some time apart from her, he's now decided that she's the one for him and is moving forward with the wedding. I'm doing everything I can to move but we now have the same group of friends from the park and I encounter him often. And when I do, I still see the numbers. It's incredibly difficult to see him knowing we probably are twin flames but will never be together. Is it possible my guides are trying telling me something else? Or are they just confirming we are?
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What Do These Numbers Mean?
I keep seeing numbers like, 922, 933, 555, 1010, 1111, 1212. What do these mean?
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Seeing 1:43 and 6:43
I see the numbers 1:43 and 6:43 since my mother in law died. 2 years later my dad died at 6:43 am. I was 43 and my birthday is 6-1 my dad's birthday is 4-3. What does this mean?
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The Time 21.34 Daily
Hello, my name is [name removed], and I've seen a lot of times (almost daily) the time 21.34, I actually can't remember if I see other times often or similar like 12.34, it's just 21.34 what get's my attention..., to me it seems like some weird time, but I actually hope there is some meaning with this time, I can't seem to find this out and I can't find anything on the internet, so I hope you can help me out with this time and wait until I someday find out what the meaning of this time is. Greetings.
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What Is 12629?
What is 12629?
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Dates and Numbers Saying Things
Hello everybody! Thanks for taking the time to read my question. So, I was browsing through my old blog, and I just noticed that a very significant event happened in my life on 12/21/2010. I never cared about these number patterns or numerology, but in the past 1 year I've been seeing them a LOT (first 11:11, then recently these other doubled and mirrored numbers started appearing with a frequency that's almost scary...), and now when I randomly opened this blogpost, I immediately noticed these numbers. (I don't know if that helps, but another event in relation to this took place on 12/31/2016). Can someone please tell me if these numbers say anything at all? Thank you in advance.
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Seeing a Time and Missing Something Important
Since the day my daughter has been born I look at the clock at 22:09 every single evening. 22.09 is my date of birth. I feel like I am missing something important here,...? Can you help me please?
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Seeing 1108 Every Morning and Every Evening
1108, It's my birthday, November 8th, it's also a part of my social security number. I also look at the clock in the morning every day at 11:08 and every evening at 11:08, I see the number every where. I've look up the whole angel meaning, but I still feel like I'm missing something. I feel like there's more meaning behind it.
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What Seeing the Number 43 Represents
What does seeing the number 43 represent?
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I Keep Seeing Recurring Numbers
I keep seeing reoccurring numbers..the last 2 days 11:11 4444 404 but since the day before 11/11/20. 1111 1:01,11:10,1121 act.. then almost every time I send a message or look at the date or clock or a price tag or a app number there is always doubles of a number eg: 212,222,313,414,545,606,355 etc. I try to keep track and look it up but it's time consuming and still doesn't tell me why I'm seeing so many different variations and I'm at a loss ... Help
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For Over 3 Years I have Seen the Number 11
For over 3 years now I have seen the number 11. Then the number 7 & 9 along with the number 11 repetitively. I had a dream that I didn't understand until 4 days later when my dad passed on 11/14/2017. I tend to hear voices.. I think either are Angels or maybe God in some instances. My own father after he'd passed spoke to me as I was worrying about his unexpected passing. In December of 2018 before Christmas I had a vision while laying in bed one night. I seen the number 1/21 and the shadow of a bird flew above my head, not sure what type of bird, but I also see doves and owls frequently or hear them. And also find feathers and pennies/dimes and see rainbows often. I have visions often as well typically brief and unexplainable or just feelings about certain loved ones then I check up on them to find out they were struggling with an issue or life problem. I then thought that possibly this vision of 1/21 I seen might actually have been 1121 the / being a 1 instead because I still see the 11 all the time and now the 21 all the time. I see these two numbers so frequently it is unreal. Sometimes together. Sometimes separately. I went through a spell where I seen numbers that add up to 11 like 38 & 47. I also see other double digits ending in the 1 such as 31, 41, 51.. but mostly by far 11 & 21. I would like to know with all the other sightings, dreams, premonitions, visions and number frequencies... WHAT is wrong with me.. it is driving me CRAZY!! I either need to figure out what it all means or it needs to go away!! The premonitions whether by dream or vision for whatever reason, have never bothered me too much but this number frequency it seriously is out of control! I guess a lot of the other things have always happened throughout my life but not really frequent until this number thing the past 3 years or so. I am married and have been for 25 years, with 3 kids. 1121 is not any date I can relate it too.. I can't think of anything that correlates to the number 11 or 21 or 1121 or 1/21 unless it is in the future. And like everything else that has happened to me that I can't figure out, until it happens, this may be the same issue. If you have any clues or ideas I would really appreciate some input before I go nuts!! Thank you!
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Seeing 3-Digit Numbers That End With 11
A couple of years ago I started seeing the numbers 911 and 711 on a regular bases, now I'm seeing 411, 511, 611, 211, etc. Not sure what this all means. I read about the numbers 911 and 711 and they both tell me roughly the same thing.. to stay positive as some thing it's about to change in my Life. Well nothing real good has happen to me during this time, My ex wife whom I love dearly has only 5 month left to live due to cancer and she's only 51, my wife lost her job over a year ago, my daughter who's 25 is struggling with depression and anxiety, she recently broke up with her common law husband and moved back home with me and her 3 year old boy. If anybody has an answer please let me know.
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Meaning of Time 6:43
What does the time 643 mean?
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The Meaning of 58, 53, 96, and 10
What do these numbers mean? 58 53 96 10
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Drawn to the Number 9
I have always been drawn to the number 9 or any number really that has nine in it. It always made me more confident to have that jersey number. I have been seeing 69 everywhere lately and I am at unrest. What does this mean? Have I been attracted to darkness all my life?
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Quite Often See the Time 9:17
I quite often see the time 9:17 and always see the number 17. I learned a few years ago that 17 is my angel number. My mother-in-law, whom I was very close to and was like a mother to me, recently died on 9/17. I'm curious if there's any connections there or meaning to this date and/or time? Her birthdate is 3/1/71.
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Keep Seeing 3:10 With no Special Meaning
Why do I keep seeing 3:10 on the clock or in random places? This number has no special meaning to me.
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What Does 123 Mean to Me?
What does 123 means to me? I keep seeing these number together randomly.
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133 Follows Me
133 follows me every since I was 16 my friend showed me and it's been happening every since what does this number sequence mean?
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Constantly Seeing My Wedding Date
Why do I consistently see my wedding date 820 on clocks (morning or night), amount on receipts, and address, on a license plate... but mostly clocks (phone, computer, tv, etc).
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Seeing Many Repetitive Numbers
I have been seeing many repetitive numbers on daily basis like 10.10, 11.11, 12.12, 12.21, 12.22, 1.11, 2.22, 3.33, 4.44 and 5.55. Can you please guide to have a clear picture as to why is this happening everyday? What is the reason behind it?
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Birth Certificate 11:11 Time of Birth
I have seen repeating 1s and the time 11:11 frequently as far back as I can remember. I recently came across my birth certificate and saw I was born at 11:11 am. Does this hold any significance?
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Seeing 1 and 7 and All Their Combinations
I have constantly seen for a long time the numbers 1 and 7 and all their combinations, like 11:17, 11:11, 1:07, 17:11 etc. Can this have a meaning? I don't have any other recurrent numbers, except for 2066, which has recurred but only very recently.
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22:11 and Returning Love
What does 22:11 mean. Is my love returning to me?
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I Keep Seeing 3:22 on the Clock
I keep seeing 3:22 on the clock, it is my wedding anniversary, what does it mean?
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Number 702 in Dream
What does 702 mean in my dream?
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Changing Numbers and the Right Path
If you are on the right path and listening to the messages, does the numbers you see change or would you continue to see the exact same number, and is it what's happening and the feeling at that time I'm focusing on. Sorry, I'm just a little confused on a couple of numbers I'm getting cause that aspect has changed majorly. But I'm still seeing the exact same numbers and I'm just not sure now as to what it is I have to focus on. Do your numbers change if your on there right path?
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The Number 37 Has Shown Itself to Me
My birthday is [date removed]. The number 37 has shown itself to me over the past year and now more consistent the last couple of weeks where addresses, phone numbers, rugs, clocks...etc. I am very curious as to what this means?
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Seeing 911 Approximate Two Times a Day
I've been noticing 9:11 on the clock approx. 2x daily and in other settings (addresses, passcodes, etc. ) for the past few years and I've been curious if there's any possible meaning behind it or if there's a logical explanation like the birthday question. What's your take on 911? Thanks!
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Keeps Seeing Birth Time 7:12
I keep seeing my birth time 7:12pm every day the past month or so. What does it mean?
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Why I See 25 Everywhere
Why I see 25 everywhere...like 25, 52, 125, 152, 2511, 1251, 1215, 2501, 1025, etc.????? Plzz...help me.
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Frequently I See 13 Number
Frequently I see 13 number whenever I see clock. It may be 8:13 4:13 and so on. Everywhere I see 13 number.
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Next to Her Name was #77
I had a dream, and in my dream I remember seeing an image of a name in capital letters of a woman (I sort of know her) and next to her name was the #77. What can this mean?
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Seeing 12:34, Not Coincidental
For the past year or so I'll look up at the clock and it reads 12:34. It can be am or pm. The sequence appears in other forms also. For example, several times I've been making something in the oven and when I check the timer to see how much time is left, there it is again, 12:34, twelve minutes and 34 seconds remaining. It happens so frequently that it is almost impossible for it to be coincidental. Can you possibly tell me why this might be occurring? Thanks.
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Seeing Ex's Birthday Date on the Clock
12:18 I see on the clock almost everyday when I look. Coincidentally it is also my ex husband's birthday date. Does it mean anything?
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What Does 499 Mean?
What does 499 mean?
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My Eyes Automatically Go To See the Number 49
My university id number is F16CS49. Here, I am 49. We have traditional attendance system. I mean by calling 49 I say present in class. I am still studying and now in 2nd last year of my graduation, but I noticed 49 is everywhere, popping everywhere in front of me. In facebook comment numbers count, in my teachers slide and in their computer problems, in my statistics book. I mean a lot of problem having sample number 49, then after on T.V or if I am watching time suddenly I saw 10:49pm like this. I mean my eyes automatically go to see this number only. Please guide me.
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What Is 314?
What is 314?
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Seeing the Time 10:18 for a Really Long Time
I've been seeing the time 10:18 for a really long time now. Sometimes I can pick up my phone to check the time and not even know that that's the time I was about to see. It confuses me because I feel like this numbers trying to tell me something about something deeper that I really would like to figure out. What does the time 10:18 mean or even the numbers themselves.
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The Time Is Always 11:11 or 1:11
Whenever I look at time it's 11:11 or 1:11. It's almost one month that I'm repeatedly seeing this time. I like my friend and want to propose her as well. When I told her about this thing she said that I was born in January which means 1st month and date was 11. I want to know if their is any connection and if not then what message is behind this.
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What Does Seeing a Number Actually Mean?
Since last one week while checking my phone for time... daily I see number like 222,111,444,11:11.. different number daily.. Can you please help me go solve my queries what does it actually mean??
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Significance of Time 4:04
Does the time 4:04am have any significance?
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Seeing 444, 777, 88, Et al
These past weeks, I have been seeing a lot 444, 777, 88 and 555 in addition I am seeing 1221, 1234 or 1231 or 321 the weirdest the 88 and 99 I even had a dream about them. I understand there is a message but I am not sure I decoded it. Can you help me?
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Noticing Numbers in Patterns
I notice the numbers in my life daily. For the last several months I have been noticing "numbers in patterns" such as 1234, 789 or 1223, 566778. Is there a significance to this?
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Passed Away at Age 19 on the 19th Day
Hello, I had a friend tragically pass away due to falling out of a moving vehicle. He passed away at age 19, on the 19/[month and day removed] which was on Good Friday, does the number 19 have anything to do with Jesus or anything related to the christian belief?
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I Saw 511 Together With the Face of a Man
I saw 511 together with the face of a man I just met, and later I saw on a clock 5:11. What could it mean? I have also seen the number 11:11 when I am with him.
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He Often Used 6363 for Codes
My birthday is [date removed]. My husband's date of birth is [date removed]. He died [date removed]. He was always about numbers. Made wishes at 11:11. "Felt" good about our wedding day being 7/7/17. He often used 6363 for codes. His favorite number was 15 throughout his life. He loved math because he said it's the one thing that will always be constant. I can't help but feel like there is a reason he died on that date. Mostly, negative thoughts.
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Almost Seeing 11:27 Every Day
I almost seeing the time 11:27 everyday, is there anything related to it?
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I Keep Seeing 555
I keep seeing 555 since 15 of April and i really don't know what this means. Can u tell me please? And help me figure out why I see this every day everywhere I go? Why?
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Number 11 a Presence for My Daughter
Curious why the number 11 is such a presence for my daughter, who passed away [date removed]. Ironically was born [date removed] and was born at 11:56 am.
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Why Do I See the Number 614?
Why do I see the number 614 any/every where I look?
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What Does Seeing 43 Mean?
Hi, I have been seeing the number 43 for past 2 months constantly on clocks, statistics, internet browsing, license plates, and many other unusual places. I was wondering if you can let me know what is that suppose to mean. It's really weird.
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I See the Number 23 Very Often
I see the number 23 very often... every time I look at the clock, before then I keep seeing 11, 44, and 55. I have been pursing to be a keynote speaker for Trauma victims. But I've been having a hard time sustaining a income. What could this be trying to tell me?
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Looking at the Clock at 4:26 Almost Everyday
I keep looking at the clock at 4:26 almost everyday. It's my birthday. Is there meaning?
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What Does 444 Mean?
What does 444 mean?
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Reason or Significance for the Number 27
My best friend's mom recently died suddenly of a heart attack. She died on [date removed]. Since the day before her death, the number 27 became really prevalent in a lot of areas. [name removed] died on the 27th, paperwork indicated that her father was born on the 27th, and other strange things. Is there any numerological reason or significance to this?
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The Meaning of 10-02-2002
What is meaning of 10-02-2002, which is [reason removed for privacy considerations]?
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Seeing Number Sequences for 5 Years Now
I've been seeing number sequences for 5 years now. It was just a coincidence but I'm seeing these number sequences continuously every day just about every time I look at the clock on my phone. I've been told that this is a spiritual awakening on my part and I would like to know what that is and what it means. Also today I seen 11:01. Would like to know the meaning of that.
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Seeing and Hearing My Birthday Number Everywhere and Anywhere
I see and hear my birthday number everywhere and anywhere everyday. What does it mean? Is it a good sign?
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I Continually Notice the Clock Time 9:17
My birthdate is [birth date removed]. I continually notice the clock time 9:17.
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Seeing 1221 More Frequently
I have been seeing 1221 more frequently in the past few weeks and I've also been trying to find balance, I don't know if this has any meaning to it.
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What Does 1013 Represent?
What does 1013 represent?
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Number 611 Clarifications
I've been looking at the number 611 and I would like clarification on its definition. It says that 611 has Beliefs and Realism. It does not have number 7 added up, so I assume that because it has 11 in it, it makes 611 a spiritual person? Also, does Realism mean the person is realistic, since it has 1s in it? I would like to see more detailed information on 611, if possible. Thanks!
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Decoding Repetitive Numbers
I have been seeing repetitive numbers from last 7-8 months consistently and mostly these numbers are either in triplets or four digits eg: 11:11, 7777, 4444, 555, 444, 777, 1:11, 12:21, 123, 8888, 9999.. All these on car plates, bills, clock, other text messages. Please help me decode these.
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Seeing 1127 Up to Two Times a Day
Hello I'm born [date removed]. For the last 4 years I have been seeing 1127 on the clock 2 times a day sometimes. Funny thing is that number is also my kids father birthday. Was with him for 15 years then he left me. What does this mean? Thank you.
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Seeing My Daughter's Date of Birth
Why do I keep seeing my daughter date of birth [date removed] ?
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Seeing the Number 11 on the Clock All the Time
Hello, I been seeing 10:11, 11:01: 11:10, 11:11 all the time. If I tried not to look at the clock somebody around me comes and showing there mobile about something exactly on the clock time I mentioned above. I don't know what's happening to me and what does it means. Also, when I am confused about something I will ask the time for its opinions, for example, if I am confused about buying a black or white t-shirt I will ask the time shall I buy black one and I will look at the time if it ends with even number I will buy the black or in case if it ends with odd number I will go with white. This is just an example to make you guys understand. I am successful by taking decisions in this way. Would you please explain to me what's happening and if anybody experiencing anything similar.
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The Meaning of 813 or 138
What is the meaning of 813 or 138? I see them and other number combinations all the time and would like some insight please. Thank you.
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Seeing 9/23 for Three Months, Morning and Evening
I just read on this site something similar to my question- My Birthday is 9/23 and for over the past 3 months, morning and evening, consistently when looking at the clock it has been 9/23- getting a little weird- Am I to read something into this or just coincidence- it has been way too consistent to me to be coincidence, however, so are there other factors I should be looking for?
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I See My Birthday Numbers Over and Over Again
What does it mean when I see my birthday numbers over and over again? Is it meaning I am on the right track?
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Seeing 111 All the Time
I keep seeing 111 all the time. It is my birthday. What does it mean?
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Meanings of Combinations of 1, 7, and 11
What do combinations of 1,7,and 11 mean?
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Seeing the Number 23:23
Seeing the Number 23:23 frequently on the clock what does it mean in my case?
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Keep Seeing My Birth Time 11:46
I keep seeing my birth time of 11:46. What does that mean for me?
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Also Always Seeing 1243
I too have always seen 1243. On my cell phone, clocks, even on broken clocks whose time is locked into 12:43. This has been going on since childhood. What is the significance?
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The Meaning of 11, 7, 17, and Combinations
I've been talking to this guy who lives in another country for about a year. I knew from the very first conversation that we had we were going to have a strong bond and now it's almost been a year and I have never met anyone like him. We talk almost every day or every week and the bond is only getting stronger. We're revealing more about ourselves and it only makes us like each other more. Every time I talk to him or think about him, I either see 11:11, 11:07 or 11:17, or some other number sequence. We're both in the same career field, both artist's, and he loves my art as well as I love his. I know why I'm seeing these numbers, but specifically what they're telling me, I'm not %100 sure. I also want to add that, he's been in my dreams a lot, and I've never dreamed about someone as much as I have him. I also somehow feel his energy with me sometimes.
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Triple and Quadruple Numbers Making Frequent Appearances
I wish to better understand the triple and quadruple numbers that are making frequent appearances in my day to day life.
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Seeing 69 and the Inverse 96
So, my question is, does it have any special meaning that in all my life, personal info, and random licenses and just random assigned numbers, I see 69, and the inverse 96. My birth year is even 96, but 69 is in a lot of my personal info, my main thing it isn't just now, these numbers have been present in the entirety of my 22 years on this earth in the world. Does this have any special meaning? Or is it just chance?
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813 and Lots of Numbers Doubled
In the past two days I have been seeing repetitive numbers and the number 813, lots of numbers doubled including zero. What does this mean aside from being awake and aware?
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Seeing 10:16am/pm All the Time
I keep seeing 10:16am/pm all the time!!! My husband asked me to be his girlfriend on October 16, [year removed] (10/16) which also happens to be my parents same "dating anniversary" which is October 16, [year removed]. (10/16) What is going on????????
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The Meaning of the Number 399
What is the meaning of 399?
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Seeing 3s and Other Triad Numbers
I see 3s,6s, all the time and now my favorite #8 has been popping up as well as 5s and 9s! I'm excited to see what this means! And a lot of #s in sequence. My numerology #s are 33/6.
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Seeing the Numbers 22, 222 and 22:22 Everywhere
I have embarked on a spiritual journey and have been seeing the numbers 22, 222 and 22:22 everywhere. Before my ex and I got back together, every time I saw her name, I saw the repeating 2's and still do in things like her status updates, our conversations and other things. What are the numbers trying to tell me in relation to my girlfriend and I? Been trying to figure this out but can't seem to find something accurate. Thank you in advance.
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Seeing Numbers Composed of Consecutive Digits
What does it mean when you see consecutive numbers on a clock ie 123, or 234, or 456?
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The Significance of 0123
What is the significance of 0123 showing up in my birth date and social security number?
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Seeing Master Numbers and Many Others
After many paranormal/spiritual events I couldn't explain throughout a traumatic childhood I really felt alone, wired & unwanted. I obsessively counted the #s 11 22 & 33 in the shape of an eye & never questioned it. I'm highly intuitive & after reading tarot for about 17 years I learned about numerology. On January 17th 2016, After downloading a numerology chart and studying the numbers my mind was blown away realizing my name & time of birth are all vibrations of 11s or multiples of:11-29, 7-13, 15/32. I've always been very intuitive and it really explains all the premonitions and strange coincidences. Now I'm always seeing the numbers pop up somewhere somehow! I will often see my moms #7:29 on the clock right when I'm asking her to let me know she knows what's going in my life and how much I miss her. Lately I've been seeing 13 & 9s... 137 today ALL OVER so what am I not aware of here? I can't seem to pinpoint it...
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Seeing My Birthday 1226 Daily
I keep seeing my birthday 1226 daily when i look at the clock. What does this mean?
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The Meaning of 11111111
What does 11111111 mean?
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Meaning of the Number 1617
What does the number 1617 mean?
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Always Seeing the Number 121
I am ALWAYS seeing the number 121, on the clock, change due back from purchase but that is also the month and date my mother passed(Jan 21), I also see 618 and 1218, only on clocks and that is my daughters birth date and time she was born ([date and time removed]. My daughter is my firstborn out of my 2 children and she was my mothers first and favorite grandchild (she loved both my kids but especially close with my daughter who was 6.5 yrs old when my mother passed and my son was only 18 months). I just want to know WHY I'm seeing these numbers. Is my mother trying to communicate or is it just mere coincidence?! PLEASE HELP. Thank you much!
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What Does 99999 Mean
What does 99999 mean?
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Seeing Boyfriend's Birthday Number After Breakup
Why I see my ex boyfriend birthday number 23 after breakup???
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Observing 119 or 911 Everywhere
I am observing 119 everywhere, I get tokens as 11.9 or get a turn in queue as 9.11. In short always kept seeing 119 or 911 also my vehicle meter stops a few days ago at 9999. Not getting it what it holds for me I am in a state of startup business.
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Seeing Certain Numbers Everywhere
Why do I see certain numbers everywhere now?
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Seeing 711 Every Day Since My Birthday
Ever since my birthday 07/11, I've been seeing 711 every day. Either on the clock, or driving through town I'll see 711 everyday multiple times a day. I've gone through a lot recently with a breakup just before my birthday and that same woman lingering in my life today. I feel like it means something that I see these numbers everyday but I can't figure out what the universe is trying to tell me. Please respond.
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Always Seeing My Ex's Birthday Numbers on the Clock
Why do I always see my ex's birthday numbers on the clock? We've been broken up for 5 years now.
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Seeing Number Patterns
For a couple of years or so I have been seeing number patterns, mostly on clocks but also on signs or print material etc. The most frequent are either 11:11 or 01:11. But I also see 9:11 quite a bit as well, just not as often as the first two. I also see 3:33, 4:44 & rarely other number sequences. I also see 323 a lot as well. Can you help me understand the reason & or meaning behind this?
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:01 On The Clock, A Lot
#01 on the clock. I see it a lot in a day. I feel like I'm being told something. I have a great intuitive sense and I am very spiritual. My fiance passed away one year ago at age 40. I just started dating and I like a guy who seems emotionally cold. I keep praying for answers whether to keep trying with him or end it. He has been hurt bad from his marriage and acts at times like he's opening up and when he feels something he shuts down. This number 01 on the clock has started happening since I've been praying for a sign I can clearly see. Any answers?
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The Meaning of the Number 13579
13579 meaning.
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My Birthday on the Clock Almost Every Day
Hi, I have been seeing my birthday on the clock like almost every day. My birthday is 10/08. It doesn't matter if it's morning or night I see it. Can you please tell me what this means if it has meaning at all? This has just started happening and I'm very curious.
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Significance of the Number 214
I recently had a dream that was very focused on the number 214. I googled the "significance of the number 214," and this site is what I found. So there you have it. What is the significance of the number 214?
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Always 11 After the Hour
What does it mean to always see 11 after the hour?
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The Number 11 Every Time I Look at the Clock
Why do I keep seeing the number 11 every time I look at the clock?
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Keep on Seeing 4:20 on the Clock
I keep on seeing 4:20 on the clock and it happens almost on daily basis. I am confused, what does it might mean? It's been happening for last 2-3 years.
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12:22 Almost Every Time I Look at the Time
Hi, I am very intrigued by the fact that for years now almost every time I look at the time it's 12:22. My ex-husband's date of birth is 12-22-[year removed] his name is [name removed]. Just wondering what it means and if there's a connection to my ex. Thanks.
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Seeing Numbers With Repetitive Digits
Hi, my name is [name removed]. I have been seeing the numbers 10:10 1:11 11:11 2:22 3:33 4:44 5:55 etc. I have only just found out about numerology but I have always been into spiritual stuff so I wanted to get your opinion as I have been reading peoples questions and what you have wrote in response to those questions. I recently Asked my guardian angel Ruby to talk to me through these numbers and I feel like she does considering I see these numbers when I'm sad, fighting with my boyfriend or before or after the fight and when I smoke weed, its like she's telling me I'm being naughty :). Or I see them randomly through out the day EVERY day. Can you help? Thank You :)
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There Is Always an 11 in the Minutes Spot
Every time I look at the clock it says something:11. There is always an 11 in the minutes spot. What does that mean? If it means anything.
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Seeing 711 for Years
As a child my sister [birth name and date removed] and I were inseparable. Being so close in age we did everything together. 711 sightings started with me (age 11) and began happening to her weeks later (age 12). 711 was seen everywhere, every day, at school, the time on the clock, heard it on TV, radio, billboards, mile markers, cards, receipts, 18-wheelers, taxis, grocery store, phone numbers. I mean the list of the "coincidental" places it was seen could go on & on. We thought it was neat but kept it to ourselves at first, discussing what it could mean, if anything, seeing how we didn't believe in coincidences. "Everything happened for a reason". I personally never looked for it. Heather said she didn't either. It found us?? If that makes sense. It happened whether we were together, or not (but our experiences together will always be cherished.) For no reason at all our eyes would go directly to it. Never failed :/ My Heather passed away in a car wreck on [date removed], at age 18. To say the least, a huge part of me also died that day. Up until then we both still saw it and to this day at age 21 I see 711 several times a week if not everyday, mainly when she is on my mind or during one of my "Heather" moments (good, bad, funny or sad). Any thoughts or comments are welcomed & greatly appreciated.
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Personal Meaning for Seeing Numbers 1111 and 9:22
When I was 5 years old my house # was 1111. I see it on the clock ALL THE TIME. I also see my deceased mother's birthday as the time also, ALL THE TIME. (9:22). What does this mean for me? Thank you.
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What Does 211 Mean?
What does 211 mean? I have recurrently seen it for the last year or two, usually once at least every other day.
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Keep Seeing Ex-Boyfriend's Birthday Numbers
Hello, I keep seeing my ex-boyfriend's birthday on the clock and its 1:23. Or on the license plate, any random times whether I'm thinking about him or not. What does this mean?
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Recurring 12:12
Hi, I am curious about a number that has been showing up almost everyday for the last 12 months or more, It shows up in all different forms and not just on the clocks the number is 12:12. I have no idea what it means and have shrugged it off for a while as I'm not a huge believer in Numerology, Astrology, Palmistry, Ghosts etc BUT I feel like there may be "something" trying to get my attention as its recurring and things like alarm clocks that have been reset due to power outages, when I go to reset a watch it will be flashing 12:12 even when I go to pick my daughter up from school the clock on the wall has stopped and sits on 12:12. Its strange to me. Not much goes on in my life other than the usual although I am very ambitious. I have huge plans for my future and apart of me is hoping this 12:12 is a sign of upcoming success? I also have a thyroid condition which has caused some health hiccups along the way so I am also worried that IF this is a sign of any sort that its not a negative one. Can someone please help me understand this 12:12 stuff? Thanks.
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69 Everywhere, All the Time
Hi, I keep seeing number 69 everywhere all the time, on my phone, on watches, billboards, screens.. it's everywhere. I'm currently going through a change that could eventually be a very positive experience in the end, but at the moment it is extremely challenging. Together with my chart numerology I'm just wondering if this means something? If 69 is trying to tell me something? And what it could mean. Would appreciate an answer so much! Thank you!
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Stopped Seeing 11:11 for a Time, Then Started Again
My mother died in a horrible car accident when I was 12. My only child committed suicide at age 21 and I have been seeing 11:11 since my teens. I turned 50 Jan 2018. I stopped seeing 11:11 for a little time, but then I started seeing it again. Any significance?
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Last Year I Changed My Whole Life
Last year I changed my whole life and moved across the world after what I took as a sign! Now I have settled in Mexico and live in a house numbered 1111 so I am sure I am in the right place! Today I have seen the number 308 on four different occasions. I am wondering if this has any meaning?
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I See 419 Everywhere
My ex-lover's phone number starts with 419. Now that we're no longer communicating I see 419 everywhere. I see it on the tv, time, grocery stores and I don't know if its a sign that something is wrong with him or what? What do you think?
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Seeing My Girl's Birthday Numbers (and Mine, Too)
Recently I have been seeing this girl that I've been seeing the most for a year now and I keep on seeing her birthday 711 or 11 7. The weirdest thing is that my birthday is the 611 and 11 6. Sometimes I see them both combined together and it keeps me wondering what does it mean. Can anyone answer my questions. Is it because their angels are trying to talk to me or is there something that I need to learn?
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Noticing 43 on Everything
I've been noticing 43 on everything especially clocks no matter what the hour is and recently the 8:13am as this was the time I took my first breath. This year 2018 I will be 43. Is there any significance to all this? Needing direction as I'm feeling perplexed and a bit of aggravation.
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Clock Stopped at 3:33 When Father Passed
My father passed away [date removed]. I was by his side when he passed. The clock stopped at 3:33pm. I wake up at 3:33 and, I see these numbers periodically. What does this mean?
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Two Dreams That Showed 16:03
I wanted to know what the time 16:03 means, as I had 2 dreams that showed this particular number on the 22nd and 23rd of October this year. Thank you.
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I Keep Seeing the Number 11 a Lot
I keep seeing the number 11 a lot, mostly with 10:11, 911, 711, 911, 44s, and 33s. Or other configurations with 11 or three ones with a last fourth digit.
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Meaning of Number 999
What's meaning of number 999?
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Seeing Numbers and Love Life
I keep seeing the numbers 69 the most, as well as 222 and 333. I would like to know how this relates to my love life/possible relationships.
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Seeing The Number 47 Every Single Day
I see the number 47 every single day. This started 2 years ago. I'm not the type to look for numbers or search them out to understand the meaning, and to this day. But days pass, years pass, the number - its as if it shows itself to me. Everywhere I go — the movie I watch, the tv shows I watch, the restaurants I eat at, on the back of random vehicle plates — literally everywhere it is. I used to wonder what this means. I drove myself crazy wondering about it. But then I stopped wondering, yet the number still reveals itself. I want to know why or for what purpose do I see this number or if anyone else sees this number too.
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34 and 43 Constantly
Like a previous comment I, too, have 34 & 43 constantly in my life. I'm not sure if my number adds to that? Thx.
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13th of November, 13, and 13:13
I went to visit my uncle's grave on the 13th of November. Afterwards my sister and I went for lunch and we were sat at table 13 in the pub where he used to drink. On finishing my lunch and getting up to leave I checked my phone for the time it was 13.13. What does this mean?
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The Reflect Number 313
The number "313" often reflect in my everyday life, more than 10 times I saw this number everyday. In the same time some day I have seen this number lot of times and I loss money from in my hand due to mistake in my work for the past one year. I have more credit amount unnecessary and I cannot tolerate in my life. Please tell what the mean of the reflect number "313".
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The Number 65 Attached to Me
Somehow I've this number 65 attached to me from last 9 years or so. Attached as in I got my email id ending with this number and in many accounts as well. Being attached is one thing, but seeing that number over and over is another. There comes a time in my life when I start seeing either of the respective digits (65, 66, 69). I will start seeing one of these digits everywhere and then it will stop after a time. What does this mean? What is the universe trying to tell me? I really want to understand. Please suggest.
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124, 421, and 224
I keep seeing my birthday either mixed up straight like 124, 421, and 224. It's mainly 24 or the month and the day I was born. Why am I seeing this?
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4:20 and Life Situations
My life has been a mess lately. I'm having a few problems with my friends; my finance is in a mayhem; my mental peace is lost. And to top all of that, the guy I like [name and birth date removed] got a girlfriend. But also, I have been seeing the number 4:20 on the clock a lot. So could you please tell me when I will find the one for me/my first boyfriend?
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12:34 and My Sister
I often see the time 12:34 and have come to believe it has meaning. I would like to think it is my sister [name removed] who was born [birth date removed] and passed [date removed].
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Seeing 1717, 0303, and 0404
For years now I keep seeing numbers 1717, 0303, 0404. What does it mean for me?
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Why Do I Keep Seeing My Birthday?
Why do I keep seeing my birthday?
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Meaning of the Number 2323
What does 2323 mean. I keep seeing the digits on the clock.
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Always Seeing My Birthday Numbers 2 and 27
Hello my question is about my date of birth 2-27, Beside being partial to the fact it's my birthday, I see this number all the time — always 2:27 whether a.m. or p.m., on signs in public, and I feel deep seated connection to it. I am at my wit's end to trying to figure out why. Can you please help me? This has always kept me curious in trying to find my way in understanding. Thank you for your time and consideration.
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Often Seeing 4:20 on the Clock
Why do I often see 4:20 on the clock? No matter what I am doing or where I am at.
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Keep Seeing the Number 23 the Last Few Weeks
For the last few weeks I keep seeing the number 23, mostly when I look at the clock. Last night I kept waking up every hour at 23 after. I feel like this number is trying to tell me something. I have been thinking about a life change, moving and finally pursuing my dreams which are art related. I currently work in the hospitality industry as a bartender, but have always wanted to pursue my dream of acting and or singing. I used to see this number all the time.when I was contemplating moving and doing the same, but then decided to stay and stopped perusing my goals. I keep looking asking for a sign to go. Could this number be trying to tell me.something? I believe my numerology number is a master number also. What does that mean exactly? Thank you any response or insight is greatly appreciated!
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Numbers Like 1111 and Mirror-image Numbers
I frequently come across numbers like 1111 and mirror image numbers like 717. Is it suppose to have any message for the future? Kindly respond.
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Seeing Numbers Such as 1:11, 11:11, 222, 333, 444
Since the last two months, I keep seeing repetitive numbers such as 1:11, 11:11, 222, 333, 444. The most bizarre thing is the insertion of number 43 in all numbers I caught on the clock. And it is becoming more frequently. I see them when I am thinking of my dreams, and hopes and a certain person that slipped into mind before I see 43.
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Keep Seeing 01 01 and 5 Pence
I keep seeing 01 01 and 5 pence around. I'm going through a difficult time at present. Just want to understand what it means.
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Repeatedly Hearing a Birthday
I keep hearing my past friend and lover's birthday. Everywhere I go, the date [date removed] is being yelled out, announced, seen in random places, spoken over loud speakers and in regular conversation between bystanders. What are these numbers signifying? Why are they so consistently popping up?
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Number 419 Seen for 15 Years
My boyfriend of 10yrs died tragically in an automobile accident when he was 26. It's been 15 yrs and since he past I've seen the # 419. Usually it's the time 4:19. But it could be on a tag, price of gas, etc. That was his birthday. His name was [name removed]. I've been waken too many times at 4:19 am. I can feel it's him, always have. We had a 22 mo old son when he past. Within the past couple of yrs, he's also seen 419. My mom seen it the day before the anniversary of my dad's death which was Sept 18th. Can you please help me understand why? I worry his soul is not at peace, or is he trying to comfort us?
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Why Do i Keep Seeing 1016?
Why do I keep seeing 1016? What does it mean?
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Seeing 11 11 for About 3 and a Half Years
I have been seeing 11 11 for about 3 and half years in many varied places — on my clock, and even rooms I have worked in and on paperwork. Now, more recently I keep seeing 21 22 and 12 21. I have been dating a man called [name removed], born [birth date removed] over this time period. But the relationship has been very on and off, as he blows hot and cold.
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Seeing My Birthday Numbers Consistently For About a Year
I have been seeing my birthday month and day for about a year consistently what does it mean.
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Personal Year 9 Seeing 12:21 and 21:12
I think I'm in a 9 personal year and keep seeing 12:21 and 21:12, I've seen your answered question about seeing 12:21 and your description of that number rings true, my attention needs to be on these things at present... I was just interested also in the 21:12 and whether you can shed any light on why these two lots of numbers on these two formats, or whether they just boil down to the same thing, many thanks in advance.
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Continuing to See 1:11, 11:11, and Birthday
I continue to see 1:11, 11:11, 2:14 (birthday). What are their meanings for me? I have a lot of things that I have been trying to manifest and have become a little impatient yet still hopeful and faithful.
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A Dream With Two Very Specific Numbers
I had a dream with two very specific numbers I am trying to understand. The numbers were 9 and 13, in that order. I have no idea what it means and wouldn't mind a bit of clarity on the issue.
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See Numbers and Unsure if the Universe is Trying to Communicate
Recently, I have been seeing the time 11:11 on the clock very often and also 14:14, even on telephone numbers. I notice 1111 at the end and also saw 21:12. I am not sure if the universe is trying to communicate or not, but I am going through a very tough time where I am not if my decisions are right for my future. So could you please advice me on why I might be seeing these numbers?
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I Keep Seeing My Birth Time
I keep seeing my birth time a lot which is 11:18 pm. I usually see it from a clock(computer clock, car radio clock, etc) and was wondering what it means.
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Why Do I Keep Seeing the Number 69
Why do I keep seeing number 69?
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Car Plate Number 53635
I bought a car. I read in the internet that the plate number resonates to me. What to do to completely be compatible to me and what can I do to be lucky with these plate number 53635?
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9:11 and Music
Every time I look at the clock for the past year or two, I always seem to catch the time at 9:11. Not thinking too much of it. I just thought it was a coincidence. But after so many times, I'm convinced it's deeper than that. I'm an unemployed musician working tremendously hard to be successful and things are starting to fall into place for me. My girlfriend ([name and birth date removed]) is also an unemployed musician, but as I stated before, everything is starting to fall into place for us. We've been dating for roughly 9 months but we've known each other for about as long as I've been seeing 9:11 on the clock. I mentioned my girlfriend because maybe she has something to do with it. I honestly need help because it's been driving me crazy. It could just be basic paranoia but I've been seeing 11:11 as well recently. If there's any info you can give, I will appreciate it. Thank you!
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Tattooed 12:12
Blessings... I started seeing the number 12:12 about 6 years ago during a difficult relationship and thought it was a sign for me to try harder with that lover, as I read it was a number associated with twin flames... we even got the numbers tattooed on us as a way to stay connected. We didn't stay together long after that... For the past few years I've been seeing 12:21 almost every day, usually twice a day. I would really appreciate more insight into why I am constantly seeing this number... and what I'm suppose to do with the reoccurring message. It feels like it won't leave me alone, even feels like it's yelling at me. But I don't know what to do with it. If you have any insights into why or what I can do with this reoccurring message I would humbly appreciate it. Many thanks!
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Often Seeing Numbers 34 and 43
I often see 34 and 43 numbers ... whether it is my car's number plate ... my employee ID ... my marriage registration number ... any random sight to some car pillar tree ... I get attracted to this number 34 and 43 ... What is the logic behind seeing this number again and again?
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444 and 1234 and Guardian Angel
I was a premature baby born almost 3 months early and given up for adoption. My name was changed to [name removed]. I have a St. MICHEAL tattoo and always see 444 everywhere. I don't know why I always see 444 and 1234 everyday, everywhere, street signs, addresses, clocks, interstate signs, food packages, prices on items I buy. I don't know why, but it puts me at peace. What is my guardian angel trying to tell me?
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Noticing 123, 1:23, and 11:23 Every Day
I always see 123: wake up I see 1:23, 11:23 when I make purchases $123. Open a book page 123...this happens every day and I started to notice it more starting several years ago.
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11:26 Most of the Time Every Day
I keep seeing 11:26 most of the time everyday. I like it somehow because it's my birthday date. However, it appears every time when I talk to my used to be a close friend (a boy) & somehow it scares me of because it must be something. But now we are not talking like before for some reason but I missed him. Cuz I think he's the one. So now every time I see the time 11:26 I keep praying that he's fine and doing all good. But I need to know what is all about seeing it frequently.
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Consequences Behind the Number 143
I am seeing number 143 whenever I see the clock or some vehicle number plate or 143 number on anywhere written. Please let me know the consequence behind this number.
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Seeing Repetitive Numbers and Number Patterns
I have been seeing repetitive numbers and number patterns for a few months now. It is also as if certain dates pop out to me. For example, 16/11/2016 was an unforgettable special day for me. On 7/7/2017 my husband ([name and birth date removed]) resigned his corporate job to start working from home. The last couple of days I have been noticing 12:21 a lot, but also the number 33. Is there any significance in this or is it just by chance you think?
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12:34, I've Seen it Every Day
12:34, I've seen it everyday or at least been aware of seeing it since the death of my child's father 10/04/04. I'm just looking for a meaning.
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I Keep Seeing 428 in Different Combos
I keep seeing 428 in different combos on clock and TV. It's my birthday and I was wondering what exactly this might mean. I mean several times a day and A LOT. I was told I was supposed to go thru a transition. Or ascension or something. What I would like to know is what does me seeing this number mean?
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Every Day 831 Appears to Me
Almost every day the number 831 in various combinations appear to me. As you can see, 831 is my birthdate. This has been going on for various years. I've learned to simply be amused, but would really love to know what it means. Thank you so much.
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Frequently Seeing My Birthdate 316
My birthdate is 316, I see this number so frequently that it sometimes creeps me out. I often times wake up in the middle of the night and it's 3:16. I have looked this number up in the bible to see the verse, thinking it was some kind of sign. I don't know. I am wondering what these sequence of numbers could possibly mean to me and why I am seeing them so frequently. Like watching a television show and the apartment number is 316, or looking in a catalog and seeing an alarm clock for sale with the time 3:16. It's creepy. Thank you for your attention in this regard.
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Seeing Mirrored and Doubled Numbers
I keep seeing recurring numbers everyday. they may be mirrored e.g 21:12 or they may be doubles e.g 21:21. I also see numbers in threes and fours, and its mostly the same numbers that happen everyday, even during the night I'm up seeing them. No matter where I look it will happen, on my phone, on receipts, car licence plates! It's driving me insane as I do not know what they mean? Help please???
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I Always See 22:22
I always see 22:22 be it on digital clocks dvd player any form of count down clock, I have seen the same number for so many years. Does that number signify anything?
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Seeing 11.11 and 1.11
Hi, Ever since I dated my partner, I realise I began seeing 11.11 and sometimes 1.11. Today I went to look for him at his apartment and signed in at 11.11 am. When we left, I happened to see the time on my phone and it was 1.11pm. Can you tell me what it means? Partner's name: [name removed]
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Seeing Son's Birthday Numbers
I see my son's birthday month and day all the time what does this mean?
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12, 1221, and Other Numbers With Repetitive Digits
Over the last couple months, I have noticing a bunch of different number patterns. 1111, 111, 333, 444, 555, 777, 1122, 1133, 1144, 1155, but mostly 12 and 1221. I feel like my life is hitting a turning point where it feels like it's finally starting, but I still struggle with staying positive. Whenever I try to find meaning in the numbers, I get overwhelmed because it's a constant bombardment of different patterns. I just wish I could make some sense of it all so I can move into a space of confidence and do the work I was meant to do. I appreciate any input you feel could help me to better understand what I need to learn from all this. Even if you don't respond to this question, I appreciate what you're doing for others on this site, as I also strive to help make a positive impact on people everyday.
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Been Seeing 1111 But Now Just 11
I've been seeing number 1111 but now I see just 11. I think I met my twin flames but we are separated now, kind of. Does that have anything to do with twin flames?
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The Number 49 Everywhere
I see number 49 everywhere - on clock, on no. plates, while traveling, on banners, just everywhere. What does it signify? Also I started seeing this no. from past a year or so only. Thank you in advance.
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Looking at the Clock at 12:34
I look at the clock at 12:34. This has been drawing me closer to something.
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Meaning or Symbolization of Seeing 22:11 Often
What does seeing 22:11 pm often mean or symbolize?
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Seeing 4:24 Daily
Since I was a kid I can remember seeing 4:24 daily and sometimes twice daily whenever I had a sudden thought to check the time, regardless of if I had a reason to do so. As far as I can tell this number holds no significance for me and yet, every day, there it is! I was wondering if there is some meaning for it's repeated appearance for so long (I am 29 now, and this has gone on for as long as I can recall), or if it's nothing more than random coincidence as I am not thinking about it when it occurs nor trying purposely to specifically catch it at that specific moment.
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Is Seeing 12:27 a Sign?
I keep seeing my birthday on the clock!! Sometimes I even wake up at 12:27am. Is this a sign??
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How to Interpret a Multi-Digit Number
I'm wondering what is the best, most effective way to interpret a multi digit number and its potential meanings combined. Specifically what the numbers 222, 444, and 555 would mean. I know it's increased amount of the Numbers energy but to what degree and direction would a triple digit same number sequence usually be interpreted as, a positive manifestation or would it considered an excess set of numbers thus the more negative or "extreme" meanings be more appropriate?
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Seeing Birth Time 4:20 Pop Up My Whole Life
My whole life beginning when I was born @ 420, I have seen these three numbers pop up — when I question myself, or when my artistic side comes out. Can you please enlighten me?
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Meaning of 43
What does 43 mean? Every time I look at the clock there is always 43 like 6:43, 8:43 etc.
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Meanings of Numbers 3 and 21
What does the numbers 3 and 21 mean, together and separately; Thank you.
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Death Dates That Add Up to the Number 7
[name removed] born [date removed]. [name removed] born [date removed]. [name removed] died [date removed]. [name removed] died [date removed]. My son's both died on a day that adds up to the number seven. What is the significance of this #7 day twenty four years apart?
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Knowing If Seeing a Number Has Special Meaning
Perhaps there is no inherent meaning to life other than meanings we choose to give it. Then in regard to numbers one sees recurring day in and day out, it would mean the brain can't predict it. So, if it can't be predicted they why is the same number seen multiple times in a day? Wouldn't it just have to mean something? How does one know if it's BS or legit? Any insights on this?
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The Number 69 Is Again Haunting Me
Well hello :) The thing is number 69 is again haunting me. I've been seeing it everywhere before I moved to another country permanently. And now it started again, and again I'm moving to another country, for six months this time though. I really want to know what this number wants from me. Thank you in advance.
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2:27 Every Time I Look at the Clock
Hello, I was born on 2/27/[year of birth removed]. Every single time I happen to look at a clock it's at 2:27, whether it's a.m. or p.m. The number always feels positive too. It's like I know exactly when to look at the clock, even when I'm asleep. I am married to my TRUE SOUL mate. His name is [name removed] DOB is [date removed]. He is always seeing 226 but not as often as I am. Can you please tell me if there is any meaning to this. Btw, our life has always been full of challenges. Very rarely do things go smoothly. I wonder if this is some kind of test for me or us?
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Why I Keep Seeing Our Birthdays
I keep seeing my birthday and my ex's birthday. His birthday is 04/04/1997. Mine is 06/04/1996. I will see 4644, 9644, 6497, 1197, or 1196 all day. I see 64 and 44 all day. Please help me understand why I keep seeing our birthdays.
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Seeing Repeated Numbers Repeatedly
I'm starting to recognize and see numbers and repeated numbers as well, and it's my first in life to experience something like that. The first number I saw was 11:11 then 3:33 and 2:22 . What does that mean, and really I'm having feelings towards this weird experience. Please help me because I'm in a part in my life that I have to take practical direction and decisions. Regards.
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Seeing the Number 43 Everywhere
For 5 years, I have been seeing the number 43 everywhere! For instance, I will be traveling and the off ramp or exit is exit 43. What does that number mean?
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Tend to Write the Number 918
Why every time I pick up a writing utensil, I tend to write the number 918. It has been years now that I do this.
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Seeing His Age, 53, Everywhere!
I met my soulmate last year. Alas, we were not meant to be. I keep seeing his age everywhere! Every time I look at the clock especially, he is 53 and I always see number 53! What does this link have with him, if any? And it must as I haven't seen it before like I do now.
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My Four-Digit Lucky Number
What is my four digit lucky number?
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What Are My Lucky Numbers?
What are my lucky numbers? I want to use it in my interactions with people.
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Meaning of 127, 12-70, and 07-21
Since birth my family and I stayed in an apartment with a block number of 127. Recently I purchased an apartment with a unit number of 12-70 and 07-21. What do these numbers show or tell?
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Constantly Seeing the Time 12:34
I am constantly seeing the time 12:34. I feel it is a sign that I'm on the right path but continue to run into resistance and rejection in my professional and personal life.
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Often Seeing Significant Numbers 422 and 1033
I've had a troubled life and i see these two significant numbers often. 422 (birthday) and 1033 (address where I grew up). I was just wondering what you get from this for me? I understand you probably get questions about numbers often, but everybody's mean different things. Does it have to do with my future? Love? Children? Career?
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Born at 11:11 and Seeing 11:11 All the Time
I was born at 11:11 am. I see 11:11 all the time as well as 12:34 - what does it mean?
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Does the Number 4 Mean Anything?
Lately I have been sleeping rather off and have been waking up at 4:00 am on the dot every night. Does the number 4 mean anything?
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Seeing Triple-Digit Numbers All the Time
I have been seeing triple digits everywhere lately. 111, 222, 333, 444, 555 and 666. It appears everywhere and frequently. Of course not all of them at the same time, interchangeably. I also see 211 constantly. I mean all the time. This has only been going on for about two months now. I am going to research it but would like an opinion from a professional. What's the significance of these number patterns? Thank you in advance.
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Number 12 Meaning and Seeing Triple Digit Numbers
I have been seeing triple, 4 digit, 5, 6 digit numbers for almost 10 years now, on license plates, clocks, building everywhere I look, I am aware of the Angels which sends me messages with these numbers and I listen to these messages. I have lucid dreams, I dreamed that as I took a sip of coffee, I had a mouth full of ants, My ant totem says my success come at intervals 12:12 days, 12 min, 12 hours, and to see a numerologist to see my connection with the number 12.
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Good or Bad Numbers
Yes my name is [name removed] and my daughter [name removed] was born on 3/13/13 at 3:38 as ironic as this maybe I'm so desperate to know what this means in numerology I've looked at a couple of websites sum say its not good which kinda scares me and sum say it is as confused as I am I'm desperate for verification is these numbers good or bad?
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Seeing 5/16 Everywhere
I keep seeing 5/16 everywhere and it's creeping me out. I know it means something but i really can't get the glue of what it wanna tell me. My cousin had a dream; she said that my boyfriend is going to betray me in May. And now I'm really freaked. What could this mean?
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The Connection of Seeing 7:11 All the Time
I see 7.11 all the time, on clocks, addresses etc, it also happens to be my birth date and I have the number 7 tattooed on my forearm in roman numerals. What does this connection mean and am I destined for bigger things?
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Seeing the Number 4, and Also 22
I'd like to receive any information I can about the number four (and often also 4:22) and why I see it everywhere. It shows up in my birthday once, three times if you do a few mathematical backflips. I've been told my name somehow calculates out to four in numerology. I find myself noticing the time is 4:22 all the time, A.M. and P.M. I feel like I see it right and left. Have I just conditioned myself to see it? Is it just because it's related to my birthday? If nothing else, just inform me that I'm being nutty.
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So Much Information About Seeing 1234
I always see the same numbers, though presented in different combinations and sequences throughout the day. It is constant. I will see 1234, sometimes in that order, and also in different orders. I also see 34 and 43. This occurs on a constant basis, even if I wake up and check the time. It seems there is so much information regarding scenarios like this, it's hard to narrow the information down.
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Seeing the Number 5 in Odd Places
Once in a while I see the number 5 in odd places can be in food, on a cigarette butt, on the wall, on signs, I see it especially when I am about to make a good or bad decision. Is this a sign? Also my family altogether are 5. 3 boys husband and I. It became my favorite number since I see it all the time. Another thing is number 3 I always hang up things on wall in 3's. I sleep with 3 pillows. I have 3 boys. I own 3 vehicles only 1 is running. I have 3 male dogs. I can go on and on. I have 5,3,2's in my numerology chart.
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Seeing 10:26 After 12:34
Every day I see 10:26am and 10:26pm, even on multiple devices. It never fails that I don't see it. My ex-boyfriend's birthday is 10/26/[year removed]. 10:26 is what i see every single day now a days, but a year or so ago, it was 12:34. what is going on? What does this mean?
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Seeing the Number 214
For years, I have been seeing the number 214. I thought it may have something to do with my mother. She passed away in 2001. The house address where we lived when I was growing up was 214. I don't remember seeing it prior to her death but I have seen it everywhere since then. What could it mean?
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Phenomenon With 9:22
This phenomenon with the time 9:22 has been occurring frequently within the last 3-4 yrs. I can randomly look at the time on my phone and see 9:22 AM or 9:22 PM or any digital clock for that matter and see 9:22 AM or PM. Most of the time I just see it and go really, it's bizarre and somewhat unsettling because 9:22 also happens to be my birthday Sept. 22. I don't know if this is a bad or good omen. What does it mean?
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The Meaning of 1008
What does the number 1008 represent? It came up in a reiki session, in a parade of Indian people, on a balloon saying past 1008, and on a banner 1008 they were parting and dancing in major celebration.
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The Meaning of 12, 21, and 1221
I just found out recently (for astrology purposes) that my time of birth was 12:21pm on the 21st of [birth month and year removed]. I know very little about astrology or numerology but, having experienced synchronicities and recurring angel numbers on a daily basis for the past year and a half, the symmetry of these numbers struck me immediately as being significant in some way. I'm wondering if someone with a better understanding of numerology can tell me anything interesting about these numbers. Thanks in advance!
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License Plate Number 1374174
What do these two things mean? License plate: 1374174. I see 7's everywhere, in all of my receipts, as well as 11.
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428 on Everything
So for the past years I've been catching 428 on everything I set my eyes on. So today me having the iPhone I started to see what day of the week I was born. And it was a Friday on the [birth date removed]. I went to the year 428 on the calendar there it was a Friday on the 28th. Then I went to the year 28 there it is again Friday the 28th. Then I went to the year 1 where it all started and I saw it again Friday the 28th! Now here comes next year I will be 28 on [date removed] on a Friday it's freaking me the heck out! What is this?
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Birthday Numbers Are Everywhere
Hi, why do I kept seeing my birthday numbers May 29 as 529 everywhere including clock, receipt, etc? Does it has hidden message that it was trying to tell me? I can't figure out what does the universe is trying to me. Please help! Thanks.
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Seeing Numbers With Digits Repeated
Hello There. After suffering from depression for one year, my spiritual journey started in beginning of the year. I got interested in spirituality and quantum physics and started practicing meditation. This period is remarkably important in my life. From beginning of the year, I started numbers in my life like 11:11, 11, 22, 55, 99 and 77 to which one of my friends said that its angel sending me messages — on which I did some research. For more than 6 months now, the numbers I see most is 22, 222 with 911, 11 and 77 a lot and everywhere. Can you please help me interpret these numbers for me. Thanks so much. Love and light.
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Seeing 22 Minutes After the Hour
I keep seeing 22 minutes passed the hour every day, yesterday for example, I just happened to see it at 10:22, 11:22, 1.22 and 3.22. My second son was also born at 11:22pm in 2012. Can you please tell me if there is a meaning behind this? Thank you.
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Meaning of 1335
I was originally born in in Romania, somewhere in the province of mare. Though my mother does not remember. When we moved to the states, we had to chose new names. I have seen the numbers 1335, repeatedly since I was a young boy. And there seems to be an oddness to them. When I speak them aloud in my native tongue, it sends a shiver down my spine. I have even gone as far as to have them tattooed on the left side of my chest over my heart. Would like to know the meaning of them and to why they have such an affect on me as they do.
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Seeing Birthdate Numbers on Birthday
I, like everyone else, often see 11:11 on the clock. However, the number I see most often is my birthdate, 10/18 or 10:18, either am or pm. I always wonder what it means and know there is a meaning, however, today is my birthday and I saw 10:18 this am when I checked my phone for text messages. What does it mean on normal days and is there significance if it happens on my actual birthday?
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Seeing 12 Since Being a Child
Ever since I was a child, the number 12 has appeared to me all the time. When I tell people about this, it usually appears, be it on a building or even a chair lift (like the ones you go on when skiing). I've had comments on how weird it is. I'm not sure if it's because I consciously look for it now... or if it could have some kind of meaning in my life. I would like to know more.
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Seeing Certain Numbers After Father Passed Away
My dad passed the day before Easter in 2016 and ever since his passing, it seems like every time I look at a clock/time, I always seem to catch my birthday numbers 124. (January 24). Until now, I've always thought it was just coincidence, but after reading all types of articles online, I'm now scared. I just don't see them at a particular place, it just seems that no matter what I may be doing, I'm going to see 124. It does make me smile when I think about all the times that I have seen it since he passed, but it makes my nerves bad. I mean I'm afraid I won't be able to pick up the message, or misinterpret it. It also doesn't help that I have ADHD so it makes thinks a little harder. I've always been interested in spirits and ghosts, and in the apartment I'm in with my boyfriend and his daughter, there always seems to be some kind of movement of things that shouldn't move because they are secured on a table or washer and then they fly off on their own... things I've all noticed as well after his passing on top of the fact that I don't have closer. The last time he saw me, I was throwing up in his grab can in the bedroom he was in at his house. Every time I think about it, I get so emotional, because that was his last memory of me. I'm so traumatized by it. It's a very heavy burden. So, is there a way you can help me understand what's going on with all theses signs? Is it bad? Good? Please help if you can! Thanks for your time.
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What It Means to See Birthday On the Clock
What does it mean when I keep seeing my birthday on the clock?
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Seeing Reverse Numbers Everywhere
Why do I keep seeing reverse numbers everywhere: 10.01, 12.21, 3.03, 8.18, etc.
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Seeing Birth Month 11 and Birth Day 12
For several years I see my birth month 11 and my birthday 12 on the clock. I was once told it was my Mother who passed years ago telling me hello. Is that possible or is it another meaning? Thank you for your time.
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Seeing the Number 222 for Many Years
I too have been seeing the number 222 for many, many years and would like to know if there is any relevance to my life. I was told by someone it refers to "change". Not sure if that is true. Thank you!
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Meaning of 702
What's does 702 mean? I always see it one way or the other.
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11:26 Most of the Times
I keep seeing 11:26 most of the times. My first boyfriend [name removed] birthday was on 11th Jan.
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Seeing Self and Boyfriend's Birthday Numbers
I always seem to come across a previous boyfriend's name & birthdate, 3.17, and also mine, 10.12. It's been happening for years now. Please tell me what this means?
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The Meaning of Seeing 11:01 and 1:01
Why am I seeing the numbers 11:01 all the time? Or 1:01. What does it all mean?
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Significance in the Number 1108
Is there significance in the number 1108? I see it all the time. I open the cover to my phone. It's 1108. This was the address of the home I lived in a a child. Is someone trying to let me know they are near? Is there a meaning attached to this number?
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Grandma Passing and the Number 22
My girlfriend's grandma died a few days ago. Since then a lot of things have been happening around the number 2. A clock her grandma gave her chimed at 10:00 pm and then again at 10:02 pm. 22 emails, 22 fb notifications, 22 comments on the post about her grandma passing. It seems like the number is popping up everywhere. She believes there is a meaning behind it and it is bugging her and will until she can find some information. Please help. Thank you.
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Seeing Ex's Birthday Numbers
Hello. My question is? My girlfriend cheated on me, we broke up and got back together six months later. We was living together during breakup process, I moved out then moved back in. Since then, which has been over a year now, I still keep seeing her ex's birthday, daily sometimes 2-4 times a day, 9/23 or just 23. I see it online, clocks, cash registers omg its ridiculous. Please help decipher!
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Multiples of Like Numbers
If I encounter multiples of like numbers, for example time, 11:11 PM, or addresses, 333 Street. It gives me a feeling of dread. Why, do you suppose?
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11, 1111, and Inverted Numbers
After seeing 11 and 1111 multiple times every hour and every day. It progressed to 56, 47, 29, 65, 92 etc.. But now I'm seeing inverted numbers. 212, 1221, 14, 41, 818, 313, 151 etc. is too often to be dismissed, over 10-20 times a day. Any meaning into this?
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11:26 Everywhere on Everything
I see 11:26 everywhere on everything. This has been going on for over a year now. I will see 11:26 morning and evening. I have pulled up to a gas pump and the person before me pumped 11:26. I have sent text message and the replies will come in at 11:26. What does it mean?
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Seeing Birth Date Numbers, 30th Birthday
Lately it seems like every day I look at the clock at 11:07 morning and night. I'm thinking this is probably just a reaction to my 30th birthday this year that I'm struggling with so those numbers stick out to me, but could it be something more?
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Always Seeing My Birth Date and Ex-wife's Birth Date
For a long time, I've always seen my birthday (8/24 or 8:24) on clocks, tv, etc. Now I'm beginning to see my ex wife's birthday also, which is 10/13 or 10:13. What does this all mean? Her name is [name removed] and her birthday is [birth date removed].
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The Meaning of the Number 26
The meaning of number 26?
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Seeing My Birthday All the Time
I keep seeing my birthday all the time when I'm with my boyfriend. Even when I'm not with him I see it. What does that mean?
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7:11 has appeared on every clock in my house and car for a long time now and my husband knows what I'm seeing because I always tell him to look. It was creeping me out! Then about a month ago, 3:33 appeared a few times. And now 11:11 is getting my attention. The 7:11 numbers have been happening ongoing though and I would like to figure this out. Can you give me a reason as to why this is?
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A Problem With Numbers Containing Multiples of the Same Digit
I have a problem with multiples of the same number as in 5:55 o'clock or on any thing, but especially the clock. I feel uneasy when it happens.
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Seeing 69 Everywhere
I keep seeing 69 everywhere, new house we bought number is 69, my id card has that number. What is the significance?
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What Numbers Mean
What do the numbers mean?
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Numbers 8 and 888
What is the meaning behind the Number 8 & 888 inside my birthdate - 3/8/1988-(1-9=8=888)(3888)(3,8's)(*3*8=24=2*4=8)? Also Jesus = 888 in greek Gematria. Just curious what these similarities could signify? Thank you very much :)
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Looking at Clock only at 08:08, 11:11, and So On
Anytime I want to check what the time is, the numbers always correlate like 08:08, 11:11 and so on like that. It's been over 6 years now, if I remember, and I just want to know what's wrong.
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Seeing the Time 12:34 Twice a Day, Every Day
Lately I've been catching the time 12:34, no matter if it's 12:34am or 12:34pm. What could this possibly mean for me? Is there a more pronounced explanation than my body having an internal clock?
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6, 666, 12, and 21
Hello. I have been seeing the number 6, or a sequence of it (like 666) for a long time. At first I was scared because of the bad connotation it has. But then I found out it has brighter meanings. Does it? Past that, as I deepen myself into the world of collaborative economy, the time 12:21 on the clock has been a thing. Today I searched about it and got to your website and the answer you had given to another user was astonishing to me. 12 meaning creative expression and 21 cooperative creative expression. Just wow! I wonder if the correlation of this numbers would mean something deeper. Thank you!
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Meaning of the Number Nine
What does the number nine mean?
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The Number 11 and Repeating Sequences
Why do I see the number 11 everywhere? I have recently begun to notice that this a common occurrence. Every day when I look at the time, I notice it has an 11 in it. I usually seem to catch 11:11 AM and PM and most days also see 1:11. There are a lot of times where I will also catch a repeating sequence of numbers such as 3:33 or 4:44 etc. There have been numerous occasions where I have woken up in the middle of the night at 3:33 almost like something is telling me to wake up. Throughout the day, no matter what hour, whenever I check the time it has an 11 in it. On top of this, not long ago, I noticed that when I was younger and more involved with sports, I would always pick number 11. Its almost like I would do this subconsciously because I knew that the number 11 held some sort of importance. I always wonder if this number is attracted to me more than others and if so, for what reason? For a while I was freaked out by always seeing similar number patterns, but discovering numerology and spirituality has opened my eyes and reassured me that all of this is much more than just a "coincidence." Thanks for whatever explanation you can give!
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Seeing Birthdate Numbers 10 and 17
Many times I look at the clock I always saw 10:17 even night or day. My birth date is October 17, [year of birth removed]. Once I saw that time I keep on thinking about my birthday. But I want to know what does it mean, I am bothered really. What a coincidence that every night and day when I look at the clock I saw the 10:17. What is the meaning of this?
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The Name of My Son
Please let me know, whether the name which I've named my son is good according to his date of birth. Because I don't find good and unique name according to his Janmma Nakshatra. So kindly let me know by this name how will his life be, education, health, wealth. Please oblige.
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Coincidences of Marriage Ceremony and Death Ceremony Dates
My marriage ceremony date is 02/12/2009 and my wife death ceremony is 02/12/2014. What is coincidences and what this date tells about it.
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11:11, 1:11, 1:10, and 10:1
I have been frequently watching the number 11:11, 1:11, 1:10, 10:1 Like that. And recently I came to know that my birth number also 1 & name number also 1. What does it mean?? Should I take it as easy or anything, something?
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Seeing Double- and Triple-Digit Numbers
Over past couple years, I have been noticing that whenever I happen to look at a digital clock, or at least quite often when I do, it's something like 11:11 or 3:33, etc. I have read that angels and maybe masters may be trying to tell me something. How do I find more clarity?
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Seeing Numbers 9 and 16
[husband name and birth date removed] My question: I have been seeing the number 9 & 16 often in the last 4 months roughly. Lately it's more 16. My husband and I met April 16 2010 and were married 6 months later on October 16 2010. At the moment we are not living together but I believe we just need time. I've been praying to my arc angel Rafael and to God and the universe to help me with my marriage and bring us back to a place where we are able to work at it together. I get messages all the time to be patient and that some things just take a little more time then others and stuff like that. Am I going crazy? Like why is the number appearing so often and it's a number that means a lot to me. Any suggestions on what is happening? Or how would I interpret this? I mean it's amazing, but I don't understand what to do with this? Is someone trying to tell me something?? Thank you for your time and patience. It is much appreciated. GOD BLESS YOU!
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Seeing Birthday Numbers Everywhere
11/26 is my birthday but I keep seeing these numbers everywhere and for months now, since maybe summer of last year and I can't seem to really figure out what it means, and it is getting stronger and stronger. 26 is more prevalent than 11. Example, I work at a call center and on a woman's profile she was on hold for 8:26 sec, last time she was on her online account was 11/26, last time she updated her address was 12/26, she was a member for 26yrs and the last four digits of her number was 1126 and was on the call for 2 hours and 26min. I then clocked out at exactly 11:26pm. I know the universe is telling me something but I don't know what. I try to be aware of what I am thinking, and doing at the time that I see these numbers but I come up with nothing. I have been having a really bad year so far, with family issues, hating my work, like bills, not having a place to stay, even with working full time at work and going to school full time, and stressed. I have been out of a relationship for four years but I have been getting closer with my friend [name and birth date removed]. We have been a great support system for each other. What I am looking for is an understanding of what this could mean, because I am failing and think that someone with some expertise can shine some light on this and at least spark a thought process that will lead me to my answer. I know you are very busy but I do want to say thank you for taking your time to help out, us confused ones. LOL
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Seeing 13:13 Repeatedly
I am an empath... Why do I see 13:13 repeatedly? What is the message for me? xx
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Number 3117 in Dream
What does 3117 mean because it was the calculated sum or the worth of all goods and products in the store that my friend operates as it appeared in my dream?
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Double, Triple, or Quadruple Clock Times
Most times I look at the clock and there is a double, triple or quadruple number. It has been happening for some time now: example, 11.22, 5.55, 10.33, etc.....what does this mean?
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Seeing 11:37 Almost Daily
I was born at 11:37 PM. For the past 5 years or so, I have seen the numbers 11:37 almost daily, sometimes multiple times. It's not just the time of day either. I've seen the numbers appear as subtotals on a bill or even my change back from a $20 bill. Is there any significance to this?
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Seeing 10:55 Repetitively
For the past 4 years I have frequently seen the number 10:55 on the clock. I am a first responder and 1055 means a dead body. Because I see the numbers so often it's starting to become Erie to me. I used to think I was going to respond to one of those calls within hours of seeing these numbers but I never did. I'm not sure what significance this number brings to me so if you can shed some light that would be great.
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Is 13 Unlucky?
I have searched a lot about no 13. I have to say whenever I watched a clock its minute is always 13. I have shown many friends. My first master roll no is 13. I got admission in 2nd master in 2013. While I was in my first master, a visiting professor from USA asked who is roll no 13? I raise my hand and he gave me the xeros to me. I didn't notice at that time, but later I searched google and found that number 13 is thought to be unlucky. But I don't know why I am encountering this so frequently. Obviously all after search, it's my problem only to figure out this number. Is there any correlation or any indication for my future? I am not able to make inference. Please suggest.
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11:17 On Clocks Almost Every Day
I see 11:17 on clocks, watch's, just about anywhere time is found, almost every day. And the more I see (11:17) the more I believe it may mean something. I would like to add that my birthday is also 1117, so does it mean anything at all???
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Numbers After Separation
I was in a marriage I thought was challenging based on my husband's busy job but we were both working hard and happily together with our children till my husband left me 4 month ago said he wanted to end the marriage. He filed divorce soon within 3 months since the first day of separation, while I was still trying to work things out for our marriage. During this process, I have been constantly seeing certain numbers: first with 444 and 333 during first couple months of separation, 555 ( especially the week before the summon arrived), and then 1111, 1234, 1222, 1221, 717 repeatedly almost everyday since I got the summon. It's been almost a month. I realized that these numbers have meanings and are carrying messages to me related to the separation and divorce, but I am not quite sure what they means specifically.
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Constantly Surrounded by Number 7
I am nowadays constantly surrounded by number 7; I booked a bike on my name and it has number 7 twice; opened my bank account its last digit is 7. Automated debit pin generated has 7. My flat number which is on my moms name totals up to 7. And almost wherever I go though I don't specifically notice it but I get to see number 7. I mean I get to see number 7 almost every time. It automatically gets associated to me in whatever I buy or I see. Most of the times I see my watch it has repeated digits.
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Crazy Amount of Number Sequences
I have been getting a crazy amount of number sequences lately, like 1111, 1222, and 1234, 144 or 444. But the other day I seen 777 3 times in one day and again 777 the following day. Never before have these numbers come up for me. It's not like I'm looking for them, I look up and bam there they are. Is there a message I should be getting, or is there some importance in numerology?
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Always 4:11 and 9:11
For as long as I can remember I have always looked at the clock at 4:11 and 9:11. This is not just at that certain time of day. For example, I had a car that the clock was messed up on and the time was wrong and I would always see 9:11 & 4:11 even if it was 7:32.
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8:48 Every Time
Everything is just a coincidence or unexplainable truth. Every time I watch my clock its 8:48am/pm. Also, I used the day I was born for ex. I was born on [birthdate removed (no permission to publish)] and I used some mathematical equation ( [birth date numbers added together] =38 (38) 3+8 = 11 (11) 1+1 = 2 and on the other hand is 8+4+8 =20 (20) 2+0 = 2. Can someone explain it to me.
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Strange Numbers on the Clock
I have always observed strange number sequences when I wake up and look at the clock throughout my life. Last night [...] I awoke and looked at my phone and it was 1:23am. As usual I thought that was a little weird and thought the next time I wake that there would probably be another strange number such as 2:22 or 3:33 or something to that effect. I didn't even think of the number 3:21 until that is what I saw when I next checked the time. Any thoughts? Things like this seem to happen fairly frequently throughout my life; not constantly but on and off. Thank you for your time.
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All-digits-match Numbers
I have been going thru a lot in my life and I mean a lot! And I have been noticing I keep seeing matching numbers on the clock, in phone numbers, everywhere! Example 1:11-3:33-4:44 and it just FEELS like ... something it's hard to explain. But there is an almost emergency feeling to figure out why. I have looked it up but the answers I find are for more like one set of numbers seen repeatedly an I am seeing ALL numbers matching. I HAVE TO FIND OUT WHY EVEN IF IT MAKES ME LOOK CRAZY. It's like someone or something is trying to want me. An so much major life changing things have happen since I have noticed this.. separation, death. A LOT. And I have to find out what's going on cause someone or something is trying to talk to me ... I can feel it. I just don't know what they're trying to say.
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I Keep Seeing 8:28
In the last few days, I keep seeing 8:28. What does that mean? I know when they are added up, it becomes 9. Does it mean an ending in my life? Or does it mean I should end something? Could it mean something else?
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The Number 22 At an Almost Scary Frequency
I became very close to a girl who I had known for a long time but never really associated with much until about 9 or 10 months ago. We began seeing or talking to each other just about every day over that time period until about 2-3 weeks ago. She was very interested in numerology and always saw the number 22 at an almost scary frequency. I witnessed this over the course of those 10 months that we spent time together so I know she isn't insane or lying. Now, since her and I have stopped talking (she just abruptly stopped talking to me for no reason at all; I still don't know why), I am the one seeing this number everywhere. I never used to see it and I would laugh at her getting freaked out over seeing it so much. Now I am the one freaked out because I see it everywhere and have been seeing it since I stopped talking to this girl. Can you please tell me what's going on? Thanks... Partner: [name and birth date removed]
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The Number 723
I dreamed of the number 723. What does it mean?
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527 and Affinity for 7, 13, and 27
I can understand why I am constantly seeing the numbers 527. Whether it be the time or an amount, it's my birthday so obviously I am more predisposed to notice it. With that in mind would there be any other reason I would see it as much as I do, 2-3 times a day. Also, I have three sacred (to me) numbers which are 7, 13, & 27 -kind of understand the last one. Would there be any reason why 7 and 13 means so much to me and why I would notice them? I notice them constantly and when I've won things it revolves around these numbers. I also feel "safe" or assured when I have 7 or 13 of something or if I have to pick numbers. I'm aware it could just be silly but I won't feel better unless I ask. Thank you.
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Seeing the Numbers 11:11 All the Time
I see the numbers 11:11 all the time. It's also the date I was married. But I see it morning and night.
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The Significance of 8:13
I keep waking up at 8:13 a.m. What is significant about that number for me?
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Seeing 10 and 18 All the Time
My twin brother & I were born October 18, 1979. My brother passed 10 days later so he was 10 days old..which was October 28. My mom birthday...& grandmother too. I see the numbers 10:18 all the time everyday...or just 18?? What does this mean?
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First, 11:11, Then 1:01, 2:02, Et Cetera
Basically I am content and living a happy and healthy life with my husband and kids. Though I faced some ups and downs in life, with gods grace and support of my husband I made it through. 7 years ago I was totally shaken by my mother's death due to cancer. I went into depression and that's when a long lost friend appeared and I got very attached. Though it was genuine attachment for me, it was misinterpreted by my friend and I had to disconnect myself from it. This was a year ago. And once again I felt severely shaken that, I was completely lost . Since a year I was spotting 11:11. I never paid attention nor did I know what it meant. It was getting annoying and then creepy. I was irritated and frustrated and angry all the time. By chance I stumbled upon 11:11 article on Internet. Lot of my questions were answered. But since last two months a number pattern is showing up.... 1:01, 2:02 etc. not only in watch but in books or paper or TV- A pair of similar numbers with a zero inbetween. I looked up for its interpretations but couldn't find it. Though I am very normal from outside, but from within I am very shaken, hurt, in pain and trying my best to flow with life. Does this number pattern hold any message for me?
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What 33, 11, 12, 53, and 44 Mean
I just want know what 33 11 12 53 44 mean.
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3:09 and 5:17
I keep seeing 3:09 and 5:17 EVERYWHERE! It's my birthday and my moms birthday. She see's 5:17 all the time too (her birthday). It's becoming more and more common with us and I'm looking for an answer. My gramma is very sick (my mom's mom) and I'm not sure if someone or something is trying to tell us something or what it could be. We are both very spiritual people that believe in the spirits and signs from loved ones. I would just like to know more! Thank you!
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Seeing 10:06 on the Clock Every Day
I keep seeing 10:06 on the clock every day, whether it's in the morning or at night. What does that mean and does it have anything to do with my birthdate?
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Always Repetitive Numbers When Checking the Time
When I check what time, it is always bearing the same numbers like 11:11, 4:44, 2:22, 1:11. What could this mean?
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Entire Family Seeing 11 All the Time
My family is involved, [names and birth dates removed]. All of us see the time ending in 11, throughout the day, I personally wake up in the middle of the night every time its the hour followed by 11. The hour is not necessarily the same but the 11 is constant for all of us. And this started after my grandmother, who was very close to all of us, passed away. Her married name was [name and birth date removed]. Just wondering if there could be a connection?
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6-16 in Three Ways
My daughter's mom was born 6 16. She died when my daughter was 9, then a few days later my son was born 6 16 07. Now this week I've met a woman I like and she was born 6 16. What can it mean?
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Seeing 11 on Clocks, Mostly
For a few years now, I have been seeing the #11. I see it on clocks mostly, and have even woken up in the middle of the night quite a few times and the clock says 11 after. Now my daughter and my boyfriend are seeing it too. What is it trying to tell me??
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12:34 and Full Circle
I believe my lucky number is 8. My drivers license is x8x888xx. For years now the vast majority of time that I see a clock, it reads 2:22, 5:55, 11:11, and here recently I am seeing 12:34. I've read here on your website that 12:34 identifies with "full circle". Please enlighten me on what it is I am experiencing.
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Seeing 2, 4, and 6 on License Plates
I constantly see the numbers 2 4 and 6 on license plates. Sometimes side by side. The order isn't consistent but the numbers are. This was my dad's fave numbers as well. He died over 15 years ago. Is it a sign?
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53 in the Jackaranda Tree
I saw the number 53 in the Jackaranda tree outside my sister's house. My husband [name removed] birthdate [birth date removed] passed away on the [death date removed] my brother in law [name removed] birth date [birth date removed] passed away on the [death date removed] and my mother [name removed] birth date [birth date removed] passed away on the [death date removed]. When I add up their death dates it amounts to 53. Can you tell me the meaning of this. Thank you.
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22 Minutes Past the Hour
I keep waking up at 22 minutes past the hour, every single hour. As you can imagine, this is exhausting. I am a stay at home mum, so I have to be awake during the day to look after my son. I was wondering if there is any significance to the fact it is 22 minutes past. I have tried researching it, but can only seem to find answers about 11.11 or 3am or 3.08. I am hoping if there is any significance, you will be able to tell me, so hopefully I can maybe work with whatever the significance is, and be able to sleep through the night. I do not regularly see the number 22 at any other point during the day, just at night. Thanking you in advance.
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Dream 22, 1045, and 1972
In my dream, I was in the hill and I heard a noise of flowing water and then I see a little house near me, but when I check the house no one is there. And when I look backward and walk there's a river and in the middle of the river there's a old man and young boy beside him, the boy lying on the rock. And when I walk closer the boy wakes up and says 22 1045 1972. What does it mean?
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Constantly Seeing 1234
I constantly see 1234. I have been told it means I am resisting change in something but I cannot for the life of me figure it out. I am expecting my third child (due [date removed]) with a man I've been on and off with for 7 years now (with a steady relationship for the last two of those years). I quit my full time job as a phlebotomist to stay at home with my kids, the oldest in first grade. I have gained quite a bit of weight but can't change much in that I'm pregnant. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to change.
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Meaning of 99999
My birthday + birth month =9. My birth year 1953 =18 =9. Time of birthday in Iran; 2:34 afternoon =9. 2016 =9. I will be 63 years old =9. What is the meaning of 99999?
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11:11, 3:33, and 11:33
Nowadays any time I look at my cell phone, time shows 11:11. And once it was 3:33. Even just few minutes ago that was 11:33! Please let me know the meaning of that. Thank you.
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Seeing 411 All the Time
I keep seeing 411 all the time. Any significance?
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Was Seeing 11:11, Now Seeing 10:10
I had been seeing 11:11 on the clock everywhere. I know what this number means, about letting go of control and starting my own path. But does it have anything to do with me (as in my birth date or birth name). But now I don't see this time anymore, all I see is 10:10 almost all the time. Can you please explain how relevant these two timings are to me? Appreciate it. Thank you.
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The Number 23 Seen so Much Lately
Hello. Have been seeing the number 23 so much lately. Without looking for it or trying. Every time I randomly look at my phone it's something 23, my car radio, stove etc... I haven't had anything drastic happen except losing a friend a few months ago. I'm really trying to get to the bottom of what this could actually mean. Thank you.
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Number 27 Appears Daily
The Number 27 appears daily in my life. From the time, to addresses, tags, phone numbers, to my own birthday. What does this mean? Is this an Angel Number for me?
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Seeing Numbers Associated With Twin Flame
I know my twin flame in person. I've seen his birthday 920 a ton and the last 3 digits of his cell 826 often. I know the spiritual meanings, but is there any other meaning to it?
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We Always Seem to Both Look at the Clock at 10:12
I've been seeing [full name and birth date removed] for a year while separated from my husband [full name and birth date removed]. Paul and I have stayed connected over the year and we always seem to both look at the clock at 10:12. I have a very strong twin flame connection with James though. I'm torn. Does 1012 mean anything?
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27 Is My Number
I guess you could say "27" is my number. So many things have happened in my life on the 27th of a month. Things from break-ups as an adolescent to deaths to finding out significant life changes. As a child I looked at the clock at 9:27 almost every night. I thought when I got older that maybe this revolved around a bedtime, but I did not have a set "bedtime." I would awake at 9:27, roll over at 9:27. My husband, whom I met around this same time in my life, has had the same occurrences with the number 27. He was 27 when we officially started dating. The first time we dated he was 17. His name is [name removed] and was born [birth date removed]. If you could shed any light on this I'd greatly appreciate it. I'll be turning 27 a month from tomorrow.
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Seeing Birthdate Everywhere After Mother Passed Away
My mother passed away [date removed]. Since then I've been seeing my birthday everywhere. What does that mean?
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The Number 16 for Several Months
For the past several months I'm seeing the number 16. Usually associated with time, like 3:16 or 10:16. It's really strange and I think it means something.
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The Number 88 in Three Places
I've just realized that the number 88 is on my drivers license, my employee id, and my address. What could this mean?
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12:12 and 9:11
I've consciously been on my path of enlightenment since 2011. Beginning [3 years ago], I've been seeing angel numbers, as well as developing my senses. I'm very curious what 12:12 combination and 9:11 pertain to. When I first started seeing 12:12 (in December [2 years ago]) I googled upon something regarding your twin flame (I was on the verge of a break up with someone who shares a lot of similar life experiences as me, but is 4 years older). Between then and now I have been seeing it continuously and would like to know the origins. I'm not stuck to the ideal that this ex is my twin flame. I just would like to know what these numbers are pertaining to.
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Science Major Repetitively Seeing 9:11 on Clocks
Very confused and eager for information...and I'm a physics/science major, ha ha. Starting [4 years ago], I started seeing the number 9:11 on clocks...constantly. Even on clocks that were several hours off/hadn't been "set" in ages. This all (coincidentally?) began when I re-developed feelings towards a girl who I once had a super-deep connection to (and visa versa). After a few years, I started seeing 11:11 and 1:11 in addition to the 9:11. I don't think to look at the clock (I don't do it often at all), yet it just happens. My dilemma with this girl is ongoing (still have feelings for her, afraid to contact her), and I'm unsure whether they're related or not. I just need to find an answer. Being a physics/science major, I'm taught that everything has a reason (or forcing) behind it. So if there is a metaphysical phenomenon occurring here, I'd love an answer...because I'm very confused and hungry for an answer. Thanks so much.
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Reason For Seeing My Birthdate All Over
Hi, For years I have been seeing my birth date all over: 11/16. For a certain point in time it stopped and recently it started back up. Just yesterday my total was $11.16 when I purchased food and today I looked at the time it was 11:16am. I even tried playing win4 to see if it means play the numbers but I haven't been successful. I am trying to figure out why my birthdate keeps appearing. I think sometimes maybe I will have a surprise or something but nothing happens. What could it be?
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The Numbers 8, 4, and 5
What do the numbers 8 4 5 mean?
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Seeing 5 and 27 Literally Anywhere
Ever since me and my boyfriend of 2.5 years have broken up I see the numbers 5:27 everywhere. It doesn't matter where I am, I always see it whether it's on the clock or literally ANYWHERE. We started dating on May 27th 2012. My parents also got divorced on that day a couple of years before that. It's freaking me out.
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The Meaning of the Number 22
I see the number 22 for 3 months now, every day. What is the meaning? I don't believe in coincidences. Thank you.
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18, 8, and 218
Okay, so for the past year almost I have repetitively came across the number 18 or 8. Occasionally there is a 2 involved always in front of the number 18 or 8, this 2 is becoming increasingly more usual lately. On some occasions if the numbers are accompanied by a letter it is always D which is the first letter of my name. I turned 18 on the 18th this year, yes that is 2-18. I see this number every day. My friends apartment number was D-218 then last night I walked out of my friends place and his the first thing I saw was his neighbors 218 on the door. It gets weirder, I have flown 2 times this year round trip every flight on a randomized seating chart I have been placed in seat D18! I see 18 on page numbers, times, buses, change, number of likes on a photo, literally everywhere! My grandmother also passed a year ago and I was in the room with her touching her soul when she passed over. I always get a wiff of perfume in my room when I'm alone. Idk what this means but if you could lead me in the right direction you would soothe my soul. I thank you soo much!
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Seeing 415 Everywhere
I see the numbers 415 everywhere. This also happens to be my birthday. I see them too often every single day for it be a coincidence, always a variation of this number, 154, 541 etc. Even the man I am in love (he does not know this) with had 5 letters in his first name and 14 in his last (yes 14, lol). I know this is an important message for me. Can you please help me decide it? (Please do not publish my name, thanks)
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Number Pattern Keeps Appearing on the Clock
The following pattern keeps appearing almost every time I look at my clock. 636-363-484-1001-1221-202-515-333. I know the meaning of 333, but the other constellations are a new phenomenon. Can anybody help? And where can I find the answer? I don't see anything on this site.
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10:21 and 21st Birthday
I always look at the clock at 10:21, which is my 21st birthday. I'm looking at it at 10:21 am or pm it's not EVERY time but it is pretty consistent. I see other times repeatedly too but this one so much more. Does this mean something or because it's my birthday does it just mean more?
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I Keep Seeing the Number 823
Why do I keep seeing the number 823 btw this is my daughters birthday, but lately it is always popping up, clock, cell phone, etc. Thank you for your answer.
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It's Always 11:17
Seeing very frequently the numbers 11 and 17. Especially when checking the time. It's always 11:17.
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A Lot of Threes In the Same Day
In 2013 I found out I was pregnant with my first son and only child who is now two years old. During the time of my first check up I've seen a lot of three's the same day. My appointment was at three, my room was three, and the office desk was three. I can't seem to get that off my mind still and its been 3 years. Can you please help me. Thank you for reading.
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4:24, Mostly in the Evening
I always notice the time when it's 4:24, mostly in the evening. Which is also my birthday. What could this mean?
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Always 11 and 13 in All Sorts of Ways
I always see the numbers 11 and 13 in all sorts of ways, but that's a given. I became close friends with a girlfriend of one of my friends and her favorite number is 38. After knowing that, I started noticing it everywhere as well, along with my numbers 11 and 13. For example, everyday on license plates I will see 138 or the time will be 11.38, 3.18, 13.38, etc. And also on games I play the score will be 3.8, etc. I notice these number sequences more often recently, though after falling out with this friend we're no longer talking to each other.
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Seeing Numerological Sequences
I have been seeing numerological sequences for quite a while! The most recent is the numbers 555 & 5555. I am desiring to meet my life partner! So just with your help would like to know what these number sequences mean in my life at this point of time. Kindly please help.
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It was 11:03
I am right now visiting my mother who is dying. Last night I had a nagging feeling to see what time it was, it was 11:03. I'm wondering if this means anything.
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The Number 23 As Seconds
I often see the number 23 as seconds on the clock, can be any hour number but frequently look at clock when the seconds are 23, what does this mean. Is it quardian angel messages or some other meaning or reason it keeps happening?
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Seeing Progressive Numbers
Hello! Lately I have been seeing the number 34 very frequently. 134, 1134 comes frequently too. I am currently in a very transitional stage in my life. I am in the human services field and have taken a hiatus to travel over the past 8 (ish) months. Now I am at a stage where I can do anything, go back to school, save money and keep traveling, work towards my licensure, etc. During my travels, before I even thought of numerology, I saw progressive numbers frequently 1234, 234, 123. I have been attempting to track what has been going on in my environment and my though process when I see these numbers. Any advice on why number 34 keeps showing itself/catching my attention? Thank you.
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Lots and Lots of Repetitive Numbers
I was introduced to angel numbers a year ago. It started with seeing 444. Then I continued to see 555, 222, 333, 777, 999, 888, 222, and 555 a lot. And then I started to see 911, 811, 211, 311, 411, 441, 511, 1122, 1144, 155, 111, 1111 and the list goes on and on. Every single day, I now see all of them, in addition to 717, 818, 919, 1011, my birthdate, 122, 455, and all double digits as well. It's driving me nuts. I look up the meaning as angel numbers, and I guess I am an earth angel?? LOL. And there is so much change going and to keep the faith. Nothing has changed, so I don't get it. I ignore the numbers now, well, sometimes :-) It's kind of hard. I just wish everything will actually come true, it's been a rough road.
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Seeing Double Numbers for a Week
I'm suffering with depression at the moment and for the last week I've been seeing double numbers. Not every hour or every single day but the first day it happened it was every time I checked my phone, but it's making me think. Maybe someone is with me or something is going to happen? Am I right? Mostly 11:11 16:16 20:20 22:22
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Seeing Time of Birth On the Clock All the Time
I see the number 603 all the time, usually it is presented as 6:03. It is the time of my birth. What does this mean?
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12:11 and My Birthday
I randomly check the time and always seem to check right at 1211. Which is also my birthday. My mother passed last year and it is happening since that time. The past few weeks it is happening several times a week. I just happen to pick up the phone to check email or social media and it will say 1211 when I am otherwise completely unaware of the time. I have an extremely demanding job and otherwise am usually not aware of the time. I will also wake up at 12:11 am on queue. The past 4 days it has happened 5 times. The frequency is increasing. It seems more than a coincidence at this point. Please advise. Best, [name removed]
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The Number 11 Meaning In Numerology
What does the number 11 mean in numerology?
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01:23 for Almost a Year
I would say it's been almost a year since I started having this experience where I look at the clock when it's 01:23, even send messages to my boyfriend. On more than 3 or 4 occasions, sent him text same time with out knowing it is that time. I am really curious. I feel like God is trying to talk to me and am missing out on messages. Help, please. Thank you.
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3:16 On the Clock Every Day for a Year
I've noticed for about a year, every day I keep looking at the clock at exactly 3:16. It's whenever I am awake, so either in the morning or in the afternoon. My birthday is also March 16th so I don't know if its just a connection with my birthday or something. Its getting really weird though.
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The Number 14 With Everything Significant
It seems that anything significant in my life somehow has the number 14 in it. My phone numbers, work number and po box number. Either they add up to 14 or have a 1&4 in it. Serious relationships started and end on the 14th!! Bf cheats and girls number adds to 14 two times (8596) & caught them in room #140!! There are so many things that I can't type them all, these were just a few examples. Last example, my phone numbers, 1022, 1877, 2379(2+3+9), 2614. Serious relationships phone numbers, 7799, 3209, work # 2477 & work po box #572!!! What does it mean???? Thanks for your time on this!!!
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The Number 11 and Fighting Cancer
My mother [name and birth date removed] has been fighting cancer for just over 2 years and for the last 4 months or so I have been seeing the number 11 everywhere but mainly on clocks. Mum is now losing her battle fast and I was wondering if the two are related?
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Seeing 1:09 On the Clock
Almost everytime I check the clock I always see 1:09. What does that mean?
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Every Night 2:11 On My Clock
I wake every night to see 2:11 on my clock. This is also the house number where I grew up. I did hope to live there one day...but it just didn't happen.
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Favorite Number Is 7
I always like number 7. What does it mean and why should it be my favourite number?
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About the Number 43
My question is about the number 43. I see you have answered this same question before, however, I am a different person altogether (obviously) and wonder what the significance of this number is for me. I have been seeing this number everywhere I look. Clock, license plates on cars in front of me, addresses, etc. Literally everywhere. I am really curious to know what significance this number has for me. I'm hoping you can help. Thank you.
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Seeing 69 Literally Everywhere
I've been seeing 69 literally everywhere. I see it as my battery percentage. On social media networks, it will say something like 69 likes and another time it would say 69 comments. Is it a sign or something? I would really like to know what this number means and why I keep seeing it everywhere!
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Constantly See 7:19 On the Clocks
I am constantly see 7:19 on the clocks I look at. What is the meaning?
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Chaldean Numerology Name Number 117
My name according to Chaldean numerology adds up 117. Can I get the name numerology meaning for 117?
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23:23 at Random Times
I see 23:23 every night at random times of going to bed or turning the TV off or seeing the time on that minute. Is it random or fate?
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I Keep On Seeing the Number 49
I keep on seeing the number 49. It will usually be when I look at the clock to check the time. I will always look at the clock and it will say either 13:49pm or 11:49am, etc. What is the significance of seeing this number or what could it mean?
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Repetitively Seeing Numbers Composed of the Same Digit
I usually see the same numbers when ever I look at the clock like 1:11, 1:01, 2:22, 2:02 and many more. I usually see 5:55, 12:12, 1:11. Most of the times when I have researched on the 'net, somehow it depicts that angels want to communicate with me. These are the signs through which they say to communicate but I am not able to understand this logic. Moreover this happens to me whenever I'm off balanced in my life or going to have some major decision in my life. But anyhow I don't take that decision in this it all stops. So please help me out of this. Thank you!
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Always 11:04 On the Clock
I always look at the clock at 11:04, what does that time mean?
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Early Morning Times with Repetitive Numbers on the Cable Box
I wake up out of a deep sleep and look at the cable box and it always has 1:11 or 2:22, 3:33 or 4:44 on it. The most common time that I wake to is 3:33. This has been going on for over a year now. My wake up time for work is 4:45A.M. 6 days a week. Sunday is sleep late day till 6 a.m. Please tell me how to stop this! It is becoming a daily event. I do not see the numbers at any other time of the day. Any help or ideas would be a great help! Thanks?
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The Number 27 At Least 10 Times a Day
Since I was 15 I've seen the number 27. I'm currently 18. Constantly everyday at least 10 times a day. Anywhere numbers are seen, the number 27 crosses my path. I recently had a run in with a Hispanic witch at the grocery store. She said she saw darkness around me and the number 27. I never met this women nor even talked to her. I was wondering what it could mean. I kinda scared.
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Looked At the Clock for Years At 10:21 Nearly Daily
My birthday is 10/21/[year removed] I have looked at the clock for years at 10:21 nearly daily. My cousin that was like my sister died on 10/21/[year removed] then my mawmaw (grandma) who raised me died [date removed] with me by her side at 10:21 pm as I was looking at the time. Please help me and tell me what this could mean. My birth name was what I put but my last name got changed to [name removed] when my step dad adopted me. My mom was married to a man with last name [name removed] but he wasn't my dad. My father's last name was [name removed]. Yeah I've had a lot of life experience and a lot of grief and hurt and pain. So please tell me what this means.
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Seeing the Number 11 Everywhere
Over the last month I have been seeing the number 11 everywhere, especially on clocks. It always seems to be 11 minutes past. I'm not usually one to read into these things, but I can't seem to help wondering if someone is trying to tell me something?? Hope you can help.
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I See the Time 4:20 All the Time
I see the time 4:20 ALL the time. That's also my date of birth. What's the connection?
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What Does Seeing 111 Mean?
What does it mean when you see the numbers 111?
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Seeing My Birthday Numbers
I keep seeing the numbers 218 everywhere, and 2-18 is my birthday. Does this mean anything?
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The Number 29 Following Me Around
I know everyone says they keep seeing the same number but the number 29 really has become an issue for me of late. It seems to seek me out rather than I it. On raffle tickets and even table numbers hey ho up 29 pops. When I joined a club recently and when my membership card came yes, there it was, number 29. Is there a rational explanation for this do you think because it does tend to follow me around. I would be sooooooooo grateful for your views.
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Mother and Daughter Both See 5:17 Repeatedly
I have been seeing 5:17 on the clock regularly for several years and it's my youngest daughter's birth date. What does this mean? She also sees it often. Today I left to go pick her up and looked at the clock ... sure enough it was 5:17. Today is actually her birthday, but this happens all the time.
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Identical Triple-Digit Numbers Like 222, 444, or 555
I know you have a lot of questions to answer but I'm hoping you could shed some light on what the hell is going on in my life. I constantly happened to look at the clock when the numbers are consecutive like 222, 444, or 555. I've tried to notice any similarities in what I'm doing when I see these numbers, but its all over my day and not consistent with one thing. Just now when I'm reading other questions and answers I did happen to read something that said if you've been calling out and asking for guidance in life as to what to do that this could happen. About 5 years ago my grandmother / best friend passed away and I can't help but talk to her and ask her questions. Is this all connected and if so how do I determine or distinguish what she's trying to tell me? I'm open to and willing to understand that some things trying to contact me, but I don't know what to take from it or what direction to go. Is there a way to further connect or figure out what I'm supposed to take from this?
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Looking At the Clock When it Reads 12:34
I always seem to look at the clock when it reads 12:34. This has happened ever since I can remember and I've always wondered why I tend towards that number and what it means?
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The Number 27 Constantly in the Time
Well I have a good friend that sees the number 27 constantly in the time, on the volume, in video games and so on. Now I'm starting to notice 27 more....what does this mean?
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Ex-boyfriend and the number 427
I dated my first boyfriend for 4 years. We have remained friends since our breakup. However, since we broke up for the last 2-3 years, I see the number 427 everywhere. The number 427 is my ex-boyfriend's birthdate. I constantly see 427, on the clock the most, but I also have seen it on a license plate, and on receipts I give to guests at my job. I'm just curious what this means if anything.
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The Number 718
Hey how's it going? My birthday is July 18th which is the number 718. Many days out of the week I will see this number on the clock or on other things like license plates. Am I going crazy? Lol
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My Father Died January 11, 2011
My father died January 11th, 2011. It just dawned on me tonight that there must be some significance. What can all these 1s mean?
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7 and 16 Always Stood Out For Me
The 2 numbers that have always stood out to me are: 7 and 16. What do they mean?
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Seeing 513
I keep seeing the number 513 every time I look at any clock and its my birthday. Also its freaking me out. I wonder what it means!!!
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Seeing Double-Digit and Repetitive Numbers
Hi...I wanna know why I'm seeing this double digit numbers like 11.11 12.12 .....19.19 20.20 21.21?
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Seeing 308 and 108 Everywhere
I keep seeing 308 and 108 everywhere! I see variations of other numbers but these two numbers are different, they are being shown to me very strongly. I recently traveled to another continent and my parents owned a flat there and what was the number? 308. I see it in the strangest of places...Would appreciate some information!
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The Numbers 2 and 13
The numbers 2.13 have always repeated in my life. For starters, it's my birthday. I had one of my sons at 2.13 pm. Every day I look at the time at 2.13 am or pm, sometimes both. I am looking for some understanding of myself and would really like to know what the numbers 2 and 13 stand for and what they represent together.
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Always Wake Up at 3:33 AM
What does it mean when I always wake up at 3:33am or when I look at the clock sometimes it says 3:33?
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13:10 Keeps Popping Up
For a long time now I keep seeing 13:10. It is my birthday, but I'll look at the time exactly at 13:10. I be doing something and the numbers will instantly pop up. Be it in shop or out in the street, they always seem significant like they're telling me something.
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The Universe and the Number 13
3 years ago my father died and my friends were not there for me. So I let go of them, including my brother in law. But I have missed them since. But for the past year every time I think of them, mainly my former best friend, I see the number 13. I could be thinking of them and I look at the clock or an advertisement in the street etc. and I see the number 13. A few months ago I ran into my brother in law in the subway and the date was the 13th. That day I was issued a summons for something I practically do everyday without getting caught. Ever since that day I been scared to bring them back in my life due to fear something bad might happen to me in general for them being around. Maybe the universe is warning me to stay away from them or maybe to come back? This has been driving me so crazy this year that I have even been getting bad nose bleeds due to stress. My best friends Name is [name removed] and is Birth date is [date removed].
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9:11 and 3:33
I am currently 22 years old and since I was 11 years old I have constantly being seeing the number 9:11. Every day, all day. I lost my dad on 07/04/11 and since it has appeared every day four or more times a day. Although there is also this number 3 that has been involved in my family's life. For instance, He lived in only 3 states; both my children were born @ 3:33pm in rooms 3 in the local hospital. His grave site is number 3, which also is the third row down. He passed when he was 35. My sister as well is constantly seeing the numbers 3:33. Is there something relating to this?
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717 and Spiritual Beliefs
I keep seeing repeatedly for the last few years, sometimes multiple times a day, 717. I am a spiritual person, not religious, but I am a Christian with New Age philosophies. The last few years I have been challenged emotionally, financially, and now physically. I am a good person, very trusting and loving. My heart has been broken, used and abused by lovers, friends and people that I do not even really know...very odd and bizarre stuff. I have been searching for answers as to why I am being challenged like this. The numbers have been coming up throughout this entire time period. I have withdrawn some and at times question my spiritual beliefs.
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Mirrored and Repetitive Numbers
Hi! I have been wondering about sequences of mirrored numbers or repetitive numbers that I see a lot, like a LOT: 11:11 of course, but also 9:11, 21:11, 12:21, 21:21, 13:31, 14:41, 15:51, 17:17, 5:55 and many more. Is it a message? Or does it mean I'm regressing (mirrored numbers)? (I searched for any question with these specific numbers but couldn't find any, that's why I'm sending my question =) ) Thank you!
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Seeing Doubled Numbers
I always see time as 2:22 1:11 3:33 4:44 5:55 6:66 7:77 8:88 9:99 10:10 11:11 12:12. 5:55pm is my birth time and I see it every day. Even my annual class percentage is coming same from years. I don't understand how it happens every day. Does it mean something?
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Seeing 29 All the Time
I once was dealt two cards and they were 2 hearts and 9 spades and my mother was dealt 2 diamonds and 9 clubs out of the same pack. I am now drawn to number 29 all the time. It crops up ALL the time on a seemingly regular basis and its beginning to worry me. Any ideas as to why please?
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Glancing at Clock when Time Mimics Birth Date
I keep glancing at the clock when the time mimics my birthdate; July 24/7:24. I used to only see it a few times a month, now it has gotten to be numerous times a day. Mainly the sequence :24 keeps showing up more often like on battery levels and even the timers. It started getting questionable when I would look at a timer and for the second I see the number it's on :24. Is someone really trying to get ahold of me and fast? Or is it just my lucky number?
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I Keep Seeing 12:34 on the Clock
I keep seeing 12:34 on the clock, on my phone, on TV. It might be random. Thought I'd ask about it.
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3:27 Every Time
Recently almost every time I've happened to glance at the time it has been my birth date. The other night I woke up out of my sleep and it was 3:27 again. (my birthday is 3:27)
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Financially Stable and Retire Early
I am seeing quite often the sequences of the numbers 111 and just recently 1111, it's happening on a regular basis. I am wanting so bad to retire early and be financially stable and very soon. Do these numbers tie in with the possibility of manifesting my goals and desires?
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Master Numbers and Clock Times
Every time I go to look at the clock the time is whatever hour & then the minutes are ALWAYS a multiple of 11. (11:11, 12:22, 3:44 & so on) It happens so often that I can pretty much call the time every 11 minutes sometimes every hour. This has been happening for about 5 or 6 months now. The number 11 has always been prevalent in my life, my birthday is 7/11, I was born in 1993 & in numerology that reduces to a 22. My dad, my brother & my grandpa all have life path numbers of 11 & my boyfriend has one of 33. I graduated high school in 2011 as well as many many more instances where the number 11 has shown up. I was just wondering if there was any insight that I could gain because the whole thing with the time freaks people out that I can just call it out like that.
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Why I Keep Seeing 9:11 and 4:20
I'm just wondering why I keep seeing the time's 9:11 and 4:20 on the clock when I look at it. I do not focus on this or think about it and it still happens and I also have street lights seem to shut off as I drive by them quite often or they come on and this is in black of night. Might be nothing but just wondering thanks!
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127 all the Time
I see 127 all the time. And when I do, I think of a possible situation that it maybe a sign for, but I never know what it is. Can you help?
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Identical Digits On the Clock
Hi. 2 weeks ago I started seeing identical digits on the clock, especially its minutes, e.g. 9:09, 09:11, 09:22 and so on. 98% of times I look on my watch I see these numbers. I know it must have a meaning, but what is it?
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1111,1212, 2121, and 2222
I have been seeing number combinations like 1111,1212, 2121, 2222 every single day for almost a year now. I don't know what to make of it but it seems that I started to see this after I got in contact with an old friend from 20 years ago. His date of birth happens to be on the 12 of May. It just seems that those number combinations are trying to tell me something and won't stop until I "get the message".
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19:08 all the Time
I see my birthday all the time. 19.08 (how we write it in my country). Does it mean something at all?
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Seeing Numbers and times with Identical Digits
Every day for the past few weeks, I've been compelled to look at a clock at the exact moment to find the sequence of numbers being 10:10, 11.11, 12.12, 1.11, 2.22, 3.33, 4.44 & 5.55. This happens every time to me. I was told to make a wish when I see these numbers, and I do. Is there someone spiritual watching over me? Why does this happen? I recently moved across country and perhaps I'm being told that someone's watching over me?
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11:11 Most of the Time
I see 11:11 most of the time, 11:00, 11:01, 9:11, 1:11, 1:01 and I am confused now. Means somehow no. 11 I see daily either twice or thrice. I have been seeing these numbers since 1 year. What to do??? Please help me!! Somewhere I have read about 11:11 phenomenon but not clearly understood. I need a better explanation please.
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Seeing 7 and 11 For Months
It has been a few months now that the numbers 7 11 keep appearing. It is on the clock when I look at it often, also total amount owed when I purchased something. Once it was my total at the convenience store Seven Eleven! What is the universe trying to tell me? Thank you.
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The Number 3291
Hi! It's been 15-16 years that I have been looking this specific car number (in different models, different places) very often. I don't understand what does it mean. That number is, 3291. What does it mean? Second question, I want to ask if I have 2 marriages in my life. If yes, then which time period? I really appreciate your immediate reply. Thanks [name removed].
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Always 12:43
My number is ALWAYS 12:43. I wake up and look at the clock and it is 12:43. If I pick up my phone it is 12:43. It is a number I have noticed since a teenager and now I am in my 30's. What does it mean?
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Sets of Double Digits
Hi I keep seeing at the clock on my phone double digits like 07:07; 08:08; 09;09; 10;10; 11:11;...16:16...22:22... It started about one year ago and then it stopped, then about one month ago it started again. Sometimes I do not look at the clock for hours and then suddenly I feel the need to look and see a double digit. Sometimes it happens to be 14:44 or 15:55, 13:33 and so on. I wonder if there is any meaning to it. I find it very strange and have the feeling it is not a coincidence. Any advice? Thank you.
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Seeing 3:16
For about a three week period of time I would check my watch and it would be 3:16. At first I thought it a coincidence but it continued to happen no matter where I was at and I wasn't even thinking about it. Finally it stopped. Then a week ago it happened again twice and I thought nothing of it until that night I woke up from my sleep thinking it was 6am and turned my clock to face me to check the time and it was exactly 3:16. Felt kinda creepy. What could be the significance of those two numbers.
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I Keep Seeing 1:11, 7:19, 9:11, and 11:11
I keep seeing 1:11, 7:19, 9:11, and 11:11. Over and over and over. I just left the Christian faith after being heavily involved in the supernatural side of things. I see these more than anything. What is the significance?
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3:17 Every Morning
For months now I have been waking up very abruptly in my sleep and every single time I have looked at my clock it has been 3:17. I have tried to find out what this means as there are many things that seem to be happening to me (some have been quite scary to be honest). On a couple of occasions I have been woken up by something pulling at my legs which has bruised me. I very much believe that someone or something is trying to get my attention but as I am unsure as to what that is I'm scared to give it too much acknowledgment as I don't want to open a gateway for anything bad. If you could help me in any way with this I would be so grateful, thank you.
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Seeing the Numbers 6 and 17 of My Birthday
I keep seeing the numbers 617 on the clock and other places. It's also my birth date. What does it mean?
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Seeing the Numbers 10 and 28 of My Birthday
I always see the numbers of my birthday 10, 28. Usually twice a day on a clock. However, one occurrence that struck me was that I was watching a fairly long online video clip and I paused it for some reason — I looked down at the video's elapsed time and I had paused the video at exactly 10:28. I have sent text messages and the time will pop up as 10:28. I was wondering if there was any significance in seeing your birthday numbers or even just significance in the numbers 10 and 28?
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69 Literally Everywhere
69 I've been seeing 69 literally everywhere. I see it as my battery percentage on social media networks. It will say something like 69 likes and another time it would say 69 comments. Is it a sign or something? I would really like to know what this number means and why I keep seeing it everywhere!
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Waking Up at 4:00 A.M. for the Last 3 Days
I keep waking up at 4:00 a.m. for the past 3 days. What is the numerology meaning for this? I am adopted. My new name is [name removed]. Thanks.
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Seeing Birthday on Clock Almost Every Day
Hi. Lately I have been seeing my birthday on the clock like almost every day. My birthday is 10/11. It doesn't matter if it's morning or night I see it. Can you please tell me what this means if it has meaning at all? This has just started happening and I'm very curious.
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Keep Seeing 22
Please help I keep seeing 22 since last year...what does it mean?
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20 Minutes After the Hour on the Clock
Last 3 years, every time I see the clock, the time is 1:20, 6:20, etc. The number 20 always seen on clock. What's the meaning of that sign? Is the 20 number good or not?
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Cousin, Brother, and Self All Born On the 25th
I have a weird phenomenon in my family. My father and uncle each had 2 children within a 2 year span, making it 4 of us. However, one of us left to live with another parent and the 3 of us left behind were all born on the same day, different months. My cousin [birth name and birth date removed], then me, then [birth name and birth date removed] who moved away and my brother, [birth name and birth date removed]. I was wondering if this had any significance because in the past couple of years, I keep seeing my birthday, 11/25 numbers turn up everywhere.
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Triple Digits on the Clock Every Time
Every time I look at the clock I see triple digits, such as 1:11pm, 2:22, 3:33, and so on. What does this mean? It's been happening for at least 5 years now. Thanks for your time.
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11:11 and 1 Everywhere Every Day
Why do I see 11:11, the number 1 everywhere and every day?
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420 All the Time
I see 420 all the time. At least once a day. What does that mean? It's my birthday.
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3:16 and a Very Tough Situation
I'm going through a very tough situation in my life which involves my husband [name and birth date removed] and my daughter [name and birth date removed] I keep asking the universe to help me make the best decision for my highest good and I see the number 3:16 everywhere, I even wake up suddenly, look at the clock and that's the time. My questions are if I should keep trying to save my marriage, if I should have another child with my husband?
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4:04, 404, and April 4
Me and my ex started dating April 4th and now when I look at the clock I mostly see 4:04 or I just see the number 404 a lot. Why? What does this mean? [name and birth date removed]
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The Number 5475
What does the number 5475 mean?
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1:11, 2:22, 3:33, and 4:44 On the Clock
What does it mean to look at the clock and it is usally all the same digits 1:11, 2:22, 3:33 and only 1 time 4:44.
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Seeing 11, 23, and 49
I keep seeing the numbers 11, 23 and 49. I mean I'm seeing them so much it's starting to freak me out. I feel like someone is trying to send me a message. I mean it's starting to affect me. Please give me some insight on this.
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Self-fulfilling Calculation Results
Today on a mobile phone I got messages from mobile operator on a number by 611111. When I added all numbers together, it is 11. I got this 3 times just now. I was in synchronicity from 2014. Got awakened at 2012. And the 1's 5 times, 2012=5 and today's date is 14 Sunday. I knew about déjà vu. Is it a coincidence or reason for happening? Just not sure. And thanks for your article, it helped me a lot positively :)
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11:02 Once or Twice a Day
Everyday I see 11:02 on the clock, sometimes twice. This happens to be my birthday and was wondering if there is any meaning to this occurrence?
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0, 1, 2, 3, and 4
I have seen 143, 1043, 2143, 134, 413, so many time in a day from last 6 months. I tried to understand what this means to me but I didn't get the meaning so help me to find meaning of this number I am 28 year old and I am worried about my career so please help me.
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10/4 and 4/10 Dates
Me and my boyfriend have a long distance relationship that just started this year, but known each other for 4 yrs. His birth date is 4/10. So is my mom. My son's is 4/19 (1+9=10). My dad's birthday who passed 2 yrs ago is 10/4. Both him and my son and his daughter's favorite numbers are 4. His name is [name removed]. His birth date is 4/10 I believe is [year removed]. What exactly does all these 10/4 or vise versa mean? We see the number a lot.
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All on the 18th of the Month
I married someone born on the 18th day of the month. Just realized today that each of my children (4) also have significant others, each significant other has a birthday of the 18th day of the month. Seemed like it must have some kind of meaning.
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Twin Numbers
I've been seeing a lot of twin numbers for the past few days on my phone's clock and laptop's clock like 11:11 12:12 13:13 14:14 15:15 22:22. I'm currently getting out of comfort zone trying to make a change since for the pass 8 months I've set myself a fitness goal and worked hard and achieved it recently. Now I'm focusing on my career but still maintaining my exercises daily. Perhaps not putting a lot of effort yet. I wonder if these numbers meant anything either good or bad?
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Born 12/22, Seeing 12:22
My name is [name removed] and I was born on 12/22/[year removed] in [place removed]. I always see 12/22 especially lately and not just on clocks. What does this mean?
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Always Seeing 12:34
It has been nearly a month and I always see 12:34. Why? I'm worried.
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111 and 1111
I see the numbers 111 and 1111 all the time!! On the digital clock, page of the book, mobile number. What do you think it means?
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Which Number Is Suitable for Me?
Which of these numbers are suitable for me — 48608828814 48570010286
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9:11, 7:11, 6:11, Always 11
Hi.. I been noticing the number 9:11 a lot for months several times a week.. at the beginning didn't think anything of it but now its just weird.. I was seeing it a lot on my phone, on clocks, even woke up to see it.. lately its been 9:11, 7:11, 6:11.. the 11 is always there. Does it mean anything?
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Repeatedly Seeing Numbers of a Set
For past 6 months, I have been seeing some particular numbers frequently (34, 36, 37, 38, 39, 41, 43, 42, 45, 46) everywhere: Licence plates, phone numbers, time by my watch, bill number. It's freaking me. Please respond asap.
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The 10:03 Mystery
Why do I always see 10:03 in my clock? What's the meaning behind those numbers that are same as my birth date?
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First 9:11, Then 6, and Then 2:04
Hello. My name is [name removed] and I have a question. But first I need to let you in on certain events... About 5 years ago I went through a phase of seeing 9:11 on the clock and this would happen almost everyday....Then I went through a period of seeing 6's...then that stopped... Now every time I glance at the clock here lately it reads 2:04. I don't understand and its driving me crazy! Please if you can, try and shed some light on these numbers for me. Thank you in advance.
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Seeing 5:32 Every Evening
For as long as I can remember, I've always looked at the clock at 5:32pm. This is the time I was born. What could this mean? I've always wondered. I wasn't sure if it's from habit or what. My husband thinks I'm funny because almost every day when it is 5:32pm I always point it out to him. Just curious what it could mean. Thanks!
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1, 2, 11, 22, 12, and 21
I was [name removed] at birth, name was changed at age 8 years. My partner is [name and birth date removed]. Since meeting my partner in Oct 2013, I see combinations of 1 and 2 everywhere. We first came together when Saturn entered its position at my time of birth. I am now 8 months pregnant. Saturn will leave my birth sign at the time of the baby's birth. I see 11.11 12.12 22.22 21.21 21.11 11.21 etc. and combinations of ALL the time. I especially notice this when I am communicating with or thinking about my partner. The baby's first name is Aaron, either [full name removed] or [full name removed]
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9:51 on the Clock
I keep seeing 9:51 (am, pm, both) on the clock, every day for the last two months or so. My mother was born in September of 1951, and passed away about 12 years ago. My question is, why am I just beginning to see this time every day? I've made some life changes in the last two months which is when this started happening. I started dating someone two months ago, too. [Birth name and birth date removed]. Please do not publish his information.
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10:46 Recurrently
I see my birth time 10:46 recurrently both morning and night. I do not focus on these things and each time I happen to look at the time I see the exact time. What does it mean? This has been going on for some months now.
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718 for 20 Years
I have seen the number 718 in everything for the last 20 years. I tried not to pay attention because it is driving me crazy, but I notice again.
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13 On the Clock
I always keep seeing number 13 in my device (tablet). There is no problem with the clock, it's working normally but I always keep seeing the time like: 12:13, 4:13, 5:13, etc. But then the clock is perfectly fine. This always happens to me, it has been a year now when I started noticing I keep seeing the number thirteen. But I just brushed it off and thought that it's just a coincidence... But it still keeps happening to me. Is it a sign? Does it have a meaning or is it just purely coincidence?? Please help me. I need answers... I'm really freaked out by the number thirteen, knowing that it is sometimes known as a "bad luck" number...
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Drawn to the Number 7
I am drawn to the number 7... Never knew why... But have noticed that the number 7 surrounds every decision ... I continue to help anyone in need without benefit to myself and sometimes even taking from my self in order to give to others... Not without the realization or knowledge of such repercussions but without concern and care... Does this reoccurring action have anything to do with the number 7?
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Outer Space and Great Businessman
I think, I can go to the outer space and traveling the world, do you think so? And I think, someday I will be a great businessman, have some company in the world. Do you agree?
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Whispered 1012
About 6 years ago I was in a bad place and praying so hard asking God what my purpose was. The numbers 1012 whispered through my head right before I fell asleep. Ever since I see those numbers everywhere. From dates, times and addresses. I'm no longer religious but I'm very curious what this means if anything.
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Job and the Number 214
My husband is having and seems to have always have trouble with his jobs. Constantly being overlooked for promotions. Is this ever going to change? The number 214 keeps showing up in my life. Does this mean anything?
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A History of Associating with the Vibrations of Number 219
When we moved to Delaware from NY the apartment number was 219, then when I got married I moved back to that same house 219. The house that I live in is 19. My daughter's first school bus was 219. My aunt got killed and the house number of the guy that killed her was 1919. And I always see the number 219 on the time. My ex boyfriend played baseball and his first jersey was number 19. What's the meaning of the 219?
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Seeing 911 for Years
I've been seeing 9:11 on clocks, registers, returned change, pretty much everywhere. This has been happening for years.
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11:11 in Everything for Years
I have seen 11:11 in everything for years, from receipts to time and also account numbers, etc. Now I am seeing others more recently. Yesterday was an eclipse and during the day I saw 11:11 12:12 444 17:17. When I was told of the eclipse the time was 17:17. Any reason for this? Thanks.
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Running Across 88 and 86
I keep running across the numbers 88 and 86. This has never happened to me before and I'm not sure if this is good luck or I'm supposed to be aware of something that I am not. Please help.
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Birth Year on a Penny
I live in an old home which we are renovating. We've been digging up the yard. I was going to the mail box a day later. I looked down and saw a penny. I live in Australia. Pennies are no longer our currency. I thought we must have dug it up when we were digging around in the garden. When I looked at the date it was my birth year. Next was a receipt and at the top was my birth year. Walking down the road, on a car number plate my birth year. All this in two days. It all felt a little odd.
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Double Synchronicity
I was born October 1st 1957. This year I am 57 years old. I married in 1976 on my 19th birthday. Today I have been married for twice as long as I was single. This seems to be auspicious, do the numbers mean anything in particular? [Personal message removed.]
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The Number 11 Always
What does it mean seeing number 11 always and 11 attached to any number?
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Seeing Numbers with a Certain Theme
Hello! Lately, I'm seeing a lot of 12:21, 222, 11:11, 12:12, 21:21 and other 1 and 2 combos. As well as 2 & 4 and 1 & 4 combos. Does it have any meaning in numerology?
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11 and 11:11
Hello...I want to say for the last 6 or 7 years I've noticed myself glancing over at the clock and it's 11 something. It could be 11 anything...but it really makes me wonder when it's 11:11... I think it's very odd and interesting. I'm a pretty weird person and very deep and intellectual so I'm very curious. Any answers?
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7, 7, and 77
If you were born on the 7th of a month, died on the 7th, and were aged 77 years is there any significance? My sister asked me and I don't know where to go to get that answer for her as it is someone she knows.
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1:11 and 4:44
I just lost my husband to cancer just over a year ago on [date removed]. He was born on [date removed]. Lately I have been waking up to see the numbers 1:11 and 4:44 on my clock. What does it mean?
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Why I'm Seeing the Numbers Again and Again
Why I am seeing the same time in clock again and again, like 10:10,1234,11:11,143?
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Seeing 12:34 Both A.M. and P.M.
Why have I been seeing the time 12:34 both a.m. and p.m. for WEEKS now at the most random times? I am on a somewhat spiritual journey, getting more connnected with the Source (God, Universe etc.). Could this mean something? I've read that it is probably a message from angels. Could that be so? Please help. Thank you!
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Wake Up at 5:56 Every Day
I wake up at 5:56 every day and I am curious what the numbers mean.
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The Numbers on the Mirror
I have a friend who took a shower, when she got out, written on the mirror was three sets of numbers. 12-42-504 What does this mean? She was very scared and I am just trying to get more info on these numbers.
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8, 18, and 17:17
Dear Sir or Madam, I always get a combination of 8 and 18 in my life and 8s have always been a good sign for me. Yet, recently I started seeing 17:17 all the time on the clock. Please, could you provide me with a meaning of the numbers mentioned above. Thank you.
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12:34 On The Clock
I have been seeing 12:34 on the clock for I believe 2 years now. Maybe not every day but often enough to be considered a regular occurence. I mentioned it a while ago to someone however I didn't give much meaning to it until I stumbled on to this website. Does it mean anything?
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436 Every Morning
I wake up every morn at 436 lately. It doesn't matter even if I go to bed early or even very late. I've even only bed asleep an hour but still wake up at 436. Why? What do these numbers mean?
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1234 Every Now and Then
Every now and then, I'd be looking at the digital time on my phone and it comes up to be either "1234" "1342" "1243" and it just keep going on in these patterns with this number "1234" which is mixing up. I don't know if this is a good or bad thing. It has been happening since I started getting depression. I'm not sure what it means though. I have been crying for help of someone and I don't know if this pattern has got something to do with it.
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23:23 On the Clock
I have seen 23:23 on my clock nearly every night on and off in periods of my adult life... Starting at 16. After a long absence it is back and with a vengeance. I really feel like something wants to guide me. What does it mean? Thank you.
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8, 58, and 85
I am the 8th child in my family. Growing up in Texas, my telephone numbe'sr last 4 digits were 1888. I married in the 8th month 1985. Our first home address is 85. Could you possibly shed some light on what it could mean and if the number 8 shows great significance to me. My last pinnacle period begins at age 58 next year ???
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I Keep Seeing the Number 21
I keep seeing the number 21. It has been about a month now. Everyday, whether it be looking at the time, the tv channel, a house address.... I see the number 21 alone, or with other numbers. ie. 7:21, 11:21, 12:21, 2:21, 10:21. etc. This happens constantly throughout the day. I cannot help but feel that it is a message to me, as my life is a little hectic at the moment. Please, I would like help in deciphering these occurrences. Thank you very much for your time and help, I very much appreciate it. Peace and Love...
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8:18 Everywhere
I see 8:18 everywhere. When I look at my cellphone then the time states 8:18. What does this mean? Thank you.
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Unable To Ignore 12, 13, and 14
12-12 & 12-13 & 12-14 comes to my face everywhere before my grandfather died at 12-13 2001. My worst 2 years came to my life after having a car accident and had a nerve problem on 2012 and 13 and now I'm trying my best having a better life but it doesn't look like and now its coming crazy, waking up at 12-13 and getting a strange fights with family comes with no reason and seeing the number all the time and my life is getting worse. My father was born at 12-12 and he also had a hard time in life. I try my best not to look at the number but it comes and try not to go into a trouble but it comes with no reason. I tried my best to ignore it but couldn't are those numbers controlling my life style or if they have a meaning of something. Thanks.
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Is this a Sign?
Every time my daughter looks at a clock no matter where she is its always the hr then 11 in min. Is this a sign?
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29 and 67
My daughter and grand daughter were both born on the 29th of different months. I have several family and friends with the 29th as a birthday. I seem to see 67 everywhere. Someone trying to talk to me.
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21 for 24 Years
I was 21 when I found I was pregnant with my first child. I had him 8,14,1990. He weighed 4 pounds 8 ounces. He was born at 1:22 in the morning. He was in the hospital for about 2 weeks. He passed away September the 27th, 1990. To sids. He passed at 2:21 in the afternoon. When I buried him I was 21 years old. His casket was 21 inches and he's buried in lot 21. Glad you see 21 is a significant number for me. And for the past 24 years this is been very puzzling to me.
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9, 11, 11:11, and 12:34
[Birth name removed] [birthdate removed] I see 9, 11, 11:11, and 12:34 constantly and whenever I think about [name removed], my son's father... What could this mean?
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11:29 On the Clock
Almost every day I notice the time 11:29 on the clock, sometimes am, sometimes pm and some days am and pm. It seems like an odd time to me to notice so consistently and it's been going on for years and seems to really pull me. My oldest sons birthday is Nov 29 (11/29). Why do I see this so often??
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Always See 4:44 On the Clock
I was born at 4:44 p.m. I always see these numbers on the clock, several times a month. I know they are the angel numbers. This morning at 4:44 a.m. I was going in my phone to type in my 4444 password, that would make seven fours I seen at one time. Does that mean anything special? Thank you. I'm just curious.
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1234 Everywhere
So my question is for months now everywhere I look I see the number 1234!! It could be the time day or evening or a gas price or even a paycheck amount. It's really crazy and I'm beginning to think there's a reason for these numbers?!! Can you tell me what they may mean to me please?!!!! It's driving me crazy!!!!
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Time Ending In 43 Or 44
Almost everytime I look at the time, it's ending in 43 or 44, but mostly 44. I know we are in a 7 year universally; not sure if that has anything to do with it. I am unhappy in my life and I know I am supposed to be on a different path. I'm wondering if 43 is some sort of message, sign, or something I need to pay attention to to get to where I belong.
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Being Followed By 52
The number 52 has been following me all my life. My number in high school was ...8052 My number in College was ....52 My first license plate was ....452 My credit card ends with ......6152 My bankruptcy case end with ....952 And I see this number every day when I look at the time. I thought I was going to die at 52, but I survive. I'm 54 now.
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The Number 11 For a Year
For about a year now I see 11s everywhere, more so in the time as in 4.11 8.11 and so on. I see it a lot everywhere else also though, number plates, receipts, at work I see it as the total price at the end or the change I'm supposed to give. The past 6 months or so it's gotten a lot more frequent. I'm just curious as to what this could mean?
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311 For Two Years
I have been seeing 311 over 2 yrs now....not voluntarily seeking it. Not sure what that means or if nothing ...but it haunts me! It seems I'm not alone in this.
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Seeing 5 Every Time He's Around
What does it mean when the number 5 is always appearing on, around, or seen every time a certain person is around? I am in love with this individual. His information [birthdate and name removed]
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11 Keeps Popping Up On Everything
I keep seeing the number 11 every time I look to see time on the clock. It keeps popping up on everything I'll look at it and the numerology world why this keeps happening?
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123, Then 1414
First, I see the number sequence 123 EVERYWHERE. On clocks, road signs, license plates, price tags, you name it. They're all at random times though. My youngest son [name removed] was also born on [birthdate removed] at [birth time removed]. I read that if and when I see it that it means I'm on the right path of life, but sometimes I'm not so sure haha! This one is the most eerie to me. Today at work I had an eerie feeling that something was gonna happen good or bad. I calculated something that ended up with 1,414. It was on a whim but caught my attention. Later on I had to enter info on the computer subtracting numbers and such and it totaled to 1,414,400. I thought that was so strange! Then I look at the clock maybe a couple minutes later to see how much time I had left at work and it was 4:14pm. I just sat there and knew it had a meaning and didn't know what to think. Please help explain. =)
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The Meaning of 6:14
I've been seeing the number 6:14 on the clock and sometimes other places. Its been going on for about 2 years.
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The Number 27 All the Time
What does it mean to see the number 27 all the time?
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I See My Birthdate Numbers Everywhere
First of all that name is not my birth name. I was adopted at 2 months old and that name was given to me then. I have no idea what I was called before that. My question is this. I see my birthdate numbers everywhere. 10/19. I see that number in some form at least a few times a day. I'll look at the houses I'm driving past and that will be the first house number I see. I'll check the time and it's exactly 10:19. I turn on the TV and some form of 10 and 19 pop up for some reason. It started happening a few months ago and is so noticeable and frequent that I have begun to think it means something. I've been going through some pretty significant life changes lately - not sure if that's relevant. Thanks.
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66, 69, 33, Or Any Numbers That Lead To 6
This numbers, 66,69,33, or any numbers that lead to 6, I always see this when I look at the time. I feel that whenever I saw it, it makes me feel that what I ought to do for the certain time won't be done. With this, with the negative thought believing that things won't work it, instead, I took it as a reminder that I should get things done while seeing those numbers, it kinda challenge me though. I just curious what this numbers has to do with my life.
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The Essence of the Number 127
I had a recent dream in which the number 127 was the number of a hotel room that was significant. While there were other significant things that occurred in the dream, the most vivid memory I had when I woke was the number 127.
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2, 22, and 222
Ever since my mum passed away in 2009 I've seen the number 2, 22 and 222 everywhere in random places, clock faces, ticket numbers, receipts, literally everywhere I notice them. What's it's meaning or significance to my life?
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Seeing Three Numbers Everywhere
Please I keep seeing these three numbers everywhere I go. Its very random places but I must know what it means and same numbers as age.
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Seeing the Number 357 Repeatedly
Why do I see number 357 repeatedly? I have the same number to my house and contact numbers. Also keep on seeing it in between.
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10.29 On the Clock
Often when I look at the time it says 10.29 morning or evening. What does this mean?
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Seeing 7:02 for Years
For years I've always seen 7:02. I have nothing that relates to that number and I've always questioned it. Nothing is important during that time. Nothing that I know of has taken place during that time. So why do I see it all the time? And it's been going on for years. I only see it on clocks. I've never seen it on anything else.
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Births and Deaths with the Number 18
Last year my mother died in march and my 18 year old Brother in may... the number 18 is very significant and Kind of ery to me.. ive always felt a phycic ability of knowing Things and reading people and situations its even stronger now He was born 01-17-95 nd died 05-18-13 She was born 04-18-57 nd died 03-12-13 If you notice his thing has 4 18s in turn was the day Our mother was born what is this
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Seeing the Same Set of Numbers All My Life
All my life whenever I look at the time randomly I always see these numbers in order of how frequently I see them. What does this mean? 12:34 1:23 4:56 11:11 12:12
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Always Seeing 10:11 on the Clock
I always see the clock at 10:11. Most of the time twice a day. It is so common that now my friends and family see it and text me at 10:11 as well to be cute. It is one of those things that is neat and weird at the same time. My birthday is also 10/11. I have looked at scripture, Google, etc and I don't really see much except this page. Can you help shed some light and logic to this please?
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Constantly Seeing the Number 43
I constantly see the number 43 around me. It appears on dockets, house numbers, signs the clock.. Is there anything special about the number 43?
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My Favorite Number Is 12
My favorite number is 12. Every time I look at any clock (school clock, car clock, cell phone clock, etc) I keep seeing the time (9:12 AM or 9:12 PM) what does it mean?
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1:14 AM Every Night
I have been having trouble sleeping. And when I do fall asleep I am automatically waken at the exact time every night at 1.14am. I have a feeling that it means something but I need an answer to it.
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A Relationship Meant to Be
I know that my life path number is 3, and I know everything about what that means. I also know my hearts desire number is 8. My question is, am I more compatible with an 8 life path because of my hearts desire number? Or does that not play into effect at all? The specific person this question is about: [birth name and date removed] We have this unexplained connection. People around us have always said "you two are just bound to be together" another said "i can feel it. I have a gut feeling" and ever since I've known him I've always felt extremely.. Different, with him. We've never dated. We're best friends, who have had a physical encounterment a few times leading to things that he does not to this day. I'm moving back home soon (it's been 11 months since I've seen him) and everybody says "he can't stop talking about you, he's changed" .. I also went to a psychic who sees love in my future around July, which is when I will be home. Thank you for the time you take to respond :)
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444 Pops Up All the Time
Number 444 pops up in my life all the time. What does it mean?
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The Significance of the Number 143
What is the significance of the number 143?
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The Number 13 For Almost 3 Years
I've seen number 13 a lot for almost 3 years (When I look at clock). It's my unlucky number, whenever I saw it, something bad may come to me or people I know. I want to know what exactly meaning of it? Thanks
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Always 2:22 On the Clock
Every time I look at the clock its 2:22 but I see this number everywhere receits. Why is that?
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Hour and Last Digit of Minute Always the Same
For some reason for the past few years every clock I look at is constantly on a number thats like 1:11, 7:17, 2:12, 4:14, 6:16. The hour and a 1 in the middle and at the end the same number as the hour. It's getting to the point where all I really need to know is the hour and I can just say what time it is. I don't really understand so I'm hoping you can help enlighten me.
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Adopted and Seeing 11 All The Time
I was adopted. I keep seeing 11 all the time. What does that mean?
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The Number 227
The number 227 has surrounded me all my life. It was my dorm room in college. It was my employee # at my first job. It is my parking pass # now at my present employer. Most recently is my Juror # on my summons to appear for jury selection. It is something that I need an answer to since it is so prevalent in my life.
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Keep Seeing the Number 143
I keep seeing the number 143! On clocks, dates, times, change received from purchases! Sometimes even in my dreams! What does this number mean? Why do I keep seeing it?
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Seeing Repetitive Numbers
I have been seeing repetitive numbers alot lately eleven eleven, one eleven, two eleven, etc. and also three thirty three. It only seems to be when I'm thinking about am I doing the right things to make my wish come true. Is this significant??
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01:11 and 01:23
One night this week I woke at 01:11 in the morning, then last night I woke at 01:23, any significance?
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The Time Always at a Something 11
Every time I check the time it is something 11! At least two or three times a day and 11 pops up a lot in birthdates etc. What does this mean??
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Seeing the Number 10:10 Everywhere
I have been seeing 10:10 everywhere on clocks digital and analog. I wake up and look and it is 10:10 it's weird because it's my birthday. I've had some minor health issues recently and want to know what this means. Is something trying to tell me something?
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Always 59 Seconds After the Minute
I've been noticing a repetitive pattern in my digital clock lately. This pattern doesn't deal with the hour in the day but rather the minutes. Every time I look at the time I see 59 in the seconds place. Any insights on this pattern? Thanks.
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I Need To Know What the Number 25 Means
I need to know what the number 25 means. I am a sensitive/ psychic abilities, and was driving down the road one day, when in my head, popped up the number 25. Then, about a week later, i had a dream, that a man..with eyes blue..the most prettiest blue one has ever seen... Came to me..and handed me 25 cents. I am confused...however..I do believe that the number is important, and of significance. Thank you.
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Numerology Chart with 11, 11, and 11
11,11,11 in my chart what does that mean?
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The Number 310
Does the number 310 mean anything to anyone?
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11:11 on Clocks
I keep seeing the numbers 11:11 on clocks. Literally every day. I'm wondering if its my late father trying to contact me. He died 10 years ago. I am hoping for a career development to evolve soon. It is beginning to unsettle me......any ideas?
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Heart as a Musician
My heart tells me that I should pursue a career as a musician. Is this a correct assumption?
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3, 4, and 9
Why are the numbers 3,4,9 so prevalent in my life?
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The Number 303
I recently visited a shaman, he went through numerology with me. I am a 9. He then did an angel card reading. I am English speaking but the cards were in Spanish. I took a picture and along side a card titled- Apareciendo- I can now see the numbers 303 when looking back at the picture. Does this have any meaning?
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Is My Flat Lucky for Me?
I had rented a flat. It is in 'A' building and the flat no is 401. Is it lucky for me?
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12:34 Every Day, Twice a Day Without Fail
I always look at the clock at 12:34 everyday, twice a day without fail. A couple of years back it was 12:12 or 11:11 or 3:33 etc or 9:11. Is there an explanation behind this?
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Seeing 1212 All the Time
I'm seeing 1212 all the time. For last sometime, issues are going on between me and my husband but I don't want to separate. His name is [name removed], DOB not known. What is the significance of seeing this number repeatedly?
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Seeing 1's and 9's
I am expecting to settle a large medical law suit soon. With that said, I have been dreaming and frequently seeing the number 9. Earlier today I was driving and the odometer had 9's in it as well. I also dreamed about receiving the settlement and could only see the numbers 1 and 9 on the paper. The following night I had a dream that I was arguing with a loved one over money and the amount was 9,000. Also, I went to look at a new home and to my surprise the neighborhood was called"the 9". What could all of this mean?
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16 Years of 11:34
For the last approx. 16 years I've been seeing the number 11:34, it scares me cause backwards it spells HELL, and for some reason I've always associated with something bad is about to happen. Like if I see it 2X a day, for days in a row, it seems something bad ends up happening. Now I've been seeing 9:11 and its scaring me too! I still see the other but I'm seeing more of this one now. Please help me in understanding what this must mean for me, so maybe I can relax some when I see these. Obviously I'm hoping it's not as bad as what I think it is.
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Travel Agent for 32 Years; What Now?
I have been a travel agent for 32 yrs and resigned Sep 3, 2013 as it was becomig too stressful causing me high blood pressure and panic attacks. I have been looking for a job with no luck yet finding anything. Should I stay in the travel industry or seek another type of employment? I am interested in being a Nanny but none has answered my application process. What type of employment should I seek?
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111, 1111, 1101, 1011, and 1010
Almost a year, I started seeing continuous sequence repeats, while at the clock, on-line, rarely seen outside. Start with 111, 1111, 1101, 1011.1010. Recently this sequence change as 1414, 1444, 4411.1044 ... Even when gaming or combo scores I also met them. I think it has a certain sense, I did learn a lot and see if it's coincidence as a sign to start a new life. Because I've been changing my life.
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11, 22, and Tripled Numbers
I see the 11:22 a lot. And triple numbers also (ex. 111, 222 333 444 555). Is there anything specific the universe is trying to tell me that I may need to know? even more, when I notice these numbers, something is always going on with me- like particular thoughts. I will have a thought and then I am prompted by my mind to look at the clock. Then, there is a sequence of numbers, usually the triple ones.
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A Random Number Followed By 11
I find myself looking at the clock and seeing the number 10:11 9:11 4:11 a random number followed by 11 after it. Is there a meaning behind it?
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Fancy Numbers Like 1.11, 5.55, 2.22, 3.33, and 4.44
Every time when I check the clock I'm watching fancy numbers like 1.11,1.11,5.55,2.22,3.33,4.44. This is happening from past one month. Please tell me the reason. Thank you.
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12:34 For Many Years
I have seen 12:34 repeatedly for many years. Sometimes it is more prevalent than others. Sometimes I notice it myself, and sometimes others point it out to me. Just not certain about the significance. It makes me curious, and I wonder if someone is trying to get my attention from beyond. Thoughts?
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The Number 16
Since my childhood sweet heart came back into my life after 27 years, I look at my cell its either 4:16 2:16 16 is always there? The baby I lost was conseved on the July 16 1983 had to deliver a still birth at 5 months. He was Tommy's boy. So I don't get this 16 stuff.
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Is 108 a Good House Number?
My new house number is 108. Is that a good number?
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The Number 49
What does the number 49 represent?
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Constantly 472
I constantly see the numbers 472 everyday, what does it mean.
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3:04 On the Clock
Almost every time I look at the clock I see 3:04, not matter if its 3am or 3pm, it's always 3:04. I am just curious if there is a meaning when one see's the same numbers on the clock on a regular basis.
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Seeing Lots of Different Numbers
see 6:46 3:03 like every time I'm looking at signs or clocks. Sometimes (rarely) I see 12:12 1:11 but I mostly see the numbers outside of one number are the same like every time I look at a clock I saw 5:55 like once or twice 616 on the tag of a car and many others like 303 646 616 etc, why? What do they mean? Why do I notice them?
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Fascination With Dark, Aggressive, Passionate Men
What's my fascination with dark, aggressive, passionate men?
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Selecting a Mobile Number
How to select my mobile number based on my birthday.
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The Number 472
I constantly see the numbers 472 everyday. What does it mean?
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What Does 222 Mean, and 45?
What does 222 mean? I've seen this number in sequence. Most recently
I've 45 in sequence in the time and temperatures. What do these numbers
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717, 1212, 1222 and 1111
I am seeing 717, 1212, 1222 and 1111 a lot since awakening and growing on that path recently. Have been going within more and more and also started writing a few books. Also, experienced self healing right before my awakening. Would love to hear your thoughts on this.
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A Message I Don't Understand
I feel like I'm being sent a message that I don't understand. There are a lot of 17s in my life. The obvious is my day of birth. Then there's the fact I was born at 10:17 am. I rented a house without knowing the exact address for about two and a half years: after moving in, I found out that the address was 1717 North 17th Street. I've had a one or two other important events take place on a 17th street or on a 17th day. I haven't gone looking for it, but the number seems to dominate my life. Does this mean anything, or am I being silly?
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:51 On the Clock
I've been seeing :51 every time I look at my digital clock in my phone or in my watch. I'm working as an internal security and many things happens that makes me come up looking at the time with :51. Like when somebody gets inside the store, I have to see what time he entered our area and it is 12:51 or 13:51. Today I woke up checking what time is it already, it was 02:51 so I went back to sleep. Later my girlfriend woke up asking me what time is it cause she's leaving for work at early morning, the time was 04:51, gosh its freakin' me out. After that, as we are leaving (had to drive her to work) I thought, don't tell me its :51 again when I come back. I got back home later and check my phone, the time is 07:51 so I was like AAAAAAH! Its scaring me already... What does this mean?
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525 All the Time
What does the number 525 mean when I see it all the time on the TV when I check the time? On car tags everywhere. I use to live at 525 before meeting Robert. Now he lives at a 525.
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Seeing 911 or 11:09 Repeatedly
I have been seeing the number 911 (or 11:09) repeatedly for a while now. I have always been very concerned, looking for the answers online, asking student tarot readers, etc…. Yet haven't found an answer. It feels like every time I look at a clock, or a math equation, or some random thing, these numbers follow me. Is it in my head? Or is there a certain meaning behind them?
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8:16 Twice a Day
This is weird I know...when I look at the time, I often see my birthday. It could be 8:16am or 8:16pm. It's uncanny and my girlfriend notices, too. What the heck does that mean?? I swear I don't do it on purpose!
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It Has Become Strange Seeing All These Numbers
Why do I see a lot of 11:11, 1;11, 11:24, and a lot of 7, 17, 57 in and out of my daily life without looking for them. It has become strange in recent months. What is causing this
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Boyfriend and Eights
Some years ago I met a boy who's previous girlfriend was born on the same date as me-08.08.[year removed] - with a year bigger than me. Therefore he fell in love with me and I fell in love with him. But nothing happened between us-mostly because the interference of his mother and my mother who were against our union. So we got separated without being boyfriends even but this was crucial for me. I could not live I could not live without him and I cannot even today. He is the only one thought in my mind and I hope he will come back because I have been denying all other offers from men after him. Now I see 8;88;888 as numbers of cars very often everywhere. What does this mean?
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The Number 43 My Entire Life
I have been seeing the number 43 my entire life. From being born on 43rd street to being number 43 in my class. I see it everywhere, everyday license plates, grocery bills, I pick it out every time. Can you tell me what thta means. Just yesterday i pick a spiritual card from a deck the card said "God is my source, I cannot see apart from him." Then today turned the card over and the number 43 is on the back. Can you help me?
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911 Following Me Everywhere
I have been seeing the numbers 911 on clocks, papers, website pages. Its like these numbers are following me everywhere. Could it be a spiritual message? Please help this is really weird.
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The Number 13 Since 2010
Hi, this was happening to me since 2010, every time I see number 13 I don't know what does it mean. Just want to know whether it is good for me or not. In which manner it relates to me. I see this number as time, written on street light pole on bus, truck calculation matches everywhere.
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Life-changing Events On the 7th
I have a question. My sister was in a car accident on Feb 7. Her daughter and husband were hit by a semi. They could have lost their lives but they didn't die. A few years later my sister was scheduled for a caesarean section on Feb 7. She was nervous to have her baby on that day because of the accident. She gave birth to a healthy baby. Then our cousin had her baby on the same day a few hours later. But later that day our father died of a heart attack. Can there be a connection with this date? Also her wedding anniversary is 07/07/2007. Is their a connection to her with 7s.
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4:18 For Ten Years
For about the last 10 years, I always look at the clock everyday at 4:18. I often wake up even at 4:18 in the morning. I know this must mean something can you please tell me what it means???
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About a year ago I started to see the number 11 a lot. I'd wake in the nite at 3.11. Or I'd get out of work at 2.11 and have 1.11 credit on my phone, it was a year a go I started talking via messengers to some one I went to school with (we never socialised). Now if I'm thinking about him or if I see him I find I see these numbers a lot too. Could there be a connection?
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1 and 3 in Purchase Totals
Okay my birthday is January 3rd 1994... I am a cashier at [name of store removed] and all day long I see my birthday as people's totals. Sometimes it will be 103.00 or 102.99 or 103.94 or simply 103 of any sort and that's just spooky to me. It happens at least 10 times in a day. And even when i have a total and when I'm bored just looking and remembering totals when I divide that total by 2 it's 103!!!!! Idk I just want to know what that means or something.
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02:20, 02:02, 03:33, 06:06, 09:09, 11:11
From last 1 or 2 months when I am looking at the clock, I am seeing this kind of time- 02:20/
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Making House Compatible
My house number is 94 which is a numerology 4. How can I make my house compatible to me? (I am a 9)
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The Sound of 3 16
I constantly see 3 16 and I am always reassured when I see it. For 3 years I would wake a this time at night. I need to hear this vibration. Do you know what it would sound like?
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12:36 Both AM and PM
For as long as I can remember, I have managed to see the time 12:36 both am and pm. Any chance you can tell me why? Thanks.
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I See the Time 9:11 a Lot!
I see the time 9:11 a lot! And other times that end in 11 but mostly 9:11. It's really weird, confusing, and strange. It started about 2 years ago and has only gotten worse. Why do I always see this time? Please answers my questions. Thanks.
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Trying to Get Away From the 8
Somehow I am landing with number 8 as my car no. totals to it or things like that no matter how much I avoid it comes back to me, is it lucky for me we tend to avoid as it is associated with Saturn which is considered to be not favorable to many.
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Seeing 11:27 Twice a Day
Why do I look at the clock almost every day and night at 11:27 which happens to be my birthday?
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What's the Indication of Seeing 302 and 320 Everywhere?
I keep seeing number 302 or 320 every where. What is the indication of this?
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Number Correlation
My daughter was born on 8 August 2005 at 1H58. My mother passed away on the 5th of August 2008 at the age of 58. I was 32 at the time my daughter turned 9. My parents residential address is 32. My houses address near 23. And the pops up everywhere. I would like to know what it means.
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11:34 and Hell
Every day I look at the clock and see it is 11:34. Twice a day... Its been like that for years. Upside down it spells "HELL". What does this mean? I get worried every time I see this and its become more frequent...
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11:11, 4:44, and 5:55
Last night I woke up at 11:11 PM, than at 4:44 AM and again at 5:55 AM. But after reading what those numbers mean, I am confused. Perhaps it is just coincidence that I woke up looked at the clock when the numbers were the same. I just don't know what to make of it
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Also Seeing 12:34
I have also seen the numbers 12:34 almost daily, what does this mean?
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The Number 7
What does number 7 mean?
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Constantly Seeing 13:13 On the Clock
I see constantly almost every day for a few years now, the number 13:13 when I am checking to see what time it is. Even if don't want to see what time it is, it's like something wants me to see the time at this specific moment. 13:13 o'clock.
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Waking Up At 3:33 AM
I have been waking up at 3:33am and normally I'm terrified when I wake up at this time. It keeps occurring almost every night. I don't know what it mean.
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What Does 302 Mean?
What does 302 mean? I am so tired of seeing #302 everywhere. Every time I look at the clock there is always 302 ...if I go out I also see 302 in plates, and everywhere. Even when I get a package it has 302 on it. My apartment number is 302. Please help I don't know what this number means, does it has any connection with my future or I am just being paranoid?
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Numbers Have Always Ruled My Life
Numbers have always ruled my life...I've always seen myself as an 8...when I started dating this guy I would see 8's everywhere...it had been a while before I saw so many 8's....then came the 3's and the 5's....mainly 38, 58, 358...I have been in this romantic situation for some time now and it is becoming increasingly difficult to see the outcome...we are very connected and at times I think he can hear my thoughts...what do these numbers have to do with us? Are we meant to be? [name and birth date removed]
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12:34, 21:43 and 12:43 with 4:06
I'm always looking at the hour 12:34, 21:43, 12:43 and I don't know what that means. I think the universe is trying to tell me something. Usually I see 12:34 when I feel I'm going the right way through life, and 12:43 or 21:43 when I feel out of the way or confused, but lately I just see this hours every day. I wanna know what that means. I also wake up at 4:06 in the night often. Does that has anything to do with the other numbers at all?
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I see 8:18 on the clock. It started a few months ago. It is my birth date and I don't know why I see it everywhere.
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Seeing Numbers Since Last Year Starting with 11:11 and 111
Hey I have been seeing numbers since last year. It started at a time when I was very depressed and hopeless. I have done a lot of praying and have been delivered from my depression. I am now happy. I started out seeing 11:11 and 111 first. Its so weird that I met my fiance in April of 2011, he has 111 in his social security number, we moved to an apartment and the address was 1115. We have recently moved and our address is 11. This is freaking me out. The number won't go away. His name is [name removed] and birthday is [date removed]. Now I have began to see my birthday 516 and my 6 year old daughter birthday 1006. So I see 11:11, 111, 516 and 1006 constantly. I don't know what theses numbers mean. Now when I see these numbers I stop and think about what I was thinking at the time and pray. But that still doesn't help to not be freaked out. Seeing these numbers make me think that something bad is going to happen to me or my daughter. If you have any insight that would be great. I have researched 11:11 since last year and read a lot about angels, but I can not put it together or figure anything out.
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#:20, the Number of Companionship
For the past month I keep seeing different times on the clock everytime I check the time. For instance it's always 4:20, 2:20, 11:20. I'm trying to figure out if this is a message. My grandfather died about a year ago this time and I dream about him. I'm wondering if he's sending a message. His name is [name removed] and his birth date is [birth date removed]
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Successful Until 2010
I have been very successful in my business till 2010. Suddenly I had to give up my business and till now I am without a business and unemployed. I have been living on my savings up to date and my hard earned savings is slowly coming to an end. Will this continue or will I bounce back?
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Why Always 4:22?
Why do I always look at the clock at the same time 4:22? I also wake up at 4:22 AM on my birthday. It's making me crazy! Thank u and God Bless.
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12:34 Many Times Over Many Years
I've seen the time 12:34 so many times over many years, I've been told it's just coincidence but I don't think it's true. So what could it really mean?
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01:01, 11:11, 02:02, and So On
I see the same numerology day by day again and again. Like on my cell phone I see the number like 01:01, 11:11, 02:02, and so on almost in every hr of day. It is beginning almost 2 month from the date. Actually I am in lot of tension these day about my career. I have passed my graduation and I have no job. Also I'm little confused for my career for what to next. Is these numbers ia playing a certain role in my life. Good or bad???
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Seeing the Number 1104 for a Decade
The numbers 1104 as typed appear often in my life and have since 1993, before that never noticed. In totals at register, orders on computer, restaurants, etc. but more importantly on clocks and watches. Digital, wrist, microwave, stove, sons watch when asked, in car, at work, school, significant things happen on. Unintentionally. Look up and see, get out of shower and find, been driving and look...1104. What can this mean for 10 years? Time of death? WHAT?
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4:04 and 11:11
Whenever I look at the clock..or say check my phone. Most of the time it's 04:04am or pm. And sometimes its 11:11. And I keep wondering what it really means. I've people say looking at the time when its 04:04, there's someone talking about you or say backbiting about you. Is it really true? Or does it have another meaning to it.
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4:20 Often and Associated with Unexpected Situation
I keep seeing 4:20 when I look at the clock. This doesn't happen everyday but often. Then last night the shelves in the closet fell and when I looked at the clock it was 4:20.
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I am seeing my birthday 11/23 everywhere, multiple times a day.. I see I every morning and every night on the clock! Sometimes I close my eyes and think to myself please don't say 11:23... And as soon as I open them there it goes! I also see it on other things as well.. I'm really starting to get more freaked out as each day passes.. & the thing is I've seen this number many times a day for over a year now.. All I can think is something bad is about to happen to me on my birthday!! Help please!!! :(
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The Message in 2:21
I keep looking at the clock at 2:21 all the time everyday I need to know the message in this. Please. Thank you!!
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2, 5, 6, and Combinations Thereof
In the past few years I've had the same three numbers come up at various points, those numbers are 2, 5, and 6. They have come up separately and together for instances my son was born on 25th June(6) 2005; I had a termination on 25th February(2) 2006; and I recently slept with the man I'm in love with on 25th May(5)! I am the 2nd of 2 children; I nearly drowned at the age of 5; I was born at 4.55pm on the 2nd day of the week! Also 4 seems to be appearing as well!! I'd be very interested to know what these numbers in all their combinations mean! Thank you.
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Always Seeing the Number 227
I'm always seeing the numbers 227 at work, home and even on TV. What does this mean in my life?
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My Husband Keeps Seeing the Number 29 Everywhere
My husband keeps seeing the number 29 everywhere! What is 29 meaning.
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Consistently Seeing 12:34
For some time now, I have consistently been seeing the time 12:34 on what feels like a daily basis. I have read through the basics about the number, however I know the significance of the name and birth date, and hoped to learn more about my personal involvement with this sequence. I thank you and appreciate any information you can provide.
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What Does it Mean to See 11:11 and 10:10 on the Clock Everywhere?
Hi I have been experiencing weird numbers on the clock and everywhere I keep on seeing 11:11 and 10:10. My mom said that it's her dead husband number and it might mean he's with us but I don't know. I'm so frustrated and nervous. What does it mean?
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The Meaning of 12:21
For the last 3-4 months, I have been seeing the number 12:21 regularly in my clock every night. Every night if I happen to see the clock, it's 12:21 am. And sometimes, during day also I happen to see 12:21 pm. So is there any meaning to it?
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Date and Time of My Dog's Death
My dog of 14 years died 5/21/2013 at 11:25am. What is the meaning behind his time of death and the date? I believe angels are trying to tell me something in these numbers.
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2:22 Twice a Day
For the Last 3 years almost every time I look at the clock it is 2:22....I have no idea what this means or what the angels are trying to tell me. I've always felt connected in that way but I'm very lost at the moment....please help.
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49 and Partnership
[Partner's birth name and date removed] Me and my ex have been having some problems lately. It's always this way. It's sort of a hot and cold relationship. Sometimes I feel like he is still interested with me, and there are times that I feel like he doesn't. And lately I have been seeing the numbers 49. Like whenever I check out the clock it's always something... 49. What does 49 mean?
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12:27 Clock and 2127 Residence
I see the time everyday at 21:27 (9:27pm, but I use that format). The address number of the house I grew up was 2127.
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3 and Multiples of 3
It seems like recently the number 3 or multiples of three are popping up all over. For a while I even woke every morning in the 3 am's. this past weekend as we were headed home after a night out, I looked at the screen on the car's electronic display & between the trip #, the temp outside, etc, in fact at least 4 or 5 of the display numbers were a 6, 66, or 16. The screen was filled with 6's. Just in case this info is pertinent, the other parties in the car. [identification of two people removed] What does it mean when the number 3 & multiples keeping popping up?
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7, 77, 777, and More
I see very often the numbers 77 or more 7! Could you tell please the meaning of seeing those numbers almost every day? Thank you.
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111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666
Apologies. I just read your note stating how busy you are and how hard it is to read every question. I understand there are no guarantees you will answer. Either way I just want to say thank you for the site and your time :) ok my question is, I have been seeing triple digits everywhere lately. 111, 222, 333, 444, 555 and 666. It appears everywhere and frequently. Of course not all of them at the same time, interchangeably. I also see 211 constantly. I mean all the time. This has only been going on for about two months now. I am going to research it but would like an opinion from a professional. Whats the significance of these number patterns? Thank you in advance.
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02 Everywhere for Years
I have been seeing the number 02 everywhere for years. I started taking notice b/c it seemed like every time I looked at the clock it read 10:02, which is my birthdate. Over the last year or so, I seem to see it more and more often, so I started paying closer attention. It now seems as though it's really the number 02 that is consistently coming up...it's not always coupled with 10. Does this mean something? The curiosity of why or what it could mean is driving me nuts. Thanks so much!
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Always 11 Minutes After the Hour
Every time I check the time its always 11 minutes after the hour. Could you please tell me what does this mean?
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20.89, Twice
Today I went into two different stores and purchased various items that I needed. Both times I noticed that the total came to be $20.89. What does this mean. If this helps my nephew did pass away around this time last year and I do think of him all the times. Thanks in advance!!
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Significance of Same-digit Sequences
What is the significance of when my friend, [birth name and date removed], and I look at the clock and its almost always all the same digits, like 11:11, which is the most common one, 2:22, 5:55, 1:11, etc ...and about 98% of the time we're in the same place when it happens, sometimes not, but.....its driving us crazy not knowing. And please do not publish either of our names or birth dates.... Thank you.
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11 Minutes After the Hour
For several years now I am always looking at the clock and it is 11 minutes past the hour. It doesn't matter where I am... It is always 11 minutes after. Can you please tell me what this means? I am very spiritual and intuitive. I was wondering if something is trying to tell me something?
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The Number 9:17
Every time I check a clock I see 9:17 and it is also my date of birth. It fell in the lottery a couple weeks ago where I'm from, too. It's has been going on for a few months now and its pretty creepy now. Please help me get an understanding.
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Significance of 1 and 10
There seems to be a recurring theme going on in my day to day life lately. It may have been occurring long before I took notice of it but each time I look up at the clock it reads __:01 or __:10. It can be any hour at any time of day but it's those last two numbers that stick out the MAJORITY of the time. Even in the same hour for example I can just by chance glance at the clock and it will read 10:01 then when I look away and continue what I'm doing and look again it will PRECISELY read 10:10. Is this some type of sign or message? Does the numbers 1 or 0 or even 10 have significance?? Please help!
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911 In 2005, Now Seeing It Again
I used to see 911 all of the time starting 2005 and I just saw 911 again since then. What could this mean?
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Every Time I Look at the Clock it Is 5:55
Every time I look at the clock it is 5:55. Even when the power goes out!! Its been a year now!
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2 In Everything I Do
So my question is the number 2, it is in everything I do or write down. For last week or so I've noticed it everywhere, on the bathroom floor, somethings falling in the number two, when I write things down or when I look at the clock it has read 2:02. I'm so curious!! I just recently found I was pregnant and thinking could this mean there are two?? Please help me figure this out! Thank you so much.
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427 Everywhere
My birthday is 427, and I see it everywhere, a clock, my phone, a license plate, the number emails I have, the time on my computer...on and on and on... I'm starting to get a little freaked out. This has been going on for a couple of years now. What does it mean, or is it just my mind playing tricks on me?
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12:34 Every Day
I am always looking at the clock, every day, at 12:34. It's starting to really weird me out. I have even started texting family members and my fiancé whenever I see this number just for validation and how much it occurs during the day. I'm not sure what this means and I was hoping for some answers. The reason I have given two names for my birth name is because I was born with the name [name removed], but at 6 weeks I was adopted and my name was changed to [name removed]. I didn't know which one had more significance so I gave both. I do not know very much about my birth family so I don't know if its someone that is trying to make me aware of their presence or not. And with my adopted family, the only people that are deceased are family members that I never got the chance to meet. If you could please help me figure out what this means, that would be amazing. I am truly freaked out by this re-occurring event.
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I always look at the clock when it's 9:17 am or pm. What does it mean? It's significant because its my month and day of birth.
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222 for 12 Years
Hi there, I've been seeing the number 222 for around 12 years now, usually once or twice a day, sometimes more. People who spends a lot of time with me start to see it as well. I have recently started seeing 20.02 on the clock everyday for the last 2 weeks. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Namaste.
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What Does the Number 9 Really Mean?
What does the #9 really mean? We are looking to buy a house and the address is 3870 which equals a 9. Thank you for your help.
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Hello! I have seen the numbers 1124 all over the place for the past 2-3 months. I know that's my bday- is that why? It's never happened before. I never really believed in numerology until I started researching why I keep seeing same number pattern. It could be on a clock (mostly), on tivo, dollar amounts. Please answer me! I'd really appreciate it & would be so relieved! Thx!
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11 More Often Than Just Coincidence
Every time I look at the clock I seem to catch it when the minutes are 11, such as 4:11, 9:11, 2:11, 10:11, etc. Does seeing the number 11 have any meaning or is this just a coincidence? It seems to happen to often to be just a coincidence though.
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My birthday is 419 and I randomly look at the clock and 419 appears. Does this number have a specific meaning?
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Every time I look at the clock in the afternoon it happens to be, 4:16. 416 happens to be my ex boyfriends favorite number. What does this mean? Why do I always look when its this number
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The Number 620
For several years now I have seen my birthday (month and day) over and over. It could be the time on the clock, on the license plate in front of me, the amount owed for something I'm buying - you name it. I don't remember when it started exactly. But I do realize it happens more frequently sometimes than others. More often than not, the numbers are in the exact form (620) and sometimes they're in different variations like 062, 602, 260, etc. I do very often have very lucid dreams and have had some preminitions, but the numbers are never in my dreams.
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Which House Number Is Better?
I have two house numbers to select to stay 329 and 1221. Which is better for residential purposes?
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12:18 Every Time I Look at the Clock
For these past 3 months everytime I look at the clock I always 12:18 and I was born 12/18/1977..??
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Date of Cesarean Operation
What is the meaning of this numbers? 11-16-2012 because this date I will choose for my cesarean operation. Is it good numbers?
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7 Has Been Dominant Throughout My Life
My life path number is 2 but I was wondering what it meant that the number 7 has been dominant throughout my life. The month I was born, the month I got married, the day I was divorced was number 7. Number 3-7 was the day I hired in my work place. the year I graduated high school was 1974. Could you shed some light on this please. Thank you.
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Seeing the Number 16 Everywhere
I've been seeing number 16 everywhere. I do not know what it means. All I know is that in 2003 I broke up with my long time bf on 16. I am married now. I am paranoid and scared that the same thing is going to happen?
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11:11, 01:11, and an Angel
I am always seeing the numbers 11:11 or 01:11 pretty much on a daily basis. When it first started I was told that an Angel was thinking of me and to make a wish, now this is happening like I said on a pretty much daily basis and when I look at a clock it seems to be at that number, even when I went to go pay for gas I looked up at the time on the lottery machine and it said 11:11 so I bought a ticket, I didn't win, but I felt I should buy one. This is toooooo much of a coincidence when I am now seeing this sequence everywhere. Please help.
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7 and 26
My birthday is 7/26 & the number keeps popping up everywhere in some combo or other. I woke up this morning & looked @ the clock it was 7:26, woke up in the middle of the nite & it was 1:26, it happens ALL the time so much. What does it mean?
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Prominent 3, 5, and 7
In my life the numbers 3,5,7 are very prominent always around me. 2 brothers born on 5th one died on 5th other on 25th buried on 15, but also some very lucky things were number 5 has come up. I have 5 children. Just wondering what them three numbers mean as always around me. Thanks.
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Combinations of 12 and 21 On the Clock
Is there a specific meaning coupled with the numbers 12:21/12:12/21:12 because I seem to encounter them everyday, even when I randomly want to check the time?
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1's and 4's Everywhere
I have been seeing 1's and 4's everywhere, in all types of combinations, 111, 444, 411, 1144, etc. What does this mean?
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2:35 Every Night
I wake every night and when I look at the clock it is always 2:35 AM. What does this mean??
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Seeing the Number 11 for At Least 2 Years
For at least the last 2 years, almost every time I look at a digital clock, it is literally almost always 11 minutes after the hour. I often catch 11:11 once out of the two times a day it passes, but several times a day, it's always 11 mins. after the hour. Now in the times we live in, I also text quite a bit. Noticed recently that several times a week the exact time I send one is 11 mins after the hour. In fact, just yesterday, I sent a text that was text #111 to someone at 11:11 am. This can't just be a coincidence. I see 11 after the hour no less than 5 times a day. I even stopped to get popcorn out of the microwave and looked up at the time remaining after I removed the food and guess how much time was remaining on the timer... 1min and 11 seconds! I just want to know if there's any meaning to this. I feel like someone is trying to tell me something, but I have no idea what or why 11 is the number I keep seeing. I hope someone has some insight on this.. It's kind of driving me crazy!
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11/11/11 and 17 and 19
Is there any significance to this? I met my new boyfriend on 11/11/11, his name is [name removed], his birth date is [birth date removed] and 11 is his favorite number, also our anniversary is [#]/19/11. I see 19 and 17 a lot and the 19th is my ex-boyfriend's birthday as well which [#]/19/[#].
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The Number 26
I see the time on a clock at 10:26, my birthday is 10-26, my sons birthday is 2-26 ([name removed]). It seems to be the number 26, I see it on exit signs, not even looking for them. Tags on the back of cars. Signs. This started happening daily when I asked my fiance to leave and he moved out. Although I haven't mentioned it to him. In case this helps his name is [name removed] and his Birthday is [date removed]
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12's, 6's, and 3's
I have been realizing that the number 12 comes up a lot. It showed up in a relationship of mine every time we broke up and got back together. Also in a new relationship I tried. Plus in the years as a child in my baby book shows a lot of three's. Six also shows up to also 3. They are all half of each other: half of 12 is 6 and half of 6 is 3; everything leads back to 3. The year I graduate is 2013 if you added each number you would get 6. Please help explain this.
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The Numbers 5 and 11
My date of birth is 5th November - 5/11. Every day I see 5.11pm and 5.11am. Countdown timers I look at and they have 5.11 mins to go. Every day there is something symbolising 5 11. What does this mean?
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The Number 127
this question is about the number 127 for years now i see this number people say its just because of my birthday this number appears allot when things are okay but sometimes at the crappiest times im had a great life to start up until my junior year of highschool when i dropped out and started drinking alot i do drink alot to this day and my bday is 127 so next year ill be 21 and my birth date 1992 adds up 1+9+9+2=21 i would like to know before my birthday can i please get some advice it makes me nervous and anytime i see it and explain to someone else they start to see it unless we loose connection then it fade away
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The Number 1116
So lately I've been seeing my birthday everywhere. 11:16. Whether I'm at home and notice it on the clock or I'm at the store and it comes up as a total price. I've also been thinking a lot about my little brother who I haven't seen in years, who also has the same birthday as me, but were not twins. We were born 12 years apart. So I guess my question is what does the number 1116 mean and could the connection to my little brother be the reason I keep recognizing this number everywhere?
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The Mystique of 0123
Every time I look at the clock it says 01:23. During the day and even when I wake during the night. If I can't sleep during the night and look at the clock it says 01:23. Why is this?
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My Favorite Number Is 7
I've been seeing the #34 a lot, especially on the clocks, I see it on receipts, sometimes I read a magazine and it will be on page 34. My favorite number is 7, I have 2 7's on my birthday, my grandmother passed away the same day I was born & I was given her exact same name. I have 3 daughters one born on 2-5-[redacted], which also has a 7 by adding 2+5 her name is [redacted], which also have 7 letters, the second one was born on 7-[redacted], she also has a 7, her name is [redacted], my 3rd one was born on [redacted]-25-2007, which she also has 2 7's and her name is [redacted], which has 7 letters also. Although I don't feel scared that I always see it, I feel like someone is trying to say something to me. I am also very intuitive, my youngest sister had a baby [redacted] & her due date was 6-23-[redacted], but one day I had a strong intuition that her baby was going to be born on 6-25 and she was, which also has a 7. Is there any meaning behind this, or is it just me, but my intuition says no, there's something else.
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9, 29, and 929
For the past few years I always see the numbers 9:29 on the clock. Morning and night. My birthday is 9/29 but im not sure why I always see it on the clock. I am curious what the numbers mean.
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Numbers Containing the Digit 3
I too look at the clock everyday at 3:13. Otherwise it may be 3:33. So many places I've lived contained 303 in the address. Three's follow me in other ways as well. What is up?
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Seeing the Number 227 For Years
I have been constantly seeing the number 227 for years now but only at certain times in my life. I am wondering what it means? I have a few ideas but im not sure exactly which one it could be connected with. Please help!
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I See The Number 44 Everywhere
I see the number 44 everyone, whether it's the time, a page in a textbook I need to read or the sum of a dinner tab. I'd like to know the meaning of 44.
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1188 In My Life In Many Ways
There is a certain number that keeps popping up in my life. That number is 1188. 1188 was the last four digits of the last phone number my family just before we moved away from the town I grew up in. It was the last four digits of the phone number for a job I had and loved. It's the first four digits of my driver's license and the LAST four digits of my boyfriend's driver's license! Those are the more significant instances where it's popped up in my life. Can you tell me the significance of the number 1188?
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What Do The Numbers 8 And 88 Mean?
What do the numbers 8 and 88 mean for me? The numbers come up a lot and mean a lot for someone close who has passed. Is it a message from him?
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Does 143 Really Mean 'I Love You'?
I dont know how stupid is this... But I keep seeing exact 143 everywhere... Right now i just watched this... Time is 1.43... As everyone knows 143 is 'I love you' but... That makes no sense here... I broke up on 14th Feb this year... I am not getting anything about it... Does it really mean anything? Or is this a pure stupidity?
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What Does the Number 53 Mean?
What does the number 53 mean to me? It keeps popping up everywhere and I was just wondering if it meant something or not.
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Waking Up at 2:22, 3:33, and 4:44
I keep waking up at 2:22, then 3:33, then 4:44. This happens all the time. Do you know why?
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Deaths On The 7th
My Grandmother (my moms mother) died 7-7-2003. My father died 7-7-2007. And my mother died 4-7-2012. What does the 7th mean?
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601 and Life Changing New Job
Hello I have been intrigued by Astrology and became fascinated by numerology of late especially when I got a job fairly recently and noticed that the suite no 601 was the same as the house I grew up in. I knew something was different about this place. Knew something was meant to happen there... I developed this intense crush on my supervisor. Anyway there is another suite for the organisation, where I do most of my work that no is 403. I have another job and I realise that the suite no is also 304. My name adds to a 7 and my crush as well his is [name removed for privacy], I don't know if he has a middle name...What does all this 7 mean?
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I Keep Seeing 333
1st Thank you for your website. It's been really interesting and I appreciate it a lot. I'd just like to know why for the last 6 or more months I keep seeing 333 I wake in the middle of the night and see it on the clock (digital) I see it on TV on the DVD clock all over the place. Then periodically I also see 222 never both at the same period. We are trying to sell our house and travel so I hope and we are at a very big pivotal time of our lives (my hubby and I) Thanks for your time. Cheers.
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The Numbers 1211, 211, and 112
Why do I see the number 1211 or 211, 112 all the time?
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Seeing 234 For a Long Time
I have seen the number 234 for a long time now. I'm dying to know what it means for me. It appears things that I randomly glance or here someone say the number. I just want to know what it's suppose to mean.
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Constantly Seeing 22 and 29
Throughout my life, two numbers have always stayed constant, 22 and 29. This past December, I started seeing [birth name removed for privacy] and it became an actual relationship on 12/29/11. Her birthday is on [birth date removed for privacy] as well. So far our relationship has been extremely healthy and has been going great. But does the number 29 mean something to us?
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7:11 Every Day
Whenever I look at the clock in the afternoon, and its randomly I see the time 7:11 and its everyday. I don't know if it means anything but if it does please tell me because I kind of feel it does.
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12 and 21
Meaning of numbers that I am seeing... for instance I will see 12 then I'll see the same number turned around as 21... this has been going on for 2 weeks... its with different sets of numbers... is there a meaning for this?
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The Number 143
What is the significance of the number 143?
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Everyday I look at the clock whether it's in the morning and evening and it's 10:11. If I don't see it on the clock I will see it somewhere else. I'm telling you it's every single day. It's been happening for many many years. I've always wanted to find out the meaning behind the numbers.
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11:04 on the Clock Everyday
I see 11:04 on the clock everyday both am and pm. What does it mean?
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7:11 and 9:11
Months at a time, I can look at the clock and always see 7:11 and 9:11. 7:11 comes up on several levels for me as well. Daughters weight, registration on my car, etc., and then it will stop for a period of time and return again. I would love to know what this means.
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Hello there! I'm wondering what 2:22 is supposed to signify for me? I've seen many synchronicities in my life and have always had 11:11 1:11 12:34 etc. appear to me. But lately the only one I see is 2:22, with the exception of 4:44 as occasionally. It's become undeniable in the past few days, and can't help but wonder the meaning. Thank you!
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813 All The Time Everywhere
I would love to know what 813 means because I see it all the time. I have had a really bad situation, but everything is changing in my life. Please give me an answer! I really wanna know the meaning of this number I see it all the time everywhere! Thanks.
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Seeing 143 For About Six Years
Hi, I know you've already answer this question is your website but I would like to know if based on my name & birth date you see any connections with the number 143. I have been seeing this number for about 6 years now. It's driving me crazy because it's been for so long. Please help.
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The Number 23 Every Time I Look At My Phone
Why I am always seeing the number 23 every time I look at my phone? What does it mean to me, good thing or bad???? Need your answer. Thanks.
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34 and 43
Hi, for several years now, I have been seeing the number 34, or 43 constantly on clocks, statistics, internet browsing, license plates, and many other unusual places. The appearance of the number(s) first came when me and a good friend of mine, [name and birth date removed] began noticing certain coincidences surrounding our lives. From there we started a precedent of discussing about philosophical ideas, dreams, psychology, apocalyptic theories, conspiracies, and paranormal/otherworldly topics to great depths. Ever since, the number 34/43 has been seen by both him and me. Several months ago, it came to a point where I really felt like I was stalked by this number, seeing it well over 15 times in half a day. It's presence has died down significantly but it's still prevalent. We've continued our fascination with these things even today, yet we still don't fully understand what it means. On a side note, I've recently been seeing the number 66 coming up a lot more frequently, if that means anything. I really do appreciate any guidance on what this number might entail for me, as well as my friend.
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Waking At 2:38 AM.
I keep waking up at 2:38 am. What can that mean?
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4:44 Evening and Morning
I keep seeing 4:44 in the afternoon and see it in other places (computer, phone, street, etc.) and wake up at 4:44 am to go to restroom often. Why? Is there a message I'm missing?
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Unbidden 11
Hi. A few years ago, I would see 11 after the hour a lot. So much that it would scare me a little. I felt like something big was going to happen at 11 after the hour one day. I used to joke with my husband. I told him that if something ever happened to me, find out what time I passed. If it was 11 after the hour, it would prove that I'm not crazy. Well, it stopped happening for a while (about a year) but now it's happening again. I don't know what causes it. I don't look for it. Most of the time I don't even want to know what time it is. I just glance over and there it is. Any help would be great
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293 and 12:34
A couple years ago the number 293 came to my head. When someone would ask how many of something or I wanted to exaggerate a number that I was talking about that would always be the first number to come to my mind. Also I used to see the time 12:34 ALL the time the summer before I went to college and now I don't see it anymore. What do these questions mean?
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Always See 23
I always see number 23 even on the clock every hour it shows that it is something 23. Wherever I go I see this number.
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[name and birth date details of friend are omitted] Thank you. Hi, I had a relationship which ended around a decade ago. It was an incredibly painful split for me though I couldn't understand why at the time. It was a relatively short relationship (the first split was after just a fifteen months of being together). After a healing period of around nine months we began talking again as friends. I didn't know whether I wanted to be with him again, though I felt I loved him, as there was something about us that I just couldn't believe in. The relationship felt so whispy, like it lacked anything graspable if that makes any sense. I was frightened and skeptical that the love on both sides was based on fantasy (Neptune is prominent in our composite astrology chart: Pisces asc square nep). He seemed only to really fall in love with me, during the initial relationship, after he'd spent time away / abroad. For the first time I felt he was in love with me (though he'd claimed to be throughout the relationship), as now in my eyes he seemed to demonstrate love in a way that I recognised. However, I didn't trust it. I thought absence made the heart grow fonder for the reason that one is able to fall in love with the idea of the person rather than the present person themselves. During the period of friendship I knew he wanted to be with me, but I was unsure if i wanted that. I needed a lot of time, and I kept dreaming that there were things I needed to do in life and that I'd kind of fallen behind schedule. I didn't want to hold him back from finding love so I sort of encouraged him to meet new people. Finally he did, and I kept having dreams that the relationship he'd started wouldn't progress if he continued his involvement with me. I dreamt there was the potential for him to marry this woman he'd met and have children, but only if I got out of the picture. I didn't want him to lose the opportunity of something potentially good and fulfilling as I couldn't guarantee that he would one day have this with me. The relationship for me had been a very unusual and unsettling one. In my previous relationships I had grown to love the people after long periods of friendship and getting to know each other. This relationship had on the contrary begun very suddenly from a chance meeting and immediately we became a couple. On the night we met I had felt that I would meet someone just before I left the house to go out. I could feel him in the room when I arrived. Something kept making me look over to where he was, though I couldn't see him amongst the crowd. Finally when he came over, he instantly looked and felt familiar. I felt trepidation about getting involved with him, I didn't want to. But, somehow I just let myself despite myself. During the time we were together I could feel who he was, and whatever he was I felt a very natural and gentle love for. To me, he felt as if we were the same, just the masculine and feminine version. Like our essence was the same but we expressed it very differently. However, I wanted a love I could grasp based on material knowledge of him rather than just feeling. I tried to rush / push the getting to know each other and pressured him unfairly. I was frightened; I felt a drift. I wanted him to love me on the same bases of material knowledge, and I was incredibly hurt that he didn't seem to want to learn all about me. I had such fear about us not working out. Another very difficult aspect of this was that he seemed to have very little knowledge of himself. He didn't seem to know what my feelings recognised him to be. Finally I felt so guilty about pushing him to recognise himself. He was under pressure from me and it wasn't making him happy. I thought it was unfair, so I decided not to do it anymore but also found I couldn't be with someone who lacked so much knowledge about themselves and also one who didn't seem to have the desire to. When he went abroad to work I hoped that he would meet someone, have a fling and gain a little more self knowledge and insight into my experience of the relationship. I don't know whether he did or not, but this is when he appeared to really start falling in love with me. Around five months later we split. We were back in touch nine months after that. During the past decade I've thought of him all the time. Maybe here and there I've had a few months break in between, but it has felt tiringly incessant. Sometimes I could explain it, as I might have recognised a behavior of my own in my subsequent relationship that had caused me to understand how he was, how he felt or why he did certain things. But otherwise, I've generally felt like these thoughts of him have been an unwanted, inexplicable intrusion. I could say it's like obsession, except I feel no need of thinking about him - I just do. It was the shortest relationship I've ever had. I don't regret finishing things with him. Until the last month or so I've never before felt like I wanted to be with him again, certainly no desperation or soul pain that people speak of about being separated from their beloveds. And since the decade old break up, apart from the odd fleeting feeling (years apart), it's only now that I've started missing him. I can't explain it to myself. Recently, I keep feeling that he's my soulmate. I've felt that all of my relationships have been with a soulmate. But, this is different, more proximate. The feeling is like we're twins. I hate the idea of being half of anything, but it's close to that. I keep remembering how for a time when we were together I would look in the mirror and somehow see him. We look totally different. It was my face but it was like his energy or something. Very difficult to describe. I feel as though we belong, but that it's not necessity that we are together. Recently, I've been thinking often when is he going to going to feel this? And, will he decide to contact me? I've never felt tearful about him since we were last together until this past few days. I've been looking into astrology for some explanation of why thoughts of him and now relationship prod at me so much in this way. I've looked at tropical natals, draconics, 9th harmonic charts and compared them all one to the other. I've seen strong love ties in them all and descriptions of each of us that are similar, but i wonder if I'm seeing this because I need some sort of answer rather than there really being anything of great significance in or between the charts. Whilst researching aspects of the charts on the net the other day, I was reading a thread on twin souls and I saw something that made me burst into tears. An astrologer said twin souls are essentially the same but express themselves as opposites. Immediately I recognised this was almost word for word what I had always said and felt about he and I. Since then I keep crying (i never did before), and wondering if and when. I feel as though I'm waiting for him, sometimes willing him. I don't feel it's a need or a must. It's very strange. Maybe now that I've got all this out in writing, I won't be prodded any longer. Please, do you think he and I are sort of special soulmates? Like I said, I've had / have quite a few in my life but this is different. Perhaps it only feels that way because the relationship wasn't substantial i.e. different to those I've had before and since. Any answer at all would be very much appreciated. Kind regards. P.S. I think he married very recently, and I'm a bit jealous (though I don't wish marry).
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(Continued) 1:11, 11:11, 12:12, 21, 24, 44, 214, 241, 412
Hello sir, I was actually stunned and amazed at what you had just told me before I was the one who asked about the numbers... (1:11, 11:11, 12:12, 21, 24, 44, 214, 241, 412) before... :P I'm hoping you don't mind if i ask another question. You have mentioned that the other numbers, 2 and 4, are only present because of the influence of my ex. What does it mean? I'm just curious because... does that mean that he is still currently present in my life because i see this numbers, or is it because I let it influence me? I'm asking because I guess I'm also curious if we do still have a chance of getting back together and maybe these numbers keep on showing up because it means something... I would gladly appreciate your input on this. I will be waiting patiently. :)
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7, 17, 717
Hi! Okay! I have been seeing the number 717 for about a year now non-stop. It's almost in everything that I do. I'm not scared of this, but a bit confused. I know it's my birthday, but what could It possibly mean? I was born on the 7th day, 7th month, I was 7 lbs. 7 ounces. Can you please help me?!
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1:11, 11:11, 12:12, 21, 24, 44, 214, 241, 412
OK, so my ex broke up with me about a year ago... and after our breakup, I've been seeing these numbers often. 11:11, 44, 21, 24... and anything that has to do with numbers 241, 412, 214... I think you get what I mean... then lately there is this additional number... 12:12 I don't know if this has anything to do with my ex, we've been talking lately... well more like weeks ago, that's when I see 12:12 or 1:11 more often. But these week we haven't been speaking that much... and I don't see those numbers anymore... what does it mean?
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Daughter and 3's
My daughter [name removed] is middle named after our best friend Rory who died two weeks before my daughter was born. She was born at exactly 3:03 AM on [birth date removed]. Are the 3s a sign of something or numerology a meaning maybe? Not sure, please help. Is she special inn some way? I'm gifted with god given intuition and I think the 3s mean something, a symbol of something maybe.
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313, 326 and 422
What do the numbers 313, 326 & 422 mean? Once I woke up 3:13am and since then 313 is everywhere, people I meet randomly mention 313 in conversations. Its on clocks, timers you name it. Even my vehicle registration. The first time ever I decided to buy a 2 year tag registered just in case the price spikes again and it says 313! Before that 326 was the number following me, now I fluctuate between both. 422 however just popped up recently, and I hope it won't continue to follow me too. On Friday 4-22 I was in Room 422 and got some real bad news. That's when I noticed the presence of 422 around me.
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Friend and Repetitive Clock Times
Every time I look at the clock I see numbers 1:11, 11:11, 3:33, 4:44, 5:55 but now a days I've been seeing these numbers at night. And the weird thing is, I will always be thinking about a certain person and see the time right away. I'm not trying to see the same numbers or I don't even think about it, I just happen to look at the time whenever I'm hopeless or happy about something. I really want to know what this means. Another thing is, after I told my friend about this and he found it ridiculous ever since then he's been seeing the same numbers too and when we're driving we see these numbers at the same time. I can't believe that it's a coincidence every time. Please help me understand what this really is!
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11:11, 9:11, 4:11, 5:55, and $4.01
This numbers thing started when I would wake everyday wide awake at 11:11am. That went on for two weeks. Then I was seeing numbers such as 9:11, and 4:44. Now been seeing 5:55, and the last two times I went through the drive thru, at different restaurants the total came up to $4.01. I was thinking about someone both times, the same person. This is why it caught me by surprise. Any correlation? What do these numbers mean? Thank you for you time and answers.
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The Numbers 211, 411, and 911
Hi. I keep seeing the numbers 211, 411, and 911 when I look at clocks. I have been told that 11 is a bad number to see. If the 11 is a warning then how do you find out what it is warning you about?
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We Both See 211 a Lot
For the past several years, the number 211 is constantly popping up everywhere. It started as being a Friends ambulance number that he drove, then I started noticing it everywhere! It's almost aggravating how much I see it. I told my wife about the number before we got married, and now she sees it just as much as I do. Her name is [birth name and date removed]
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The Number 69 For 7 Months
I have been seeing the number 69 for almost 7 months. It first started in the end of June where I would just look at the temperature gauge in my friends car and it would just happen to be that number. Then one day I went to my friend Kevin's house and one of his friends Mario put two cards down on the table that were a 6 and a 9 and told me we should go do something. After that my friend Pete bought be a cancer lighter and when you pressed the side 69 shone out of it. My friend Kev who I was trying to get with went to jail in September. I thought he was dead, so I decided to look him up online to see if he was really there. When I did the ending of his jail number had 669. He got out on December 6th nine days early. The only day I got a 69 as a lucky number on a fortune cookie and I get fortune cookies a lot was the day he asked me to hang out. I was freaking out to my friend Richi one day and he told me to add up Kevin and I's phone numbers and it just happened to equal 69. A! little while ago I was dating this guy and he put our names in some relationship generator and it came out as 6.9 compatible. I ended up breaking up with him and was out with my friend Brandon who brought me to a hotel and as we were leaving it said 169 weekly in bright red letters on the side of the building. On the way home we passed Kevin's old apartments and the beginning of the phone number was 669. Whats it all supposed to mean and does it have anything to do with Kevin? His birth name is [name and birth date removed]
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83495, 83765, 93971, and 97170
I have recently woke up (on 2 separate occasions) repeating a set of 2 numbers both times. The first set of 2 numbers a few weeks ago was 83495 & 83765. This morning (01/19/11) I woke up with the following set of 2 numbers: 93971 & 97170. Both times I woke up from/after a dream. I do not remember the dream from a few weeks ago and do remember part of the dream from this morning. I do however remember NOT seeing any of these numbers in either of the dreams and I say this with absolute surety as both times I woke up asking myself why am I repeating these numbers in my head without having seen the numbers in the dream. Can you tell me what the numbers mean. The first 3 out of the 4 set of numbers add up to 29 and the last to 24 which added further come to 11, 11, 11 and 6. Any assistance appreciated. Thank you.
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Lots of 11's After Getting Married
I got married, hyphenated my name and suddenly I am seeing 11 in my life everywhere. We just bought a house, the address is 2311. I noticed this at first everyday with the clock at 9:11, morning and night. Then it started with tons of number combos. Then I realized that the new year was 2011. I looked it up and noticed that the number 11 is important for spirituality and at this time in my life things are coming together. There has been a great deal of change over the last year, all good change, for the better, but certainly hard work. This number issue started to come up as the hardest parts of this time were peaking, and now the fruits of the labor are beginning to materialize, but the 11s keep trying to tell me something. I think the message it positive, but I am intrigued by your site, and your assessments. My new legal name is [name removed] and if it matters we were married on 09-04-10. Thanks so much! Happy New Year!
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The Number 918
What does 918 mean? I have been seen this number for the last 2 years.
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9:11 Everywhere
I've been seeing the number 9:11 everywhere since I've been about 10, about 9 years before the twin towers so it has nothing to do with it. Just wondering if anyone knows if its significant with anything. I looked on the internet but nothing about it :/
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What Does 43 Mean?
What does 43 mean? I am so tired of seeing #43 anywhere. Every time I look at the clock there is always 43 like 11:43, 1:43 etc...if I go out I also see 43 in plates, and everywhere. Even when I get to pay the book in the store the amount is 143 or 43. Please help I don't know what this number means, does it has any connection with my future or I am just being paranoid?
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911 and 1800 In Australia
I just got a new number in Australia that has the digits 1800 and 911 in it. 1800 is a free call number in Australia. Does it mean it is a bad luck number if it has 911 in it? Also all the digits in it equal to 25 and 1987 added together is 25. Thanks.
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Number :25 On The Clock
Okay so for about a couple months now I've looked at the clock at certain times, at first it was just at 9:25 which is my birthday so I thought nothing about it, I just thought it was a cool coincidence, but lately its been any hour at something:25, like sometimes its 6:25 or even 12:25 but it happens a good number of times a day, do you have any clue on what that can mean?
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646 And 212
I keep seeing the numbers 646 and 212 everywhere for years now. I know they are the NYC area code and they are my old fling's work and cell number. I haven't seen him in a year and a half and yet I see these numbers every day everywhere. Receipts, the clock, miles...everywhere. What on earth does this mean?
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119 In Death And Life
I almost died on 1-19. A few yrs later I met my boyfriend. His birthday is 1-19. A couple yrs later my friend died on 1-19. I worked around someone their birthday was 11-19-1919. They recently passed away. 911 I now think is weird or 9-11(sept.11). Why is this number always life and death? Is this number bad? Over the yrs I look at the time or see a price and take notice to those numbers often.
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910 and 911
In the past few years I have been seeing the numbers 911 and 910 a lot. 910 is the last numbers of my exboyfriend's phone number and ever since we broke up I've been seeing it a lot. I don't know if this is any relation, but my ex and I have the same birthday but different year. What does 910 and 911 mean?
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444, With 3 And 7
Okay, can you tell me what the meaning of 444 and how does 3 and 7 relate to it. I see these numbers together like this all the time, for example on license plates, on the clock,(are my two most common instances where I've seen these numbers); however, I've even seen these numbers after I've calculated numbers and sum is 444. I've had one instance where I've seen these numbers on a door of an establishment I've entered. Oh yeah, my address is 444!!! 3(completion) and 7(perfection) happen to be my favorite numbers, somewhere in that 444 my favorite numbers appear. My Mother carried a number 7 in her purse, which I found after her passing. My mother found out she had lung cancer in October, 7 month later she passed, in the 4th month on the 7th day. It's been 7 years since her passing.
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I keep seen the number 3:49, normally on clocks, but also on prices, TV ads, address,...This been happening for nearly 5 years. This year been less frequent. What this means??? Help!
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The 23 in My Life
I see the number 23 or a variation of it everywhere. My birthday is 3/23. My first car engines size was 232 ci.I was given a football jersey as a gift it was number 23. I see always see the number on the clock 6:23, 7:23, 2:30, etc. What does this mean?
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Surrounded With 7s
I find the number 7 surrounding my life a lot, what does the number 7 mean in all aspects of life?
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Birthdays Are All 6's
Both me and my close friends birthdays fall on a 6 or a multiple of 6. I was born on 9/6/83, another on 9/12/83, 9/18/83, 2/6/84 and 3/6/84. And another on 1/24/84 (that one is more of a stretch). Does that mean something significant?
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11 and birth date on clock
I constantly see 11 minutes after the hour on any digital clock I look at. What does this mean? I also see my birth date on a digital clock at least once a day if not twice.
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Always 10:10 or 11:11 or 1:11
For the past month (at least) it seems that every single time I look at the clock it is either 10:10 or 11:11 or 1:11. I've had it happen in the past, but never for a month (or more) straight.
It's kind of starting to drive me crazy with interest as to WHY this is happening to me all of a sudden and so frequently.
Could someone please give me some info and/or advice?
Thank you so much in advance!!
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My friend, the number 11
I have seen several times that include the number 11. Such as 1:11, 2:11, 3:11, 4:11, 11:11 and so on. I see the number all day no matter what I'm doing I can look over at the clock and its the time with the hour and 11. I was wondering if that is a good thing or does it mean something. Well I really hope you acan help. Thanks so much.
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Since late last year I would look at the clock and see 9:11. It became stronger since January this year. I decided to quit my job in December without having another to go to. Something I wouldn't normally consider. I also broke up with my boyfriend in December which I was very upset about. He has recently got in touch with a new phone number which has 911 in it (in the exact order). I have been offered a job out of the blue which would involve moving to another country. The flight is 911.
I'm very anxious about whether I should stay or go, if I don't go it would have a serious impact on my finances. Or maybe I should find a completely new path. Is it possible 911 has some significance in all of this?
I'd be grateful for your insights!
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Lots Of Duplicate Numbers In Clock Times
For the past 2 weeks I keep seeing these numbers on my mobile phone or clock 2.21, 05.55, 16.16, 21.21, 23.33 they are doubles or triple numbers. And it happens every single day many times in that day. Could you please shed some light on this?
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12:12 Always, For a Long Time
My number I always see is 12:12..and I mean always..some weeks more frequently other not every day. Some times I'll talk to people about it and no-one gets what I'm saying..like I'm strange or something. Seriously though I always see 12:12 on the clock, It comes up all the time on things..I was telling my husband about it and that same day I get my atm card in the mail and expiration is 12/12, then one day I look at my speedometer and as I look at it, it rolls onto 12,012 miles...wtf??? Can you please give me your oppinion what this is..this has been going on for years...
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The Number 15 Has Always Appeared In My Life
The number 15 has always appeared in my life, like one time I played bingo had the number 15 on my cards and ended up winning over and over again. What does this number mean?
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17 and 27 and Relationships
17 and 27 seem to have significance over and over in my life. My 1st husband and were married on 2/17/91 we split up 10/27/91 and his birthday is 1/27/60. I married my 2nd husband 8/27/94 and split on 10/17/06 his birthday is 11/17/72. my 3rd love and I got together on 10/27/06 and split on 01/17/09 and his birthday is 9/27/69. Mind you all 3 of these men are also left handed. The next guy I dated we got together on 7/27/09 and split on 1/17/10 his birthday is 06/01/80 but is right handed. now the 3rd man mentioned and got back together on 05/07/10. I have 3 sons...their birth months are April (4), May (5), and August (8) which added equal 17. Is this just coincidence? Is there something I am oblivious to here? starting to get freaked out!! Thank you.
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11, 11, Always 11
I was seeing the clock at 9:11 all the time. Then it had increase. Now I see it at all the time. Now 2:11. It doesn't matter what time, I just see 11. Then the other day at the store the lady in front of me he total was 9.11. I was like oh my god...it's getting worse...kind of freakin' me out..whats going on??? Please help!!!
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313 everywhere
I see the Number 313 Everywhere and the problem is I get a bad vibe from it. I used to think my Birthday was lucky. I don't believe in the number 13 being bad but for some reason I get a bad feeling like I'll be asleep and I'll wake up out of no where look at the clock and it would be exactly 313am then I'll go back to sleep its just so wierd. Last night I jumped up out of my sleep like if someone had pulled me up I actually woke up with a scared feeling and I looked at the clock and it was 313am. Then I have had 3 guyz I've dated and their birthday is March 13 which is 313. I would like some advice or can u tell me is it good or bad...
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33, 333, and 3:33
The past 4 months I have been seeing the numbers 333 a lot. On clocks it's 3.33pm and even waking early morning to see 3.33am. At the gym I see 333 on the cross trainer or I open a book and I see 33 or 333 in text...I watch TV and suddenly 3.33 pops up! I don't look for it, it just randomly happens and it seems very strange it's exactly 333 a lot of the time. Is there any answers for this or is my mind just playing tricks on me?? My dad died recently and I keep thinking is this a sign or something?
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11 and 22
I would like to ask what 11/22 means? I always see them together or even separate. But 22 is the number I see the most and whenever I see it or hear the number I always feel better that it's involved. I like the number 22 a lot better than the number 11, because the number 11 always seems to like depress me. What could that mean?
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11 a Lot
For quite some time I found myself noticing the number 11 a lot, especially on the clocks. I feel that the Universe is sending a message that I must decode, so can you help me with that? I understand that in numerology the 1 and 11 are numbers for new beginning, balance and harmony. Do I miss this qualities? I have some health problems as well, is this a message on how to tackle them? Thanks in advance.
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11:11 and a Suspended Relationship
I've been seeing 11:11 a lot lately. I've also seen it in conjunction with other reminders of my friend who hasn't spoken to me in over 2 months. Is there any insight you can provide me with to why I'm seeing these numbers and if my relationship with my friend will get better?
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Ubiquitous 666
Within the last two weeks my husband and I have been encountering the number 666. It first started when I received a check (arising from my self employment) the check was for $666.00. A couple of days later at the insurance comany we had a bill to pay for 356.66. Prior to these happenings I placed an order for some specialty cheese. A couple of days after the insurance company incident the cheese shop called and said my cheese was in and that it was 6.66 Per pound and just yesterday my husband came out of a convenience store with a receipt for the items he had purchased... The total of our purchase was 26.66. In addition to the number 666 my husband had a black cat cross his path... And he just stopped short of walking under a latter and now that I think of it... There have been a total of 6 things that have our superstitious minds whirling. We are not crazy people... But, this is freaking us out enough that it warrants some insight from a third party... Please help!
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2's in the weirdest places.
I keep seeing 2's in the weirdest places: hairs on the bathroom floor curled up in the shape of 2's, playing cards (on two different occasions in two different places!) unexpected phone calls/visitors at 2:00, appointments at 2:00; the list is endless. I haven't really had an experience like this before. All of these 2's have been popping up over the last two months or so. What would this mean? Would this be a "lucky" number or could it be some kind of omen? It has happened too many times for me to brush it off as a coincidence.
I realize how busy you must be, and I would like to thank you in advance for reading this. :)
Thanks! :)
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I have a question about a time I always see on the clock. I always seem to look at the clock whether it be am or pm. I always look when it is 9:11. this has been for as long as I can remember, long before 9/11 attacks.
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10 and 4
I was curious as to what 10 and 4 bring. My boyfriend was born on 4/10, he weighed 10lbs 4oz, his mom was in room 104, he was born at 4:10.. and many other instances. Any insight?
Also, if you have time, what do you see for the future of our relationship? It's been tough, as we live 2 hours apart in different countries, full time students.
Thanks so much for your time.
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Me and my boyfriend see 5's everywhere!
Ever since me and my current boyfriend have been going out the number five seems to appear everywhere. I bought him a CD in which the song I wanted him to hear was number five and he did the same for me our birthdays are 5 months appart my my first and middle name both are 5 digets and his middle and last name are 5 digits on my cellphone it put him on for speed dail on its own for 5 and same for him and several other things.... does this mean anything???
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26 Significance
I was born on April 26, my son December 26, my sister August 26. A very significant negative thing occurred to me on Feb 26 this year, Chernobyl was April 26, Tsunami was December 26 can somebody please tell me why 26 is so significant for me and my life?
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For many years now, the number 25 has been apparent in my life:
- my birth date,
- the date my grandfather died (exactly one month after my birthday 4/25),
- the number of the day my nephew was born in the month of 7/25,
- the date my dog was born 6/25 and then...
- the same date we took her home, two months later, 8/25,
- my partners birth date which is the same as my best friends birth date, 11/25
Now recently, I've been noticing stange/unique number groupings, either in my check book or on my mileage in my car. For example: 1213.14, and 2818.08, in my check book and in my car, similar groupings when I happen to look at my mileage, which I never really do: 440044 and similar double or paired one that I did not write down but as an example, 43334 etc. Honestly, I know nothing about numeroligy and after all this time, had to go somewhere with it to get help. I am a very spiritual person and have some ability to that end, but have not explored that either. Any assistance or explanation would be appreciated. I hesitated to write but felt like I could take the chance.
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My daughter has 11's and ll's
My daughter is 10 now, but I always thought it was cool that when she was born everything had double L's or 1's. For example, both [first and last] names have double L's and she was born on January 11th, at 11 minutes after midnight. Does it have any special significance?
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I am writing you becuase I see the number 3:16 in random places not just on clocks I see it at stores on tv in books. it seems kinda linked to the bible I am not a holy person I don't belive in god but I find the verse john 3:16 alot. I saw it on a ad sheet in a diner. and the one time I did look it up it was circled. what are your thoughts?
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My business partner and I chose the number 3-6-9 for the name of our studio. Since then we have had many people tell us that the combination is a good one numerologically. We noticed that my partners license plate was coincidentally 369 and heard that the numbers had significance in catholic triad beliefs.
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