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Seeing the Time 12:34 Twice a Day, Every Day
Lately I've been catching the time 12:34, no matter if it's 12:34am or 12:34pm. What could this possibly mean for me? Is there a more pronounced explanation than my body having an internal clock?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Generally, the numbers people see repeatedly are those that have personal meaning for the person or an emotional significance. The number is noticed and the noticing is remembered. If the person wonders if there's special meaning associated with seeing the number so often, a mystery is set up and the number is seen even more often. See Why People See Certain Numbers All the Time for an explanation why that is so.
Other numbers — like your 12:34 and also numbers like 911 and double or triple-digit numbers like 11, 222, 33, etc. — may be noticed and remembered because of their uniqueness or sequence or other reason that makes them stand out among the bombardment of numbers we all face every day.
Therefore, it's not only numbers with personal meaning or emotional significance that people tend to see repeatedly, it's also numbers unique enough for the person to notice them. The same ideas apply to all: When they're noticed, they're likely to be remembered; and if they're noticed often (which can be determined only if the previous noticings are remembered), a person may be inclined to wonder if the seeing has a special personal meaning, a wondering that sets up a mystery and causes them to be noticed even more.
The body does respond to mental suggestions. Wondering about 12:34 certainly can set up an internal alarm and sensitivity to time that gets your attention at exactly the right moment.
Your numerology chart has no number 12 and no number 34, so it's unlikely an influence from your chart that nudges you to see that particular time as often as you do. So it's most likely the noticeable sequence. The number 1234 also has its own numerology meaning.
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