Numerology Answers - Personal Relationships > Compatibility
Getting Together With Ex
Should I get back together with my ex boyfriend?
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My Relationship Issue
I want to know about my relationship issue.
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Are we compatible?
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Marriage Compatibility
My marriage compatibility?
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Compatibility Calculation Instructions
During checking compatibility between two date of births, please suggest me the sequence of checking compatibility such as driver number, destiny number, life path number and so on.
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Relationship Compatibility of Birthdays
Relationship compatible of birthday [date removed] partners birthday is [date removed].
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The Future Of My Love Life
What's the future of my love life with [name removed]?
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Scared of Making the Wrong Decision
I want to know about my love life. I have this two ladies in my life and I love them both. I wanna settle but am scared of making the wrong decision.
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Buying a New House Soon
My birth time is [date and time removed]. So can I buy a new house soon as per my numerology chart?
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Being With the Right Man
Am I with the right man?
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A Positive Aspect With Same Destiny and Cycle Numbers
When two people in a romantic relationship share the same cycle and destiny numbers, would that be a positive aspect to their relationship?
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A Compatibility
Compatibility: I'm [birth name and date removed]. Love: [birth name and date removed].
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Name Change and Marriage Compatibility
I want to change my name, but I've discovered my husband and I have the same numerology chart: our destiny numbers are both 7, personality numbers both 6, and desire numbers both 1. If I change my name will it mess up the compatibility I have with my husband?
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Compatible for a Long-term Relationship
[name and birth date removed] Are we compatible for long term relation?
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Long-Term Compatibility
I want to know if me and my partner are compatible on the long term. Our lives are somewhat different on a few levels. And very much the same on others. His name is [name removed] his date of birth is [birth date removed].
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Questions About Relationship and Self
So, tell me about my relationship with [name and birth data removed]. Will we be together for lifetime? Are we compatible? When will I get married? How's my future?
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Am I Destined to Be With This Person?
Please could you tell me how compatible or, if possible, is this the man I'm destined to be with? [birth name and date removed]
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Am I Compatible With This Person?
[birth name and date removed] Am I compatible to the above mentioned person?
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Compatibility With (Named Person) in Love Relationship
Am I compatible with [name removed] who was born in [birth date removed] in love relationship?
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How About the Compatibility?
My lover's name is [name and birth data removed] How about the compatibility?
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Matching Up With Guy According to Name and Birth Date
I am interested in a guy named [birth name and date removed]. Will we match up according to name and DOB numerology? Does my forecast indicate any future prospects with this man?
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Compatible Life Partner
Is my life partner compatible to me? [birth name and date removed] Can I believe her? Finally how much we have compatibility?
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Epitome of Opposite Attracts
Me and my fiancée are the epitome of opposite attracts. But always find a way to make it work. That being said we wonder if we're more of a hindrance to one another or help. Would love any insight you can offer.
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Lottery and Compatibility
[birth name and date removed] My question is that we are friends but both do the lottery together on a regular basis. I think our birthdate numbers are both 4. Is it possible though to find auspicious dates or a date on which we should purchase our tickets that would be our composite luck days or lucky for us both? Also how compatible are we? Thanks.
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Compatibility With Friends
Good day. I'm confused about those names "[names and birth dates removed]" what their relationship in my life? And do I need them to be always on my side... Thank you very much and please remove their names and birthdays, when you respond my question.
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Compatibility With Partner
I want to know my Compatibility with [name removed] born [birth date removed].
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Personal and Marriage Compatibility
Name: [name removed]. Date Of Birth: [birth date removed]. Looking at both of our names and date of birth, are we both compatible for each other and understandable to each other? Are we both having marriage compatibility, too?
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Compatible, But In a Different Relationship
Just want to know why numerology says that me and [name removed] born on [birth date removed] are compatible but he's with his ex-girlfriend [name removed] born [birth date removed], and happy I guess, while I'm miserable and very sad like I'm missing a leg or arm?
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Which To Pursue
Which one should I put energy towards, if either one? [two birth names and dates removed]
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My Love Of Life
This question is regarding my Love of life. I feel she is strength and without her all motivation and strength would vanish. She is [name and birth date removed]. I would like to know about our relation, any ups and down coming in its path, how to make us more strong, any sort of ways that drive us into relation so loving and strong that any storm seems negligible.
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Numerology compatibility of Name/Birth Date and with Girl Friend
Hi, can you tell me if my name is compatible with my birth date please and if I am compatible with my new girl friend who's name is [name removed] and she was born on [birth date removed]. Thank you.
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My Ex and I
Will my ex and me get back together? Will we stay just friends, or should we move on and go our separate ways?
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