Numerology Answers > Personal Relationships > Compatibility
Personal and Marriage Compatibility
Name: [name removed]. Date Of Birth: [birth date removed]. Looking at both of our names and date of birth, are we both compatible for each other and understandable to each other? Are we both having marriage compatibility, too?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
With both of you having the same destiny number, the number 4, your personal and romantic compatibility is high.
Being understandable to each other is outside the realm of numerology. It depends on the willingness and ability to communicate and to listen.
To determine marriage compatibility, because marriage is a long-term togetherness commitment, additional numerology chart aspects need to be considered.
The marriage compatibility tool consults the numerology charts of both of you and then provides degrees of compatibility for various aspects.
Please use that tool for the information you want. I'll also mention a few things here.
The numbers don't have to be the same to be compatible.
Your heart's desire numbers are different. Yours (the number 2) tends to be related to companionship and teamwork. Your partner's (the number 7) tends to be related to introspection and pursuing perfection.
Your life path numbers are also different. Yours (the number 6) tends to be related to home and harmony. Your partner's (the number 5) tends to be related to expression of a personal sense of freedom.
Use the compatibility tool mentioned above for a more thorough marriage compatibility interpretation.
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