Numerology Answers - Personal Relationships > Romance
What to Expect in a Relationship
What should I expect in Relationship?
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Determine Soul Mate From Birth Date
As you can see from my birth date, my birth number is 3 and life number is 8. I would like to know what birth date and life number date I can expect in my soul mate according to my details.
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Partnership With Matching/Mirrored Numbers
Hi there, my partner and I have matching/mirrored numbers for all of our numerology charts. E,g: the same life path number, same personality number, same heart number, same birth day number, etc. We don't share the same birthday and we're born in different years. Our names are not similar either. Does this have a significant meaning? I feel like it does. When we first met, it was like we already knew each other and I could feel there was a big importance around him coming into my life. Any information would be really appreciated. Thank u so much xo
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What the Future Holds for Us
I recently met this guy, we hit it off very well and He said He liked me, and I also like him. But now He is quiet on me. I want to know what the future holds for us.
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Prospective Soulmate Meeting Dates
Important dates when i might meet my soulmate.
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How My Love Life Looks Like
According to my numbers, how does my love life look like [next year]?
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Relationship With a Foreigner
I'm in a relationship with a foreigner and we haven't met yet. I want to know what the future holds for us and I want to know what the future holds for me regarding finances.
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Successful Relationship?
I am in love with a girl. So do you think our relationship ends with successful one?
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What I'm Currently Going Through in My Relationship
I wanna know what should I do with regards to what I'm currently going through in my relationship. And what the future holds for me and my current partner. And what exactly is going on with my partner. I may not know the correct way to ask what I really wanna ask for, but I'd just like for the questions I really have deep down to be answered. I hope to heard from you soon. Regards.
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Compatibility and Being Soul Mates
2 and 3 are compatible. Are we soul mates? We are drawn to each other like magnets.
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Is My Current Relationship My Soulmate?
Is my current relationship my soulmate? Or, am I psychic?
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Neutral Numbers Getting Married
What if 9 & 7 got married? Does neutral numbers still compatible? What is the solution then, if neutral numbers get married?
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The Future for Me and My New Relationship
Am born [date removed]. I want to know what the future have for me and my new relationship. Will it be a fulfilled one?
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Knowing About My Life Partner
I want to know about my life partner.
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Is He the One?
My boyfriend [name removed] life path number is 3 and mine is 2, it's broken down from 11. His lucky number is 7 and 11. Could you tell me what this means? Is he the one? His birthday is [birth date removed] and mine is [birth date removed]. Thank you! His full name is [name removed].
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Three Digits of Phone Number
I was in a 3 year relationship with a man I thought we'd end up marrying. Approximately a year ago, we broke up. (We broke up for three days and got back together in the past). After the initial break up, he reached out to me and we chatted for a few weeks. He later notified me he had a girlfriend and I decided to stop communication for good...as I thought). A year elapses and throughout that year, often I would see three digits of his phone number (617) on the clock am or pm and sometimes on paper. This would happen quite unexpected, whereas I wasn't "looking" for it. A few months ago I saw his daughter's Facebook post his wedding pictures. I shook me to my core. He didn't even look happy and has gained weight. Everything about that wedding wasn't "him" (especially after he told me he wasn't going to get married anytime soon or at all). Fast forward to current day, out of the blue, he texts me to ask how I was. I was caught completely off guard. After all, he's married! His text indicates that he wasn't reevaluating his situation and determining his next move (code name: marriage). After an accidental call, he calls me back and tells me that it should of been me he married. He continues to say that he made a mistake marrying "her," he still misses me and he realizes now what he lost, apologizes for his wrong doings etc. I've been waiting to hear this and now it's reality, it's crazy! (He also wants to remain in communication.) My feelings are still present so who knows what will happen in the future after he resolves his marriage. Thus what is the purpose of seeing these 3 digits? Could that be he's my true soulmate?
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Meeting Soul Mate and Marriage Date
I want to know when I am going to meet my soul mate and when I will get married to him? What's his name and how will I meet him? Is he someone I already know or someone new, someone I haven't met before?
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Compatibility of Life Path 7 and Life Path 2
I have met someone. But he is a 7 and I am a 2 life path. I read it's incompatible. Which numbers show compatibility in people and are they always found true? I like this guy :)
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I Want to Be With This Guy
I really want to be with this guy, [name removed], who is born on [birth date removed]. His numerology reading said it was best he shouldn't be in a relationship at this time. I don't know what to do because it seem like we should be together. I went to a psychic and she said that the next good guy that will be in your life is the initials RN, which is his initials. So what should I do?
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Relationship Compatibility
What do you see between [birth name and date removed] and myself in relationship-wise? Thank you.
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Passionate Love, Friend, Spiritual, Mental Male
I'm looking to find my passionate love, friend, spiritual, mental male who I am compatible with based on my name and birthdate. Which name # and specific birth dates and specific #'s are best, etc. Where is he? Will he be my twin or soulmate or just the best relationship I've ever had? Thanks. Most appreciated!
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Partner Incompatibility
Hello, thank you for giving me this opportunity to ask you a question. So I've been stressing out for awhile because of some sort of "incompability" between me and my partner. It's been 7 months since we've been together, and I still can't help feeling uneasy. My life path number is 5, and his is 9. My expression number is 5 and his 9, Heart's desire mine is 9 and his is 8, and personality is 5 and his is 1. His name is [name removed], he was born on the [birth date removed]. (Please don't publish his name... Thank you) I was wondering; after making a lot on researches ... Is my relationship doomed to fail? What does it mean to be compatible in some aspects of the numerology, and not in the most important one? Thank you very much for your answer.
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Life Path Soul Mates
Hello! The man I love (we broke up, he left me) and I have the same life path. We both have life path 33. May that mean that we are soulmates? And do we have any chance to get back together? Thank You in advance! His name is [name removed] and he was born in [birth date removed].
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Searching for Soul Mate
I am searching for my soul mate. How will I find him?
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New Man Coming Into My Life
Will there be a new man coming into my life, my soulmate? Thank you for your time to read and possibly answering my question.
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When To Expect a Stable Relationship
Please tell me when I can expect to meet someone for stable relationship?
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When I'll Meet My Soul Mate
I was married twice. The first time was to [name removed], born [date removed]. We were married [date removed]. J. (name abbreviated for privacy) and I divorced in [date removed]. The second time was to my now late husband, [name removed], born [date removed]. date of wedding, [date removed]. M. (name abbreviated for privacy) and I divorced in [date removed] and we remarried [date removed]. Date of his death was [date removed]. Were either of them my soul mate or is my soul mate still out there and when will I meet him and know that he is my soul mate?
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Flying to Meet My Date
I am flying off to Korea on the 13 February 2015 from Singapore to meet my date, a guy met virtually. Will only land in Korea the next day on Valentines Day 14 February 2015. His name is [name removed]. Born in [birth date removed]. He is a guy who took my heart away. I fell in love with him. My visit comes with a hope, a hope to hear a YES from him to be ready for next step - an official relationship. I wish to know if my hope is looking at the bright side and if both of us can stay and stick together throughout our relationship, if he say, "yes."
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6 from 3:03 and 2:22
I keep seeing different variations of the number 6, (3:03 am, 2:22 am). I frequently see 3:03 or 3:03 am when I am hanging out with a new love interest. His birthday is [birth name and date removed]. I "re" met him in May of this year and began seeing the number 6 several months before we "re" met. Can you help me understand? (Also note, I saw him in my dreams several months prior).
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Chances of Developing a Beautiful Relationship Again
My partner of 33 years, passed away 3 Yrs ago. What are my chances and if so when in developing a beautiful relationship again?
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Breaking Up and the Number 11
Me and my boyfriend started dating on the 11th of June, 2013 and we recently just broke up over dumb reasons, and now I'm seeing the number 11 everywhere. I see it on clocks, and TV, and street signs, and random objects I just glance at, etc. I really would like to know what this means.
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Both Loyal, But Also Insecure
You will find that there is a huge gap between my boyfriend and I. His name is [birth name removed] his birthday is [birth date removed]. We love each other and are just like any relationship we struggle at times but keep on growing with each other and we try hard to comunicate with each other about things. We both are in the process of growing as human beings do. We both are striving to reach what ever it is we as humans are supposed too. But we both have a problem with insecurities. Which is crazy cause we both are good looking and are good at heart and obviously very loyal people in general. But we have separation anxieties when it comes time to part from each other just on a normal day. Like when I go to my daughters house I know it's boring for him but he comes anyway. He won't let me go alone. I have a hard time when he goes somewhere. Why is this? I feel I have grown enough and I'm secure with myself. I've learn to not sweat the small stuff and if it was not meant to be then let it go free. But we hang on to each other for dear life. But at the end of the day we are content and happy with each other. Can the solution be read in our numbers?
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Marriage Date and Success
1)My partner's name - [identification removed] 2)I wanna to know the marriage date on July? 3)Does our marriage will be success?
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Will I Be Loved Ever Again?
Will I meet a man who will love me ever again? I have been on my own a long time and am really lonely.
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Which Person Will I Marry?
I am confuse with the two person one person is whom I'm in relationship for past 8 years but v are facing issue for our marriage. This year I met one person who become good friend and how we know each other like v know from long time v love to spend time together. I don't understand what to do thing love which I am expecting from my partner that I am getting from this new person who loves me a lot. One more this new person is also engage but he too facing issues in marriage. Pls tell me when I will get married n settled in life. Will I marry to one whom I'm engage or the one who loves me. My partner name is [name removed] his birth date is [date removed] and the new person who came in life is [name removed] his birth date is [date removed]
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Seeing Birth Date of Exes
My exes birth dates are both 12/23. I see 12:23 everyday and night. What does it mean?
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Relationship Over 2 Years Has not Materialized
I have been in a relationship a little over 2 years ago for unnecessary reasons the relationship has not materialized which I accepted and moved away from the person but I have not been able to get myself over this person even though I have been as logical and practical as can be. As per various websites and methodology we are meant to be compatible I.e.numerology, astrology, Chinese astrology so I'm not sure if this person is my soulmate and I should pursue it or am I just clinging on to an illusion. His name is [birth name removed] date of birth is [birth date removed].
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Sudden Breakup After 2½ Years
My partner [name removed] and I were together for 2 1/2 years and her favorite number is 6 and she was born on [date removed]. She likes the numbers 6, 666 and 616. Her favorite is 616 though. She broke up with me recently on Sept. 15th over the phone. Her reasoning is because she feels tethered in relationships and doesn't want to be in one anymore. She's a Sagittarius. Anyhow, ever since we broke up, I've been seeing the numbers 616 a lot especially when I look at the time. Also, when I look at the clock, I started to notice the time would be either 717, 818, 919, etc... I was just curious if there was a meaning behind it?
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Both 12:34 and 2:34 On The Clock
My boyfriend and I were talking one day about number significance. I told him that I always see the time 12:34 or 2:34. This has been going on for about 12 years (that I've paid attention). At the time he was writing our birthdays down on a piece of paper. Bored I assume, he was in Iraq and I was home here in the US. He suddenly said hey guess what, our birthdays add up to 2008. Both of them. So I said what how. If you added 2+20+1986 it =2008 and 4+19+1985 it =2008. What does this mean. At the time it was 2007. I believed we would die during 2008 or break up, but we just hit our 7 yr mark and going pretty strong. What does this mean, if anything????
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Relationship Possiblities with Specific Individual
What are the possibilities in my relationship with [name and birth date omitted]?
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Romance and the Number 14
Me and my boyfriend have the number 14 associated a lot with us and we are both wondering if it could mean anything as it crops up alot around us. Examples of this include: We got together on valentines day (14th Feb) in 2008. Both our lucky numbers are 7 7+7=14. Also, our dates of birth equal the same number as well 17 - 3. His name is [name] dob: [date]. Can you help us at all as we both really feel this number is connected to us both somehow and for some reason. Many thanks, Sophie :)
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Will Our Relationship Be Successful?
I wanted to know that will my relationship with my girlfriend be successful her name is [omitted] her date of birth is [omitted]. If yes then for how long ....
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