Numerology Answers > Personal Relationships > Romance

6 from 3:03 and 2:22

I keep seeing different variations of the number 6, (3:03 am, 2:22 am). I frequently see 3:03 or 3:03 am when I am hanging out with a new love interest. His birthday is [birth name and date removed]. I "re" met him in May of this year and began seeing the number 6 several months before we "re" met. Can you help me understand? (Also note, I saw him in my dreams several months prior).

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

The number 6 represents, among other things, home and family.

The life path of your new love interest is represented by the number 6.

His current life period cycle is also represented by the number 6.

Those conditions may be at least part of the reason you're seeing numbers with digits adding to 6. The seeing the same number index contains links to articles with additional pertinent information.

There can be a special nuance represented by the first of a multi-digit number that adds to the number 6.

If the multi-digit number begins with a 1, an energy of independence and self-sufficiency is blended with the energies of the 6. If 2, energies of partnership and cooperation are blended with the energies of the 6. If 3, energies of creative self-expression and charisma. If 4, work and a foundation for the future. And if 5, new experiences and expression of personal freedom.

Follow the link to the seeing the same number index. Perhaps between what you find there and the information in this response, you'll discover an answer that rings true for you.

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