Numerology Answers - Personal Relationships > Marriage
Having a Nice Wedding
Is a nice wedding for me?
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Marrying Person I Am Dating
Will i marry the person I am dating now.. What does the future hold for us considering the differences?
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Marriage Date and Partner
I want to know about my marriage date and something to know about my partner.
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Don't Feel Same Love Energy
I am in love with a person he tells he also loves me back but sometimes i dont feel the same energy, will he be my life partner?
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Love Marriage
Will I have love marriage?
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Marriage on the Cards for Me
Is marriage on the cards for me?
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Date of My Marriage
What is the date of my marriage?
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Will My Marriage Survive?
Is my marriage going to survive with [birth date and name removed]
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Seeing Each Other for Two Years
Can please tell me if this person [name and birth date removed] is the right person for me? We have been seeing each other for over two years now. Thank you.
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Marriage With 7 Life Path
Hi my birth path is a seven. I know that seven tends to be loners and are ok with being by themself. I am now 37 years old and would like to have a family is their a way to get pass this life path number of aloneness?
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When Is My Marriage
When will I get married?
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Which Year Will I Get Married?
In which year I will get married?
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My Marriage Date; Arrange or Love
Hi I want to know my marriage date. My marriage will be arranged or love marriage? My name is [name removed]. My date of birth is [date removed], time of birth is [time removed], Place of birth is Gurgaon, Haryana. Thank you.
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Wedding Date Good or Bad
Wedding date... Good or bad? 123121
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Date, Compatibility, and Success of Marriage
I would like to know if the person that I am in love with is compatible as my husband and life partner. If we will marry and be successful. [name and birth date removed].
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When My Marriage Will Take Place
When my marriage is going to take place how will be my married life?
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Travel to Turkey
I want to travel Turkey, Which time is most suitable for me and will I meet there any guy who become my future husband
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Will We Be a Good Match?
I was born on [date removed] and my guy was born on [date removed] will we be a good match?
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When I Get Married and After-Marriage Life
sir When will I get married please, the marriage year and my after marriage life.
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Boyfriend Ten Years Older
Hi, my bf is 10 yrs older than me. I want to know that when will i get married to my bf. His [name and birth date removed].
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When I Will Marry My Girlfriend
When will marry with my girlfriend [name removed].
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When My Marriage Date Will Be
I want to know when my marriage date will be fix..
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Tense and Wanna Get Married
I am presently named as [name removed]. When I was born I was named [name removed] though. This change in name took place in 1988. I want to get married to my guy whose name is [name removed] his date of birth being [birth date removed]. An astrologer has said that only in [year number removed] should we think of marriage provided we have the same feelings for each other. Kindly tell us if we would be together. Im quite tensed as I wanna get married soon.
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Good Date for Marriage
Her birth date is [date removed] Her name is [name removed]. We have lived together for 4 years, What would be a good date for marriage? Thank you.
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When I Will Get Married...
When I will get married?
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Profession, Marriage Date, Partner Name
I born at [location removed]. I want to know which profession is best for me and when I will get married and also want to know her name.
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Please Answer - When Will I Get Married
When would I get married? Please answer this question.
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Predicting Marriage Date
When I will get married?
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Marriage Date and Type of Marriage
I want to know what is my marriage date?? and which type of my marriage...its arranged or love??
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Confirming Marriage Date
Pls confirm my marriage date?
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Correction for Married Name Change
Hello, If i want to ask name correction of a female about her married life. Which second name should i add in her name as her second name change after marriage. I should add her second name what she was using before marriage or i should add her second name what she is using at present. Pls answer.
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When I Will Be Married
When will i get married?
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When Do I Get Married?
When do I get married?
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Meeting a Partner and Getting Married
I wanted to know if I'll ever meet a partner and get married? I've been single for seven and a half years.
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Marriage on Cards
Is marriage on my cards?
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When My Marriage Occurs
When will I get married?
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Which Year I Will Get Married
When will I get married? And in which year?
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How Will Our Marriage Be?
I'm Married on [date removed]. How will be our marriage life? Will I do any job or house wife? Will we go to abroad? Will we settle in abroad? How was my financial position going to be?
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When Is it That I Will Get Married?
When will I get married?
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I Get Married When?
When will I get married?
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Unmarried, Planning for Marriage
I am unmarried planning for marriage soon wanna know how will my married life be and will I get the kind of partner I desire. I am a paramedic struggling with career a glance on it too.
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When You Think I Will Get Married
When do you u think I will get married?
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Marriage Year
What year will I get married? My birthday is [date removed].
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When Likely To Get Married
When am I likely to get married?
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Marriage Partner Number
Numerology number about marriage partner.
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When I Will Get Married
When will I get married?
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About My Marriage, When I Will Get Married
I want to ask about my marriage. When will I get married?
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Age I Will Get Married
What age will I get married?
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Knowing About My Marriage Life
I want to know about my marriage life.
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I Want To Know When I Will Get Married
When will I get married?
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Marriage to Wealthy Spouse
When will I get married and will I have a wealthy and well-off spouse?
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Compatible Marriage?
About my marriage compatible.
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What Date Will I Get Married?
My marriage date.
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When Will I Get Married and Will I Be Happy?
When will I get married. How will be my married life? Will I be happy?
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When Is My Wedding?
When is my wedding?
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When Will I Be Married?
When will I be married?
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When My Marriage Happens
When my marriage will be happened?
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Is Marriage on the Cards?
Is marriage on the cards for me?
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Is it Likely I Will Marry My Boyfriend?
Is it likely that I will marry my boyfriend...[name and birth date removed]
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What Will Be My Marriage Date?
What will be my marriage date?
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To Know My Marriage Year
I would like to know my marriage year.
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Lucky Color for Wedding
I am getting married in a few months. What is the lucky color for my wedding?
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When or Which Year for Marriage
When or in which year am I getting married?
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My Marriage and My Life Partner
Tell me about my marriage and my life partner.
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How My Marriage Will Be
I want to know how my marriage will be?
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Prediction of My Marriage
Prediction of my marriage.
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Wanting to Know About Life Partner and Marriage
I want to know about my life partner and marriage.
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Date of Marriage?
Date of marriage?
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What Type of Marriage I Will Have
I want to know about what is going to be happen with me in my future — what type of marriage I will have. I am not in Any relationship right now.
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Future and Married Life in Future
Hello, I want to know about my future. How is my married life in future?
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Wondering When I Will Get Married
When will I get married?
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Tell Me When I Will Get Married
When will I get married?
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The Year of My Second Marriage
When the year of my second marriage?
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Is This the Right Time to Marry?
I am going to marry early 2019 with [name removed], his birthday is [birth date removed]. Is this the right time to marry? How are we doing next year?
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Which Year I'll Get Married
When will I get married and on which year?
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Marriage Date, Zodiac Sign, and Initial Letter
What will be my marriage date and which will be the zodiac sign of my partner or initial letter of his name?
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The Year I Will Get Married
When will I get married? What year?
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Re-Marriage Date
Hi, my partners name is [name removed], his birth date is [date removed], his birth place is [place removed]. My name is [name removed]. We were married on [date removed]. The marriage date was not that lucky, since it counts 8 (we were forced to do our marriage on that date, becoz of our parents). So we both are in need of a new marriage date to begin our life. Plz suggest a marriage date for us on any of the months, which suits our numerology. Please do reply.
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Best Date To Marry
What is the best date to marry [birth name and birth date removed]?
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Marriage Date Questions
When will I get married?
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Getting Married Late This Year
We are planning to get married late this year. This is year 6 for me and year 9 for him. Is it ok to get married this year or shall we postpone till next? Thank you.
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When I Get Married
When I get married, is it possible this year?
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When I'll Get Married
When I'll get married.
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Best Marriage Date Within the Next Few Weeks
I would like to know what would be the best day for my boyfriend and I to get married within the next few weeks. [name and birth date removed]
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Will I Get Married to This Person?
Will I get married to [name removed] born on [date removed]?
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Two Guys Have Proposed to Me
Am doubting between two guys who have proposed to me. One is [name removed]. He was born in [date removed]. And the other is [name removed], born in [date removed]. Please help me find out which of them is my soulmate.
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When Will I Get Married?
Hi, I wish to know. When will I get married?
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Compatible Enough To Marry
My boyfriend's birthday is [birth date removed]. Are we compatible enough to marry each other?
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When to Pop the Question
I like one girl. When would I pop the question within next two months from today?
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Effect of New Married Name
I am married and will be changing my name to [name removed]. [name removed] is my mothers name and [name removed] is my husbands surname. I am worried that my name change will not be suitable for me. I have been reading articles online and most of them say name changes can actually bring negative qualities. None of them give advice on how to know if you are making a name change that will benefit your birth name. I do not want to change my last name if it means changing things for the worse. Can you clarify is this name change would be a good idea? Thank you.
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I Don't Know My Date of Birth
I don't know my date of birth. I chose it myself. My partner is [name removed] born on [birth date removed]. I want to know my destiny and if we will marry and live happily.
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Marriage on a Master Number 11 Date
My partner and I have decided to marry on [date that calculates to] Master Number 11. What exactly does this mean for us? His name is [name removed] and his dob is [date removed].
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Estimate Date and Year of Marriage
When I will get married, the date and year estimate.
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Best Times to Get Married
[names removed] When is best times to get married? Thanks.
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I Want to Know When My Wedding Will Be
I want to know, when is my wedding will be? My boy friend name is [name removed] His date of birth is [date removed]. Please give me the age or year.
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Is October 22 or 23 Good For Marriage?
Hi, I would like to know if the date 22 or 23 October [this year] is good for marriage or what date is best in the period 18 October - 15 November [this year]. My boyfriend's name is [name removed] and his birthdate is [birth date removed]. Thanks.
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Best Date to Get Married
My partner and I are planning to get married on [marriage date removed]. Is it a lucky date for a wedding? If not, what would be the best day for us? My partner's name is [name removed] and his birth date is [birth date removed].
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Marriage Date Calculated From Birth Date
When I will get married according to my birthdate?
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Benefits of 9 Marrying 7
What are the benefits in number 9 marrying number 7?
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Soulmate and Marriage Next Year
Will I find my soulmate and get married next year?
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The Age I Will Get Married
My birth time is [time removed] and birth place is [place removed]. I have read your many articles. I liked them. You have so vast knowledge of numerology. Therefore I am asking you one question out of my curiosity. I wanted to know tell which age I will get married as currently I am searching for my soul mate. And how will be my soul mate. Waiting for your positive reply.
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Want to Know All Things About Husband
I want to know all things about the personality of my husband.
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My Marriage Date or Year
I want to know my marriage date or year.
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Marriage Date Prediction
My marriage prediction with your marriage date predictor gives the exact match for all the month and year with my partner's marriage date predictor. What does it mean? It is said that if it is decided then marriage happens anyhow, even if before marriage those two persons are unknown to each other. Currently I am facing a lot of problems and I am worried about this too. Please guide me. Partner's full name: [name removed] Partner's date of birth: [date removed]
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Best Marriage Date For Us
I need to know the best date and time for my marriage. My partner's name- [name removed] date of birth- [date removed]
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Will We Remain Happily Married?
[partner birth date and name removed] We have been together 10 years. I officially and legally changed my name to [new name removed] in 2008. Will we remain happily married?
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Searching For My Soul Mate
My birth time is 1988 and birth place is Mumbai. I have read your many articles. I liked them. You have so vast knowledge of numerology. Therefore I am asking you one question out of my curiosity. I wanted to know tell which age I will get married as currently I am searching for my soul mate. And how will be my soul mate. Waiting for your positive reply.
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Unacceptable Divination
I want to marry my love who is a year elder to me, but some astrologer told me that I will be marrying a girl who's not elder to me. I want to marry her and no one else. Tell me the solution to this.
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June 19 Marriage Date
[betrothed name and birth date removed] Is June 19 a good day for us to get married?
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Want to Marry Very Fast
Now I'm 31yrs old. I want to marry, but it is so late. So I want to marry very fast. I want to know my marriage date??? Please, please answer me.
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Is This Marriage Healthy?
Is this marriage healthy? Are things improving for the better? Is this my Soulmate? Is he truly changing for the better? Are we going to stay together?
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Compatibility as a Married Couple
My partner [birth name removed] is born on [birthdate removed] and [birth name removed] is born on [birthdate removed]. Are they compatible as a married couple? Is the relationship going to last forever?
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Lucky Marriage Date
[fiance's name and date removed] Hi I was wondering if you could tell me our lucky love numbers. We are newly engaged and would like to pick a date that is a lucky or a love number. Thank you.
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The Name of My Partner
I want know what is name of my partner? When I will be married? Which month and which year? [birth data removed] I want to married and I don't have a partner. I want to know I will be married with a male and when? My marriage is too late. Please tell me the truth.
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Should I Prepare Myself for a Single Life?
I had few short term relationships but none that got me to marriage stage. Will I ever get married or should I prepare myself for a single life.
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Will I Ever Have a Married Life?
Will I ever have a married life? I never had any boyfriend. Non of personal relationship succeeded.
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Is He Faithful?
[birth name removed], [birth date removed]. What can you tell me about me and my partner [name removed]. We have 2 babies. Is [name removed] faithful. What's a good house number 4 us.
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Not Happy In My Marriage
We got married the arranged way on [date remove]. I have loved him ever since that day. I still do. He is indifferent towards my emotional needs. Almost cold. Our relationship has been really formal with him dictating the terms. My opinion isn't considered important. Also he's a great mama's boy. We fight on almost every second day. I am living with my parents since the last one year. They are convinced he's not the kinda guy who would keep me happy. Even I think logically they are right and I should divorce him to save myself from misery. But I still find myself thinking about him and feel sad. I want to know if my marriage will last? Is he going to change? Does he love me or is he worth waiting? Do I have a future with him? If I divorce him, is there a marriage on the cards for me again? My husband's name is [name and birth date removed].
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Will I Remarry My Ex-Husband?
Will I remarry my ex-husband? His name is [removed] and he was born on [removed].
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When Will We Get Married?
When will we get married? Partners info- date of birth - [date of birth removed] name - [name removed] We are in a strong relationship for past 3 years but its quite uncertain on when we will actually be getting married. Please let me know kindly.
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Will Our Relationship Convert Into Marriage?
My boyfriend [birth name removed] his date of birth is [birth date removed]. I want to know that our relation will convert into marriage or not?
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Liklihood Of Marriage To A Specific Person
I just want to know my marriage date and is it arranged or Love. Actually I love someone whose name is [name removed] and her DOB is [birth date omitted]. I want to know that will I marry her.
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I Want To Know That I Will Marry Her
I just want to know my marriage date and is it arranged or Love. Actually I love someone whose name is [name removed] and her DOB is [birth date removed]. I want to know that will I marry her.
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Is it possible to know time of marriage?
I would like to know, about my marriage prospect, is it possible to know time of marriage, and about the person with whom I'll get married, thanks.
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Can Our Marriage Get Better?
I am married for last 10 to 11 months. I just can't adjust with my in-laws and my husband. Can it get better or will the relation get split? His birth name and birth date is [omitted]
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Are We Compatible Enough?
I would like to know if my boyfriend and I are compatible enough to have a happy, healthy, successful life and marriage together. Thank you!
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I Want A Very Happy Married Life
My question to you is regarding my love and marriage. Actually I'm in love with someone and want to marry him. We want to marry without any problems in our family. We can't live without each other and know that we'll live a very happy married life so please help us in making both one soul and tell us about our marriage life.
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