Numerology Answers > Personal Relationships > Marriage
Marriage Date Prediction
My marriage prediction with your marriage date predictor gives the exact match for all the month and year with my partner's marriage date predictor. What does it mean? It is said that if it is decided then marriage happens anyhow, even if before marriage those two persons are unknown to each other. Currently I am facing a lot of problems and I am worried about this too. Please guide me. Partner's full name: [name removed] Partner's date of birth: [date removed]
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
The marriage date prediction calculator determines dates that are more likely for marriage to occur than other dates.
The earliest date a person can know a marriage date with certainty is the date the marriage occurs.
Generally, the best way to predict a marriage date is by discussing it with the person you'll be getting married to. The two of you talk it over and agree on a date. While even that isn't a 100% unchangable predetermination, it is a prediction that can have a high degree of certainty.
Unfortunately, numerology has no calculations to determine the truth or effectiveness of sayings. That can be determined by how things do or don't work out.
It may be prudent to find out more about your partner. Much can be learned by talking with each other. Some can be learned by getting numerology readings with your partner's birth name and birth dates. Also learn about you and your partner's compatibility with the marriage compatibility calculator.
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