Numerology Answers - Specific Numerology Aspects
Is February 21, 2004 a 2, 3, or 8?
Is feb 21, 2004 a 2,3, or 8 birthdate? I heard that it conflicts with name number 42 if it is. Thank you.
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Business Question
I got a numerology reading from [link removed] and I like the process that they use. Can you do that for me?
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Too Much for Me to Handle
My fourth pinnacle is an 8, with a 0 challenge. My total birthdate adds to a 5. My experience in this final pinnacle is that there is too much for me to handle, or even keep track of. Question: Can a 5 talent survive in and handle all that is involved in an 8 pinnacle? Also, is the year considered to be a 22?
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Numerology and Directions
Do directions mean anything? Like sunflowers, they look to the south. Is there a reason?
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Being a 1 and Liking People
I'm a 1. Why do I like people then?
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Gemini and Number 2
My partner, daughter & I are all Gemini's. [birth data removed] Each of our first names add up to 2 numerology speaking. Is this rare? Is there possibly any other synchronicity's?
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What Is Numerology All About?
Can you tell me what numerology is all about. What you do with it.
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Compatibility of Name and Birth Date
Does this name harmonize with the birth date?
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A 1 Year and a 9 Year
If I'm in a 1 year and I feel as though I've met someone I'm going to be with but they are in a 9 year, does this mean in numerology terms, it isn't meant to work?
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Date of Death
Does the date of death in the current incarnation determine the Life Path for the next incarnation?
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Are These Numbers Possible?
Numbers 9;9;9;11,11,2 please tell if this is possible to have this numbers and what is it that I should do?
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Core Numbers 22, 11, and 33
Well i have a life path 22 a expression number 11 and maturity 33 and when i calculate the name i use or people call me by i have an expression 11 as well and a 22 i my personality number. i go by [name removed]
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All 1s
What does it mean for a person to have a life path 1, soul urge 1, expression number 1 and destiny number 1?
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The Correct Way to Calculate Heart's Desire Number
Is my Soul's Urge/Heart's Desire number a 22 master number or a 4? [name removed] I+A+E=15/6 E+O=11 (I'm understand the impression you don't further reduce a master number when you come upon it) I+E=14/5, so I get 5+11+6=22 but if I reduce the master number calculation from the vowels of my middle name I get 2 which makes it 5+2+6=13/4. Which is correct?
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Coincidence Seen in Birth and Death Numbers
Okay- this is a lot so bare with me. in 2010 my grandmother died at the age of 57. 2014 comes around and my grandfather on my moms side (extremely close ties with) passed away at 57, he was also born in 1957. fast forward to today- my uncle (above grandfathers' older brother) passed away on 11/14. He had just turned 70 on Oct. 27th.... I thought we had a family curse with the number 57, but now i think its something to do with the number 7 (did you peep the 14s in that explanation too? involved with 7!) can I get some insight on all this? what does this mean? is there a correlation here that i've been missing for years??? PLEASE HELP
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What to Do in Pinnacle Period
What should I do in my pinnacle period? My birthday is [date removed].
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25th Birthday on 07/07/07
On 07/07/07 I became 25 yrs old, does that have any significance?
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All About Numerology
All numerology
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Lucky Bank Account Number
Hello Sir/Madam, Myself [name and birth date removed], Want to know the lucky bank account number for me. Please help me with the digits needs to be there in my bank account and digits that should be avoided and the total of all the digits Thanks for your all help.
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Father's Name for Surname
For name numerology calculations do i have to include my fathers name which is my surname?
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Meaning of Two Master Numbers
I've done the calculations before, for soul urge and inner dream...as well as on some random sites online. They all say my soul urge is 22 and my inner dream is 11. Does have 2 master numbers in ones name mean anything?
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What to Do During Pinnacle Period
What should be done during my pinnacle period??
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Significant Marriage Date
I got married on 12/28/12 is there any significance to these numbers
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Numerology of Herbs and Spices
What herbs and spices go good with my name?
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What Is My Numerology Chart?
What is my numerology chart?
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Name Not Chosen By Accident
What does it mean when you're told that your birth name was not chosen by accident?
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The Number 123121
What does 123121 mean?
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Getting a Numerology Value
Could I get numerology value for [name removed]?
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The Foundation Number
my name letters add up to 43. but every numerologist says it is really a 7. i think it's weird that there can only be 9 different kinds of people in the world. don't you think so? why doesn't 43 mean anything?
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Finding the Expression Number
How do i find expression number.
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My Best Four Numbers
Which is my best 4 numbers
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Meaning of My Birth Day
What is the meaning of my birth day
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Learning About Triads
I am trying to understand the triads in numerology and their meaning. I may be wrong but are there 2 sets of triads and if so what is the differences in their meanings? The first: 1,2,3- 4,5,6- 7,8,9; and the second: 1,5,7- 2,4,8- 3,6,9
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Non-Alphanumeric Characters
Hi, are ~, ^, `, ' and " numerologically relevant? If yes, why? How do you calculate it?
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Personality and Soul Urge Both 11
What does it mean if your personality and soul urge numbers are both 11? My life path is 3. My expression is 4. My birthday number is 5.
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Feeling Stuck and Without Direction
I feel stuck and without direction. I'm almost 53 and I still don't know my purpose or have clarity of what I want from life or what my deepest desires and dreams are. My life path number is 22, soul urge number 11, expression number 11, personality number 9 and birthday number 7. How much of my directionlessness has to do with the master numbers in my chart and why?
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Is Y a Vowel?
Is letter Y in the name "Lekanyane", a vowel or not?
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Color of Clothes to Wear
How do i know what color clothes to wear?
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Master Number in Name and in Birth Date
I have a Life path of 11/2 and a Heart's desire of 22/4. What does this mean in terms of potential and development?
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Grandson Killed
My Grandson was killed on [date removed], this adds up to a 22. What does this mean since 22 is a powerful number.
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Numerology Transits
Astrology has transits. Does numerology have transits?
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My Numerology Number 11
Hi I have a question about my numerology number I'm a 11 and from what I read about 11s are that we have a rough beginning but by the time we get to the age of 35 that everything will get better. Is this true cause I'm really hoping things will get better for me way before I turn 35.
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Secret to Daily Numerology Readings
What is the secret to daily numerology readings. X=? Pentacle;. #ofday(top). Rightsideof pentacle,: year of birth #,. Lower right side:month of birth;. Leftlower:dayof birth,.. leftupper ;todays date #, and back to top x. Number of the day... Please FIND X. X=?
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Account Number Numerology
How calculate account number numerology.
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What the Age Number Is Used For
Does the age of a person have a numerology vibration or meaning to how old they are or will be turning.
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Temporal Pinnacle Approaching?
I am 57 years old do I have a Temporal Pinnacle approaching soon?
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What to Do in Temporal Period
What should I do in my temporal Pinnacle period?
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Birth Number Same as Death Number
What if a date of birth number is the same as the date of death number?
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Meaning of Date of Death
What does my father's date of death mean?
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Temporal Pinnacle
What is a 'Temporal Pinnacle Period' mean in relations to June 14th, 2021; a date set to be 23 days long thereafter, and how can I manifest, a positive outcome through its awareness and understanding of combined terms asked of?
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38/11 or 29/11 or 11/2
Am I 38/11 OR 29/11 OR 11/2?
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Progressed Letter Number Value
How to find progressed letter number value and what is exactly progressed letter number value?
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Name Number Compatibility With Psychic Number and Life Path Number
Sir which name number is best compatible with my psychic number 6 and life path number 3.
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Birth Day and Life Path Numbers
What happens if Birth date and lifepath are the same in the core (numerology)? Both number 22.
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Name and Birth Date to Use
My question has 2 parts: 1. Should we use actual date of birth OR official (documented) date of birth while using your calculators, if both are different? 2. Should we use birth name or the current name, if name was changed later?
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Name Change Effect
If you change your name does that change your numerology?
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Life With Strength, Purpose, and Dignity
Can numerology show how to get through my life with strength, purpose, dignity?
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My Life Purpose
What's my life purpose? I've been trying to find it.
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Knowing if I Am Doing the Right Thing
How do I know if I'm doing the right thing?
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Correlation of Zeros, Ones, and Twos in Birth and Death Dates
mom born [date removed] Died 10:55 am on [date removed]. Age 91. Seems to be a lot of zeros ones and twos. what is correlation in numerology?
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Why This Day?
My mother died recently after fighting for 16 years. I want to know the significance of the day of her death. Why this day? [date removed]
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Effects Colors Have
Someone was telling me that according to numerology if I painted the wall of my room a different color that it would make me lucky and I could get a job. Is that true?
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'Y' in Last Name Vowel or Not
Could you please tell me if the 'Y' in my last name of '[name removed]' is considered a vowel or a consonant?
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The Most Important Thing About Numerology
What is the most important thing I should know to use numerology in my life?
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Segue Between Two Dates
If I were to look at the relationship of two events that are chronologically close, in this case they are past dates of the 14th and the 28th, so a 5 to a 10. Is there an approach to finding meaning in this "going from a 5 to 10". What might this mean?
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A Best Color
Is my favorite color the best color?
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44, 55, 66, 77
I will be 44 this year, my husband will be 55, he was born in 1966 and I was born in 1977. My dad was born in 1944 (my age) and will be 77 (my birth year). Is there any meaning behind all of the aligned double digit numbers.
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Calculating Suffix II
How do you calculate the suffix 'II' in numerology chart? It was part of the original name. Thank you!
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Master Numbers and Non-Master Numbers
Are Mastery 11's better than 7 life paths?
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A Question About Parts of a Name
My name is [name removed] and my birthday is [birth date removed] which is 33 or 6 and name also has 6 variables does this have any meaning. My last name is [name removed] which has 4 variables and middle name is [name removed] which has 7. The hospital I was born at actually was torn down in [county name removed] county IN and they rebuilt it so I can't get my actual Time of birth I've tried and my said she thinks I was born in morning I just am curious.
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3 Master Numbers in Numerology Chart
I have 3 master numbers in my name. Personality and Heart's Desire are 11. My Expression is 22. What does it mean to have all 3 of my name numbers be master numbers? Can their force be controlled?
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The Numbers of a Numerology Chart
What does Destiny number nine heart's desire number one personal number eight birthday number three life Path number six personal this year number five in next year number six and self number eight
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My Life Path Number
Hi, is my life path number 33/6? Thank you.
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Name Suffixes
Do you add, the 4th, to a numerology chart? How?
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Life Path Number 9 (and Also 44)
Is it possible to have a life path number nine and also forty-four? I keep seeing 44 everywhere and several times a day. Why?
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Core Numbers for Wealth Accumulation
Given below are my numerology core numbers. Can these numbers lead me to financial and wealth accumulation? (1) Life path = 6 (2) Birthday = 1 (3) Destiny = 6 (4) Soul Urge = 4 (5) Personality= 2
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Non-Alphanumeric Character Values
What is the value of a "~" and "`" ? I don't think the calculator recognizes "~".
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Same Date Number for Birth and Death
My father passed away on 10.10.2020 and his numerology is same as birth date i.e., 6. Is there any significance?
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Name Change at 12 Years of Age
My dad changed my name when i was 12. Should I use this name when logging in my info on a numerology web site or should I use the name that was given to me at birth.
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Unbalanced by 52.1%
Hi, I am wondering what does it mean if your numerology chart is unbalance by 52.1% representing '3' also my core numbers are 3,3,3,6,6.
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Essence Number 2 in the Future
Hello! I tend to forecast things far in advance out of pure curiosity. Especially in numerology because you can do that haha I found out I have an essence cycle down the road (in a long time actually) with the number 2 lasting for 6 years! I've read a lot of negative things about that if they last longer than 3 years. For the 2, it says nervous and psychological issues. Are there any other numbers in your chart that can counterbalance that? Like your name numbers? Thanks for your input! My baseline is anxious so this definitely got my attention haha
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Famous on TikTok
I want to be famous on tiktok, what should be the total of my username on tiktok for attracting more followers, likes and views on tiktok?
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Numbers Related to Death
What number signifies anything regarding death?
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How to Calculate a Compound Number
I was born on [date removed]. Is 33 or 51 my compound number?
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Meaning of These Numbers
What do these numbers mean?
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What is a Temporal Period Pinnacle?
What is a temporal period pinncale though? It may not be traditional Pythagorean Numerology, but it exists in the framework of Numerology.
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Realizing About Myself
What should I realized about me right know?
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Coincidental Birth Date Numbers
Is there any significance to my sons having opposite birthdays of [date removed] and [date removed].
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Expectations for Fourth Pinnacle
What to expect in my 4th pinnacle?
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Street Address and Birth Date Similarities
We moved into a home last minute. We saw numerous homes online. We noticed that our address is 11247A [street name removed] - my dob is [month and day removed]/70 but on my b.cert has 197A Instead of 1970. My passport said dob [month and day removed]/7A due typo. In the numerological world or spiritual is this a Good omen.
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Preparing for Temporal Pinnacle
How do I prepare for temporal pinnacle?
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4-Digit Number Resonance With Self
Which 4 digit number resonates with me?
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Soul Path
I want to know my soul path. DOB: [date removed]
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Number Best for Signature
What number total is best when i do my signature?
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Psychic Number and Destiny Number Both the Same
My psychic number and Destiny number both are same, its 3. Is it good for me?
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Use Birth Name or Adopted Name
I'm adopted and know both my names - which numbers do I use - birth name [name removed] adopted name is [name removed]?
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Incorrect Intrinsic Destiny Number
Hello, Lovely site, so much great information. I had a question about something that confuses me trying to determine my intrinsic numbers. My full name calculated on the Pythagoras sequence like all numerology is done almost I assume and here as well, which then my name comes to 80. Or I have tried other methods that keep the master numbers which then it comes to 98. But here I calculate my destiny which is an 8. So correct, but in the intrinsic calculation my destiny is always 88, so core number 7, which is confusing of course. How come this is different? As my destiny according to the intrinsic calculator is then a 7? I was thinking as I was trying to determine my lucky numbers, and the intrinsic ones that I would to 80/8, or 98 and then 17 and 8,.. but according to your calculator it's now an 88 and 7? I would love to get some clarity on this Thank You. As also your destiny and numerology calculators come to an 8 all, not a 7.
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Best Total When Doing Signature
What number total is best when i do my signature?
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Apartment Number 5329½
I am considering an apartment which has a fraction. Do I use just the fraction or the house numbers? ie 5329 1/2. Which together is 1 and 3. Which makes it a karmic number. Or if there is a unit which is 5329 in the complex, do I just use the 1/2?
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How to Determine Numerology Number of an Address
For numerology address numbers, do you look up just the number or number and street name? Include town? Country?
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How To Determine if Name Is Balanced
How do I determine whether a name vibration is balanced or unbalanced?
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Huge Difference Because of Power Number
I've heard that the Power number can make a huge difference in my life. Is that true and if so, why?
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The Biggest Talent
What is my biggest talent?
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Knowing When Pinnacle Period Begins
I would like too know when pinnacle period begins? Thank you. I am determined too Fulfill my Divine's Soul Purpose
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Dream About 75 and 20
What does dreaming about the number 75 and number 20 mean? They were spoken not seen.
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What Is My Numerology Number
What is my numerology number?
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Births and Deaths All On the 19th
Does it mean anything if I was born on the 19th day in a month, my oldest daughter died on the 19th day, my granddaughter was born on the 19th day and my husband died on the 19th.
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My Specific Purpose
What's my specific purpose?
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Both First Names Are 11
What does it mean when you and your partners first names both add up to the number 11 in numerology?
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Calculating Compound Number
Should we consider full last name or last name initial while calculating the compound number?
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Numerology Chart and Balance Name Path
What is my numerological chart? Is my name path balanced? Is it possible to change my name to a balance one in other to improve my self?
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Twin Flames and Soul Urge Numbers
Is it necessary that twin flames soul urge number would have to be same?
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What to Do During a Pinnacle Period
What do you do during the pinnacle period to enhance yourself?
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Books About Numerology
Hi, I'm learning so much more about numerology and I was wondering if you had any books to recommend? The predictions is what caught my eye the most but I haven't found much books that talk about it.
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Meanings for Specific Dates
Can I enter a specific date in a numerology calculator? A date from my life to get information on that day? I want to find out the meaning, guidance, info, etc. of a day from my past. How do I do that?
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Correlations Between Chart Numbers and Time of Birth Digits
My life path, expression and soul desire is the same 3 numbers of the exact time I was born. Does that mean anything?
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Lucky Time
Lucky time in numerology?
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Special Connections of Number 13
My father [name removed] was in a accident [date removed] and spent 9 days in hospital before dying [date removed], I was pregnant 34 weeks, went into preterm labor [date removed], 9 days later [date removed] I had my son [name removed]. He was premature had to spend 13 days in hospital. The 13th is a big number for my parents, [date removed] is there anniversary, [date removed] is my fathers birth date [date removed] death. Is there some kind of spiritual or any kind or connection with these events or numbers?
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A Full Circle Number
What is a full circle number? What does it mean? My birth number is 4.
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Two Identical Master Numbers
My life path number is 11. My expression number is 11. What is the significance of having multiple Master Numbers? that are also the same.. 11 And how does this effect my life?
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Notations for Time and for Decimal Numbers
When counting 10th of an hour, would 2.74 actually mean 3 hours and 14 minutes?
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All Zeros for Challenge Numbers
I have a life path of 6 with all zeroes in I believe challenge I have literally no idea what that means.
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Day of Father's Passing Matches Child's Life Path Number
I recently lost my father on July 8th. I also recently discovered that 8 is my life path number. Does this mean something?
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Numbers 5 and 14 for Birth Date, Birth Time, and Birth Weight
I am having a hard time finding a meaning behind the fact that I was born on 5/14 at 5:14am and weighed 5lbs 14oz.
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What Happens During a Pinnacle
What happens during a pinnacle period?
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My Temp Oracle Pinnacle
What is my temp oracle pinnacle and what does it mean?
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Possible Name Numbers
It is possible to be a SOUL 3 and Personality 9 in numerology?? Or always your Soul is 3, automatic your Personality will be 7. It is possible to have SOUL 3 and EXPRESSION 3 in numerology? Thank you.
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Scorpio and Pinnacle Period
I am scorpio when is my Pinnacle Period and what does it mean?
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Master Number at First and Last Names
So what does it mean if I have 2 master numbers in my name my first name # is 11, middle name is 6, and my last name is 22 which equals to 39, without the middle name it equals to 33. Just wanna see if it holds significant value or means something special. Thank you.
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When the Pinnacle Period Starts
When is my pinnacle period going to start? I'm facing lot of hurdles in my life currently. Why is that I have to face the pinnacle period with confidence? What is it all about?
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Is it an Odd Number Combination?
My son was born in 1992 and died in 2019, I had a tattoo with his initials and year born year died 92-19 it's the year he was born. Is that odd?
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Two Master Number 22s in Birth Date
I have two master number 22s in my birthday [date removed] What is the significance of having these numbers and what effects will these double 22s have on my life?
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The Date My Sister Died
I was wondering the meaning behind the date that my younger sister died. She died [date removed], can you help me?
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My Six Numbers
What are my six numbers?
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Meaning of all 18 Letters of a Name
My daughter was born on [date removed] (military time, 618 pm) and, she has 18 letters in her whole name. Do all of the 18s mean anything? Or is it only the birth date and name?
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Cool Things About a Date
My oldest and closest brother died on [date removed] and i just wanted to know if there was any type of significance or anything cool containing that date.
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Same Soul Urge Number
What does it mean for 2 people to have the same soul urge number? I mean romantically.
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Repeated Times and Reading for Last Year
What do the repeated times 3:20pm, 12:18am and 11:27pm mean? Repeatedly waking during those times and at 3:20pm invariably look at the clock at that exact minute. Can I get a Numerology reading for [last year]?
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Numerology Numbers 9991
What would be the significance of someone who's numerology numbers were 9991?
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Important Days Related to Number 13
Why all my important days has some relation with number 13? How number 13 is associated with me?
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Significance of Ages 67 and 76
This year I will be 67 years old and my husband will be 76 years old. Does this have any significance?
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Finding Purpose and Soul Mission
How do I find what my purpose or soul mission is using numerology?
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Pinnacle Period This Year
My pinnacle period will approach on April 16 of this year. How do i prepare for it?
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Significance of Birth Date and Death Date Numbers
Birthdate [date removed] and death date [date removed]. Is there any significance to those numbers?
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Threesome X Representation
My mother was born [date and time removed] in the morning she died [date and time removed] and adding up her numbers her death number was three straight across. I heard a tarot reader say the threesome x represents death. Can you tell me anything?
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Severe Hurdles
My date of birth is [date removed]. and my name number on expansion including my initial is 71 and if initial not expanded it will be 30. Pl advice, as i am facing severe hurdles in my life.
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Next Temporal Pinnacle
When is my next Temporal Pinnacle? Birthdate [date removed]
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The I Love You Number
143 is the i love u number. And what is i hate u number?
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Need Solution to Life Not Going Well
I have visited multiple websites and have received multiple suggestions on the correct name as per numerology. However, with so many options at hand, I am unable to decide on correct name. I am facing difficulties in finding my life partner, also i am facing troubles in pursuing MBA and I am not receiving any growth and recognition in my job. Please tell if solution to all lies in numerology.
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Power Number Calculation
How do you know what my power number is?
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Strong Connection to the Number 13
I feel like I have a strong connection to the number 13. I see this number everywhere and it always stands out following this I ended up looking into numerology. When I typed in my full name the numbers 1 and 3 appeared. The initial of my first name is the 13th letter. Is this a coincidence? I feel like it means something. Thanks.
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Six-digit Number That Suits Me
My name is [name removed] and my date of birth [date removed]. Kindly give 6 digit number for which suits me.
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Birth Force 5 and Pinnacle 8
My birth force number is 5. But, my last pinnacle is an 8. It is as if my Life has now become more than I am able to handle. I am constantly trying to just keep up. In previous years, the pinnacles were one, one, and two. So, my five abilities were more than adequate. Now, I am constantly trying to keep up with my life. It is as if my abilities and resources are not adequate to run my life. Can you please tell me how to handle this?
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Remedies for Life Path Number 8
What are remedies for my life path number 8?
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Harmonious Name With Both Pythagorean and Chaldean Numerology
How do I match my name number using both Chaldean and Pythagoras systems in order to be harmonious in both systems? My full name at birth=[name removed] My Current name=[name removed] mostly used and sometimes [name removed]. My DOB=[date removed]
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Three Major Numbers Are All 6s
All of my 3 major Numbers ( Birthday, Life Purpose and Destiny) are all 6's. I have a 6 across the board. Is this rare or strange? Does it have any significance with intensifying, or is it just a coincidence?
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Expression 33 and Birth Day 11
What if i have my expression as 33 and birth day is 11 then both are master numbers?
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Name and Birthday Meaning in Numerology
What do my name and birthday mean in numerology?
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10/10/10 Birth Date
My bday equals 10/10/10. What's this mean? My birth date is [date removed].
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Finding a Purpose
Based on my name and birth date what do the mathematical calculations indicate as the purpose of my life?
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How to Use Numerology Numbers
How do I use my numerology numbers?
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Name Initial for Numerology Readings
Initial is required for numerology? It is added or not. plz confirm it.
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What's My Life's Purpose
What's my life's purpose, will I be successful?
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Time of Birth and Effect On Life
I was born at 5:55 am and I wanna know, does this have any effect on my life? I'm very interested in occultism and all too.
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All 9s in Name Core Numbers, All 5s in Birth Date Core Numbers
Hi, thank you for such a wonderful FREE numerology site! I so appreciate it!! I have a hard time finding any information about having mostly the same core numbers. One 5 and three 9's. Additional 5's and 9's in other areas too. My life has been filled with circumstances beyond my control and a very limited life as a result. Have also had the burning desire to help others that has never manifested in a helping profession. Any information on the significance of having mostly 9's in core numbers? Thank you!!
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More Than One Master Number in My Birth Chart
I have more than one master number in my birth chart. I have been on a journey of self discovery and numerology has helped me make sense of a lot things lately. After my 25th birthday, something strange started happening to me. I always had a strong Intuition among other things, but the past couple of years have brought a burning underlying urge to do something. I was wondering if I could get some insight into my birth chart?
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Birth Date Number Coincidences Within a Family
My question is about birthdays. My son's birthday is 1/8 (January 8), and it is also the birthday of 3 of his 2nd cousins' (all my father's sister's kids, same day different year, same mother and father. The same aunt's other 2 kids, twins were born on 1/9). In addition, MY birthday is 8/1 (August 1) and so is my nephew's. 8/1 and 1/8 in 6 family members. All of us were born in Germany except my son (in US) Does that mean anything or is it a very strange coincidence?
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A Major Event on 24/02/2004 at Age 42
I had a major event happen on 24/02/2004 aged 42. Does this mean anything?
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Straight-Across Life Path 11
I am a life path 11 but I am not a 38/11 and not a 29/11. It is 11 exactly. Can explain about this type?
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The Meaning of a Date
What does this date mean?
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Meaning of Many Master Numbers
Hi! What does it mean if u have 4 master numbers...3 are my core numbers and my maturity(power) number is 33. Would love to understand how I can use these to my advantage helping others to find their light? Thank you!!
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Date of Death Meaning
Date of death meaning in numerology. My brother passed away in [date removed]
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Numbers That Carry Karmic Debt
Why do only the numbers 13, 14, 16, and 19 carry karmic debt?
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Soul Urge Calculated Without Middle Name
When I calculate my soul urge number without my middle name I get a 3 which resonates perfectly with me. But when I calculate it including my middle name I get a 7 which I don't relate to at all. I use my first and last name a lot professionally and publicly (I'm an artist) but rarely use my middle name. Is it still okay to calculate soul urge number without middle name if the result aligns with who I am?
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I Have Never Felt Like an Aries
I am an Aries birthdate is [date removed] and my life path number is one. I have never felt like an Aries and my life path number traits dont match me at all. I was born a month late to the day and I feel I am more of a Pisces and if I had been born on [date removed] my life path number would be 9 and I am identical to those traits as well. Which should I follow? The one I identify more with or my actual birthdate?
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My Birthday Is 10.10.10
My birthday is [date removed] which equals 10,10,10. What does this mean?
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Significance of Numerical Relationships
My mother was 22 when she died. Her birthday was the 22 of July. She died on January 17, [year removed for privacy] on a Wednesday. My daughter was born January 17, [year removed for privacy], on a Wednesday...22 years later. What is the significance of this, if there is one? I believe there is.
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Meaning of Date 01/11/...
Does the date 01/11 mean anything?
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Vowel-ing the Letter Y
You are making the y in my last name a vowel. It is not a vowel.
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Master Birthdate
Which birthdate is the master, between August 11th at 11:11am and November 11th at 11:11am?
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Birth Numbers Add Up to 11
My birth numbers add up to 11 when reduced and then of course 2 when 11 is added. Would I consider the number 11 AND 2 since its a birth number and what do those numbers mean as birth numbers please?
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How Are Personal Day and Month Results Calculated?
For the personalized numbers given by or as a result from typing in your name and birthdate I had a few questions; my questions are about the results and where the numbers come from. Are they random or how are they calculated? i.e. the personal day results, which mine were 2082=>12=>3. My question is where does the 2082 come from? And another is my personal month. The results were 2057=>14=>5 where does the 2057 come from?
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True Purpose Here on Earth
What is my true purpose here on earth?
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Which Number I Should Use
Which Number I should use in my life?
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Master Numbers 11, 11, and 22
My Question is what my potential is meant to be with my multiple master numbers in my chart. I am told so far that I have a life path# 11, Expression #11, growth #22. I have always felt out of place because of my strong ambitions and big dreams for my age. I wanted to know if my numerology would resonate with I feel I know about myself for just moral confirmation. Any input is appreciated.
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A Compassion Number
Is there a number for compassion - like in people helping people?
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Master Numbers 11 and 22 as Life Path and Birth Day
Hi, I was born on [birth date removed] - my path is 22/4 but I'm also born on 11th. Does it mean I have two master numbers? 11 and 22? And what would this combination mean?
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Which Am I, 7 or 2?
Hi there my name is [name removed], I have always been shown that my life path number is 7 which reading it never made sense because it didn't describe me. Recently I had a psychic reading done which revealed I was a 2 and reading that seemed to match. But now I am confused as to which one I am 7 or 2?
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My Numerology Chart
My numerology chart?
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Real Name According to Birth Date
How can we know our real name according to our birth date?
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Just Gotten Into Numerology
I've just gotten into numerology and my full numerology 6 number chart is 11/2 life path#..3 natal#..4 name#..5 personality#..6 soul urge#..7 birthday#...so does 11/234567 mean anything. I'm not sure where else to look for this specific sequence.
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Psychic Number and Destiny Numbers Are the Same
What if psychic number & destiny numbers is same? Does it has some advantage? My birth date is [date removed]
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Same Life Cycle, Different Life Path
What is the significance of sharing the same cycle number as your partner? Is there one? Is it a good thing, especially since he's a 4 and I'm a 7 life path.
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Baby's Psychic Number and Destiny Number
Sir. My baby psychic number 7 and destiny number 9 - is this good combination?
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What it Means to Be Born at 7:07
Hello! I have been trying to find answers for what it means to be born @ 7:07. I was born [date removed] 7:07 pm. I'm not finding much of anything that will tell me anything about your birth time, instead of date.
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Life Path 9 and Psychic Abilities
My life path is a 9. What are my psychic abilities?
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What I Am Capable Of
My name is [name removed], my birthday is [birth date removed], I was born at 9:46am, and my life path number is the master number 11. I would like to know what am I capable of from my numerology and astrology chart?
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Birth Name and Life Name Differences
My birth name and name I go by in life is slightly different. This happened right after I was born. Trying to get people to call me by my birth name is extremely difficult unless they are new to me. Is there a difference to my life because I have always been referred to as the non-birth name?
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Random Number While Doing a Reading
Why is it so that a random number is asked while doing a reading? What does choosing a random number signifies. For example I chose 12. And I often choose this number while people ask me to choose some random number? Does it has anything to do with some kind of message?
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Effect of a Tattoo Number
Would getting a tattoo of a number on the body have any effect with numerology?
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Moon and Sun in Numerology
I would like to know about date of birth, what moon and sun and sign I am in numerology.
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12:21 on July 21, 2019
Meaning of 12:21 on July 21, 2019?
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Legal Birth Certificate Shows Incorrect Birth Date
I was born on [birth date removed], but the nurse declared that I've born on [date removed], and my legal certificate shows [date removed] as the day I was born. What day I have to choose in order to have an accurate numerology reading?
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Numbers 11 and 22 Compatibility
Are numbers 11 and 22 in birthdates compatible?
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Adopted With Name Change
I'm adopted, and was given a name at birth [Name Removed] but was adopted within 4 months and was given a new name (my parents didn't know I had previously been named) of [Name Removed], which I've gone through all my life, even though I've hated it. It was only when I was a teen and found my adoption papers with my birth name scratched out that I realized I had been given another name. How does this play into my numerology?
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Pinnacle Starting 2 Years Early With Accelerated Time
According to numerology, I am 2 years away from entering my second pinnacle. I am already experiencing massive life changes. It feels as though I am about to enter my fourth pinnacle though, as if time has been accelerated. Another friend of mine has said the exact same thing. Is this even possible?
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Why Are There Master Numbers?
Why are there master numbers? Where does this concept come from? Why can't they be reduced down?
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Birthday 10-10-10 Meaning
What does it mean when my birthday equals 10-10-10?
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Do I Have Any Psychic Abilities?
Do I have any psychic abilities?
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Meaning of Life Path Number 4
What does it mean when your life path number is the #4?
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Three Master Numbers for My Name
I have three master numbers that sum to a master number for my name. I saw a brief answer in someone else's question, but I feel there is more to learn/share in this. Would you please delve deeper? My numbers... 33, 33, 44 Expression: 11/2
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My Health and Finances Over the Next 25 Years
What can you tell me about my health and my finances over the next 25 years?
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Two Names and Birth Dates With Same Numbers
Two different names and two different birth dates, yet the same numbers come up. What does that mean?
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Composition of Triads
Are triads always composed of sequential groups of 123, 456, 789 or is it any combination of 3 numbers?
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Name to Use for Numerology Readings
Having read your article "The Name to Use for Numerology Readings", I'm still uncertain as to whether I should include my middle name for the purposes of this web site? Thank you.
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Which Birth Date Should I Use?
I was adopted & my biological mom says I was born May 5th but hospital & adoption agency says May 7th. What date should I use? I will say when I use both, the 5th answers fits me most.
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Born at 11:33 With 11 and 33 Being Master Numbers
I was born at 11:33 am. Does that mean anything since 11 and 33 are both master numbers?
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Correct Life Path Calculation
I have found different ways to determine my life path number and I need some clarity. My date of birth initially gave me a life path number 6. I still arrive at 6 regardless, however the first calculation I used was ([birth date removed; calculation was individual digits of entire date]=33). I recently watched a video that said it should be calculated differently which still arrives at the number 6, however it completely changes things. 9 is separate then [birth day removed] which equals 5 then [birth year removed] which equals 19 then 1+9=10 and 1+0=1 so 9+5+1=15 which equals 1+5=6. I am sure you can see why I am inquiring because 33=6 is much different than 15=6.
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Influence of Number 5 Vibration
What situations do those under the influence of number 5 vibration tend to attract? Give me some examples?
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Preparing for Temporal Pinnacle Period
How do I prepare to make the most of my temporal pinnacle period?
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Meditating for Attributes of a Particular Number
What should I do if I want to have the attributes of a particular number? Can I meditate on the number to attune myself to its energies?
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What Is 112974?
What is 112974 thats my birthday in numerology?
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Send Me My Number
Can you please send me my number and it means by using [my] birthdate?
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Confused and Concerned About Overall Life
My birth number is 6, my life path 2 and my name number is 6. I'm confused and concerned about my overall life (career, finance, marriage). More than physical, its been quite a struggle mentally since childhood. Please assist.
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A Chance Meeting and Exchanged Numbers
After a chance meeting, my current beau and I exchanged numbers at 6:42 p.m. on 10/05/2018. If I calculated this correctly, does an 11 bode well for our relationship? My life path number is 1, his is 3. Thanks for your help!
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Life Path and Personality Conflict
What if my life path conflicts with my soul urge and personality?
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1, 3, 4, 9, and Maturity Number 33
I found number such as 1,3,4,9 keep repeat itself a lot in my chart, what does that mean? Do I have to learn a lesson over and over or maybe deeper? And what does maturity number 33 represent for since I found only 1 description of it everywhere on the internet? Thank you for your time spent reading this! Have a nice life my fellow creature!
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Having Multiple Master Numbers
I recently discovered numerology and was very intrigued by my own chart. I noticed that my life path number is 22 (birthdate: [birth date removed]) and my destiny number is 11. Any insight or information that you could give me about having multiple master numbers? Thank you.
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Manifesting Powers From the Number 36
Total of my DOB is 36. My name number is 3. Heart desire number is 6. I do see number 36 all the time. How can I manifest powers from this number?
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Genealogy and Numerology
I did my genealogy and I am 33% of more the just one. Would that have a significant meaning deeply rooted somehow?
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Life Path 29/11 and 38/11 Differences
What is the major differences of a life path 29/11 and a 38/11 life path. Very interested...thank you.
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Your Free Numerology Reading Can Now Be Printed and/or Downloaded
Did you know? Free numerology readings can now be printed, or saved on your computer (or device) to read later, or sent to a friend.
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Character Qualities in Description Don't Match the Person
What does it mean when the character qualities in description doesn't match how the person truly is in real life. In fact just the opposite. Example: loyal, faithful, balanced, avoids conflict, but is the one causing the conflict and being unbalanced from the cheating?
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Purpose and Spiritual Gifts
In the numbers of your birth date, does God's purpose and spiritual gifts lay hidden in them? And if so, can you shed some light on mine?
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My True Life Purpose
What is my true life purpose? To rephrase for better understanding, what am I supposed to do with my life?
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The 4 Pinnacles
What are the 4 pinnacles?
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Help Me Understand Me
Help me to understand me. What comes mathematically with my name and birthdate. Let's see if I have 6 lucky numbers ;)
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Initials In Numerology
Is initial to be considered for numerology?
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Is 'Y' in Tanya a Vowel or a Consonant?
Is the y in Tanya classed as a vowel or consonant?
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The Numerologist's Own Future Prediction
What is your future prediction?
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Birthday as a Lucky Day
Is my birthday a lucky day for me?
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Personal Year Number 2
On a personal year number 2, is it better to practice being completely authentic? Or is it better to be more low-key and passive during this year? Also, does finding a soulmate during this year apply to men as well? Thank you so much.
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Birth Code and 2-4-8 Triad
What does birth code 2 signify and what is triad 2, 4 and 8?
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Effect of Identical Life Path and Universal Year Numbers
How will the year of the 3 affect life path No. 3's?
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Digit 9 Occurring Often Among Family Members
My mother's birthday is [date removed]. Her name is [name removed]. My son's birthday is [date removed]. His name is [name removed]. I want to know if its just a coincidence or if there is any significance or meaning behind this.... My son turned [9] years old in [date removed]. My mother will be 4[9] years old in a few days & in [date removed] I will be 2[9] years old... Also it will be 201[9].
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Numerology Numbers for Share and Crypto Trading
Share market or crypto market career is better for which No. peoples?
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Master Number 11 for Destiny and Life Path
Just started getting into numerology and I just find it to be so strange that my name equals the number 11 and so does my birthday. I got my first name when my dad randomly let my uncle name be at the hospital when I was born. My question is is there any significance to the name and the birthday being the same number. Like does that mean I possibly reincarnated, incarnated or something. Just would love to hear some of your feedback so I could possibly know how to work my numbers. Especially the two Master numbers spiritually overwhelming but magical at times literally.
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Destiny Number 7 and Soul's Urge Number 7
What does it mean to have The Destiny # 7 and Souls Urge # 7?
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Psychic Number 2 and Destiny Number 7
My name number 1 psychic no 2 and destiny no 7...tell me about the number combination.
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Significance of a 3 Life Path in a 3 Universal Year
What is the significance of a 3 life path in a 3 universal year?
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Three Master Numbers in First, Middle, and Last Names
Hey, so I was just wondering about my name number: [first name](22) [middle name](11) [last name](33), which equals to 66.
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Reconciling 2 Personal Year Number with 3 Universal Year Number
How to reconcile a 2 personal with a 3 universal year
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Most Attractive Number With Ability to Attract Fame
Which number is most attractive and has the ability to attract fame?
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Positive Power Number Effects
Do Power Numbers affect our life positively in later years?
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How to Balance My Name According to My Date of Birth
How to balance my name according to my DOB. As I'm very struggling to earn anything??
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Extrovert Numbers and Introvert Numbers
Which numbers are extrovert and which are introvert?
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Name Suggestion to Be Balanced With Birth Path
My balanced name suggestion to be balanced with my birth path.
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Adopted and Birth Name Unknown
I have a friend I'm trying to do a chart for, however I found out at age 2 he was adopted and only knows his original first name was Daniel but nothing else. Of course his adoptive parents changed his last name but they also changed his first and middle name. I've done many charts for people but I'm stumped as to how to go about doing this chart. The information I have listed below is the name given to him by his adoptive parents and that he uses today.
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A 4-digit Number
My 4 digit number?
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What's My Life Path?
What's my life path?
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How Certain Chart Numbers Are Calculated
I was wondering how you calculate some of my numerology numbers in my chart? The reason I'm asking is because I've done reading before and got different numbers for my hearts desire and personality number. I'm conflicted on which readings to go by. Maybe by understanding how you got these numbers I can begin on which reading I can rely on. Thanks so much.
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Affect on Readings With Surname Change
Our family surname was changed due to an error of my grandparents, this surname has no roots. What effect does it have on my readings?
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Suitable Gemstones
Which gemstones are suitable for me.
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Why Maturity Number Takes Time for Full Effect
Why does maturity number takes time to have its full effect on our life? How can we feel its effect much earlier?
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Personal Numerology Number or Daily Numerology Number
I was looking into using numerology in dfs. Would you recommend going by my personal numerology number or daily numerology number? If daily, how would I calculated it? Month+day+year? Month+day? Total of Day Only?
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The Name to Use Normally
What name should I use I normally use A.J.
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I Was Told I Was a 33/6
I was told I was a 33/6. [birth date removed]. Your calculator says nothing about me being a 33. Can you please explain how this is? Thank you.
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Concerned About Karmic Debt Number in Essence Energy
It says that I am entering 4 years of 16/7 essence energy currently. I have read that this is a cleansing of ego to get me closer to the universe/god? If so how much weight does the essence number carry? It goes 7,7,7,7,8,7,7,7,7,7. I am concerned about this karmic debt number 16? Thank you for your valuable time.
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Numerology and Seeing Psychic Abilities
Do you see any psychic abilities pertaining to me?
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Calculating the Life Path Number
How is my life path number calculated correctly? [birthdate removed] If I add all the numbers together, I get 2 when I reduce them. But if I add the month and day and year separately, I get 11 master number. Which is correct?
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Which Name to Use for Numerology Readings
My legal name is [name removed]. I was born on [birth date removed]. But I am called [name removed] which I have used in all my educational, marriage, traveling and legal documents.
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My Dog Was Laid to Rest on 7/7/18
My dog was laid to rest on 7/7/18 and was born on 28/10/18. What is the significance of his date of death?
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Reverting Back to Maiden Name
When reverting back to maiden name after using married name for a number of years, do I have to start from the beginning letter of my maiden name when making a future chart from this date or does the surname number just keep continuing in order from the chart at birth?
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Who Will Be My Husband?
Who will be my husband?
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My Place in the World
What is my place in the world?
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Biggest Differences Between Persons
Hello, Can you please tell me what the main/biggest differences are between persons: Pinnacle, Cycle and even Challenge numbers are? I understand to some extent what they mean but I don't really understand how they are supposed to work or maybe even apply in some instances (for example which is the strongest / most "felt" / important" of the three?) and are all 3 supposed to be taken into equal consideration? Lastly, with the challenge numbers, when are those supposed to take effect in a persons life, such the other two have time frames But i don't seem to notice one for the challenge? Thanks in advance.
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The Meaning of 17/7/17
What's the meaning of 17/7/17
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What Birthday Number Combinations Mean
My birthday is [birth date removed]. What does this number combination mean for me?
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Numerology to Interpret Dreams
Possible for numerology to interpret dreams yes or not?
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Using 'y' Instead of 'ie' in Name Spelling
Do it matter if I use a 'y' instead of 'ie' which is on my birth certificate?
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A Move in the Near Future
Do you see a move in the near future?
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How the Good Travel Dates Calculator Works
My daughter and I will be traveling in June to AZ and possibly to Turkey in July. Her birthday is [birth date removed]. My question is why or how are the dates calculated? Because I noticed it recommended I travel on 7 days in June, on 6 days in July, and 5 days in August. I just wanted to know these were the the dates given for me but why? And also the fact that my daughters birthday is different is that a factor at play at all? Thank you so much. Looking forward to your reply.
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Comparison Between His and My Numerology Charts
[name and birth date removed]. Is there some
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Number for Power of Attractiveness
As I read, name numbers 37 and 15 give power of attractiveness. But I'm eager to know which is more attractive. Please compare both numbers to each other. Which is best? Thank you!!!
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Generations of Master Numbers
I have what I think is an unusual situation where my family has generations of master numbers. Starting at my grandfather he is an 11, my mother an 11, I'm an 11 and my nephew born this year is a 22. By profession my grandfather, mother, and myself are of nothing really important. I'm wondering if this is culminating in my nephew being an important figure or am I just looking to far into it?
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I Am New to Numerology
I'm new to numerology. So many different numbers and things. What is most important? What is least important? Thank you!
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Name Changed at Age 4
If my name was [birth name removed for privacy] when I was born but later changed to [new name removed for privacy] at the age of 4, then what name do I use?
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Is My Name a Problem?
Is my name a problem or not compatible according to my date of birth?
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Help With My Numerology Reading
Dear Sir, My name is [name removed]. Birth date, [date removed]. Please, am hoping if you can help me with my numerology reading. Thank you sir.
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The Best Car-buy Date
What is the best date to buy a car?
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Invention of Numerology
Who invented numerology?
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999 In My Numbers
I have 999 in my numbers. Does this have meaning?
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Born Three Months, Days, and Years Apart
I'm wondering what the significance is that my boyfriend and I where born three months days and years apart? His birthday was [birth date removed], 333 and I was born [birth date removed] 666.
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Middle Name Used as First Name
In my family for some reason we go by our middle names. Thusly [first name removed], my first name is more like my middle name and my middle like my first (Rafael). Some years ago I began writing my name with a ph instead of an f in Rafael in order to change the numerical value of my first and last name from 2 to 3. Was this decision poorly informed?
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Numerology for Writers
I'm a writer, mostly poems. Does it matter what words I use to start out a poem? How do I determine the number of a poem? Will my writings become famous?
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Blue Is My Favorite Color
Blue is my favorite color. What does that mean?
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The Strength of the Personal Year Number
How strong is the personal year number? My name number is 3. When my personal year is number 3 does that mean I'll be more creative? How about if it's a 2 and I don't have a 2 in my chart?
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Aspects of the Letter Z
What is it with the letter Z! What does Z mean? My grandpa on my mom's side his name started with a Z. And grandma on my dad's side, too. And my great grandma too on my dads side. And dad's middle initial is a Z. And when I was born they decided to give me a name that starts with a Z! What is with that?
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Incompatible Essence Transit Number
Next year my transit number isn't compatible with my chart. What is going to happen? Will I get confused?
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Name Number Related to Psychic and Destiny Numbers
If psychic and destiny number is 6 then what name number should we go for? Can it be kept 6 or any good number?
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Essence Number Importance and Strength
I'm wondering about Essences- I don't know much about them but, from what I understand they are like a cycle/transit/yearly based on the letters in a name? I'm wanting to mostly know what sorta influence they have and how strong it is, is it that important or influential at all? And what would my Essence be currently? Lastly, do I use my current married name [name removed] or do I stick with my birth name? Btw love all the work you do, Time you continue dedicating to your site and how informative it is. One of the best if not most in-depth websites around. Very grateful for your knowledge and expertise. Thanks in advance!
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Interrupting Oneself From Working for the Good of the Future
I very much want to work on things good for my future. And I do for a while. Then something else looks like fun and I go with that. I mean I don't stay with something like I should to build something substantial. Why?
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Most Unique Chart
I have been told recently that I have the most unique chart that has been seen in this century. I've been told that great things will happen for me this month. Magical things. Am I right to believe this? And when I say magical I mean I had a God/Jesus visitation recently. Of the most profound type. I was told this was because of my astral configuration at this current time. I was born at [time, place, and date of birth removed]. THANK YOU SO MUCH!
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Full Name Considered Lucky
Is my full name considered lucky according to numerology? Please tell me more about my full name.
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Analyzing Bank Account Numbers With Numerology
How to analyse bank account numbers? Will the bank account number allotted will be always in healthy balance or money flow will be very frequently. Usually bank account number consist of branch code, product code, and then individual number? Do we take whole or neglect first two. Besides with bank account, each customer is given customer ID number also individually.
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When Someone Is a 6 and Their Lover Is a 7
Okay so if someone is a 6 and their lover is a 7 I know it's a challenge...ok. So if the one is a Libra and the other is an Aquarius...that should soften the challenge right? Don't signs that get along help soften the opposing numerology life paths?
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What About My Destiny?
What about my destiny.....??? Can I have happy joyfully life in future....??
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Multiple Master Numbers in Numerology Chart
My life path number is 11 and the soul urge number is 22. What does it mean to have multiple master numbers in one's numerology chart?
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Personal Numerology Based on Birth Chart
I'm just wondering about my personal numerology based on my birth chart. Thanks!
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Supposed to Be the Year That Everything in My Life Changes
According to numerology this year is suppose to be the year that everything in my life changes in accordance with what I've been building for since I started life over the last time in 2011. Is it possible to foresee anything before it actually presents itself, like to give warning? I ask only because I'll be meeting my biological mother in March for the first time in 33 years.
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Free Numerology Readings With Different Results
A free numerology report guides-I have Karmic debt 13 (soul urge)- in my name; other did not! Kindly guide!
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How to Acquire Positive and Prevent Extreme Negative
There are challenges I continuously face internally and my surroundings. I have done my chart years ago and I believe my expression is 77, personality is 55, and my soul's urge is 22. I do believe myself to be extremely similar to these traits of both polarities. I want to know how to acquire the positive and prevent extreme negative that which it may be. I have very tough time keeping it steady in my head and outside in private and social surrounding.
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Why Didn't the Prediction Come True?
I was a strong believer in numerology until last year. That's when I noticed nothing predicted happened in my life. Especially my love life. Technically I was supposed to find love years ago and be happy married with one child now. But that is not the case. Instead I am super single and in love with the only man, [name and birth date removed], thats ever said he loves me, but won't commit to me. Why did nothing come true?
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A Lot of Master Numbers in My Full Name
I have a lot of master numbers in my full name, one number in particular is 6-6-6-1-1. My question is, do I leave them the way they are, or do I reduce them?
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3, 6, and 9 Being Unsuitable
I find family of 3, 6, 9 numbers unsuitable for me in spite of my day of birth total=9!! Any suggestions? Also my personal year for 2018 remains 4(birthday to next birthday) or it has changed to 5(calendar year). Thanks.
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Name Change for New Alphabet
By coming to America I changed my birth name number because of the difference in alphabet. Did it change my destiny? Or should I just use the Russian alphabet calculation?
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What the Color Blue Is
What is the color blue?
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Does Date of Death Have Significance?
Does my son's date of death have a significant meaning? [name and date removed]
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Four Zero Challenge Numbers
My name is [name removed], My birthdate is [birth date removed], a lot of 8s. I've had a report done before, numerology is very intriguing, and all four of my challenge numbers are 0. Does that have any significance or a meaning? I realize this generation has a false since of entitlement, but I feel different or special, not entitled but important for sure. I almost think I'm from a foreign place, because of the way people treat each other, I don't understand. Thanks for your help, I do appreciate your time!
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It Happened Two Years on November 10
Twice now on November 10 (a year apart), I have had an intense meeting at the same location with a man (the same guy) that I stay up with all night. I did not remember the previous year until I left. I have met many famous stars, royalty and others that have not been as intense as this. Is there any significance to this date that I have not found on my web searches? Thanks.
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Is 12.40AM the Next Day According to Numerology?
I was born on 5th April 1986 at midnight, 12.40am. The latter is 6th April. Which date is considered as my birth date according to numerology?
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Same Birth Date, Different Life Paths
Hi. My parents have the exact same birth date of day, month, and year. They have however been separated since my birth. Does this have any significance at all?
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I Just Want to Know How Numerology Works
This is not a question about me. I just want to know how numerology works. What makes it true?
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Inconsistent Name Numbers and Birth Date Numbers
I am deeply confused. My life path number is an 8 but all my name numbers equal a 2 or 9. The 2 and 9 energies don't seem to be consistent with the 8 energy. I'm looking for a career and I don't know how to pick one that will help me live the 8 life path but will still keep the loving humanitarian nature of the 2 and 9. I'm 39 and need to make this decision ASAP so any help would be great :).
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Master Number 11 Inside Number 110
Do other numbers have master numbers? Like number 110 has number 11 in it. Does that mean it has a master number 11 energy in addition to 110 and 2?
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Too Many Sixes
Is too many sixes something to worry about in my core chart? My life path is 6 (some say it is 33). My expression number is 3, soul urge is 6, and personality number is also 6 with day number 4.
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Preparing for Pinnacle Period Date
How do I tap into the limit time, where abundance can flow into my life, once I find out the day. Please tell me what must I do to activate it. Do you pray? Do you speak out loud words? For an example, if your Pinnacle Period is [date removed], what should I be preparing to do on or before that day to harness this time and flow? Please advise and reply back. Thanks. God Bless.
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Rashi-suggested Name Change
As per rashi my name should start from "M" or "T" but parents kept my name from "S". Due to which few astrologers said that face tough luck & hardships. These can be solved by changing my name as per rashi. So I like the name "[name removed]". Thus request you to guide what should be the spelling & how effective it will be for my career.
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Want To Understand What The Pinnacle Period Is About
I want to understand what the pinnacle period is about and the consequence of failing to get a personal guide through it. Please.
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Dash Instead of Name on Birth Certificate
My birth name as mentioned on birth certificate is a dash. How do I calculate my destiny number? However, few days later, I was named as [name removed]. My surname is [name removed].
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Does Reducing a Number Change How Numerology Affects My Life?
When I read about numerology I always read about this reducing the number stuff. Just how important is that and does it really make a difference about how numerology affects my life? Why can't I just use the numbers that are there as they are?
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Betrothed With Same Life Path Number
What is the significance of having the same life path number as the person I want to marry? Does that mean things will work out for us?
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Destiny on Earth
What is my destiny on earth?
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Determining and Utilizing Temporal Pinnacle
How to determine my temporal pinnacle and how to utilize.
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Psychic and Destiny Numbers 4 and 8
Psychic number is 4 & destiny number is 8. Is it good combination?
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Soul Connection and Past Life
[partner information omitted] I know there is a major soul connection, but I am not sure which type. I have tried to figure it out but I feel too close to situation to really see. A past life in here as well, maybe a few, but I've been afraid to know. Please help me. He's moving soon and I feel like I need to tell him something and on that, I'm sure what it is also. So if you could assist me with this I'd really appreciate it thank you!
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Life Path 11 or 2
Is my life path 11 or 2?
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Meaning of My Birth Date and Connection in My Life
What is the meaning of my birth date and connection in my life?
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My Life Is Chaotic Now
Hi I am a 5 life path, 22 expression & personality number in a 9 personal year. My life is chaotic now. And I feel that the strength of my 22 is being overwhelmed by the impulsive 5. I don't dislike it, I just cannot stop shrinking even more. How do I balance these 2 numbers?
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Life Path Number and Soul Urge Number
What is my life path number my expression number and soul urge number? When is my Temporal Pinnacle Period?
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Life Path 9 and Expression/Destiny 5
My life path number is 9, my expressions (name) number is 5. I've been told that these numbers are incompatible and thus may create conflicts and hardships. I consider myself multitalented (a polymathic), highly educated and fast learner, creative, confident, humble, and hardworking person. However I have felt hardships throughout my life. For nearly everything, it is as though I need to put in 100 times the effort compared to other people. Whenever I start a business, even though everything is done right, growth is very slow. Opportunities that should have sky-rocketed my career, turned out into a puff of meaningless smoke. I feel as though success is within an inch of my grasp, and yet I can never really reach it. Nearly everyone who knows me think that I should have achieved more in life than where I am now; considering my skills, focus, attitude and dedication to my work. I feel like I just have no luck whatsoever. My questions are: - Are my name number and life path number incompatible? - Will changing my name help? - I've considered my first name to be changed into "Aleksandr" (in this exact spelling), keeping the second name as it is. I've calculated it to have the number 9. Is this good? - Is life path number 9 and name number 9 good? I've received mixed answers for this one. Please, please, please help me.
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Birth Time Meanings in Numerology Chart
My two children are 17 and a half years apart in age, both born on a Tuesday. One is born at 1:33 the other at exactly 3 minutes before 1:00. One 2 weeks late, one 2 weeks early. Does it mean anything that one is at 1:33 and the other at 3 minutes before 1:00?
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Is Life Path 7 a Magnified Version of Number 6?
I have read several times that life path 7 is a "magnified" version of number 6. Furthermore, is it true that life path 7 is represented by the sign scorpio in Indian numerology? Apparently, the sign scorpio is the sign of the mystic which is the same thing as life path 7. Does this mean that all of scorpio's qualities are inputted into all life path 7's?
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Significance of Place of Birth
What is the significance of the PLACE of ones birth? The Geographical location?
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Name Changed When 3 Months Old
Hi, My question is about your number 2 question. I was put up for adoption and I wasn't adopted until I was 3 months old. From what I know, my birth name was Carol, named after my birth mom, Carol. On the papers I have, it states Baby Carol, that is what I was called for the first 3 months of my life and then when I was adopted my name was changed to [name removed]. Question, what name do I use to get a accurate reading for any of my numerology numbers, when they ask for the correct name at birth. I would love to have this answer, as I am not sure? Thank You so much for your time.
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Meaning of My Name and Birth Date
Hello, I'm [name removed] and I am born on [birth date removed]. Please what does this mean. And what is my personality number?
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Appended Life Path Numbers
The question that I have is my partner's life path equals 42 which equals together 6. Mine is 25 which equals 7, So our numbers are 6 and 7. Well I realized when you add 25 and 42 is 67, both our life path numbers. Does that mean anything?
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Same Life Path Number
Good day, I'm here again asking new question that make me confuse but fun. My friends name are: [names and birth dates removed] and we are all same having the 29/11 as a life path number. Is this good for us or did we have the same challenging path? Thank you very much.
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Flat to Be Lucky in All Aspects
I have purchased a flat project name [name removed] Block "B" and flat no is 401. Can you please confirm if the flat will be lucky for me in all aspects as I am going to spend at least 20+ years there.
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Repeating Core Numbers
I am curious about repeating core numbers in my chart- Specifically, I have an abundance of the number 5. And I was wanting to know what sorta effect it would have on me (if any or how significant) by having my Personality and Expression numbers in the same number (5)? Does this mean it will be more "natural" for me to embrace the 5 energy and express it more fluently potentially? Or does it mean that I will have to work even harder at expressing these areas because of an excess of the numbers energy? Thanks in advance!
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Knowing More About My Combination of Numbers
Hi, I would like to know more about the combination of my numbers, especially career wise as I am struggling to find my purpose - I have read a lot about each of these, but the way they combine intrigues me. Life Path 7, Expression 11, Soul Urge 22, Personality 7, Achievement/Attitude 22, Nickname 11, Last Name 11, First Name 9 Thank you!
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Why Do I Act Like a Master Number 11?
Why do I act in the manner of a Master Number 11?
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Compatibility of Birth Date and Name
Is my date of birth and name compatible with each other?
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Psychic Number Compatibility With Life Path Number
From a numerology perspective, is my psychic number of 17/8 compatible with my life path of 5?
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Which Birth Date to Use
My question is that I am born at 4:50 am. So as per numerology, what will be my date of birth, 1st Jan or 31st Dec?
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Life Path Number 7 Found in Other Places
My life path number is 7. My car tag has a 7. Both house and street number is reduced to 7. Significant events in my life happen every 7 year's. There are 3 number 7's in my social security card. Does everybody experience this with there life path numbers?
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What Does My Birthday Mean
What does my birthday mean? Is the number 11 significant, and is there any chance that my twin flame could have a birthday the day before mine?
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Which is More Accurate, Numerology or Astrology
What is more accurate numerology or astrology? I did a compatibility check on someone and this person is a Scorpio and I am a Virgo but by numerology I am only 50 percent compatible but by astrology and Chinese astrology it says we are compatible.
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Name With and Without Ending "E"
The last letter E was omitted in my SSLC. Since then I was using [name removed] as my name. But felt in my mind that my name is incomplete. Should I get back E at the end for a better future?
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Ruling Number 11's
Me, My mother, and father are ruling number 11's and my daughter is a ruling number 22. She is 9 and has been having communication with "spirits" for a while. But is not scared by it...more embarrassed. I have been obsessed with the number 11 for as long as I can remember my birthday is 11-11. Always catch the clock at 11:11. So, so much more. I guess some insight more than a question is what I have.
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The Meaning of Date August 8, 2016
Hello. Thank you for taking the time to read this. Something happened a while ago, something I deeply regret. It happened on August 8th, 2016. Which shortened comes to 8/8/16. I have always been a spiritual person but never learned much about numerology. I don't believe that date is a coincidence but I also have no idea what to make of it. What is the meaning of those numbers?
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Knowing Self Without Birth Date
I don't know my original dob. How will I know myself? Is it possible by my name only to know about myself?
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When 7 Personal Year Cycle Ends
When will 7 personal year cycle end? It started in January 2007.
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Two People With Same Chart Numbers
What does it mean when you and another person has the same numerology chart numbers?
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Birth Name Not in Harmony With Birth Date
According to some numerologists - if your birth name is not in harmony with your birth date it can make your life more difficult. Is this true? I have never really resonated with my birth name and was thinking to change it. Can changing your name to a more balanced name be a positive thing - especially if you feel good about the new name?
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What My Destiny Has Planned for Me
What my destiny has planned for me.
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How Can I Safely Use Numerology 7 to Be More Spiritual
How can I safely use numerology 7 to be more spiritual without being depressed, aloof, and irritating? I love the number 6 and want to somehow use it with 7, but not 67, which is turned into 4. I thought maybe an additional number to balance it, such as 627 or something. I don't call myself by my real name to keep me from using the 7 in it. Please help! Thank you.
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Life Path, 11, 29, and Year 2018
I know my Life Path number is a 11. But I only recently stumbled upon the 29/11 38/11. If I am correct, I think I am a 29/11, which would make sense after I watched a YouTube video on the struggles of a 29/11 and I'm clearly on the bad vibrations of the 2 and 9. So my question is to confirm of that is correct. And could you kindly give a brief explanation of the different types and what it means. Then lastly, 2018 is a 11 year. What does that mean, and does it influence life path 11s differently? Thank you.
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Aliases and Chaos
I know that using aliases can bring lots of chaos into your life, but what if they have the same or similar numbers as your real name (like 8 and 4 or 9 and 6)? Also, is there any difference between, say, 81 and 18?
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Despise Being Sensitive
I absolutely despise being sensitive and socially inept, which I am numerology-wise. I'm philosophical. That's pretty much the only part I like. I want to change my name preferably to [name removed] but on other sites it says these two names are not compatible with one another. My question is, what are some compatible names I can have that will give me Gematria number 1.
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Birth Certificate Changed When Very Young
When I was born my mom named me [name removed], [name removed] being her boyfriend's name at the time. My biological father's name is [name removed]? Which name would I go by in a numerological sense? I have had [biological father's name removed] on my birth certificate since I was two or three!!!
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Leap Year Birth and Apostrophe in Name
The name and date of birth given for this questions is my daughter's. She was born on Leap Year. I want to know if such date of birth and name given (note her name has a ' after [name removed]) has any unique meaning in numerology? Thank you.
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Which Name To Use
When I was an adult I added "Elizabeth" to my birth name. If I get a reading, which name should I use?
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Harmonic Numbers and Achieving Fame
My name number is 47, and my psychic number is 2 and my destiny number is 3 with a life path number 6. How can I know if all these numbers are harmonic? Because I hear if they are harmonic number 47 person can achieve fame. Please let me know as soon as you get this.
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Meaning of Full Name
What is the meaning of my full name?
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My Numerology Number
What is my numerology number?
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Two Master Numbers
I have two master numbers (11 and 22) and both are core numbers. I have heard that the more master numbers (as core numbers), the more is the difficulty in life. Is it true?
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Difference Between Psychic Number and Destiny Number
My psychic number is 2 and destiny number is 8 (which is the sum of my birth day). Which number I should follow? Or what is the difference between psychic number and destiny number?
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Include Father's Name When Calculating Name Number?
Do we need to include the father's name or initial while calculating name number?
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Hidden Talents, Abilities, and Skills
What hidden talents, abilities and skills do I possess?
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Which Date of Birth to Use
I have a big confusion while choosing lucky numbers and using my dob. My original dob is [birth date removed] name [name removed], and my official dob which on my graduation certificates is [birth date removed], [name removed]. I don't understand which one should I follow. In my official dob and names are very enemy numbers to my real dob. Even career also not so good. My question is does this official dob and name affect to me? Cuz both dobs are incompatible.
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Name Number With Three 9's
My name numbers come out to 999. Is that a good thing?
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Wrong Last Name On Birth Certificate
So here is the thing about my last name. At the time of my birth, my mom put the wrong man (father) on my birth certificate and so my legal name is [name removed]. I didn't meet my dad until I was almost 2 years old. I don't understand my moms decision to put that man on my birth certificate when she didn't even take a paternity to prove he was for sure my father. (Note I've never met the man who is on my birth certificate.) But that's beside the point. The point is my mother never legally changed my name once she found my dad and took a paternity test to prove it. (She was the only one who had the power to change it, hence my actual father was not on my birth certificate so he had no power to. I haven't gotten around to changing it because it is more a financial hassle. But to make a long story short I've always gone by the last name [name removed] (my actual biological last name. Hence it is confusing because of my moms mistake). But my legal name is [name removed]. So my question is in my numerology profile would I just avoid the last name [name removed] since it was a clear mistake and it is not my identity? Everyone knows me by my last name [name removed], and it is embarrassing every time I have to explain why I have two last names. So would I include just [name removed]?
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Birthday Number with Three Number 8's
1.My birthday number has three number eights in it. Does that mean any thing? 2.Do I have physic abilities?
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Life Path 22 or Life Path 4?
Am I a life path 22 or a 4? Also 3 yrs ago started seeing 22 or hearing 22 prior to seeing 11:11 then number changed as progress in life, such as 44 then 144 1221 313 1331 615. I wanted to know if these numbers had anything to do with my life's purpose?. Many thanks.
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Psychic and Destiny Number 9
Having both psychic and destiny number 9, how would that effect and what should be the name number?
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Effect of Birth Date and Name
What is effect of my birth date on me and what does my name say about me?
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Time Favorable for Selling Ancestral Property
I want to sell my ancestral property. When is the time favorable to me?
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Narcissistic Because of Genetics or Name Change?
I changed the spelling of my daughter's middle name to Odette (corrected on Birth certificate at age 5 years old) just prior to her entering school. What I would like to know is if the original spelling affects who she is as an adult? Or if genetics are possibly the cause of her being narcissistic?
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A Normal Life
I have a very poor social life. I am a very big introvert. I hesitate in people's company and tend to remain alone, in my room. My social interaction is very poor. I have only 1 friend. I do not know how to make friends or how to be interactive with people. I am very shy in participating in general conversations with my colleagues and therefore, people don't take me seriously. I have very strong inferiority as well as superiority complex. Please help me to lead a normal life.
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Name a Match Per Numerology
I think my name is not a match as per numerology. Please check.
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Surname Changed While Still a Baby
I just found out my surname was changed before I was one year old to my father's surname [surname removed]. So my question is this, which do I use as the true me in a numerology reading and how much of an impact can this have to the out come. Also having taken my husband's surname [surname removed], for so much longer than the other two (nearly 33yrs) have more of an impact on ones life as opposed to any other. Thank you.
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Property Market Predictions
Can you predict about property market next year and the year after? Can numbers help in business or deals?
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Living Life According My Numerology Chart
I'm just learning numerology and I'm confused. All numbers resulting from my name (soul, destiny, outer personality, etc) show me as artistic, imaginative, and a humanitarian. I agree with all these. My life path number though which comes from my birth date has me as an 8 concerned with business and commercial affairs. I don't see this at all and it seems the complete opposite of what my name numbers show. Is this contradiction normal and if so how can I carry out creative and humanitarian efforts and live as an 8 life path?
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Life Path 3 But Resonate With 7
3 is my life path number but I resonate more with 7. Why is that?
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Vowel or Consonant for the Letter 'Y'
Is the letter y in my first name considered a vowel or consonant?
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What My Name Provides
What does my name provide for me?
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Name to Use for Name Number Calculations
When finding my 'name number' should I use my birth name or the name I have now, and should you use your middle name as well?
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Calculating Challenges
When doing the challenges for the first sub-challenge the day is 28 which breaking it down to 10 than to 1. But the month is 9. So you are suppose to subtract the date with the month but the month is a higher number so do you subtract it from the 10 which is the two and the eight added together or do you just reverse it and have the month nine subtract from the one which is the date broken down all the way.
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My and Boyfriend's Major Numbers All 9
Number 9. I was doing a numerology reading for my boyfriend and I wrote the numbers down next to my own numbers and I noticed that our life path, destiny, soul, personality, maturity and balance add up to 9. Also our birthdates added together come to 9. Our names as well. Is there a reason or just coincidence (I doubt).
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Numerology Working for Whole Families
Hi I was wondering if numerology works not just from person to person but with whole families? The number that has popped up a lot is 3 or multiplies of 3. I am the oldest of three, and we are 3,6 & 9 years apart!
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My Universal Number
What is my Universal number to follow?
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First and Second Names or Only First Name for Readings
Hi, I have a question about the second name, I never use it and I got to know that I have it when I was teenager. If I'd like to get a numerology report do I have to use it? I never liked this name but I think it does not change the fact that I have it:) Many thanks!
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Is Initial in Name Required?
My daughter birth date is [birth date removed]. Initially I had planned to suit the name with starting letter "H" because of the star is Poosam. While consulting a numerologist, he told me my daughter horoscope "SUN" is in very good position so you better to select starting letter "A" instead of "H". And he told number 19 is very good. So that I have to select name as [name removed], R is my Name (Father). Let us come to my question. Without my initial, counting of Anishaa will come 17. It has very worst. So please suggest in numerology whether initial is required or not.
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Mind, Manifestation and Self-expression Triads
What are the mind, manifestation and self-expression triads in numerology and how do you calculate them?
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Same Name Numbers as Nostradamus
I feel like an antenna at times for all sorts of inspiration, thoughts, and emotion. Sometimes it is even overwhelming. Michel de Nostredame, Born December 14, 1503 (Nostradamus) has an identical chart to mine. This frightens me and I am wondering why I even thought to see what his numerology chart was out of the blue. I have had dreams and visions come true in the past and I have been able to communicate with my mind briefly on LSD and other psychedelics. Recently I had visions about a comet, a comet that will bring destruction yet necessary. "Something about a wheel turning. what is beyond beyond? Hail the goer". I just heard that out of thin air. Whats your opinion on my sanity? Thank you...
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Believing Numerology
Hi There, This is going to be a bit tough on you, coz I really don't believe in things such as astrology and stuff. I only believe in astrology called 'hard work' is the path of one's success. I am sure people who write here are mostly 99% believers of astrology or who are not happy with their lives. Well, with me its not the case, I am challenging with this astrology or whatever it is called. I am very sorry nothing personal. I don't even know who is behind this website. But I want to know how it works. I am giving all my details openly and I am not scared of anything, my name is [name removed], DOB [birth date removed]. My wife's name is [name removed], DOB [birth date removed]. Well, as expected everybody on this earth has certain unhappiness or problems; it's the same with me too and I don't regret it. I believe in one thing which is, if one do not have problems, its not called life, its called a fairy tale. So here I am. I gave my details above. I would like to ask you and predict my past, present, and future, only if you can. If you do not like to answer in public, here is my mail ID: [email address removed]. Well, as per my friend he says that it's all about names that we are known in this world. Well, I really don't believe in things like that. I am sure you do. If so please let me know. Well, if you think you do not have to answer or want to answer such a person who don't believe in things like this. You are really helping me and making my beliefs more stronger. Please do not think that I am me arrogant or rude. This is how I am and I respect people the way I respect animals, but the only thing is that I do not believe in things I don't see and feel. Thanks for your time for reading this and I will appreciate if I can see an answer in my mail box. Regards.
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Name Number 11 Question
My name number is 11, a combination of 7 and 4, am I influenced by 7 and 4 as well as 1 and 2?
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Searching for a Particular Aspect of Numerology
Years ago I came into contact with an aspect of numerology that I haven't been able to find since then. You were supposed to add the birth name to the year, starting from the birth year, in some way that I can't remember. I do remember making a long list with these calculations from the year I was born and 40-50 years onwards. This was a very good complement to the personal years, since some numbers were the same for several years in a row. Do you understand what I'm referring to, and could you please explain a bit about it? Thank you!
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9 and 7 Good for Each Other
Does destiny number 9 and psychic number 7 are not good for each other?
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Persons With Numbers 7 Close to Me
I'm confusing why this numbers of person's close to me ... lots of 7's. They ask me what meaning. But I can't explain. Ex. 091775, 0927477...7 0917...7. Also, people close to me are same life path to both 11's. Are 9 and 11 person are compatible? Thank you very much.
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Seeing Marriage in the Future
Do you see a marriage in my near future? I am not even dating anyone right now, but I am getting a very strong feeling that I will be meeting and marrying someone soon.
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Feel More Like 7 Than 8
I'm in depression and always feel like sleeping. I feel more like 7 number (15+January) than 8. I loose energy on analysing everything. Can you tell me what is best career for me? I worked in food industry factory but it is difficult to work in night.
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Compatibility and Four 0 Challenges
[name and birth date removed] Am I compatible with this person based on our charts? Why do I have four 0 challenges? Thank you.
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Georgian-Language Name Phonetically Transcribed to English-Language Spelling
First of all, the name that was given to me by my parents was in the Georgian alphabet. However thats not my question. I translated my name to the English alphabet, replicating my name so it sounds exactly as it sounds in the Georgian language. The thing is, my destiny number is the name that was given to me by my parents at birth. Right? What if you were given a different name, by the same parents, later on, that was assumed as your real name from then on? When I moved to Canada, my parents named me [name removed], in the English alphabet. And that was my name, legally and everywhere, from age 8 to now. After my mother as opposed to after my father. So my question is, what is my real destiny number? The first one, or the second one? Oh how I wish it was the second!! I don't like the over sensitive has to do everything twice destiny number that 2 comes with... I much prefer the 8, high and strong, practical, talented at material attraction side of things!!
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What Number Does it Make?
What number does it make?
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Making More Money With Numerology
Hi! I wonder if it is possible to attract more money with numerology. I have a serious lack of the number 8 in my numerology and it has always been difficult for me to make money. I'm very economic, but money has never come easily to me. Can that be changed or is it set in stone that I could never become rich? I would be very thankful for your help. (My current name is [name removed]).
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How to Change My Number
How can I change my number?
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Name Value Affected By Life Path or Radical Numbers
I want to know if the numerology value of a name is mostly affected by radical number or life path number.
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Non-Hereditary Last Name
When me and my twin sister were born. My mom's last name was [name removed]. She had been married and divorced before she had us. Well, when she got divorced, she met a man named [name removed] (our father), but when she gave birth to me and my sister, she didn't give us the last name of our father which is [name removed]. Instead she named us [name removed]. Me and my sister know no [name removed]. Will numerology readings work for me and my sister if we have some other man's name other then our real father?? Thank you.
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I Am Unable to Believe Numerology
Dear Sir, I am still unable to believe Numerology. Thus, I would like to sense the perfection & feel the impactive effect of the Numerology, to believe the Numerologists. Therefore, could you please let me know the probable happenings that occurred in my life in the following years: 1973 1980 1983 1990 1993 2000 2003 2010 2013. I am to submit that it would be most appreciable if your report about the happenings (during the above years of my life) clearly contains the type of effect (Good or Bad) and the specific reason for the regular & scheduled & periodic occurrence in a cycle form. Just to understand the effect & perfection of the Science of Numerology and its evaluations, I am asking you this. I am sure you will definitely do this favour for me. Thanks & Regards.
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Effects Personal Year and Universal Year Have on Each Other
A person with the personal year 8 and universal year 9 — what are his fortunes and challenges?
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Significant Events on the 9th Day of Various Months
What does it mean if something significant happened in a relationship on the same day of two different months? i.e. My birthday is 9/9. My guy and I had a big conversation that moved us forward in our relationship, but ended up taking a break. Poor timing. But on April 9 of the following spring, after some communication, he called me out of the blue and said he wanted to start seeing each other again and moving forward. It has been slow, but there is definite positive movement. I don't believe in coincidences. But I do not know what to think of this. Does it mean anything that it sort of went on hiatus on the 9th of September but seemed to open on the 9th of April?
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Two 'How Numerology Works' Questions
My question is about two things that confuse me. 1, when I use my full name I get a different reading from when using only my first. Which is correct? 2, my daughters birthday [birth date removed] and mine both equal 29, but the site tool gives me a 2 life path and her 11. Is there a reason? I really love this site and want to learn and understand. Thank you so much.
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Swedish Birth Date
Hello, I have always wondered about my birthdate. In Sweden we are all born with 4 extra digits. This number is then with us all our lives and is unique for every person. My birthdate with these 4 extra digits - makes me an 11. (Like my name.) Today I am a 2. I am wondering what role this plays in my life and then of course I wonder, if my full birth name 11 and my birthdate +4 digits - makes me a 22? Best Regards.
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Numerology And Death Date
Hi, I've been interested in numerology since last year. And since I'm really interested in it, after looking through my and other people's charts, I'm wondering what does our death date mean. Maybe it's created by our free will, law of attraction, karma in this life time (Example: A life path six person decides to react differently to her/his life path number 6 energy.) And that creates different circumstances to her/his future life times. And also that shows up on her/his death date. That made me think that if we change our thoughts, energy and circumstances that were given to us in this lifetime; then right after the change happens, we die because our path is changed and we need another life time to live it? And also maybe thats why some people die early because they've changed. I really would like you to enlighten me.
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Repeated Core Numbers
I had a numerology report done, and it had mentioned that my chart may be imbalanced due to a repeated core number found in my life path, expression and personality. What does this mean, and how can it be fixed?
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Career Choices With 11 Prominent in Core Numbers
When the number 11 is prominent in core numbers what kind of job or business would be good to get into?
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Calculating Personal Month and Day with Personal Year Number 11
How do you calculate personal month and day when your personal year is 11! Thank you.
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Evil and Numbers
Do you think that the number 11 is evil? I say this because this number for Biblical numerology represents danger, violation, sin, war, rebellion, martyrdom and more. And something else! Could a person who lives under this number be considered dangerous (various illegalities) and what effects it can have a negative 11? For example harmful personalities such as: Adolf Hitler, Osama bin Laden, Lucifer etc. they had this number. I would also to tell me how greatly intuition and insight feels a person with this number?
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Start of Personal Year
When starts a new personal year? At your birthday or at the first of January?
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Which Name and Birth Date to Use for Numerology
My official name is [name removed], my nick name is [name removed]. My birth name is [name removed] my actual dob is [date of birth removed] but my dob on papers is [date of birth removed]. Which dob and name should I use to calculate my numerology numbers and results? And should I change my name [name removed] to [name removed].
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Birth Date Master Number
Do I have a possibility of being a master number being that I'm born on the 10th day of December 1989?
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The Basics and General Purpose of Numerology
My brother plays with numbers. He's truly, truly gifted. On the other hand, though, I hear of numbers there seems no significance. What is the basics or general propose for numerology? Do they really hold reasonings and answers to various things?
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Meaning of Having Three Master Numers
I have two master numbers in the reading I just had done. 11 life path, 11 power, and 22 soul. What does it mean to have all master numbers?
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Temporal Pinnacle Period
What is my Temporal Pinnacle period?
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The Essense of 11 and Relationships
If you possess the essence of 1 and 2 from a number 11, how do you satisfy both as far as being in a relationship or finding one? I get pulled both ways; alone or not to be.
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Which Name to Use for Readings
Which name should be used for readings, full or first? I've gotten different numbers from sites and I don't know my true soul urge expression and others, because they differ by website.
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What Numerology Is Used For
Hi, I don`t know what numbers to use for what, birth numbers or name numbers...etc. How does it work? What numbers do I use to determine what? Please help, this is truly a life or death situation and I need clarity... Please help me.
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The Same Number at Major Chart Positions
Soul urge number, destiny number and life path number are the same. What is the effect?
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Vibrating On a Higher Level
How do I vibrate on the higher level of one of my numbers.
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Psychic Number 3 and Destiny Number 4 Question
Combination of psychic number 3 and destiny number 4, is good or bad?
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Life Path and Soul Urge Conflict
How do I understand my life path when my soul urge is conflicting.
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Choosing a Great Screen Name
When it comes to choosing a great screen name or changing your name, do I go with Indian astrology or Numerology? Are they the same or different. In Indian Astrology my screen name is bad but in Numerology my screen name is good.
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The Number 9
Why number 9 is so much related to me? My life path number is 9; there are 9 alphabets in my name; and I was born in September i.e 9th month.
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Destiny and Life Path Compatibility
Good day. I just want to ask, if I am compatible with this name and birthday? My destiny # is 7 and my life path # is 11 and also, can you please explain about my personal year # 8. Thank you.
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4 and 8 Fate and Destiny Numbers
I want to know since I have a combination of 4 and 8 as my fate and destiny number. What is the indication? Is it good or bad?
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David and 717
With the relevance of 717, and seven in general. Is there any link between the name David in Hebrew which strongly resembles 717? With my birthday being 7775, and of course being named David, if there was a connection... Wow, how cool. Thanks for your time, Be Blessed. David
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Sound of Name and Spelling of Name
Am following numerology from long time, am not sure about numbers associated with my date of birth and name number are fortunate and compatible or not. I heard according Chaldean numerology vibration of vocally called name is as important as that of the record name. If so people call me "Ranjith". Could you please help me to understand this. As "Ranjith" and "Ranjit" sounds same when peoples calls vocally unless we write it down. But total name number for Ranjith is 19 and Ranjit is 14. So could you please let me know what to do. Is my name compatible with my date of birth or need to change as I would like to go for [name removed]. I am facing too many difficulties in my life how much ever I try. Waiting for your suggestion.
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Son's Life Path Number and Meaning
Hi, it is for my son. I would love to know his life path number and what does it means.
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Master Number as Both Life Path and Destiny Numbers
Hi, My name is [name removed]. My DOB is [birth date removed]. I wonder if I necessarily need to change my name. (considering) I know that I have a life path of 11 which is a master number. I wonder if my name carries the 11 qualities? Or have been maximized to its fullest potential. Best, AB
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Lots of Master Numbers
Hello. My question is regarding the potential meaning, power and influence multiple master numbers may have in my son's current, past and future lives. Your insights or guidance would be greatly appreciated. Name: [name removed]: 11 [birth date removed] First name: 22 Life path: 44/8 Destiny: 11 [birth day removed] Personality: 11 Soul urge: 7 Attitude: 22 Thank you.
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Determining a Destiny in Life
I just need to know what is my destiny in life? I read about my life path number. I'm confused because almost exactly happen to me since I was a child. Thank you.
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Meaning of My Birthday
I want to know the numerology meaning of my birthday and how can I use it.
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Using Ethiopian or Gregorian Calendar
My question is that my birth date given above is not in European (Gregorian) calendar; it is in Ethiopian calendar. So what is the difference of that. For example the month March is seventh in Ethiopian calendar and it is third in Gregorian calendar. And there is 8 year difference. What shall I do?
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Thai-Spelled Name and Thai-Calendar Birth Date
The name is originally in Thai script and Thai calendar year which is different from western calendar year. My Question: is the name as given above with western alphabet and calendar year applicable for Pythagorean numerology? If Not: how to apply a numerological analysis?
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Unbalanced Core Numbers
Hi. My day of birth, life path number and name number are all 8. I keep finding number 8 every now and then. What is interpretation of having repeated 8 among core numbers? I read somewhere, if one has three or more identical core numbers, things are not well balanced. If so, what could be the challenge I need to face for this kinda combination.
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Repeating Ones as Major Numbers
Can you please help me understand. I have repeating 1's in my chart. I've done readings for just about everyone I know and I'm the only one with repeating numbers. What does that mean?
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Perfect 30th Birthday
I was born [name removed] but I am unsure of the spelling of [name removed] It was changed 6 mo after my birth when my mom married my step dad. This is my mother's maiden name. My new married name is [name removed]. I am turning 30 [birth month and year removed]/2016. What, if any, significants could that hold? I have been waiting for this birthday for years as it seems so perfect. I am very curious as to your insights.
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I Don't Fit My Numerology Profile
I was wondering why I don't find myself in my description. My life path and soul urge are both number four which should be kind of boring but I am creative instead of dull. So that's why I want to question a rule: my birthday is [birth date removed] [birth day removed]=3 [birth month removed]=9 [birth year removed]=28=>2+8=10. Even though many numerologists transform the 10 into 1, I never really understood why it should be done this way; it has already been reduced once. Even though I may be wrong, I always saw myself as a 22; mainly because I could always practice what I desired in a creative way. As I grew up as a child I was always building things and creating a lot of my ideas especially through lego. I even aspire to be a fashion designer someday. Or is it because my life path and soul urge are the same number? And everything that I wanted came true, even though it's another number? I really hope you will get my message because it keeps me up at night that I may be weird in some way or something. Thank you a lot. With hope, [name removed]
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Number 2 or Master Number 11 Expression Number
Would you say my expression number is 2 or 11?
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Born Almost At Midnight
I was born at 11:35 pm CST. That would be 6 life path. However, I seem to have several characteristics of the 7. Not sure what to use as my LP. It also makes a difference on my 9 year cycles. My destiny and soul urge are 6's so I would have 3 core #s the same. What do you suggest I use as my LP number? Thank you!
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Personality and Quiescent Self Numbers Always the Same
Your reading always has the same number for the personality and the quiescent self. Why is that? Aren't they ever different?
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Identical Life Path and Personal Year Numbers
My birth date number and personal year number are the same. What happens when that happens?
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The 4 Could Not Be Any Less Accurate
Hello. I was wondering about the odd case of my last name. The U is pronounced like a consonant/vowel combination, as in "University" or "Unicorn", so I'm not sure how to deal with it when finding my personality number and my soul's urge number as it has both a consonant and vowel sound in it. The soul's urge number is very fitting, but the personality number I end up with -- 4 -- could not be any less accurate -- it's everything I'm not, and I couldn't be mistaken for that number, and it's incredibly vexing to run into and consider when the rest of my chart is completely accurate. If I treat it as a vowel, I get a much more relevant number (7), but if I leave it off when I find my soul's urge number, that result gets much less accurate, though admittedly not as far-off as the personality number 4.
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Trusting Numerology
How can I trust your numerology?
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Four Matching Numbers
As you can see, I have four matching numbers between three of my core numbers. My expression number is a double digit master number. This expression number is made of the number that my single digit soul urge and personality is made of. Four matching numbers between three of my core numbers. What gives? That seems weird to me; then again, I'm doing things none of my family or friends are doing, and they all think I'm weird (we all still have loving relationships). So, I guess it suits me. Can you provide any insight, please? Thanking you.
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Closely Linked to the Number 1
In numerology, my number is 1. When asked to add full birth name, my number is 1. When asked to add only vowels, my number is 1. When asked to add only consonants, my number is 1. When asked to add only last name, my number is 11. When asked to add date of birth, my number is 1. The majority of my number 1's result from either 10 or 100. Why am I so closely linked to the number 1? Is there some significance or meaning to this?
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Readings With Birth Date Unknown
Hello sir. I don't know my date of birth so please help me. I want to know my life path number. Name correction if needed. And my lucky numbers, dates, colours, etc. And I am a student studying in 2nd year. My aim is to become a lawyer & I want to know about my life partner & want to know my future. (I succeed in becoming a lawyer?)
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Compatible Name and Birth Date Numbers
Hello. My day/psychic number is 1. (10) My fadic/life path number is 8. (26) My name number is 1. (37) Is this all compatible? My question falls mainly for my name number. Whether is compatible with my day and life number. Thank you.
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Three Master Numbers From Birth Date
What is the significance of my date of birth which is comprised of all 3 master numbers?
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Master Numbers for Destiny and Life Path
If a person has name number 22 and life path number 11, what happens? If a person has both name and life path number 11, what happens? Is there any growth for that person in his or her life?
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Numerology With Cyrillic Alphabet
I was romantically involved with a guy [birth name removed], born [birth date removed]. Recently things started to get strange between us, and he often has misunderstood my words, so quit our connection. I'd like to know about his life's path, destiny, personality, and if there is something compatible with mine. He's Russian, so I suppose one needs to calculate it using Cyrillic alphabet.
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Raining 7s
I'm raining 7s. Life path: 7. Birthday: 7. Destiny: 7. And I'm born in 198..7. Maturity: 7. Subconscious Self: 7. Expression Challenge: 7. I have a karmic debt 7 life path. I have felt these 7s my whole life and it has not been easy. But sometimes I feel like I'm the only one who can see through to the truth. How do I deal with all these 7s?
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Only 3 and 6 for the Birth Date and Major Name Numbers
Hi, I was just curious as to why my numerology report is so different to other people's? My core numbers consist of only 3 and 6's. My bridge number is 3 and zero's. I also have the same life path as destiny and birthday number which is all 3.
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Power Number Information
This is the name of my Aunt who lives in the UK. She would like to know her power number please. Also what does a power number signify? Thank you.
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Birth Name Different Than Life-long Name
My father registered my birth and spelt my middle name incorrectly. It was meant to be [name removed] and all my life up until I got married and needed a birth certificate I always believed that it was spelt [name removed] In numerology which name should I be bound by? Thanking you for your help.
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Identical Psychic and Destiny Number
My psychic number & destiny number are the same. What effect does it have on my life?
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Sequence Number of First Letters Match Birth Date
What does it mean when your birthday matches the number in your name? We just realized 28 yrs later that our son's first name begins with the letter J and that is the 10th letter in the alphabet and his last name begins with H and that is the 8th letter in the alphabet. It also happens to be his birthday 10/8. Does this have a special meaning since we didn't plan this? He was just named after his father and never realized until now that it matches and is this very unusual to happen? Thanks.
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Number 11 as Both Soul Urge and Life Path
Is there a meaning for my soul urge number and life path being 11? I've just been experiencing a lot of signs.
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Various Periods of Life Cycle
What are the various periods of my life cycle? And what is my lifespan?
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Birth Time Meaning
What does the time I was born mean?
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Life Cycle Meaning
I would like to know my life cycle meaning.
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Which Name for Readings?
I was trying to do a numerology reading, and my question has to do about my birth name. My mother spelled my middle name Nichole, and I spelled it that way till I was 18, and then we had to get a replacement copy of my birth certificate for something, and she saw the doctors wrote it without the h in it. So which one do I use for the most accurate reading?
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Many Repeating Numbers
In my numerology I see many repeating numbers. Do you know why?
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Expression Number 11
Is my expression number 11?
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Three Master Numbers In Birth Date
I have 3 master numbers in my Birthdate. Does this mean I have several spirit guides and if so what might be their essence?
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Three Core Numbers Identical
Hi. I have 3 numbers 8 out of the 5 core numbers. I'd just like to know if there is further significance or meaning to that. Thank you.
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Ethiopian Calendar
In Ethiopian calendar the first month is September, then October, November, and so on. Accordingly, my birthday is: [birth date removed]. In Gregorian calendar, however, it is [birth date removed]. Which one should I use to calculate my chart?
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Name Number With Life Or Destiny Number
In numerology the name number should match with life number or destiny number is the standard suggestion. But calculating name number is varied depending on the method of calculating the alphabetic and its numerical values. So please let me know the correcting way to calculate numerical values of the alphabetic. Thank you.
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The number 9 in Each of the Four Major Chart Positions
My Life Path number is 9. My Life Destiny number is 9. My Soul number is 9. My Personality number is 9. My Maturity number is 9. Each of my four challenges are 0. My first pinnacle is 6. My second pinnacle is 6. My third pinnacle is 3. My fourth pinnacle is 6. My first, second, and third cycle numbers are 3. I've read friends' numerology reports/
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Life Path and Time of Birth
Does the time of your birth effect which life path are you? [date removed] 3:15 am. Am I a life path 7 or 8? Are there life path cusps?
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Power Number and Changed Name
Can I know the effect of my power number on my life now? What happens if the birth name has changed.
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Mid-Life Crisis
Does numerology say anything about mid-life crisis? My dad, he's changed!
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Married Three Years Ago
I got married 3 years ago. Is my numerology chart different now than it was then?
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Which Number Is for Marriage?
I study numerology a lot but I want to know which Essence number is best associated with marriage? I know 6 is known for love, family commitments, home life and marriage. But is it the only number that represents marriage? I don't see many 6s in my essence year and, if they are, its in the past.
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I Want To Know Everything About My Life
I want to know everything about my life — career, partner, love, fame, wealth, health, family — everything.
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The Right Spelling of a Name
What would be the right spelling of my name?
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Is My Life Path 33/6 or 24/6?
When I calculate my life path: When I simplify all the numbers it is 33/6. But I've heard you have to leave master numbers the way they are(22). Is my life path 33/6 or is it 24/6?
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Living Up to My Purpose
I am a master number 33. How can I live up to my purpose on earth?
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Date of Birth at GMT or IST
I was born in India at 01:05 A.M. IST and the date was 19th March, but according to GMT it was 18th March on that time. When I calculate and read the numerological reports, putting 18th of March 1986 instead of 19th, the report is much authentic and resembles with my life. My question is which date should I follow to make my numerological readings? Thank You.
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Birth Date Error on Birth Certificate
I have two questions: 1) I was born on 22nd November 1995 but for some reason my parents made my birth certificate with 22nd November 1996 with nothing else changed. So, when doing numerological calculations do I use 1995 or 1996, and if i use 1996 will 1995 have any effect on me and vice versa. 2) If I apply for my student visa and take my interview within a few days what are the odds that it would get rejected. Thanks!
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Life Path 11 and Birth Time 22:33
My Life Path is 11/2. Birth time is 22:33. Does it mean all that I think it does?
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Strong Belief in Numerology
Sir/Mam my question is regarding confusions going on with my career and my relationship life. My girlfriend and me are in relationship since January 2011. She believes too much in numerology and her astrologer said to her we won't last. She will find her love of life this year and then she will have to make choice between 2 of us. And she believes and grieves on it as if it already happened, and this makes me sad, too. She says she's being told this is destiny. Can't there be some way or idea to reduce this destiny's influence? I mean we are together for 5 years and than suddenly she will find love of her life. Also we are planning to meet this year in December or most probably in January. For now we're in long distance relationship. Please, please I request you to suggest me some solution. She is [birth date removed]. Also I was thinking to go as security officer for my career. Can this be successful, too? Earlier, I was general medicine student but had to drop out because my father expired and I couldn't afford. Please, I hope some solutions. Thanking you.
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Meaning of Birth Date
What does my birth date mean [birth date removed]?
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Knowing My Personality
How can I know my personality?
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Where I'm Going to be Living
Can you see where I'm going to be living in the hopefully near future? Thank you.
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Name and Birth Date Balance
What is the balance between my name and date of birth?
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Determine Talents
Which is my innate talent?
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Life Path and the Age of the Earth
How can we know that our year number is correct when we want to calculate our life path number? The year numbers are inaccurate because we started to count the years after Jesus Christ but the world is much older than 2015 years. Some people tell that the life path number is just our birth month and day sum. What is the truth?
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Using 'First-middle' or 'First' 'Middle' for Essence Chart
I happen to have a question regarding calculating essence cycle... I have 3 names "Unknown DDD XXX" but my passsport and birth certificate states that my first name is "Unknown DDD" and my last name is "XXX" and no middle name. So, do I use "Unknown DDD" as my first name and "XXX" as my last name or "Unknown" as first, "DDD" as middle and "XXX" as last name when calculating essence cycle? Thanks!
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Destiny Number 44
I recently found out that my destiny number is a 44. I'm standing on a crossroad now in my life and all I want to do is find and fulfill my soul purpose, live out my soul potential. My soul calling. Can you please explain what it means, the master destiny number 44. Thank you so much for taking the time for me.
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Three Master Numbers In Numerology Chart
Hello. I'm new to numerology and I've used a site to find out that I have 3 master numbers. I have 11 in both personality and path of life and 33 in heart's desire. I would like to know what this really means exactly, is it a good thing? I'm at the moment studying philosophy first year and I'm 19 years old, but I'm pretty unsure about what future got for me. I've heard especially that 33 is a very rare number, so having 3 of them really surprised me.
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Master Numbers 33, 22, and 11
Please tell me more about the number 33, the number 22 and the number 11. Also, my spouse is [name removed], dob [birth date removed], we married [marriage date removed].
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Academy for Brain Development of Kids
I want to name my new business. It is an academy for brain development of kids. I am planning its name as Genius Brain Developer. Will this be a lucky for me? Will it help me grow?
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Birth and Adopted Name Compatibility
I need to know when you carried two names. My birth name is [name removed]. Adopted name [name removed]. Do these confuse direction for me? Or do they help one another?
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Which Name is Better for Me?
My name right now is [name removed] which sometimes I don't write 'V' and write only [name removed] I want to change my name to [name removed]. I want to know according to Numerology which name is better for me?
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My Basic Number
What is my basic number throughout my life. Maybe it is awkward but to me it seems that number 8 has been used in many movies and serials, like after 8 years blah happened, he came back after 8 years, when I was 8 year old. Is there is any importance of number 8 in those context?
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Do I Have a Master Number?
Do I have a master number?
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All Major Numbers are the Number 9
I have used online numerology calculators before and each time it shows that in every single category the number is the same, which happens to be the number 9. I was wondering about the significance of that, if any.
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Converting Date from One Calendar to Another
I doubt about my year of birth converting to its equal global year, I live in Iran and our timing is based upon Calendar Years so when My birthday is calendar day :16, calendar month :10, calendar year :1339 equal to Jan 6th but global year 1960 or 1961? In my previous passports 1960 is written but since my birth day is 6 days after beginning of global year 1961,so they should be mistaken about global year. I want to ask how should we convert calendar years to global years regarding calendar month of birth?
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About Master Numbers
I feel motivated but lost at the same time. After a life path calculation, my life path is a 33/6. I recovered from a nearly fatal illness but lost my job as a social worker which I deeply enjoyed. I am shy of 10 years to retirement and derive so much satisfaction from social work. Can you provide insight on my life path and having 3 master numbers in my date of birth. I feel a deep sense of responsibility to mankind to help those unable to help themselves.
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Making the Best of Numerology
So how should I go about making the best of numerology and what is the number to use. You have given me like 5 different numbers for things. What is going to affect my life, my productivity, and future and make it better. Please explain. Sorry but just being honest!! Regards, Thanks.
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Initial in Name for Numerology Readings
I have some doubts. When we calculate our name, should we check our initial (my initial is S.) or do we only count our name?
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Conflicting Numbers
I have conflicting numbers and am not sure what to make of it. I have a life path number of 1 which holds accurate. I have a Karmic number of 19, which is also accurate. I'm new to numerology and I guess I am just wondering if this kind of thing is common or is there some other meaning behind it.
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Birth Date/Name Length Correlation
I was born on May 8th which is 5/8 and my first name has five letters in it, while my last name has eight. Does this mean anything?
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Does the Number 4 Require Work for Pay?
My birthpath is #4. My sister is a numerologist and she says that I needed to work for pay, because that is the best way I can learn the lesson of #4. I think that work is work with pay or without. Who is right?
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Lots of 3's, Yet Without Musical Talent
I have a lot of 3's in my chart, but i have no musical gifts. Why is that? I can't visualize, I close my eyes and nothing.
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Name and Spiritual Number
Does my name match my spiritual number?
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Seeing Number Synchronicities
I have been seeing number synchronicities constantly. Now I am seeing my birthdate all the time. I am just learning about angel numbers. I was told I have a life path of 22, and I feel there is something more that I need to be doing....
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Expression Number 11 or 2
Some numerology sites give me a 2 expression number, others give me an 11 expression number. Which one is most accurate.
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Hello there :) I have a question regarding numerology compatibility. Do numerologists interrelate core numbers' compatibility to have more precise analysis? What I mean by that is, for instance, do numerologists also analyze a person's Life Path number compatibility with the other person's Expression number and vice versa? Or is it only between the same core numbers that analysis can be done? Thank you in advance for your knowledge :) Kind Regards,
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Age 57 with Birth Year 1957
On Aug. 9, I will be 57. Does the fact that my birth year is also 57 have any numerological meaning?
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Repetitive Numbers in Chart (and Astrology Question)
Hello there! I've been looking all over, but haven't found anything on this subject. I'm wondering about the significance of having many of the same number totals throughout your numerology as opposed to having a wider variety of numbers. My chart for example is full of 1 energy: Soul Urge: 1, Personality: 1, Quiescent Self: 1, Destiny: 11, Life Path: 11. How do the different number totals relate? Is there a difference between someone with repeating numbers in their charts as opposed to someone with a variety.
Another question- Do most numerologists recognize astrology as well? Do most consider there to be a relationship between the two fields? My sun sign is Aquarius, for instance, which would seem to fit quite well with my 1-heavy numerology. However, I could imagine someone might have a more contrasting mix. And of course, then there's the Eastern/Western astrology thing! I'm a Tiger, Aquarius(cusp of Capricorn actually), and 1/1/1/11/11 in numerology.
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Name and Birth Date Harmony
Sir I want to know whether my name is in harmony with my DOB.
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Life Path Number 4 Doesn't Suit Me
Much of my numerology report makes sense, (22 destiny, 11 soul, 11 personality, etc.) but my life path number doesn't seem to suit me. I'm not good at math and I'm not very methodical, conservative, or business-like. However, what I've read about life path 3 and 5 both seem to suit me better. I like to travel, I feel easily tied down, I need lots of freedom and creative expression, etc. I was born at 3:30 pm, if that makes any difference. Am I just interpreting it wrongly?
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Becoming a Private Investigator
Would becoming a Private Investigator be a proper career path for me?
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An Astrologer Told Me Something Is Going To Happen
An astrologer told me something is going to happen into my life in March 2014 but up to date nothing has happen and I don't know why. Please advice me.
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Could There Be an Error on this System?
My birth number is 8. My name number is 3. That is the problem, I am the total opposite of a 3. I am by all definitions a number 7 in my personality and spiritual quest in so many ways. Could there be an error in this system?
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A Better Compatibility Reading
Hello, I just wanted to get a reading for me & my husband together if it's possible. Like compatibility. I do not really like other sites because they don't give full information, or if they do - it's just a separate reading for people. So his name is [name removed] [date removed] ths
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Lucky Hours and Lucky Months
A friend of mine previously used numerology to figure out the 4 different hours of the day that were "lucky", as well as the 3 or 4 periods of the year that were "lucky". I can't find any resources anywhere to figure it out.
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Two Names
Hi, I have two names one birth name and one for day2day use. Both give different results. Is there a link to both as it happens with a considerable percentage of people there must be a side to it? How to see that? What is the influence of the date on the numerology reading? BTW I know my full astrochart and all its consequences in detail.
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Partners with Same Birth Date
My name is [name removed]. I'm single and never married. I've recently been dating a man named [name removed]. Both our birthdays are [date removed] which gives us the attitede and life path number as well as birthday number. How much does this figure into our total relationship compatibility? Sincerely, [name removed]
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Which House is Lucky for Me?
I have two house, which house is lucky for me? First address is: 1 Faywood Dr, facing north east. Second address is: 35 Pentonville Rd, facing north west.
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Lots of 1s in Name
I would like to know what it means when you have a lot of 1's in your birth name? I know that I have seven of them within my full name given. Is this unusual to have so many and would I need to balance with the opposite number of 9 for a better numerology chart?
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Maturity Number Affecting Life Path Number
How does my maturity number affect the strength of my life path number?
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Capstone Location
Is the capstone at the end of your first name or last name?
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Affect of Life Path on Name Master Numbers
Are there really two master numbers in my name and how does the six life path affect them? What is important to look at? Thanks soo much!
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Observable Facts and Numerology Interpretations Differ
Hi, I've read so many awful things about name number 18 in Chaldean. I have a feeling this is a dramatic misunderstanding, because my first name may add up to this number, but I don't feel the horrible effects they describe. In fact, it's so distant from me that the results are remotely similar. I am very spiritual, however I do have a focus on global business. Yet they claim this number destroys spirituality. Some clarity here please? Then my full name comes up to 72/9, which is apparently the best number for wealth or business.
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Four 1's in Birthdate
What if anything does having four one's in my birth-date mean? Someone once told me that it wasn't good to have 4 ones. Thanks.
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Mother and Daughter Both Life Path Number 22
Hi.. I was wondering, my daughter and me, our life's path number is 22! She was born [birth date removed], birth name, [birth name removed]. Is it something common to have master number in a family? Is it something special? I do hope you'll have a clue and really wish to hear from you. Does it mean something good for a mother and a daughter to have same life's path number of 22?
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Using Initial as Name for Numerology
Is the initial to be added while calculating numerology? Is the birth date number in harmony with name number? If not, what would be a good number to change the name number.
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Is My First Pinnacle a 33?
Hello, my birthday is on July 26th. Does this mean that my first pinnacle (0-35) is a master number pinnacle 33? July is the seventh month and 26 +7 =33. If yes, what does it mean? Do I attain and develop all of the qualities of the number 33? Thank you.
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Determining Life Path Number
My life path is 4 and I'm dating a guy and I'm not sure of his life path. He was born on Friday the [date removed] but since in his culture they believed that day were unlucky so they put [date removed] on his birth certificate. Which birthdate should he follow for determining his life path etc? Also is he and I compatible? His name is [name removed]. Please don't publish the name. Thanks
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Change My Name to Be Number 5
How I can change my spelling of my name so that it could be on number 5?
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Interpreting the Name Number
I know VERY little about numerology. I was introducing some folks by doing a very simple name number. One of the lady's number equaled 39. 3+9=12. I could not tell her aspects of what her name represents. Can you help?
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Most Important Life Path Numbers
What are the most important numbers in my life path?
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Birth Date and Number 4
Can you simply tell me (if anything) about my birth date that might be of any importance to me? The number 4 13 has been with me for at least 12 years or so as well. Any ideas what that may be about? Thank u for ur time.
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Birth Certificate Changed
At birth my mother's name (birth certificate) was [name removed for privacy], but they started calling her Irma. By the time that she was 12 they had a problem with the school paperwork so they change the birth certificate to Irma and they also change the birth date from 11/27/34 to [date removed for privacy] (the day that the change was made on the birth certificate). She has been called Irma basically all her life. What name should be used to calculate her numbers. And also for many years she thought that her birthday was in Dec rather than Nov, does that change something?
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Master Numbers and Specific Meaning
Do any of the master numbers in my chart have a specific meaning.
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Master Numbers in Numerology
From my Calculations, I have three master numbers, but they are very hidden, 11, 22, and 33, 11, 22 are the most hidden, these are my Core numbers: Destiny number 87/6, Life path 52/7,Physical Plane 10, Mental Plane 2, Emotional Plane 3, Intuitive Plane 3, Personal Number 54/9, Soul Urge Number 33/6, I am new to this in practical application, I have always known since the age of 5 that 7 allowed me to see what others cannot, and because of this is why these master numbers are screaming at me to verify and unlock the meaning of this, therefore will you help me to uncover the hidden meaning of why is it possible to have more than one master number and what is the big picture thank you so very much.
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Are Some Numerologists Wrong?
I know this is a weird question and I hope you don't take it wrong but one web site says a number means one thing and another web site for the very same number says something different. Do you know what I mean? They can't both be right, can they?
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Three in Family Born on Same Day of the Month
My dad was born on the 28th of September, my brother was born on the 28th of December and me the 28th of March. Does this mean anything?
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Repeated Challenge Numbers
What significance is it to have three of four of your life challenge numbers be the same? Both my sister and I have this, both with the number 2, though we are not twins (I mean to say we have different birthdays).
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What Is My Life Path Number?
What is my life path number?
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What Name To Use For Numerology Calculations
What if I don't have a middle name but I have two last names because in my birth certificate I have my mom's and dad's last names. Should I just include my first and last name when calculating my numbers or my first and both last names?
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To Junior or Not To Junior
"Jr." is on my birth certificate. Should I use Jr. at the end of my name when doing a numerology reading? I hear both yes and no from people who study numerology.
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How To Calculate the Birth Date Number
My question is: Depending on how I calculate my birth numbers the answer changes. Which one is correct or are both? Example:
2+1+9+1+9+6+1=29=11 or 2 19 1961 =1982 = 20 = 2When I do other peoples numbers, they are the same. I am confused
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A 9 in every major position
I have alot of 9's in my core number a master number 22 is my day, and I have been told I am a natural empath. Is there anything you can comment on about this or other physic ablility in my chart?
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Why do you need my name?
Why do you need the full name? Can't you answer with just a birth date?
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Challenges and Pinnacles
(paraphrased) What are the pinnacles and challenges?
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