Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects
Master Number as Both Life Path and Destiny Numbers
Hi, My name is [name removed]. My DOB is [birth date removed]. I wonder if I necessarily need to change my name. (considering) I know that I have a life path of 11 which is a master number. I wonder if my name carries the 11 qualities? Or have been maximized to its fullest potential. Best, AB
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Both your life path (birth date number) and your destiny (name number) are the master number 11.
If a numerologist suggested changing your name, perhaps they had information that wasn't revealed in your question. I see nothing that would indicate it's necessary to change your name.
The number 11 is a wonderful number, both as itself and as a master number. It's the most intuitive number of all.
If your consideration is about living up to the potential of the master number 11, realize that it's potential, not certainty. Living up to all of a master number's potential is most emphatically not a requirement.
The Master Number Articles index has links to other pertinent information.
Master Numbers are not in charge. You are. They don't run your life. You do.
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