Numerology Answers - Personal Relationships > Love
What About My Love Life?
Hi....i want to know what my future holds for me, be it my career or my personal life...this year in [date removed] i broke up with a guy named [name and birth date removed]? i luvd him a lot but he was not confident to marry me....want to know what destiny has decided about my love life?
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Soulmate Calculations
How many numbers have to be the same (not just in harmony) with each other to be considered soulmates?
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Deeply in Love With Ex-Boyfriend
I am still deeply in love with my ex-boyfriend. We broke up at the end of November 2017. It feels as if I lost an innocent part of me. We both felt as we've found soulmates in one another but the time and circumstances weren't right. Will we get back together? Is there anything I can do to help for this to happen?
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Meaning of Astrological Numbers
I am with a Scorpion man and he is 28. The Juno the marriage asteroid degree in my 2018 solar return is 28! And the 2018 SR Juno is conjunct SR DSC in late Aquarius and my SR Sun in 7th house! The configuration conjuncts his North Node in Aquarius. My solar Return Venus in Pisces 12 deg! I met him 12 days before my Solar Return on Feb 8th! WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? That he is my future 2nd husband????
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Meeting the Love of My Life
When will I meet love of my life?
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The Number 12:21 Appeared in My Dream
I'm in love with a guy. It took me more than 2 years to realise this. I was involved in a bad break up earlier. I was recuperating from that incident and hence never much paid attention to this guy. Many a astrologers had told me earlier that the second time I fall in love with a guy that relationship is meant to last. However, now there's a complete role reversal. This guy who had been chasing me for more than a year, now when I am in love with him he doesn't seem interested. His name is [name removed] and his birthday is [date removed]. I dreamt about him just today and while dreaming about him the number 12:21 appeared in my dream exactly in this format. Kindly help me understand.
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When Love Life Kicks In
When will my love life kick in?
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Will We Ever Be Together?
My name is [name removed]. I am talking with this man whom I've known for 2 years now. We are intimate, but we are not a couple. We are very good friends, have a lot of similarities and I feel very spiritually and emotionally connected to him. His name is [name removed]. He is a Aquarius-Pisces cusp ( his birthday being [birth date removed]) & I am an Aquarius (my birthday being [birth date removed]). My question is will we ever be "Together"? I love him. Thank you. Namasté.
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How to Find a Loved One
How to find a loved one in my life.
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Finding True Love
Will I find true love soon?
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Will I Find My True Love
Will I ever find my true love?
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Love Life This Year
May I know what will happen to my love life this year? And I'm still single.
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Something that May Be Great One Day?
Am I a fool? I fell in love with a man who is now the father of my son. It happened quickly and unexpectedly, not to mention in the middle of a complicated situation. Now after the birth of our son, his divorce, which I did NOT encourage, things have been interesting. He says that he truly loves me, loves being around me and can really relate to me, but that given that I wasn't a part of his life plan that there's no future for us. I want to believe this, but the level of connection and chemistry between us proves otherwise. He comforted me when my mother passed and shows genuine concern for me. I don't know what to do. Am I just being foolish or am I onto something that may be great one day? His name ([birth name and date removed]).
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Finding My True Love
When will I find my True Love and how will I know her?
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Meeting Soul Mate
When will I meet my soul mate?
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Love, Soul Mates, and Compatibility
I'm currently talking to this guy name [birth name removed] who was born [birthdate removed] and would like to know how he really feels about me. Are we soul mates, compatible, and anything else that pertains to the love we have for one another? Thanks!!
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Will I Ever Get My True Love
Will I ever get my true love? If yes, then when and who is he?
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My Love Life this Year
What do you see in my love life this year? My partner and I recently broke up and now she is with someone else. Will her relationship last and will we reconcile our relationship this year? Any time frame will be appreciated. Will I meet someone this year to share my life with?
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In love with a man since 7 years.
In love with a man since 7 years. Will I get married to him. I luv him extremely 'n can't think to live without him. Will he be mine? Or is he interested somewhere else as well?
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