Numerology Answers > Personal Relationships > Love
Deeply in Love With Ex-Boyfriend

I am still deeply in love with my ex-boyfriend. We broke up at the end of November 2017. It feels as if I lost an innocent part of me. We both felt as we've found soulmates in one another but the time and circumstances weren't right. Will we get back together? Is there anything I can do to help for this to happen?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Psychic perception or clairvoyance aren't part of numerology calculations. But there are calculations for various cycles that have been observed.
Your pinnacle number is the number 6. Next year, around your birthday, your pinnacle number will change to the number 1 and remain the number 1 for nine years.
Currently, the energy of your pinnacle cycle relates to home, family, and nurturing. Next year, the energy will change to relate to independence, self-reliance, and exploration.
Your current challenge number is the number 1. About the same time as your pinnacle number changes, your challenge number will change to the number 6.
Currently, the energy of your challenge number is related to independence, self-reliance, and exploration. Next year, and for a period of nine years, the challenge number relates to home, family, and nurturing.
Soon after your birthday a year plus a month from now, your approach to the situation is likely to change. You may find that you no longer yearn to be made whole, as you are likely to already feel whole and self-reliant. But you may instead yearn to nurture and provide for someone.
Whether or not you get back together will of course be up to you and him. One person by themselves isn't enough to make the decision. It takes both of you talking about it and seeing where it can lead.
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