Numerology Answers - Physical Life > Career & Education
My Highest Gift to Humanity
What career field will help me bring my highest gift to humanity?
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Become Actress
When will I become an actress.
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Bank Account Number
Which bank account number in total is the best for me .. Numerology is applicable only in bank account or even in debit card.
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Company Name Suitable to My Name
My company name Sharpglow industries is suitable to my name.
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When Will I Get Job
When will I get job?
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Teaching Position in Directions
Will it work out for me to take on a teaching position in Directions next school year?
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Career and Future Job
Tell me about career in my life which job will i get it in future
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Name Lucky for My Restaurant Business
Which name is lucky for my restaurant business.
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Able to Succeed in Business
Should I do business? can I able to succeed in business? do I have scope in business
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Achieve My Goals
When will I achieve my goals?
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Name for Pediatric Dental Clinic
I want to know name of pediatric dental clinic According to numerology.
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About My Business Career
Can you please let me know about my business career?
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Waterfall and Money Flow
How and when can I earn more more money. Can artificial waterfall help to get a good amount of money flow?
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Name Change for Singer
I am a singer, but I was very shy for a great part of my life and did not start to sing publicly until I was in my late 30's, when I tried some games with myself, including just getting up there and singing and pretending that I was someone else who did this all the time with great success and self-confidence. Lately I have been wondering about changing back from my married name of Birchall back to my maiden name of Ellis. I feel that the name Ellis is a more creative, mellifluous name and thus, be good with self-expression, but that the name Birchall might have advantages or add a dimension that I shouldn't turn away from. Please advise. Thank You.
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Academics in Good Direction
Will my academics go in a good direction? What's the dream job for me???
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Best Date for Incorporation
Which numbers are best for date of incorporation?
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Start Date for Business
I want to start a business with a partner and would like to know the best date to use to incorporate the business. I can use an 'effective date' that is within a month or two of the time I file the papers. Thank you!
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Future of My Career
What does the future of my career look like?
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Future Career and Job
I want to know about my future career and about my job.
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What to Do for Wealth and Success in Life
What should I do for wealth & success in my life?
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Finances During 27th Year
What does my 27th year mean for me financially?
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Current Looks for Acting Career
Should I use the look I have now going forward in my acting career?
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Suitable Name for Job
Which name or part of name will suit me for getting a good job. Currently I am jobless.
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The Best Business Number
What best business no
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What to Do for Wealth and Success
What should I do for wealth & success in my life?
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Good Name for Restaurant Business
I am born on [date removed]. Want you to suggest a good name for a new restaurant business.
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Name for Success in Acting Career
[name and birth date removed] What name is suitable for my acting career.? Which name gives me success in my acting career as actor?
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Best Day to Start a Business
What is the best day to start a business?
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Men's Ready-made Business
My birth date number is 9 (18) and life path number is one, i want to start mens readymade business, just want to know this business is good for me or not.
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When Will I Get a Job
When will i get job?
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Lucky Numbers Within Telephone Number
I am just now becoming an aesthetician and laser technician, and I was wanting to reserve a phone number that would including my lucky numbers, or be good for business. Is simply looking up and inserting my lucky numbers efficient, or is there another method? Thank you for your help, always!
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Is Company Name Good or Not?
I going to start a construction company named PGP CONSTRUCTIONS. Is it good or not?
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Real Estate Broker Profession
I am real estate broker pl advice me this profession is suitable for me I have no other option pl what I can do in this profession.
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Successful and Rich in Career
Will I become successful in my career and become rich?
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Tax Consultancy Business and Personal Name
I want to start tax consultancy business on name of Shreenivas consultancy. Is it suitable for my name.
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My Career and My Marriage
pls tell me about my career. in which field i should go. i want to earn name and fame. and tell me about my marriage. when will i get married?
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Pricing for Good Energy and Success
I am beginning my businesses what prices would bring good energy for success. One is for coaching meditation Accessory store for jewelry As well as event promotion and fundraising.
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Can I Become ...?
Sir my life path no is 6 - can i become ias
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A Chocolate Business
Hello. I very much want to start a chocolate business and am struggling to come up with a name that will make potential customers curious enough to take a look at my website! I want it to stand out. It will be great if you can give me any pointers. Thank you.
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Earth Movers Business
i want to start my own business related with infra ang earth movers ..suggest to me the best names for my business..
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My Career Destiny
What job will I get & who will I become? what is destined in my life?
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When I Become a Film Star
My Question is : when i will become a film star because its my life ambition so please give me a answer for this plz
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Career After Completing Study
What is my career after completing my study?
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Best Name for Hotel
I'm constructing a medium sized hotel. What name should I choose that will bring luck, multiply my profits and make my business grow?
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Company Name and Personal Name Compatibility
"Vedant Infotech" is compatible with my name or not for my new business.
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Which Year to Get the Job
In which year I get the job?
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What Career Should I Take for Success
Which career should i take for success, what importance should i give in life, work and discipline & decisions.
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No Financial Benefit
I am not getting financial benefit and progress from my work and feeling like looser in life.
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Lucky Letter and Number in Relation to Restaurant Business
To start new restaurant business for a sagittarius, which alphabet and number is lucky for me.
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Day to Switch Jobs
Good day to switch jobs
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Best Name Number for Acting Career
Which name number is best for acting career. 19, 23, 37, 41, 42, 46 And which name is best. [list of names removed]
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Good Book Title
How could I use numerology to come up with a good title for a book I am writing? I want the book to sell well.
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Business Numerology Number for Clothing Store
Hi, I am searching for a business numerology number for my clothing store. psychic number is 3 and destiny number is 4. Please advise a suitable business numerology number on the basis of psychic and destiny number, so that I could be able to search brand names.
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Company Name for Wholesale Business of Food Items
I am going to start wholesale business of food items. I want suggestion for name of company.
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Knowing About Career in Two Years
I want to know about my career in 2 years.
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Aiming to Become an Actor
I want to become an actor. Can I achieve my aim?
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Becoming a Successful Doctor
Will I become a successful doctor?
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A Gym Business
Business future in gym line.
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Being a Tarot Card Reader
I want to be a tarot card reader in gifted but I'm a newbie when it comes to readings I've been on a spiritual journey for 4 years I need more support and guidance can anyone help me with advice or any resources - have 6 kids and I'm a single mother looking for more spiritual growth and financial stability
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Government Job or Bank Job
I want to know about my career, whether i will get a govt.job or bank job.....
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Name for New Clothing Business
I want to start clothing business need to know the name for business [Date removed] is my date of birth please suggest the name or number for clothing business.
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What My Career Will Be
What will my career be?
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Dental Clinic Name
I have a dental clinic named "sunshine"..started two months back..but my clinic is not doing good..sometimes there are no patients at all..what do I do..how do I make it successful..Please help
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Successful Career in Acting
Can I have a successful career in acting.
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Job and Future
I want know about my job and future.
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A Name for Becoming a Good Actor
Pls. Suggest name for becoming a good actor.
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Working Career One Year From Now
What will be my working career 1 year from now?
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My Future Job
What is my future job?
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Name Correct and Career
Is numerically my name correct and in which field i should go in my career?
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Numerology for Domain Names
How do you calculate a domain name, do you calculate using: www."the name" .com? Thank you.
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Name of Medical Diagnostic Center
Hi.. i am planning to start a medical diagnostic center business and would like to ask what numerology best suites the name of the center.. i am a doctor married to a seaman. Many thanks in advance to ur response.
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A Successful Actor
Hello, My aim is to become a successful actor and start my acting career, soon. What should be my name number, According to my psychic and destiny number? Should I make it 6 or is it good as it is?
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Acting and My Future
Can i become an actor?? What is my future?
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Lucky Telephone for Private Trading Business
Am going to start a private trading business. What is the lucky phone number for that?
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Career 10 Years From Now
Where will my career be in 10 years from now?
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Bike Showroom
Hello sir, I want to start new business of bike showroom, I kept my firm name as VIJAY LAXMI MOTORS - is it suitable?
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About My Career and About My Marriage
I want to know about my career as presently I am searching for a job. I would also like to know about my marriage.
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Name Compatible for Acting
Is my name compatible for my acting career? If not how should I get a new name?
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Areas of Work for the Rest of My Life
I spent my career in musical theater, public television and the non profit sector. I am 70 years old. Still full of life and, going forward, want to serve my highest good. What areas of work should I place focus to make the most of the rest of my life.
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Right Time to Try for a New Job
Want to change my present job. Is it the right time to try for a new job?
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Best Occupation for Me
Which occupation is best for me?
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Career, Lifespan, and Studies
I want to know about my career, lifespan and my studies.
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New Clothing Brand Name
I am looking for new clothing brand name, my lucky number is 5 and 23 also favours me. Can you suggest me best name please.
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A Name for My New Farm
Suggest a name for my new farm.
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Will Business Be Successful?
Will my Business be successful?
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T-shirt Business
Hello, I am opening an online t-shirt business, and was wondering if the business name would be a good choice. The name adds up to a 33, the destiny number is 6, the soul urge number is 11, and the inner dream number is 22. Are two master numbers overwhelming? Any insight would be greatly appreciated. I'm a huge fan of you site,
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'Class of 84' Name for Clothing Line
One day the words 'Class of 84' popped in my head and I have been thinking about it ever since. I keep thinking about 84 and I tried to research what it may symbolize but, I ended up with nothing. What do these numbers mean separately and then together? I told my boyfriend about the number and he thought it would be a nice name for a clothing line, which I am in the process of building now and I don't have a name for my line yet. Maybe this could be the name but if so, how am I to explain where it came from? I just need clarity on the numbers.
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The Better Career
what career option would be best for me ..... and also what would be better : 1.actor 2.engineer 3.media management
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Trading and/or Other Career
can i become intraday trader in equity and f&o what are the lucky and unlucky stocks for me for trading? what career is the best for me apart from trading and is trading can be a full time career too?
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My Career Now
My career now? Is this forever?
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Clinical Psychology
What should I go for mbbs or mphil in clinical psychology?
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A Good Stand in Career
When will I take a good stand in career? What will be the best career for me?
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Helping Society
I want to become ias officer or ifs officer. can numerology help me to find my career more accurately. I want to help the society through my job.
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New Name for Acting Career
Choose a new name for my acting career.
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Require Restaurant Name
Restaurant name required
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Name for Successful Actor
I want to be a Successful Actor... So my name is perfect for that or not?.... I should give my full name or not??
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When I Get Job
When will I get job?
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Understanding My Career
I want to know about my career.
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K-4, Q-5 in Business Partnership With K-5, Q-7
I'm a K-4, Q-5 number person wanting to start a business in partnership with a K-5, Q-7. We are planning to start our own brand and manufacture products related to health and nutritional supplements. What name number of the brand is best suited for the same. Thank you.
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Will I Get Success or Not?
Bi my name is [name removed]. I want to know about my career. Will I get success or not?
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Name Good Enough for Bollywood Actress
Sir I want to become a successful Bollywood actress. Is my name good enough for it?
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Skills and Talents for Riches
Please help me find out my skills and talents that will make me rich. I feel stuck in life after failing to complete my college diploma. Help me to discover who I am and my purpose on earth.
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My Right Career Job
What's my right career job?
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Career Path and Soul Mate
Where is my career path heading [this year] and is my soul mate actually out there?
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My Career Path
What is my career path?
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Perfect Name for Acting Career
Sir, my name is [name removed]. I want to become a successful actress . Is my name perfect for a successful acting career?
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Successful Happy Career Woman
Will i be a successful happy career woman. Also what will my life companion be like. What career will i flourish in. When will my trials end.
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Non-Secured Job
My current job is not secured. Will my current job continue for next two years? When I can start my own small business?
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Becoming a Successful Numerologist in a Year
Will I become a successful Numerologist [next year]? And will I be able to earn money through this science?
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How a Business Will Work With a Specific Business Name
Dhakshatha kitchen is my business name, how it will work?
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Compatible Business Name
Is Prudence a compatible name for a business for me?
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Profession to Get Into in Future
What profession will i get into in future?
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My Next Career Move
What should be my next career move?
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Starting a Restaurant at End of Year
hello, My name is [name removed]. I and my husband want to start our own restaurant next month i.e [date removed]. He is a hotelier but no stability in his job. I also have so many issues to get a job. DOB of my husband ([name removed]) is [date removed]. Ao is it a good time to start?
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Charging Clients and Lucky Numbers
How much amount should I charge from my clients in business to get more customers? what is my lucky number?
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Successful Pursuit of Music Career
Will be able to pursue music successfully or should I just let it be a hobby?
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Name for Book Shop
I want a lucky name for my father's new business. He was in a joint business with his brother and is parting ways now. It's a book shop, and we're devotees of Sai Baba. We want something on the same grounds.
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Starting a Construction Company
I am starting a construction company (mainly houses) with my wife as one of the director. Her name is [name removed] and DOB is [name removed]. Please suggest the best name as per numerology.
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Suitable Name for Construction Company
What will be suitable name a construction company?
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Book Title
What title should my book have?
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Type of Business I Will Own
What type of business will i own?
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Destined Profession
What is my destined profession?
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Teaching Is Exactly Right for Me
Hello! I've had financial problems for a few years and despite two academic degrees in linguistics and translation and lots of experience from many different types of jobs, I haven't been able to find a stable job with a permanent contract. I've done a lot of teaching during the last few years which suits me quite well, but since I'm not a certified teacher I haven't been able to get anything more than temporary substitute teaching jobs. According to my numerology chart, teaching is exactly right for me. So, why hasn't this worked out for me and is there anything in my numerology that indicates positive changes on the work front? Would a name change help me? (My current name is [name removed] but I only use the middle name when it's required in documents, which isn't often. Please remove personal information!) Thank you!
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Success in My Profession
Will I attain success in my profession?
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Profitable Ladies Clothes Business
Will ladies clothes business be profitable?
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Preparing a Study
Is it right for me to start preparing a study in October [this year] to study law?
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When to Get New Job
When will get new job?
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Work I Can Do
Which work can I do. According to my astrology?
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The Country for My Career
Which country should I move for my career?
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Pasta Concept Store
Starting a Pasta concept store with only a few recipes, and I am wondering which number I should base my business on. How many recipes? How many letters should be on the restaurant's name? Date of opening? Work day or night? Hours of working? If important etc...
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What is Best for My Career?
Want to know what is best for my career Chartered accountancy or LLB?
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The Best Career for Someone
Can you tell me the best career for me?
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9 and 3 Are Compatible
Hello, my life path number is 9 and my birthday number is 3 and my name number is also 3. I just want to know if that is a good combination in terms of success in career? I'm a student and I'm actually facing a lot of challenges to move forward in my life with my current subject...so is there anything wrong with the combination? And if yes how can I change it or it make it better?
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Business Related to Residential Buildings
I am going to start my electrical services and facilities management services business to residential buildings under the name [name removed]. Is this name consistent with my date of birth? Or is it right for my business success?
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A Career in Medicine
Will I have a career in medicine?
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Name for Imitation Jewelry Business
Hi I am planning to start imitation jewelry business...can you help with name?
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Where Career is Headed
Where my career is headed.
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Confused About My Career
I am in confusion about my career, please tell me whether I get a good government job or not?
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Success and Engineering
In my life can I get success. Does I become engineering?
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Best Days to Start My Own Business
When are the best days from now to start my own business?
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Birth Date and Stock Investment Performance
I am born on [date removed]. How would my stock market investment perform over next decade?
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The Work to Do
What work should I do?
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New Career as Real Estate Agent
Hello, I am about to embark on a new career as a real estate agent. Now that I'm about to obtain my license, I can feel how this business is all about closing the deal i.e. money. In numerology, my birth number or life path is a 3, and my birth name, a 9. I have a degree in Dance and Theatre, and have always found it difficult to seek out anything just for the sake of money, (though I am a single mother of a 10-year-old, and I've never received child support ) I'm well in my 40s now, but I'll admit I don't still reside near LA county, CA just for the weather. Should I reconsider acting and performing? Or, is there something else in real estate someone with my numerology could focus on, to help me persevere? Many thanks in advance. I am very thankful and appreciative of this website!
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Lucky Name for Restaurant
I need a lucky name for my restaurant.
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Lucky Mobile Numbers in Business
My luck mobile numbers in business
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How Will My Career Be?
How will my career be?
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Being an Actor
I want to be an actor! My birth date is [date removed]. I want to know which name would be the best to break into the film industry.
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A Most-Suitable Career
Which career would be most suitable for me to choose for profit and will benefit me this coming year and in what do I practice/study to see my success?
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DOB and Name Favorable Enough for Acting
My DOB is [date removed] and my name is [name removed]. So I want to ask is that favorable enough for my acting and modeling career? Thank you.
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Choosing a Career Path
What should I choose as a career path?
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Name and DOB Favorable for Acting
My name and date of birth favorable for acting career?
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Future as a Creative Writer
What is my future as a creative writer?
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Want to Establish Well in Music Career
Hi, I want to establish well in music career. Will I be a good composer and music producer? If when what is it striking or avoiding me for now to reach my goals?
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Birth Date Favorable for an Acting Career
Are my name number life path number and birth favourable for an acting career?
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Business or Salary Job
Will I do well in business than salary job. Should I go into sales of used phones and computers?
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Best Actor Name
My dob is [date removed], I want to be an actor. My name is [name removed]. What name is suggested to be the best for the field? Thanks in advance. Other suggestions would be highly appreciated.
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Being a Singer in a Band
I wanted to be a singer in a band. Will that happen?
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My Career and Education in Future
How would be my career and education in future?
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Wanting to Be an Actor
I want to be an actor. Can I go for it? Is suitable for me??
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How to Progress in Career
I want to know how to progress in my career. I want to be successful. Please help.
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Want to Become an Actor
I want to become an actor. Can you help me with numerology way what should I do for that?
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Education Stream Best for Career
Which education stream is best for my son for his Career.
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How My Career Will Be
How will my career be?
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Best Day to Join Job
My name is [name removed], born on [birth date removed]. I am going to join new job in March. Which date is considered as the best according to my birth date? My sign is Gemini and star is Ardra.
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Knowing About Your Career
I want to know about my career.
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On Becoming Successful
How will I become successful?
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Success of New Business in 2020
Can I success in a new business of the year 2020?
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Destiny Educational Course
Which is my destiny educational Course?
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Capable of Being a Doctor
Am I capable of being a doctor?
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Decision: Enter Into a Job or Do Business
Should I enter into a job or do business?
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Career With Personal Happiness and Satisfaction
I am very confused related to my education. I am unable to study. I am also unclear about what career option should give me personal happiness and satisfaction and how shall I be able to put the true effort I want to put in my career?
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Career to Excel in Most
Which career I will excel most?
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Business Name for Clothing Store
Hi, I am searching for a business numerology number for my clothing brand. Life path number is 8 and destiny number is 7. Please advise a suitable business numerology number on the basis of life path and destiny number, so that I could be able to search brand names.
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Help In Naming My Business
Looking for help in naming my business name as per numerology.
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Which Career Is Best for Me
Which career is best for me?
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Bank Account Number Total
Name- [personal name removed]. Business name- [business name removed]. What should be the total of my business bank account number??
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Want to Become a Famous Actor
I want to become a famous actor. Will I succeed in it?
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To Choose a Career
Which career should I choose?
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Becoming a Superstar Actor
My name is [name removed] my Nick name is [name removed] and I want to be a successful superstar Actor. My date of birth is [date removed] so can you please suggest a name for me to be a superstar actor please. Thank you.
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My Passion is Education Sector
I think my passion is education sector. Me and my wife planned in detail of opening education institute on Nov 11 [this year] unknowingly. Recently I am planning to go to Canada, where my job profile code is 1111. What should I do? Should I do education business in India or go to Canada? I always see eleven eleven everywhere.
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Career to Make Me Famous
What career will make me famous?
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Starting My Career in the Field of Cinema
I wanted to start my career in the field of cinema. Will I have good success? Please let me know.
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The Future of My Career
I want to know the future of my career?
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What I Am Destined to Be
I am currently following chartered accountancy, even though I initially followed the science stream. What am I destined to be?
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Musical/Artistic/Acting Tendencies and Name Change
Do I have certain tendencies that could help or hinder a musical and or artistic and acting career? Also I have always been called by my middle name since birth. Is changing my name to [name removed] = (5) a good number to help me in all aspects of music and art in a career?
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To Check My Business Name
I want to check my business name whether it's good name or any changes required?
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Successful Music Career
Will I be successful in my music career?
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Company Name and When to Start the Company
I want to start my business. Which name of that company will be better for me? And when?
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Lucky Name for My Construction Company
Give me lucky company name for my construction company.
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Best Career Option for Ultimate Success
Best career option for ultimate success? Which field suits me?
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Able to Work in Japan
Will I be able to work in Japan?
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About My Job and Career
About my job and career.
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Kindly Suggest Construction Company Name
My name is [name removed], wife [name removed], son [name removed]. Kindly suggest construction company name.
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Higher Studies and What My Career Will Be Like
What will be my career like? Will I go for higher studies?
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Construction Company Name Compatibility and Name Number
[Names removed] /we are going to start construction company. Compatibility /company name number?
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Request to Predict Career Matters
You are kindly requested to predict my career matters.
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When I Start My Own Business
When I start own business? What type of business? When I settle aboard country which year? When I come rich my life?
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Education and Career
Education and career.
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Businesses Taking Off
Are my businesses going to take off?
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A Career Future
What career future?
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Business and 601 House Number
Is 601 house number good for business?
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Consultancy Regarding Job or Career Growth
Need consultancy regarding my job or career growth. Looking for job change but not getting suitable openings.
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A Successful Career Oriented Job
What can I do to start a successful career oriented job soon?
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Beginning a Tarot Reading Business This Month
I am beginning a tarot reading business this month. More precisely, I plan to. I began free client readings at the beginning of March [this year]. It feels quite natural and I have exceptional reviews. I feel I am tapping into claircognizance, clairaudience (mostly just ringing), clairsentience, clairsalience, clairtaction, clairempathy and claireloquence. Is tarot reading right for me? Is this business? Is this timing right? Basically, should I pursue this path right now? What do my numbers [say]?
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My Career This Year
About my career this year.
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I Want To Be An Actor
I want to be an actor. Should I go for that field?
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What My Major Should Be
What should I major in?
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The Best Career; The Best Business
I am born on [birth date removed]. What is the best career for me? If I am in business what is the best business for me?
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What Will Be in Store for Me in Areas of My Life?
As the path I've chosen, what will be in store for me in areas of my life. and are there any tendencies I have that are powerful?
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Wondering What to Do as Career Path
What should I do as my career path?
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Company Name and Incorporation Date Reading
This is the name of a business partnership. This company was Incorporated on this day ie [date removed]. Nature of business is wholesale of ply, wood, hardware items.
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The Best Creative Career
Which Creative Career is best for me?
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Becoming an Actor
Can I become an actor in life? What career should I choose?
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Silk Fabrics Business
[shop name removed] This is a shop name. It's OK to do in this name for business?
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Will This Business Become Successful?
Will [business name removed] become successful?
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A Career for Immense Wealth
I need to stick to a career which will allow me to realize my dream of gaining immense wealth. What is that Career?
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Studying Event Management
I want to study event management. Is this good for me?
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I Want to Know About My Career
Sir, I want to know about my career.
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What Should I Be Doing as a Career?
What should I be doing as a career?
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Where My Career Will Go in the Next Year
I would like to know where my career will go in the next one year?
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My Suitable Career Path
I want to know about my suitable career path. I recently passed my 12 from science stream and I'm very confused where to go!!
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Game Developer or Web Engineer
What should I become, game developer or web engineer?
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Career and Food Blog Name
I want to know about my career. Will I be successful if I start my food blog naming [name removed]??
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Wanting a Successful Acting Career
I want a successful acting career. My date of birth is [birth date removed]. Please suggest the best name for me to become an actor.
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Construction Name for New Business
I need construction name for new business. My name [name removed].
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Lucky Name for Acting Career
Lucky name for acting career.
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Lucky Name for Career as an Actor
I want to start my career as an actor. So is my name lucky for my successful acting profession?
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Is a Cinema Career Suitable?
Cinema career is suitable for me or not?
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Career and Relationship Futures
What's going happen with me in the future with my career and relationship?
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What My Career Path Holds
What does my career path hold for me?
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Success With My Courier Service
Is my courier service a good idea will I be successful with it?
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Personal Numerology for Trading in Shares in the Stock Market
Hi, I have been studying basics of numerology for sometime and i would like to know if Trading in Shares will be suitable and profitable to me as per my birth date. As per my birth date, the number adds to 37. In numerology number 37 means Royal Star of the Bull. In Stock market Bull Market means price of indices and stocks go higher and value increases. So does it mean that 37 increases the value of a particular stock or product or any thing that it is associated with. Also my Matrix number is 13:37. NSE is moving towards 13,000 and BSE has reached 37,000. So basically i would like to know if 37 increases the value of a particular stock or product or any thing that 37 is associated with and does it in any way mean that Trading in Shares is suitable for me and can i pursue it as a full time profession. Thanks & Regards.
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Will I Have a Novel Published?
Will I have a novel published?
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Getting a Job This Year
Will I get a job this year?
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Lucky Alphabet Number for Restaurant Name
Starting a new restaurant. Want to know the lucky alphabet number that I should keep in kind when deciding the name.
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Knowing Career Path
How do I know my career path. I seem interested in science and math and am currently confused. My sign is Gemini.
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Career Efforts Being Successful
Will my career efforts be successful?
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Commerce Line as a C.A.
I want to go in commerce line as I want to be a C.A.. Now I want to ask that whether I have choose a right stream. If not which stream is beneficial for me? And I also want to know about my love life.
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Becoming a Good Teacher or Lecturer
Can I become a good teacher or lecturer. Is their a possibility of growth for me if I do so?
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Career Partnership
How my career will go in partnership with [name removed].
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Jewellery and Lifestyle Store Business Name
I want to start a jewellery and lifestyle store business. What should be the appropriate name? Cobalt jewels/
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Exam and Field of Work
I will be appearing for my board exams next year (ICSE 2019). I want know that how would be my results. And after 10th which field I should choose.
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Will I Get a Job This Year?
Will I get a job this year?
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When Decent Job Can Be Had
When will I get a decent job?
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Knowing About My Career
I just want to know about my career.
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Career Change Worthwhile for My Future
Should I change my career right now? Would it be worthwhile for my future?
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Name for Computer Lab
I want to start a computer lab. Please suggest a name.
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A Good Field for Me
Which field is good for me?
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The Best or Most Appropriate Work for Me
What is the best or most appropriate work for me at this point in my life?
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My Name, and the Best Job
What my name says about my life that I have to live on earth, also what kinda job will do best for me.
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The Proper Business
Which is the proper business for me?
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Online Store Name for eCommerce Business
Need help to name my online store for my eCommerce business. Selling gadget, fashion, watches.
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Spelling for Bistro/Restaurant Name
My husband and I would like to open a bistro/restaurant together in [location removed] that's inspired by the spice, saffron. We'd like to call it 'Zaffran' or 'Zafran' or 'Zaffron' or 'Zafron'. Based on the vibrational energy of the name we're not so sure which spelling to choose?
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Knowing About My Business
I want to know about my Business.
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Business Name Best Suited for a Health Care Business
I am starting a health care business and would like to know which business name would be best suited for me. I have an admirable name that is 127 and reduces to 1, would a 5 or a 9 be more preferable? Thank you.
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Balanced Name and Birth Date for Use in Business
What can be my balanced name and birth date, which can be used in Business name and signature?
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Possible Career Change for Teacher
Should I change careers? Should I continue to be a teacher?
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Psychology Student Wondering Which Career Suits Best
Which career best suits me??? I'm a psychology student and I have left my studies. I will ever start my studies again????
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Most Suitable Careers for Me
What is the best career path, or most suitable careers for me?
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What My Professional Life Will Be
I want to know what my profession will be.
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Personal Month and Ethiopian Calendar
I was born in Ethiopia on [birthdate removed] in Ethiopian calendar at 4am. Recently I applied for job vacancies. I am waiting. Would this month bring me a job?
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My Best Career Path
Which is my best career path? Is this a fruitful year for career?
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My Dream Job
What is my dream job?
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I Would Like to Know About My Career
I would like to know about my career. I got many job opportunities. After joining it I'm losing interest & feeling bored towards job & quitting it most of the times. I would like to do business but which business suits me the best where I can use my creativity & develop it.
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Career in Law and My Numerological Constitution
I am pursuing a career in law. How compatible or otherwise is my choice of career with my numerological constitution.
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Best Career and Timing of Opportunities
Sir, I want to know which career is best for me? When will I most likely get good career opportunities in the near future?
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Name for New Construction Firm
Give name for new construction firm.
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Want To Know About My Professional Life
I want to know about my professional life. When I get a good job and earn money.
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I Need a Company Name
I need a company name to start with.
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Best Number to Start Restaurant
My date of birth [birth date removed], my name [name removed] numerology number is 8. Which will be best number for me to start restaurant.
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Business Type, Financial Conditions, and Name Correction
Which type of business or job suits me? When will my financial conditions get better? If there is any correction to spell/write in my name, plz tell.
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The Career Path I Will Follow
What career path will I follow in the future?
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Started My Own Institute Last Year
Sir, I started my own institute last year. I have done all things that I could do. It's been almost one year but still I am getting that much crowd. I am quite frustrated. Everyone advise me to close it, but still I have a ray of hopes. Even I am unable to arrange the rent. No one helps me out. Please help me.
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I Want to Become a Film Director
I want to become a film director but I have doubt. Can I or not? Please tell me. Will my birth numerology support me or not?
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Name Change for Achieving Success in Education and Career
Change my name for achieving success in education and career.
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Name for Small Jewelry Business
Hello, I am 21 years old and I am thinking of opening a small jewelry business. I have found the name 'ankhe'. Will this name suit the business and would this be beneficial to me or not?
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Name for Civil Construction Company
Sir/Mam, I started my civil construction company as a small firm 1.5 years ago but not yet any improvement. I named it [company name removed]. Can you please suggest good strong and lucky name for my company?
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Lucky Per DOB and Best Career Options
Is my name is lucky as per my DOB? What are best career options for me?
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Numerology Name for Construction Company
Kindly suggest Numerology name for construction company.
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I Ask About My Job/Career
Hello and thank you for free reading. My English is not so good but I will try. I ask about my job career. Nothing is work for me. I don't have power to start something new. Actually, I work 20h for week. Thank you.
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About My Future and My Career
I just want to know about my future and my career.
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Fulfilling My Dream of Owning a Successful Business
Will I fulfill my dream to owning a successful business in the arts and fashion?
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Professional Stability and Professionally Fulfilling
In my professional life, I've been lied to and deceived. My last position was eliminated despite me having success and good numbers. Am I ever going to find professional stability in a role that provides well for my family financially while being professionally fulfilling for me? Thank you so very much.
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Professional Name for Education Field
I am total failure in life, health and job issues over and over. I want to change my name from [name removed] to [name removed], help me to decide this name or any best suitable name as I am entering education field where name matters a lot.
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Suitable Name for Forming a New Firm
Need a suitable name for forming a new firm.
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Career and Lucky Numbers
I want to know about my career and I want to know what are my lucky numbers are as far as flats/shops/offices/car are concerned. Means I should buy flats totaling to what number.
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A Lucky Construction Company Name
I want a lucky construction company name that brings luck and wealth.
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Business Name For Tax, Accounting, and Insurance
Best name for tax, accounting and insurance solutions.
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Determining a Good Profession
Which profession is good for me?
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Confused With Career Decision
I am confused with my career decision?
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Future Profession That Suites Me
What will be my future profession or which profession suits me?
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A Career in Music Before My 20's
I want a career in music and I don't think I'll make it as circumstances are not favoring it. So I wanted to know whether I will have a career in music before my 20's, because the earlier you start the better it is.
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Name to Build Under in Music
What name do I use to build under in music and will I be single forever?
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Business Name for Teaching With Illustration and Cartooning
Hi. Im wanting to start up a new bus. ILLUSTRATION & CARTOONING with aim to 'teach' through drawings. Of course logo design and other advertising media contracts will be accepted as well. Publishing is a possibility as I get material together. I'd like to have auspicious bus. name. I'd appreciate your advice here please. Considered names are ELLY DOODLE DESIGNS SQUIGGLE POT or JAR or SPOT? DESIGNS which obviously state illustration & cartoon/ing & media design on the bus. card (I'm not sure if that affects the 'reading?) Thank you so much.
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Embroidery and Handbag Business Name
I run a small embroidery business and also I handcraft handbags so I like to know if the business name NORTH AVENUE CUSTOM EMBROIDERY & DESIGNER HANDBAGS is good and the NORTH AVENUE alone that will be used for my Handbags brand is also a good name based on numerology.
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Name for Business of Food/Restaurant
Hi. My Lifepath number is 7. Now I want to understand what should be the name number for my business of food/restaurant.
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Finding My Purpose
I want to find my purpose. I am an author and self-esteem coach. Recently I have started my own t-shirt line and desire to have my own successful business. Is this a good fit?
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Career to Make Me Feel Happy and Content
I want to choose a career which I enjoy in future but I am confused about that it should be? What type of career it can be that can make me feel happy and content?
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Company Name Change
Hi Sir. I'm running a Tyres Showroom by the name of RELIANCE TYRES. Someone has advised me to remove S from the name. Will it be beneficial for me if I change the name to RELIANCE TYRE?
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Trying to Decide on a Business Name
I'm trying to decide on a business name and from everything I've read so far, the most important thing is whether the business is compatible with you or not. So, how do I know what numbers for a business name will be compatible with my numbers? And on top of that, are there numbers that are good for business in general that would also be compatible with me?
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Company Name for Construction Field
I am planning to start company and also want to work as government contractor in construction field. Can you help me out to suggest name for company according to numerology?
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Starting New Business With Partner
Starting new business with my partner. Want to check if our partnership will give us success in business and give us growth as well in terms of income. [partner name and birth date removed]
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Stage Name Affecting Birth Name Essence
If I get a stage name, will it affect my essence? Hi, I'm looking forward to an acting career and my name is never pronounced or spelled right, so I want a more 'universal' name. My problem is, I'm afraid if I change my name, it'll have a big impact on me. I don't plan on legally changing my birth name, just using a new one whenever I'm working. My first name is a 3, it does say a lot about me. I'm afraid that if I pick a name that is, for example, a 7, it'll have some kind of negative impact (meaning my essence will change thanks to the new number on the equation). Can it happen? How should I proceed?
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Chasing My Dreams
Should I continue down the path of chasing my dreams of being an actress? Or should I try to be more practical, find love and settle down?
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Jewelry and Design Studio Name
I want to start a jewelry and design studio so want a name. Is Soigne a good name?
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Possibility of Starting My Own Business
Is it possible I will start my own business?
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Job Change Timing
When I will get a job change? Last change was in May two years ago.
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Starting a Shares Business
Can I start shares business? It suits for me or not?
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Will I Become a Successful Person?
Will I become a successful person ever in my life.
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Career Best Suited For
What career am I best suited for?
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Name for Garment Export Business
I am searching a name for my new garment export business. Kindly help me out to find out a name by considering numerology.
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Best Time to Move for a Job
When is the best time this year to move to a big town for job? Thank you.
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Suitable Career
Which career profession suits me and when will I get a job?
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Home Baking and Dessert Supply Business
Hi I plan to start a home baking and dessert supply business in a few months. Can you tell me which of these names will ensure my success in this business? 1. Bon Appetit 2. Celebrations 3. Bournville Also my name after marriage has been changed to [name removed] as per the Sindhi tradition. I have legally changed my name to [name removed] in many documents. Do you think I should use this new name for my business, like for example [company name removed] or [company name removed]?
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My Career in Life
What is my career in life?
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Om Shri Traders Firm Name
Whether Om Shri Traders firm name is suitable to me as per numerology.
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What Kind of Business Should I Do?
What kind of business should I do?
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Need to Be Self-Dependent Financially
I am 45 now. My husband is pretty well to do. But I am at a strange juncture of my life now. I need to be self dependent financially for some very unavoidable reasons. One of those reasons is restoration of self respect. But I am at a loss, how should I start my career afresh at this age. What my numbers says? What should i try and what you think I should do good? or is it at all possible for me to start anything at all? Pls guide me. Thanks and regards. ** My name was permanently changed at my childhood. Now it is [name removed].
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Seeing Numbers While Waiting for Exam Results
Hello, I am 19 year old girl and I'm waiting for results of the most important exam in my country. I believe in LOA and I know the powers of the subconscious mind. Plus I used them in my exam. The thing is I keep seeing repetitive numbers all-over like crazy. Like 11:11 ,555,444,888, 777,44,222,22, I can't count how much. But when I woke up today the number 555 suddenly came to my mind also some days before number 888 came to my mind just like that. Can you please please please tell me is the universe trying to tell me something and what is it??? Just please.
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Determine When I Get a Job
When will I get job according to numerology?
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Business Name for Life Coaching and Divination Practice
I recently left my job to start working for myself. I have been studying numerology for about a year or so and have been fascinated with it - as well I have been reading cards. Ultimately, I am going to be completing certification in life coaching and will work for myself. I would like to name my business with numerology in mind. The name I have always thought I would use is: "Practical Spiritual Guidance" or "Grounded Spiritual Guidance". I have run the numbers for them myself and neither name seems to be very strong - do you have any suggestions - or are they ok? I appreciate your help with this very much!
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Including .com or .org in Business Name
Thinking of starting an online business and I am wondering when choosing a business name, since it is an online business do I need to include .com or .org in my calculation if I'm trying to attain a specific number. It is confusing because the company name in most regards such as business accounts and business cards would not be highlighted with .com/ .org. Any advice on this subject would be greatly appreciated. Hope this makes sense.
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Business Name with Number 1 or 5
I am going to start new business. I want a name in numerology number 1 or 5. Please help me. Name is be a god narasimar's.
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Desperate to Know Best College Major
I'm really desperate to know what college major would be best for me according to my numbers. I'd truly appreciate it.
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Career in Veterinary Field
I am interested in pursuing a career in the veterinary field but wasn't sure if it was the best choice based on my chart.
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Destined Career
Which career is my destiny?
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What My Career Should Be
What should be my career?
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Starting a Company
Dear sir. I want to start a company including work share consultancy, real estate; work like trading, construction joint venture, managing fund, like portfolio company. Please help me choosing the name & career. Thanks & Regards.
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Name for Computer Sales Business
My shop name is Computer Concepts deals with Computer Hardware (Sales Computers, Printers etc.). Is it suitable for me or not.
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Suitable Name for Acting Career
I was born [name removed], but my stage and last name I go by is [name removed]. Which is my Mothers last name. My dad was never part of my life. Most people call me Jerry. My question is, if I go by G[remainder of name removed], does that change my numerology in life? Also what name will be better suited for an acting career? J[remainder of name removed] or G[remainder of name removed]?
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Company Name for Steel Business
I have start Steel business but I am confused what company name to register. Which name suit for me? 1) SuryaShakti Steel & Power 2) Shred Ram Ispat
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Company Name for Clothing Store
Please correct my name and please help me with naming my clothes store which I am planning to start. I am planning to name it as "TRENDI THREADS". Please suggest whether it is good or bad and on my name too. Thank you.
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Suitable Profession
Tell me which profession is suitable for me to work?
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Name and Date of Birth Good for Future
Is my name and dob is good for my future. I want to become a police officer. Is any problem with my name.
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Lucky Cellphone Number for Business
What is my lucky cellphone number for business. I am into selling Real Estate. Thank you.
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I Feel I Have to Change Business Name
My business is good service relative it's name is dawat than swad now I feel I have to change business name.
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Better Name for My Business
I want to take my business name but just not decided. So can you help me? Which name better for my business?
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Fitting Brand Name
I am thinking of having a brand name with names as; JUMANDA, JUMANDY. Which of this names will fit most?
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Name of Jewelry Business
I started a new handmade jewelry business. 'JEWELRY MINE' is the name of my jewelry business. Is it a right numerology name? Will it work? Will it be a success?
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Want to Be a Well-Established Actor
I want to know if an acting career will suit me, as my current job isn't working good. I love acting and want to see myself as a well-established actor.
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Best Suitable Business Options
What are the best suitable business options for me?
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Which Business Will Be Good?
I am coming from very poor family. I want to do business. Which business will be good. And if I buy lottery ticket which numbers should we buy?
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Top 3 Choices for Career
I want to know the top 3 choices that would be best for my god given talent career choice.
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Destiny as a Writer
Sorry, English not my primary language. I am a writer. At least I want to be one, world famous. For life. I want to know is this my destiny. Thank you from heart.
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Publishing a Book
Hi. My friend is a very good writer, who is getting rejected by all publishers. I would like to be able to help her, maybe through numerology. Her birth number is an 8, and both her birth name and her married name is the same number. Do the birth numbers and name numbers have to be the same for success? Or what number would go well with her birth number to get accepted/
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Deciding Engineering or Medicine for Study
What should I study, engineering or medicine?
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Determining True Calling
Never as a child did I dream having this or that profession. Never did want what most people do, like a career, getting married, having kids or traveling all over the world. Been here and there, doing this and that, a jack of all trades. Now I'm 50 and still don't know what is my vocation. I'm unemployed for 2 years and a half and I am very lost. I'm too young to retire and too old for the job market. I'm considering applying for jobs as an elderly carer but I don't know if I have what it takes to do it. So I ask you. What is my true calling? What skills should I be focusing on? Should I focus on my online store? Thank you very much for your time and dedication.
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Business Practice Decisions
I am a CA and want to start practice. What points I should keep in mind for: - My Phone Number. - My Firm Name number - My Firm Registration date? Not strictly in my hands - My Formal Office Start date? Please advise urgently.
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Which Business to Be Successful In
Want to know which business I will be successful in. I have quit my job and will start a business. I have a handful of business plans with me, but want to know which type is more favoured as per my numerology. Thanks!
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Finding Career and Love
I am a girl. I'm into music. I have musical talents and I'm really good in my field. I want to know what the future holds for me in my career. I also want to know whether I can truly find true love because of my family issue; my mother [name removed] and father [name removed] are not on good terms.
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Holiday Club
I want to start a holiday club and I want to use name "Rainbow Heritage Club" or "Heritage Holiday Club". Which one is best for me?
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Business Partnership Compatibility
How will be my real estate business partner in new business? His name is [name removed] date of birth is [birth date removed].
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Name for Laboratory
Regarding the name given to my laboratory. Is it suitable for me or not? The Lab name is Aarogya diagnostic laboratory.
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Lost Self-confidence
Hello, I am a medical student dropout at the age of 30, and I started trying to finish med school again this year in order to become a psychiatrist. Alternatively I would like to become a psychologist. But I have lost completely my self confidence. I feel I will never be able to get a university degree. Numerologically speaking, is there a chance for success in these fields?
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Most Suitable Career
Which career is most suitable for me?
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Name for Spiritual Business
I am starting my spiritual business. What name or sum total of my business name will suit me and for success of my business.
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A Hard Time Finding Employment
I have been having a really hard time finding employment lately. I have a good resume and great cover letter. I graduated Magna Cum Laude from a university. I don't have a ton of experience, but some. Right now I would take just about anything offered, but would love to have a career in my chosen field. I've sent a lot of resumes out, but usually hear nothing back. I do get some interviews though they haven't been successful. What numbers will help me get a job?
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Questions About My Career
I ask two questions about my career such as Musical Theater, Doctor, or Nurse. Though, I don't remember question. According to my birth date calculation, I added the number together and ended up with Life Path One. I did some research about Life Path One and it said that Life Path One is refer to leader and inventor. Most of the career for Life Path One is Business Manager, Military, Engineer, Entertainer, Graphic Designer, Photographer, Actor, Writer, Media, Musician, Public Speaker, Politician, Entrepreneur, Police Officer, Executive, and Pioneer. As I look at these careers, I feel like none of those fits me, my personalities, my name, and my birth date. I thought myself wanting to become a Musical Theatre, but then again I know I won't become successful. Afterward, I've been obsess with Medical Dramas / TV Shows. I told my friend and my mom about becoming a Doctor or a Nurse, once I do 2-3 years of Community College, transfer to 4 year college, and either maybe get a Master Degree or a PhD Degree. Except, becoming a Doctor or a Nurse is far impossible. Later, I thought about acting. Well I'm not quite sure if acting will fit me the best. I search and search, trying to find the missing puzzle of my future, my reputation. So far, I've got no answer. I wonder if Numerology is real and how can it make my future prediction came true if the chart is accurate or non accurate. Will it help me become a successful person? Will it help me become a better active person instead of being lazy? Perhaps I will never know the answer.
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Enjoyable Career as an Effective Writer
Will I ever have a career as a writer, one who will enjoy his life as one, and leave a mark on this world?
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Leadership Qualities
I am wanting to take on a leadership position in my mom's group. There are several positions available — planning, finance, overall leader — and I'm just wandering what my strongest qualities are right now. Like what I have to bring to the table.
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Suitable Company Name
k. k. enterprises is my construction company name. So please suggest, is this company suitable for me or not?
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Type of Business to Give Me Success
Which type of business gives me more success?
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Good Career for Me
Hello. I want to ask about my career. Although I am a genius student, I am so much confused about my career, which career is good for me. I wanted to do mbbs but unfortunately I couldn't get admission last year. My father always wanted me to do bba now I am doing bba but still I am not satisfied. Please help me as soon as possible.
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Totally Confused
Hi, Sir. I'm 18 and totally confused about what to do in future. Please tell me what career I should do so I get success and also happiness. Waiting for your answer.
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Becoming a Numerologist
I want to be a numerologist. What do I do?
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My Studying and My Future
I want to ask about my studying and my future. What is the best job for me?
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How Long Before I Get a Record Deal?
I'm a musician and I know that I will get a record deal and all and be big. I can feel it. The spirits told me. But my question is, how long will it take before I get all that?
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A Positive Name for My Non-profit Organization
Is, "Inn Presevation," a positive name for my non-profit organization?
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Real Estate Investing
I am very interested in pursuing real estate investing in multi-family apartments. Would this move provide the financial wealth I am looking to create?
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Successful With New Business
My new business Seven Complete Gifts, will it be successful with its products that I'm making homemade?
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Name for Success
My artist name is Lil Wine. Is that name going to make me successful?
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Fashion Design Career
Is fashion design the right place for me?
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Suitable Career Per Numerology
What career suits me best per numerology? Currently I am into property consulting as Broker. I am also interested to open 2 wheeler dealership, Ice cream parlor, Western clothing shop, Uber taxi, Online marketing company, Personal training gym. Suggest me which suits me best? My DOB is 1 but Destiny number is 5 so while keeping company name which number should I consider 1 or 5? Would be grateful for your reply.
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Self-employment Prospects
What are my prospects for being self employed?
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Strengths To Make Money From
What are my strengths to make money from?
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A Suitable Business Name
I need a suitable business name.
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An Internet Business to Earn a Good Monthly Income
Dear sir, Please suggest me which internet business is suitable for me to earn good monthly income. I am running 63, retired from government service in Maharashtra state India.
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A Name Good for an Actor
I don't know my true date of birth. I want to became an actor, but my name is not good for this career? So please suggest me my name is right for acting career or not?
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The Best Type of Business
Which is the best type of business for me?
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Name for Successful Acting Career
I have been studying all my life, and now pursuing an acting career. Is my name successful enough to be an actor? I was thinking of changing it to a more American sounding name. What numerology should I look for?
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The Type of Business for Success
Which type of Business I can Succeed? What number my business name should be?
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Advertising Agency Business, Actor, Film Maker
I am going to start business as advertising agency.... is it suitable or favorable for me? Also I would like to sign myself as an actor & film maker at Bengali Film Industry.... can I do it?
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Passions for Singing and Acting With a Market Analysis Career
I have good abilities in analysis and right now I'm about to accept market analysis specialist position. But my real passions are singing and acting. Should I follow my heart and try myself in that sphere? Or I'd better keep to the analytical career path?
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Business Brand Name for Garment Designer
I wanna start my own business in garments (as a freelance fashion designer), so now I wanna know lucky business brand name for my business? Now I write my name "[name removed]".
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Is Cellphone Number Lucky for Business?
My current cellphone number is [number removed]. Is it lucky to use it for business? I am currently into events coordination and stage design fabrications.
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Pursuing a Singing Career
Should I pursue a singing career?
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Name for Accounting-Related Business
I want to open a business related to accounting services. Will it suit me? And I want to name it either varenya or sri aditya. Please suggest which will suit me.
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Best Year and Month to Publish My Book
Hi! I have written a book (called [title removed], but don't publish that) that was published by a small publishing house last year. Unfortunately I wasn't happy with how things were handled. So I had the book revoked and got my rights back. I now want to publish it myself and want to make sure I do it when it's numerologically beneficial to do so. Could you please advice me as to a good year and month? I have a personal year 1 now. I'm thinking it's better to do it this year rather then the next.
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The Kind of Professions Perfect for Me
What is the future of my career and what kind of professions is perfect for me?
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Names for Ladies Tailoring Business
I'm doing fabrics and ladies tailoring business. I'm looking for good brand name which is numerology compatible for me. Please send me some names. Thanks.
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Company Name Compatible With Personal Name
My company name is A to Z Solutions. Is it compatible with my name?
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Name For Accounting Firm
I want to start my accounting firm with the name Omega A Accounting Services. Kindly let me know whether this name will be good for my business.
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Working For 17 Years In a Private Organization
I have been working for last 17 year in a private organisation i.e [NAME REMOVED] - but in spite of working for so many years I don't find growth in my financial status as each month the amount left in the month is very nominal. However, I have been trying to change jobs for a couple of years now - I have applied in all job portals and forwarding my CV to all concerned persons who can help me. But have not received any single interview call. Whenever a portal calls, it's first asking for registration fees - which I paid to one - but I was cheated and did not get any call from them. Please guide me what is to be done.
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Doctor or IAS Officer
I am a doctor. But from few years I was thinking about to prepare for IAS. Please tell me what is my fate a successful doctor or an IAS officer. I am so much confused.
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What Career Suits Me Best According To My Numbers?
1. Question: I moved from Europe to the USA and need to start my education all over again. I like to be a leader or work with freedom to make my own decisions. I am interested to be in medical field or helping others. Would becoming a doctor, nurse practitioner, physician assistant, or psychology field suit me? What suits me best according to my numbers? In my free time I love to read, paint, but see these things more for hobby. 2. Question: After married my last name changed to [name removed]. Does this change my numbers?
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A Good Name for Construction Company
[Name and birth date removed] We are the partners and decided to form a construction company. Suggest a good name for our company according to numerology.
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What Career/Vocation/Major Should I Pursue?
Hi, My quick and short question is: What career/ vocation/ major in college should I pursue? If you can please give me direct and defined answer I will appreciate so much. I need your help badly because I am confused on what to take. You can explain it if you would like, but all I wanted to know is what will make me financially stable/successful and also the career I would enjoy with my family and friends/colleagues. Which one is the one for me to be happy, fulfilled and successful in all areas? Thank you so much. CJ
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Not Interested In Studies
I am a student of Class 11 and I do not find much interest in studies any further. Please help me with your suggestions to improve my mindset or to generate self-interest for it. Please also suggest the suitable career options for me where I could excel and succeed.
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Successful Veterinarian
Will I be a successful veterinarian?
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Love Job; Other Offers Come
I am currently in a job I love, but have been given an opportunity to move into a national organization where I can give more back to the community. I have also been offered the opportunity to go overseas where I will earn immeasurable experience. I have also been seeing the numbers 49 a lot. Could these numbers be representing the direction I should follow?
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Company Name for Steel Products Firm
Is my company name "STEEL PRODUCTS ONLINE" (marketing consultancy and trading firm of steel products) lucky for me?
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More Energy At This Age Than Ever Before
I am 68 yrs old and I feel more energy now at this age than ever before. I have my life license to sell life insurance. I have my license to sell home and auto insurance and this fall I will start studying for my Series 6 and 63 license. What is happening to me?
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Wanting Lots of Knowledge and Wealth
Want to be a successful Chartered Accountant in life with lot of knowledge and wealth. Suggest me how.
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Please Suggest a Company Name
I want to open a company of construction (Spelised Foundation oriented). Please suggest a name.
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Lots of Talents with Need to Focus
The career path I should choose as I have a lot of talents and often I get confused while choosing one to pursue. I need to focus on one.
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Name for Restaurant and Food Chain
Respected Sir, Please accept regards. We are going to open a North Indian Food restaurant. So please suggest us the best name from these given below. I mean which one would be best for a Restaurant as well as a Food chain. Daawat E Delhi, Dawat E Delhi, Daavat E Delhi, Davat E Delhi, Jashn E Delhi, Jashan E Delhi. Sir, which numeric number is good and harmonious for a Restaurant.
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Professional Name for Movie Acting Career
I want to be a good actor and my profession should be in my movie career. I want to become a great personality in my life. So, I'm requesting you please guide me for my brightest future. Should I change my name?
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Hairstylist Company Name
I'm a hairstylist. It is good for me and I want to do my own business. So is this possible, or is other line good for me? I would like to get hair license by doing government exam when I can go for that exam. I don't have a job right now. I want my business at home so I want make visiting card. Which name is good for my business?
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When to Start Construction Company
I am a civil engineer. When do I start my own construction company, and what is the name for it?
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Choosing a Career for Entire Life
I want to know that according to my date of birth, which field should I choose as my career as I am very much confused nowadays. What should I opt for in future so that it remains for life forever? And 2nd thing is why am I sometimes jealous over others success?? Will I be successful and famous at end of day?? Please. Help me out.
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From Chemicals to Entrepreneur
I am in marketing & technical service of chemicals. My official life involves lots of hard work, but when time comes to get something big, it comes up to the mouth and is taken away by others. I want to change my work from chemicals to become a entrepreneur. Kindly suggest.
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The Best Company Name For Me
I want to know which is a best company name for me 1) suhane diamonds 2) suhane gems 3) suhane gems & diamonds 4) suhane inspired gems 5) suhane inspired gems & diamonds 6) suhane the creative gems 7) ali's diamonds 8) ali's gems & diamonds 9) suhane gems world 10) suhane gems,diamonds & pearl. Please help me. Thank you.
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Source of Happiness
I am confused. What should I do which gives me real happiness? Should I do my current job as accounts person for getting materialistic things or along with job give more focus on getting higher knowledge like chakra healing, astrology type of work, which is somewhat spritual in a way? Please show me the path and practical advice. Thanking you in anticipation.
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Optical and Sunglasses Business
I am doing optical and sunglasses business in Bahrain. This is my first attempt. Now one year is finished and my business has no growth. How do I increase my business according to numerology.
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Earning My Living
What would I do in future to earn my living - job, business? What kind of business (if the answer is business)?
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Aviation and Hospitality Institute Name
I will open an aviation and hospitality institute on Thursday. So please suggest me some name to get more business success.
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Being One of Great Writers
When will I be one of great writers.
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The Best of Two Business Names
My present name after marriage is-[name removed], I want to start business with the name- either 1.SHAKAMBHARI DRUGS Or, 2.MAA SHAKAMBHARI DRUGS. so, give me a best name for my medicine business.
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Lucky Name for Construction Company
I am planning to start construction business. Maybe in future three partners will be added in my construction company and we want a lucky name for our construction company according to numerology. Please suggest us a lucky name for our company.
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The Right Career Path
What is my right career path? I want to know my weakness area and remedy.
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About My New Career
My question is about my career. Currently I am doing a job but I am not happy with this job. So please tell me when I get new job. Waiting for your positive reply.
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Best Business for Me
What is best business for me in which I will be successful?
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Pursuing a Successful Acting Career
I want to pursue a successful acting career. Are my name and date of birth compatible with it?
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Getting Placed in an IT Sector
I am looking for a job change now. I am working as a customer service executive and want to change to IT sector. Are there any chances for me getting placed in an IT sector?
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Interrupted Medicine Studies
What can I make career in? I was general medicine student abroad till my end of second year. I had to come back. Right now struggling with business. Will this business prove fruitful and I be able to return for my studies? What can be best for me? Thanking you.
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Clothing Design Business
(After marriage my name is [name removed]) which career option will be finally with me permanently? I'm interested in clothing design area business. But currently taking tuition classes (my own) after doing B.ed. But always want to do my own work. What will happen. Please suggests me soon. Please.
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Birds and Animals Business
[name, date, and time of birth removed]. I want to have a birds and animals business. Is it profitable for me? Kindly send me my perfect match if different. Thanks.
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Three Questions: Name, Career, and Marriage
1. Is my name correct or compatible. 2. Can I make my career in wholesale medicine shop business. 3. When are my marriage chances likely to get?
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Payroll Service Company Name
Hi Sir, I am interested in opening a new company for payroll service. Could you please provide me a name for my new company so that I can register.
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When I Will Get a Job
When I will get a job?
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Who am I?
Please, I want to know who I am. Sometimes I don't know what to do with my self. Sometimes, something tells me to be a footballer and another one tells me to start doing business. WHO AM I?
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Stay In Family Business or Get a Job
I'm doing corresponding MBA in international business and also joined my family business of paints trading. I want to know what should I go for — a job or stay in business after completing my course. And also whether I will get a job after completing my MBA.
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Business or Job More Suitable
I am running a business. Is it OK for me or not? Or is a job more suitable for me? How will be my life?
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Profession of Being an Actor
Does a profession of being an actor suit me or be fruitful for me?
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Business Professional Name Associated with Film Industry
I was born in Chennai @ 8.45 PM / [birthdate removed] My pet name family & relations call me ([name removed]). My official name school, college, passport ([name removed]. My business name ([name removed]). I am in the film industry. However, I am unknown. Please help me with a good name and with all this details. Call me [telephone number removed].
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Business or Profession
What would be better for me, business or profession?
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Willing To Start a Business
Willing to start a business. So is 2015 the right year to start my business?
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The Right Business Name
Looking for right business name. The names I like are yielding a name number of either 100, 111, 95 or 41. Any recommendation on which of these four numbers is relatively better for a business name, given that my life path number is 7 and that of my business partner is 8. thanks!
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Is It a Lucky Company Name?
Hello, I would like to start a company called MAXIM AGENCY. Is this a lucky company name for me? I've been thinking on this for days and can't decide. Please help me! Thanks [name removed]
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Company Name Vachi/Vaachi Boutique
I want to open a boutique. Please suggest to me if it is wise idea or not. I have one name in mind please suggest if it will suit me or not. Name is Vachi boutique or Vaachi boutique.
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Career, Money, and Profession
I want to know about my career, how much money I am going to earn, and which profession suites me better. Currently I am in IT industry.
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Birth Date Related to Studies
I wanted to be an Astrophysicist... My second choice is to be in Aerospace Engineering... I have completed B.E. in Aeronautical Engineering in one of the best institutions in Bangalore... How would be my career if I choose to do M.Tech in Astrophysics and Astronomy or M.Tech in Aerospace Engineering... What does my date of birth says when it comes to the studies and the career in my life...?
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No Job in Software Field
I am working in the field of software. I lost my job two years ago and since then have not got into a job. Please can you suggest is my name favorable to me and let me know if the name needs to be changed. My wife's name is [name removed] and her date of birth is [birth date removed]. Can please look into her chart from the angle that it may benefit me in the near future. Thank you.
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Everything in Life is Messed Up
Everything in life is messed up. No Career, unsuccessful relationship and financially still dependent on my parents. I am pursuing CS Professional. I have no idea that how much more time it will take to complete. Can numerology help me to get over these situations? Please suggest me something. Need ur help badly.
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7:07, 17:07, and the Number 7
Why do I keep seeing 7:07 & 17:07 on my clock? 17:07 is my birth date and I've been noticing this for quite a few years and it is becoming more regular and now seems to be every day. I also notice '7' around me when I'm out & about.
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Resigned. Seek Job or Pursue Business?
Hi, I am currently resigned from my ex company 2 months ago. I got some few opportunity for starting a business & project but they are seems not much in a progress. Should I continue seek for a job / pursue my own business? Is this year a good year for me to venture into business & project?
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Restaurant Name
I wish to change my existing restaurant business name to "Des Pardes".
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Can I Be Rich?
I just want to know...can I be a successful model in my future or not? I want to be rich...so can I fulfill my wish?
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Open My Own Bakery
I am working as a bakery chef and I want to open my own bakery. Is this good for me?
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Which Profession Suits Me Best?
Which profession suits me the most? In which field I can do my best? Can I do professional modeling?
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Is it a Good Company Name?
I am looking to name my company Kangaroo Contractors Inc. Is it a good name?
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Two Goals to Focus On
What should I focus on to make my dreams of being a paid recording artist? Or traveling musician?
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The Best Career is Good Enough
Please advise me the best career to choose. I am really confused.
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Which Career Suits Me Better?
I want to know what suits me better, if it's acting, presenting or singing.
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The Best Career Location for My Degree
I have completed b.sc biotechnology. Which city will be more beneficial for my m.sc or MBA; Delhi, Kolkata, Bangalore, Mumbai, Pune or any other?
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Malayalam Actor
Can I become an actor in malayalam film industry???
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Career and Future Lifestyle
I want to know about my career and future lifestyle.
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No Job for a Year
No job for last 1 year. I have been jobless for more than a year now. Is there a chance of getting a job in 2015 or should I start a small business venture. What kind of a business should I start if at all I should. Or should I keep pursuing for a job.
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Please Suggest My Career
1. In which field can I make my career, job or business? 2. I want to start an advertising agency, can it be best for my future? plses suggest my career.
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Career Suggestion
1. in which field i make my career, job or business? 2. i want to put a computer institute, can it be best for my future, will i do it ? plses suggest me my career.
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Can I Do Business?
What or which type of career I should go for? Can I do business and which type of business? I work hard every time and not get any results. Please help.
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My Innate Talents
I am stressed. I need to know what are my innate talents. Will a numerology reading help me discover them?
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Help Me Get the Right Job
Hi, Sir, good afternoon. I completed btech 4 yrs back and I worked in few companies but from last 1 yr I don't have job so I want to know what changes should I do in my name. Pls help me to get right job sir.
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Home Salon Services Business Name
I am a beautician and want to start my own beauty services, home salon services ...please let me know if it would do well and what name I can keep for the service.
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Name for Running Coaching Center
I want to get a name for my running coaching center so that it should be lucky for my future.
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Career in Spiritual Healing
Will my life purpose involve a career in spiritual healing using intuition?
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Name For a New Clothes Business
Hi... I want to start a new clothes business. I want to give a name which could bring me great success. Pls suggest.
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Success. Money. Rich. Famous.
Hey, I want to know about my future career, what is the best field for me, which career will bring me success and money. Will I be rich, famous in future?
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Career Options for University Degree
I would like to ask about career options, especially considering obtaining a university degree.
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Spirituality Business
Will the spirituality business bring fame success and money to me? And if yes then how long it will take to reach there.
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Company Name for Surgical and Life Care Distribution Business
I am planning to start my own surgical and life care distributing company. Pls let me get attractive and powerful names.
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Acting or Politics
Will I be better in acting or politics?
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Real Estate Company Name
No partners, only myself. The names I think is SSS Real estate or SSS Foundation.
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Name for New Business
I am starting a new business. I am confused between two names for my company -- sr dreamthemes or theme3d. Please suggest. SR stands for [name removed] and [name removed] my kids names. Which name is more lucky for me.
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My Destined Career
What is my destined career??
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The Best City
Which city is best for my career and growth.
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Starting a Business, 5 Life Path in a 9 Pinnacle and...
I'm a 5 life path in a 9 pinnacle cycle and in a 6 personal year. I am also going into 8 personal month(Nov). In November and December, I am opening my own business. Since January is a 1 month for me in a 7 year, what should I be mindful of as I embark on this new business journey? I know 7 years are more about inner refection vs. business endeavors. How do I deal? Thoughts?
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Direction About My Future
I need direction about my future. I am unemployed even though I have qualifications and a history of work in a professional field (social work). It worries me so much. I need to prepare for my later years.
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Success and Passions
Will I get success if I choose one of my passions like writing a novel or learning international languages as my career?
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The Best Career
Hello, I would like to find out what career is best for me. I like visual arts, painting and sculpting but I also enjoy management and organization. I don't have a college degree and unfortunately I don't have money to pay for my education. At this moment, I'm not sure what to do, whether I should find a job or go to college (and which one would be best for me), or both. Any advice is appreciated. Much love.
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I Want to Run Business with a Partner
I want to run business with a partner having DOB [date removed] and birth name is unknown to me. Shall I prepare for partnership business with the same person?
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Willing to Start Diagnostic Centre
I am a doctor (MD pathologist) by profession presently in a corporate job. I am willing to start my own diagnostic centre. Will it be better option for me? Please suggest any correction in my names as per the numerology to suit my profession.
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Scared About Future
Soon I will complete my degree I was really scared about my future. The big question is will I get a job easily while I move to search for a job. How will be my future and my financial position will stand for myself to lead my life. Please reply me.
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Will I Ever Be Successful?
Will I ever be successful?
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Changing the Meaning of 8 in a Novel
I remember submitting a question about subjective/alternate meanings for the number 8 in my novel. Something like "should I switch the meanings of numbers, or give such-and-such meaning to a double-digit number?" Was there an error that caused the question to not be submitted? I've searched the site, and I can't find any answer.
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Company Name for Printer Cartridge Selling Business
Would request for name analysis for my career. I want to start a business of printer cartridge selling to various offices. Want to know the best suitable name for the business [proposed business name removed for confidentiality] is what I have thought of. Any other guidance is most welcome. What other kind of business will suit me?
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Deciding Major for College
I am soon going to college. I will be starting class this fall. I have had a very difficult time decided what to major in. At first, I wanted to major in psychology. I have always been very interested in psychology. That was my goal for many years of my childhood. Within the past year or so, I decided to major in art and minor in business instead. I wanted to start a business with art, somehow. I didn't really have a detailed plan. I just knew I wanted to do something with art. Recently, I've decided to major in interior design and minor in business. I decided that would be the best way to use my creativity to start a business. Regardless of what I do specifically, I know I want to start my own business. I feel the need to be in charge and I don't want to work beneath anyone. Sometimes I am still unsure about my choices. I worry that I will ultimately be unhappy with these decisions. Am I making the right decision? Should I pursue a career in interior design? Should I take the risk of starting my own business? I just feel so pressured to make these life-altering decisions that I am not prepared for.
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Will I Pass the Exam?
I am trying hard for government job in AG office (auditor general office). I am giving staff selection commission exam of combined graduate level for last six years but I am not able to get in merit list. Now I have lost my confidence. This year too I have filled the form for exam. I would like to know will I able to get in merit list this time. Will I get govt. Job in AG office?
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Frustrated and Want Success
I am frustrated in life and sometimes feel to end my life. What name change will bring me success in life? Is there any positive financial outlook in my future life?
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Will My Startup Business be Successful?
I want to start business. Whether I would be successful?
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Name for Ladies Dress Material Shop
What should be the name of my ladies dress material shop?
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I Want to Know My Future
I would like to know my future, and which career is best for me?
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My Future is Uncertain
I am doing my B.E final year. I have many arrears yet to clear. I failed in my 11th std then I wrote supplementary and cleared. I writing all my exam well. But I am getting only negative results. My age friends and all working in varies big companies. But I still didn't even complete UG course yet. Whatever things I start, it goes flop. My parents are much worrying about me. I don't even know what will do in my future whether start small won business or go for a job. I am so depressed about my future. Kindly help me to get a good future and tell my lucky numbers which will helps to change my negatives into a positive. Hopefully waiting for your reply. Thanks for reading and answering my question.
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Construction Company Suitability, Success, and Name
I want to know if construction business is suitable for me? To what extent will I be successful? What should be the name for my company?
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Lucky Construction Company Name
We are three partners in a construction company & we want a lucky name for our construction company according to numerology. [names and birth dates of the three partners omitted] Please suggest us a lucky & prosperous name for our company.
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Best Business Name
I want to start business. What is the name of my firm I should keep? Pl. give me my best alphabets.
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Jewelry Business Company Name and Partnership
I am doing Jewelery designing business from 4.5yrs but not getting any success. I want to know if my business name that is MG is doesn't suits me? If yes, then what is the suitable name? Should I go for partnerships? Please guide me about future of my business.
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A Good Name for a Real Estate Agency
What should be a good name for my real estate agency?
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Medical Billing Company Name
We starting Medical billing company. Would be the name VSMediX successful for us?
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Non-optimum Boss/Employee Relationship
My boss is friendly but we annoy each other a lot. I feel uncomfortable and would like to know if we will ever get along without bad feeling? My boss's details (please don't publish!) - [birth name and date removed]
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Career and Company Name
If interior design is the right profession for me? Also my company name is THE SPATIUM. Is this name beneficial of me?
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Professional Name for Acting
I am struggling in Acting industry. Can I change my Name into a new name called MEET.
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Company Name for Educational Consultancy
I want to start an educational consultancy. Will the name edusmile or edurise suit me. Otherwise what kind of a word should I chose for opening up a concern related with education.
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Success of Company
After working for 38 years in corporate world, I have started my own logistics consultancy named AB Associates. Please let me know how do u see this ventures success. Do suggest some remedies if required.
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My Destiny Is To Change The World
I don't know why, but growing up I've always have had this feeling that I'm supposed to somehow change the world, and that I have to do it at a young age. But as of recently, almost immediately after I turned 21 I've been feeling as if my time is limited and that I must accomplish this goal very soon. Is there any truth to to these feelings that I've had?
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Should I Change My Job?
I am an engineer. I am working in a company but not satisfied with job. I have an offer from my dream company. I want to know if I should change my job or no, because previously whenever I tried for this company something used to happen because of which i couldnt join it.
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Rewarding and Satisfying Profession
What profession offers me greatest rewards and personal satisfaction?
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What Career Path Should I Take?
Can I know, what career path should I take? I currently studying computer science. I'm really interested in investment and been studying about it quite meticulously.
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Name for Finance Company
What's a good name for a finance company. My partners: [partners' names and birth dates omitted for privacy]
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Excel In Studies
Hello, could it be possible to excel in studies with the help of numerology. If so, could you please help me.
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Job, Nainital To Delhi
I want to change my job. Presently I am working in hotel industry in Nainital and would like to go to Delhi for good job and growth. Is this a good period for new job? When will I get married and I want to make home for my parents so will it be possible this year?
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Computer Software and Hardware Business
I am doing computer software and hardware business. Is it good for me and I am facing lot of money problem when I can come out of it. When I can be interdependent.
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My Career The Next Few Months
What does my career look like for the next few months and longer.
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Really Worried About Career and Partner
I am really worried about my career an also the kind of partner I will get.
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Furniture Business
Can I prosper in furniture business if I go into it now.
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International Business Success
I wanted to know about my future in career growth. I wanted to be in international business of my company, I am doing mba and further more I wanted to do a certificate course in international business from iift. How far can I succeed?
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Successful and Being Famous
Would I be a successful & famous man.
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The Best Career For Me
I want to know about my career. I am presently is Jack of all, Master of none kind of character. I am doing graduation in engineering. Wants to join Air force, Civil Services, Higher Education (abroad) management and MS. And all in all a job with good salary. What is going to be best for me?
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Which Field Is Better?
Which field is better for me marketing or finance/accounts? Should I get a govt. job?
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Will I Become A Scientist?
Will I become scientist or not?
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Strong, Stylish, and Unique Company Name
I am starting my construction company very soon, so, I need a strong company name but very stylish and unique. Please provide me with the details.
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Will I Become An Engineer?
I want to know about my career. Will I become engineer? I have applied in FAST, NUST, INTERNATIONAL ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY. Will I get admission in NUST (National University of Science and Technology)? I have applied 4 BBA and Engineering programs. I want to do engineering. Will I get admission in engineering program?
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A taxi business
I have birth date 1.01/03/1969. It's in my all record like school, bank, pan card, passport, etc.My mother says my date of birth is may be 20 or 21 November 1969 or 1970. My question is I am jobless from July 2005. I facing financial problems, not getting job,should I may start business of taxi.When my bad time will be over. What number will be lucky for me and for my taxi.
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Education and Health Future
I want to know my future about education and health. Please help me.
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What will be my future?
What will be my future?
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When Will I Get a Permanent Job?
I'm worried about my career. When I will get a stable permanent job? From career point, I want to know my golden phase.
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About My Career
I want to know about my future career.
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Pursuing Pharmacy
Presently I'm pursuing pharmacy 3rd yr. Can you please tell me about my career and future life.
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My Future and Personal Life
I would like 2 know about my future. I would like to know specially about my career and personal life.
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Is "NT freelance solutions" a good company name?
I an going to start a new business of web designing and solutions. and I want to give name "NT freelance solutions" to my company. Is this name good for my this business or not? I am waiting for ur reply.
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My future, my marriage, my career
Know about my future, about my marriage, career or future life.
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Personal and Business Name Questions
Q.1}Is my name positive? Should I add any letters/alphabets to the existing name to be successful in all aspects of personal and professional life?
Q.2}I would like to start my new I.T.Solutions business. And I have named it as Ahuramazda Infotech___The TOTAL IT SOLUTIONS. Will it be successful and gain profits?
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Will My Job Prove Good?
Will the job I am doing now prove good?
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About Career
I want to know about my career.
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My Career Growth
Kindly tell me about my career growth.
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Where am I going to take admission? Delhi or Kolkata
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Shamanism and the Number 34
I've recently started to seriously study shamanism. The number 34 has always been popping into my head also. Is this a good path for me to follow?
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Playback Singer
I would be glad if u answer these questions: 1. What are my prospects of becoming a professional playback singer? 2. When will my long term health problems end? Thanks!
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Four Dimension
I have chosen Four Dimension name for my web design studio is it lucky and will I prosper?
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My Life Is in Doldrums
Please tell me about my carreer and future, as it always remains in doldrums.
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Hospice name change
The company that I work for is changing its name simply because they think the name that it had now seems silly to them. The name is "Hospice Cheer" the new name will be "Mission Hospice". Does this new name carry a good vib. I love this place and hope that it will have a good vibration and be very sucessful. Thank you so much.
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What is the best career?
Which is my best career path? Is this year fruitful for career?
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What is my best career path?
What is my best career path?
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Career change coming up?
Do you see a career change for me?
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