Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Career and Education
Career in Spiritual Healing
Will my life purpose involve a career in spiritual healing using intuition?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
If you make it so, then it will be your life purpose.
Numerology can calculate the most likely type of person someone is apt to be or become (destiny number), and predict the likely events and circumstances to occur in the persons life (life path).
However, as far as I know, a person's life purpose can't be calculated with numerology.
There may be clues in the person's numerology chart about what the person's life purpose might be. Assuming the life purpose aligns with the chart, which might not be the case.
A person's life purpose is independent of their numerology chart. It may align with the chart, be contrary to the chart, or be unrelated to the chart.
Some people have known what their life purpose is ever since they were cognizant that a person can have a life purpose.
Others need to determine their life purpose for themselves. The determination generally is made according to what feels right. But sometimes it's made according to what others indicate it should be.
Still others wait for an inner or devine message to tell them their life purpose and may never find out.
If it feels to you that your life purpose involves a career in spiritual healing using intuition, and you feel an excitement when you contemplate the idea, then it probably is.
If it isn't your life purpose and you follow it anyway, the act of following your own intuition may reveal your real life purpose. You see, sometimes a person needs to follow their heart to gain the life experience required in order to realize what their life purpose is.
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