Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Career and Education
Working For 17 Years In a Private Organization
I have been working for last 17 year in a private organisation i.e [NAME REMOVED] - but in spite of working for so many years I don't find growth in my financial status as each month the amount left in the month is very nominal. However, I have been trying to change jobs for a couple of years now - I have applied in all job portals and forwarding my CV to all concerned persons who can help me. But have not received any single interview call. Whenever a portal calls, it's first asking for registration fees - which I paid to one - but I was cheated and did not get any call from them. Please guide me what is to be done.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
With your life path number being the number 8, I understand that you very much want to be in control of your finances and to see steady increase.
There are auspicious cycles ahead — the next three personal year cycles and your upcoming pinnacle cycle cycle change.
Next year, your personal year is the number 8. It supports your life path number 8, both representing energy related to finances and material accumulation.
The following year, your personal year is the number 9, a number of completion. And the year after that, your personal year is the number 1, a number of new beginnings.
In a year and a few months, your pinnacle cycle will be the number 1, with its new beginnings energy. If nothing changes before that point, it may change then.
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