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Changing the Meaning of 8 in a Novel

I remember submitting a question about subjective/alternate meanings for the number 8 in my novel. Something like "should I switch the meanings of numbers, or give such-and-such meaning to a double-digit number?" Was there an error that caused the question to not be submitted? I've searched the site, and I can't find any answer.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Not all questions are answered. Less than half, actually. I wish there was more time, but there just isn't enough.

When I have time to answer a few, I respond to the latest ones I feel I am able to answer and that don't contain the same or very similar question answered elsewhere.

Perhaps someday I'll be able to catch up. But it's looking less and less likely as time goes on and I continue to get more questions than I'm able to respond to.

My thought regarding fiction is that the author is at liberty to describe things in any way that seems to work for the story.

If you're concerned others may assume your subjective/alternate meanings apply to non-fictive numerology readings, something to the effect that others might see meanings differently may be stated to discourage such assumptions, if such a statement works in your novel, perhaps a comment in a dialog can mention the meaning isn't what his/her numerologist would say.

I mention the possibility of that particular concern because your heart's desire number 11 tells me it's likely.

Probably you've already noticed that different people have different meanings for the same number. Here's my writeup about the number 8. A still different meaning in a novel I think is quite acceptable.

Your character/destiny number 5 is great for your work as a writer, by the way. The 5 generally is able to see many different points of view.

For future novels, or for your current one if it's still in story outline stage, the two-part article about character development for fiction writers might help.

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