Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Career and Education
My Future is Uncertain
I am doing my B.E final year. I have many arrears yet to clear. I failed in my 11th std then I wrote supplementary and cleared. I writing all my exam well. But I am getting only negative results. My age friends and all working in varies big companies. But I still didn't even complete UG course yet. Whatever things I start, it goes flop. My parents are much worrying about me. I don't even know what will do in my future whether start small won business or go for a job. I am so depressed about my future. Kindly help me to get a good future and tell my lucky numbers which will helps to change my negatives into a positive. Hopefully waiting for your reply. Thanks for reading and answering my question.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
My suggestion is to determine what you want. What you want, independent of what others may want for you or what your society may find acceptable.
If you have long been living according to others expectations, finding the real thing you want to do may require a deep quest within yourself.
Your name destiny number and your name personality number are both the master number 11. Let me quote a paragraph from that page:
The numerology Master Number 11 can come with charisma, effective leadership, spiritual teaching, and can be an inspiration to others. The number 11 can also come with fears and inner conflict, perhaps self-destruction in extreme negative manifestation.
Your birth date life path number is a 1. This suggests you can become independent, a leader, an explorer, someone who is self-sufficient
You have the wherewithal inside you. Let it out, let it manifest. The best way to take advantage of it, that I'm aware of, is to do the things of your heart's desire and that feel deep down exciting, with integrity.
Luck has much to do with being aware of your surroundings so you notice the opportunities.
Lucky numbers are at Your Personal Daily Lucky Numbers and also linked from the Lucky Names and Numbers index page.
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