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Business Brand Name for Garment Designer
I wanna start my own business in garments (as a freelance fashion designer), so now I wanna know lucky business brand name for my business? Now I write my name "[name removed]".
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Because I'm not intimately familiar with the culture and languages of your geographical area, and because I don't know what your preferences are, I'm unprepared to suggest business names.
Here's a page with links to information that can help you do it for yourself, the index to company name articles and tools.
Your personal name and birth date have wonderful numbers for a fashion designer.
Your name's heart's desire number and personality number are both the number 3. The number 3 is the most creative number of all.
Your name's destiny number is the number 6, a number of home, harmony, and nurturing, which resonates well will garments.
Your birth date's life path number is also the number 6.
With those wonderful numbers already in your name and birth date, it may be prudent to ensure the business brand name contains the number 8, which is a number of business and finance.
Read about company names at the index to company name articles and tools page. When you're ready to use a company name calculator, try to have an 8 in one of the name positions. A 5 would also be good, as the number 5 is associated, among other things, with wit, easy association with people, and wearing clothes that push the edge of fashion. But the 5 has less priority than the 8 for this particular company name.
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