Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Career and Education

Pursuing a Singing Career

Should I pursue a singing career?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

The best numerology number for an artistic career is the number 3. The number 5 and the number 9 are also good, but tend to support the number 3 rather than provide artistic energies directly.

Your life path resonates with energies the number 8 represents. Among other things, 8 is a business number — which tends to support activities related to the business end of a singing career.

Your name numbers are the number 7 and the number 9. Your personality number is 9 and both your destiny and heart's desire numbers are 7.

More of the letters of your name resonate with the energies represented by the number 5 than any other individual number, which provides the 5 energy for you. But there are no 3's anywhere in your name.

Of course, you do with your life what you want to do with it. Numerology reveals likelihoods and tendencies. It isn't anywhere near set-in-stone predetermination.

If you decide to pursue a singing career, consider creating and using a professional name, one with a 3 as one of the major name numbers of your numerology chart, preferably the destiny or personality number. The article about how to choose a professional name has pertinent information.

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