Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Career and Education
Really Worried About Career and Partner
I am really worried about my career an also the kind of partner I will get.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Yes, career and partnerships can be worrisome, especially for a young adult. It can be even more worrisome if you happen to live in a society where perception of social status is influenced by economic status and whether or not you are married and the status of the spouse.
Looking at your chart's name number 9 and vowels number 7, it is likely you are worried more than is necessary.
The vowels number 7 tells me your heart's desire is to be perfect, not only perfect in your own perception but also perfect in other people's perception. That will always be a desire regardless how perfect you manage to become.
The name number 9 tells me you are intelligent and would like to do something to help the human race. And I think you frequently will have the chance to do so during your lifetime.
Your life path (birth date number) is the number 11. 11 is a spiritual number and a teacher. You can do well in those areas.
One of the issues of being a young adult is living as an adult with little adult life experience. Those who have more adult life experience and are trustworthy can be of help you if they are willing to share their thoughts and advice for your consideration.
Education and observation result in knowledge. Life experience sometimes results in wisdom.
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