Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Career and Education

Computer Software and Hardware Business

I am doing computer software and hardware business. Is it good for me and I am facing lot of money problem when I can come out of it. When I can be interdependent.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

A career in computer software and hardware is in harmony with your numerology profile, especially if your work requires your own creativity.

The 7 name number has a high likelihood of attracting situations related to scientific fields.

The 8 in both your vowels and consonants positions make it likely that you can handle finances well and are able (subject to education and experience) to direct people in large projects.

The number 3 life path (birth date number) says you do best in careers where you can be creative.

In year 2015, your life cycle number will become an 8 and will remain an 8 until 2042. The 8 life cycle number will support and enhance your 8 vowels and consonants number. That may be the year you start making strides toward financial independence.

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