Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Career and Education

Beginning a Tarot Reading Business This Month

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I am beginning a tarot reading business this month. More precisely, I plan to. I began free client readings at the beginning of March [this year]. It feels quite natural and I have exceptional reviews. I feel I am tapping into claircognizance, clairaudience (mostly just ringing), clairsentience, clairsalience, clairtaction, clairempathy and claireloquence. Is tarot reading right for me? Is this business? Is this timing right? Basically, should I pursue this path right now? What do my numbers [say]?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Unlike tarot (my understanding of tarot), numerology does not delve into the psychic. In essence, numerology is used to calculate results from names and birth dates for specific numerology chart positions. The energy represented by that number in that position is then interpreted for characteristics, likelihoods, and tendencies.

Thus, the only predictions are the interpretations of likelihoods and tendencies.

Both the action of tarot reading and doing business are compatible and resonate well with your life path number, which is the master number 22. And this year, your personal year number is the number 8, the number representing energy that resonates with business more than does the energy represented by any other single-digit number.

Your open heart letter is the letter "e", which represents expression of a personal sense of freedom. As such, you may be tempted to change directions and pursue other careers intermittently during the course of your lifetime.

However, your personality number is the number 4, a number that represents pragmatism, methodology, and a focus on building something for the future. This energy is available to help you stay the course you decide on.

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