Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Career and Education
Career Partnership
How my career will go in partnership with [name removed].
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Things will go the way you and your partner make them go, of course. But there are energies represented by certain positions in numerology charts that can be resonant or dissonant with goals the two of you have in common. I'll describe how to find some of those.
But first, understand that numerology energies are subtle inclinations and are subordinate to free will.
Get a numerology reading for each of you and compare them side by side. Free readings is available at this website. This is only to become familiar with the numerology energies you each have.
Aspects in a numerology chart that seem contradictory may be positive indicators for a career or business partnership. In fact, it's often desired so what one doesn't have a talent or desire for may be fulfilled by the other who does.
We don't currently have a business compatibility calculator available. But we do have a general compatibility tool. Use it to determine your general compatibility.
Although numerology energies can hinder or support, they aren't the defining element for whether or not your career partnership is and becomes what you envision. The defining elements are actions you and your partner take.
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