How it Works
Numerology works only with numbers, and letters converted to numbers. When making your name-colors image, the first step the image creator does is convert every letter of your name to a digit.
Numerology works with numbers, not with things.
As an example, every letter of the word "sky" can be converted to a digit and calculated with numerology. But the sky itself cannot be calculated.
Same with colors. Every letter of a color's name can be converted and calculated with numerology. But the color itself can not.
(For more about that, see the explanation page.)
For generating the color images, we have colors with names that calculate to every digit that letters can be converted to. Except no color name can be calculated to 0. (For the digit 0 in numbers, such as within dates, the color white is used.)
This is what happens when your name is generated into a color image:
- Every letter of your name is converted to a digit.
- A color name is associated with each letter's digit.
- The colors are blended and layered onto an image.
Your image can be downloaded and shared.
The image represents the colors of your name — or whatever other letters or numbers you typed.
Names can be company names, fiction character names, words in the dictionary, made-up words, or anything else.
Dates are similar. A color name is associated with each digit and an image created. Dates can be birth dates, wedding dates, company-start dates, or any other dates.
Now, scroll up and see how colorful your name is. And also your birth date.