Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Career and Education
When I Will Get a Job
When I will get a job?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
There's a likely dates to get a job numerology calculator to help you answer that question. Use the tool with the understanding that it won't get a job for you, that you'll still need to take the actions necessary to accomplish your goals.
To read more about numerology-related approaches to getting a job, see the when will I get a job article.
With the number 7 as both your numerology destiny number and your life path number, you're likely to be exacting when it comes to prospective jobs, always seeing something not perfect or not good enough. The number 7 also tells me you're intelligent and that you're inclined to be introspective.
With your analytical power and your introspection, if you reflect on it, you'll realize no job will ever be perfect; that all potential jobs will have things that at first glance require too much compromise.
Once you accept a job, then you can direct some of your mental capacity to solving issues you find. In other words, a job won't be flawless until after you accept the job and make it so.
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