Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Career and Education
Company Name for Printer Cartridge Selling Business
Would request for name analysis for my career. I want to start a business of printer cartridge selling to various offices. Want to know the best suitable name for the business [proposed business name removed for confidentiality] is what I have thought of. Any other guidance is most welcome. What other kind of business will suit me?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Your life path (calculate from your birth date) tells me you are good at starting and leading things. That could be groups, businesses, family, or even your own self-employment.
Your name number 2 tells me you are inclined to cooperate when it appears prudent to do so, that you value relationships (business and personal), and you can be diplomatic.
Your heart's desire number (from the vowels of your name) tell me you desire to run a business, either your own or to be the primary leader of a large corporation.
See the career suggestion tool for types of careers that may be a good fit for you.
For company names, see the company name articles list for lots of information about using numerology to determine auspicious company names.
How well your company will do depends in large part on your own actions. It also depends on the local economy, expectations, and acceptance of the type of business you are considering.
The company name generally doesn't matter as much as a person might originally assume. However, it does have a force of its own and it is prudent to make the effort to get it right.
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