Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Career and Education
Type of Business to Give Me Success
Which type of business gives me more success?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Numerology can be consulted for career types that resonate most with a person's numerology chart. I'll give you a link to such a calculator in a moment.
Success needs to be defined. Otherwise, you'll never know if you've reached it. In fact, it's unlikely to ever be reached if it's not defined because your actions will be without direction.
So that's the first thing. Know what you want to end up with.
The type of business you're most likely to be successful with is a business within your talents, your training, and your preferences. Whatever business is selected, it still takes action — you doing things — to be successful.
The career suggestions calculator can be consulted to help you select a type of business. While a business related to one of the calculator's results tends to resonate more with you and your life, any business you know well enough to succeed with can be successful — know what you want to end up with and do the actions it takes to get there.
With a number 8 for your personality number, you're likely to do well with businesses where you have sufficient training and experience.
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