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Business Name Best Suited for a Health Care Business

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I am starting a health care business and would like to know which business name would be best suited for me. I have an admirable name that is 127 and reduces to 1, would a 5 or a 9 be more preferable? Thank you.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

I assume you're referring to the destiny number of the name being 127 reduced to 1. The destiny number uses all letters in its calculation.

Another important number from the name is the personality number, the number calculated from the consonants. The heart's desire/vowels number is also important, but for a business the personality number generally gets priority.

The number generally associated with health is the number 6. But the destiny number doesn't need to be 6. The personality number or even the heart's desire number could be 6.

Still, a 6 isn't strictly required. While the energy the number 6 represents can help, it certainly isn't necessary for success. If you'll calculate the names of successful companies in health care, you'll see that many don't have a 6 in any of the major name positions.

There are many different types of health care businesses, each with its own focus that can benefit from the energy represented by a number in addition to, or other than, the number 6.

For a health insurance company, the number 8 is good. For doctors, the number 1 may provide a calming resonance or sense that the practitioners are forward-looking in their knowledge, and the number 4 may provide a sense that attention to detail is a foundation of the business. For health care product companies, like food supplements, and equipment companies, the number 9 can be of benefit, as well as the numbers 4 and 8.

The energy the number 5 represents is less responsible than generally would be prudent for a health care organization to exude. But it might work for businesses dealing with experimental nutrition or other experiment-oriented health-focused businesses.

The number 7 is excellent for laboratory or health-research businesses where scientific investigation is a large or important part of the organization's activities.

Perhaps the above is information you can use. If you don't have access to other calculators and tools that suffice, the online company names tool can be used during your research.

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