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Spelling for Bistro/Restaurant Name

Image for 'Spelling for Bistro/Restaurant Name' numerology answer

My husband and I would like to open a bistro/restaurant together in [location removed] that's inspired by the spice, saffron. We'd like to call it 'Zaffran' or 'Zafran' or 'Zaffron' or 'Zafron'. Based on the vibrational energy of the name we're not so sure which spelling to choose?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Use the company name compatibility tool to help you select among the names you are considering. The tool asks you to check one or more boxes to tell it what number energy should be looked for in the list of names.

It then responds with a score for each name depending on how well the name matched the numbers you checked.

The energy represented by the number 6 resonates with food. The 5 energy resonates with new experiences. The 3 energy resonates with entertainment.

Try checking the boxes of 6 and either or both the 3 and 5.

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