Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Career and Education
9 and 3 Are Compatible

Hello, my life path number is 9 and my birthday number is 3 and my name number is also 3. I just want to know if that is a good combination in terms of success in career? I'm a student and I'm actually facing a lot of challenges to move forward in my life with my current subject...so is there anything wrong with the combination? And if yes how can I change it or it make it better?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Those are good numbers — assuming you don't mind a tendency to express yourself creatively and the situations you experience tending to relate to seeing things as a whole more than a focus on individual parts.
The date of birth can't be changed, of course. But your name can if you wish to do so. I'll come back to that idea.
Have a look at the career suggestions tool and see if the subject you are pursuing fits within the results. If the current subject is in dissonance with your numerology chart, then it might be ill-suited. If it is in resonance, then you may be experiencing effects of other situations and relationships that are outside the scope of numerology.
The energy that represents your name resonates with more than creative self-expression. There is also an inner desire for expressing your idea of personal freedom. And, you tend to look inward for answers.
If you think about changing your name, be clear what it is you want. About Numerology Number Meanings can help with that.
Realize that the energy representing your birth name is always with you. Its force may diminish after sufficient time of knowing yourself as a new name, but it will never go away entirely.
A new name tends to introduce new name energy and/or enhance certain birth name energy. Sometimes, there is conflict between the new name energy and the birth name energy, in which case, depending on the energies that are in dissonance, the person's life can seem somewhat unsettled.
The chart at the Compatibility of Number Energy page can be used to see if there is any high incompatibility with the energies represented by the numbers of the birth name and the new name you are considering.
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