Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Career and Education
Determining True Calling
Never as a child did I dream having this or that profession. Never did want what most people do, like a career, getting married, having kids or traveling all over the world. Been here and there, doing this and that, a jack of all trades. Now I'm 50 and still don't know what is my vocation. I'm unemployed for 2 years and a half and I am very lost. I'm too young to retire and too old for the job market. I'm considering applying for jobs as an elderly carer but I don't know if I have what it takes to do it. So I ask you. What is my true calling? What skills should I be focusing on? Should I focus on my online store? Thank you very much for your time and dedication.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
According to what I see in your numerology chart (your power number, which is the number 1), you will always have an independent mindset. Your view of the world and of yourself are uniquely yours; other people's opinions rarely color your perception.
The career suggestions tool can be used to reveal types of careers that resonate with your numerology chart. There are no standard numerology calculations to determine a person's true calling. Various chart positions may suggest certain types of professions. But a true calling needs to be determined by the person themself. Generally, that would be what you're best at, what you enjoy the most, what feels the most exciting when anticipated or experienced within integrity.
With both your destiny and your life path numbers being the number 5, I think you would feel penned in and unhappy if you couldn't express your sense of personal freedom. It's something to consider when you think about what your true calling might be.
When you determine what your true calling is, which may be something few others would consider to be a true calling, when the true calling is determined, then you'll know what actions you should take and what skills, if any, you should be focusing on.
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