Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Career and Education
Need to Be Self-Dependent Financially
I am 45 now. My husband is pretty well to do. But I am at a strange juncture of my life now. I need to be self dependent financially for some very unavoidable reasons. One of those reasons is restoration of self respect. But I am at a loss, how should I start my career afresh at this age. What my numbers says? What should i try and what you think I should do good? or is it at all possible for me to start anything at all? Pls guide me. Thanks and regards. ** My name was permanently changed at my childhood. Now it is [name removed].
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Numerology can provide insight into what type of careers resonate with your numerology chart. That link is to a tool for suggesting the types of careers that are likely to resonate with you.
This link refers to a page with a number of other numerology tools that may help you determine how to proceed. But how you proceed will need to be your determination.
Traditional numerology calculations reveal tendencies and likelihoods. With those, a person is better equipped to make decisions according to their own goals.
With traditional numerology, no predeterminations are revealed.
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