Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Career and Education

Professional Stability and Professionally Fulfilling

In my professional life, I've been lied to and deceived. My last position was eliminated despite me having success and good numbers. Am I ever going to find professional stability in a role that provides well for my family financially while being professionally fulfilling for me? Thank you so very much.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Traditional Pythagorean numerology (which is practiced here) can reveal tendencies and likelihoods — probabilities — but reliable calculations for predetermination and predestination are out of its scope. Your future depends on what you do and don't do, including your response to your environment, the situations you find yourself in, and other people's actions.

Your personal year number, this year, is the number 1. The number represents an energy of, among other things, self-sufficiency, self-determination, and starting new things. The energy's resonance is persistently present as a gentle nudge.

Use the career suggestions tool for a list of the types of careers that resonate with your numerology chart. Understand that the lists aren't comprehensive. The calculator's response may be used as a guide. Generally, those types of careers are more comfortable and more likely to be successful than careers associated with a dissonance between it and the person's numerology chart.

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