Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Career and Education

Name For a New Clothes Business

Hi... I want to start a new clothes business. I want to give a name which could bring me great success. Pls suggest.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Let me first mention there are a number of informative articles that can help you determine a name for your new business. See the index to company name articles.

You'll need to determine some business names that would be acceptable to you. Then, determine which one is right.

For someone to efficiently suggest business names, they would need to know what would and would not be acceptable to you. Otherwise, they might suggest a thousand names with none being acceptable. That's why you'll need to come up with some acceptable business names from which one can be chosen.

If the new clothes are primarily for business wear, the number 8 as one of the business' major numerology chart numbers can have a positive influence. If primarily for worker wear, such as uniforms and utilitarian clothes, the number 4 can be fortuitous.

If the business primarily offers new clothes related to dress-up for social gatherings, it would be good to have the number 3 as one of the business' numbers.

For new clothes related to the home, like home casual wear or children's clothes, it is well to consider the number 6 as one of the major numbers.

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