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Suitable Name for Acting Career
I was born [name removed], but my stage and last name I go by is [name removed]. Which is my Mothers last name. My dad was never part of my life. Most people call me Jerry. My question is, if I go by G[remainder of name removed], does that change my numerology in life? Also what name will be better suited for an acting career? J[remainder of name removed] or G[remainder of name removed]?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Your birth name's numerology energy will be with you, to greater or lesser degree, no matter what acting name you decide on.
The number 9 resonates well with acting. The number 3 even more so. And the number 5. Determine Actor's Name Using Numerology has much information related to your question. Do give it a read. Your birth name's major numbers are all the number 9. And your current life period is the number 6. For privacy, I removed all but the first letter of the acting names you asked about. They're referred to here as G… and J…. Of the two you suggested, the acting name J… resonates more with your numerology chart than the acting name G… does. Both acting names have the number 9 in a prominent position, and neither has 3 or 5 prominent. There is an acting name calculator available to test various acting names and see what their resonance is with the acting profession (the calculator responds with a point value for each name). As an option, consider having both a personal name (your birth name) and a professional name (your acting name).© 1997-2001 William and Mari Bontrager
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