Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Career and Education

Knowing About My Business

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I want to know about my Business.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

My assumption is that you are considering a specific business or asking for ideas about which type of business to pursue.

If you already have a business and are asking about it's future, then my response would have to be that its future is determined by you. Like life — what is or is not done in the present is the most significant determinant of a person's future.

For an idea about which types of business resonate well with your numerology chart, use the career suggestions tool.

The tool lists types of careers that resonate well with your numerology chart. Those types of careers can be translated mentally for applying to types of businesses.

No success is guaranteed, of course. However, a business that resonates with the numerology chart of the person responsible for the business has a higher likelihood of success than a type business that has a dissonance with the person's chart. It's an extra nudge toward success because the person is likely to have more enthusiasm for the business and, thus, invest more attention and energy in its success.

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