Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Career and Education

Leadership Qualities

I am wanting to take on a leadership position in my mom's group. There are several positions available — planning, finance, overall leader — and I'm just wandering what my strongest qualities are right now. Like what I have to bring to the table.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Your numerology chart is available to me. But not your experience or education, nor am I familiar with the culture or society you were raised in.

So this takes only numerology in consideration. Other aspects may override the numerology ones.

I'm also unfamiliar with the type of group your mom's group is. Probably it resonates with your chart or you wouldn't be keen to step up and take responsibility.

Your heart's desire number and your life path number are both the number 3. So you bring creative expression to the table.

Your personality number is the number 7. So you bring analytical facility to the table. Also the desire for perfection, which you may need to hold back a bit lest it makes others impatient with you.

Your destiny number is the number 1. There is an innate inclination to lead, which you bring to the table. It also brings a desire for alone time; being a leader might make quality alone time scarce.

Your current life period cycle is the number 2, a number of relationships, diplomacy, and teamwork. The life period cycle will change in about eight years.

Your current pinnacle is the number 9, a number of humanitarian focus. That cycle will also change in about eight years.

Follow the links to read more about the numbers and you'll become more familiar with what you're bringing to the table according to your numerology chart.

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