Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Career and Education

The Right Business Name

Looking for right business name. The names I like are yielding a name number of either 100, 111, 95 or 41. Any recommendation on which of these four numbers is relatively better for a business name, given that my life path number is 7 and that of my business partner is 8. thanks!

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Yes, business name numbers that are compatible with the owner(s) life path numbers is desirable. If the business numbers and the owners' numbers conflict, it's likely that running the business will require more effort than it would with compatible numbers.

Probably more important is that the business name is compatible with the type of business. Also it's purpose or its products/services. For the business name affects the energy of the business in ways similar to how names affect the energy of people.

The 100 number is good for, among other things, businesses related to leadership, discoveries, and exploring new ways of doing things.

The number 111 for businesses related to socializing, artistic endeavors, or supporting artists, as examples.

Both the number 95 and number 41 resonate well for, as examples, businesses related to travel, moving, fun, vacations, and other "expression of personal freedom" products and services.

None of those numbers are in direct conflict with either a 7 or 8 life path number.

See the index to company name articles for information you can use in making your company name decision.

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