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Name for New Business

I am starting a new business. I am confused between two names for my company -- sr dreamthemes or theme3d. Please suggest. SR stands for [name removed] and [name removed] my kids names. Which name is more lucky for me.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

It depends on what your definition of "lucky" is. And it also depends on what products or services the company will provide and the geographical area or areas where it will do business.

If "lucky" means you wish to know which name resonates best with you and the company's products/services, the company names articles have pertinent information. One or more of the linked articles are likely to have information that make the decision easier.

If "lucky" means you wish to know which name is more likely to automatically make you rich without you having to do any work, then I can't help you. I don't know of any business that succeeds with its mission without people taking action to make it happen – regardless what the name is.

When a company succeeds in its mission, it can be said to have a lucky name. However, it didn't succeed because of the name. It succeeded because of the actions taken by people. Conversely, when a company fails in its mission, it can be said to have an unlucky name. However, it didn't fail because of the name. It failed because of actions people failed to take.

Whichever name you decide on, if your actions bring your company to the point of accomplishing its mission, then you will have made your name choice into a lucky name.

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