Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Career and Education
My Passion is Education Sector
I think my passion is education sector. Me and my wife planned in detail of opening education institute on Nov 11 [this year] unknowingly. Recently I am planning to go to Canada, where my job profile code is 1111. What should I do? Should I do education business in India or go to Canada? I always see eleven eleven everywhere.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
I will talk about your numerology chart. But I will not tell you what you should do; it is not in the realm of numerology calculations to do so.
Also, I realize that while it may seem that you always see the number 1111 everywhere, it is not the actual fact. If it was the actuality, you would never see any other number.
A person sees many numbers. The ones a person remembers seeing are generally the ones with a special meaning for them, perhaps an emotional significance. The remembering comes from noticing the number and giving it special attention at the time is is being seen. Other numbers don't get that special attention. Thus, you remember seeing only 1111.
See the Why You Start Seeing Certain Numbers Again and Again article. And also Why People See Certain Numbers All the Time.
Whatever significance there might be in your remembering the number 1111 so often that it seems you always see it everywhere is subjective. There is no numerology calculation to reveal anything about why a person sees certain numbers.
Numerology can reveal the essence of the energy that the number 1111 represents. That energy is consulted when interpreting meanings. But reasons why a person remembers seeing a certain number is outside the realm of traditional Pythagorean numerology.
Regarding careers, the career suggestions calculator can list a number of types of careers that resonate with your numerology profile. It might provide useful information to help you make your decision.
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