Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Career and Education

Passions for Singing and Acting With a Market Analysis Career

I have good abilities in analysis and right now I'm about to accept market analysis specialist position. But my real passions are singing and acting. Should I follow my heart and try myself in that sphere? Or I'd better keep to the analytical career path?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

The passions for singing and acting may be influenced by your numerology heart's desire chart position, represented by the number 5. When you read about the number 5, you'll notice it may change it's pursuits on a whim. The ideas of singing and acting may be associated with meeting new people or immersing within new ideas or expressing your sense of personal freedom. All of those are 5 traits.

The passions for those arts may also be influenced by the personality chart position, represented by the number 1. The ideas of singing and acting as a career may be associated with discovering new ways of performing or becoming a leader in your artistic field, both 1 traits.

Your life path number and your current life period cycle number are both the number 4. It's a wonderful energy for working with numbers and applying procedures and functions to them. Your current pinnacle cycle number is the number 8, also a good energy for finance-related analysis.

I don't recommend actions for people, only provide information so they are in a better position to make their own decisions. Do note, however, that studying and practicing the singing and acting arts can be done evenings and weekends, when you're not actively working the analysis specialist position.

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