Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Career and Education

Musical/Artistic/Acting Tendencies and Name Change

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Do I have certain tendencies that could help or hinder a musical and or artistic and acting career? Also I have always been called by my middle name since birth. Is changing my name to [name removed] = (5) a good number to help me in all aspects of music and art in a career?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Both musical and acting careers resonate with creativity. They tend to be artistic in various ways. If you'll read the Professional Name for a Singer article and the Film/Stage Actor Name article, you'll see many similarities. (The articles have links to online calculators where you can test various names, including your current name and the professional name in your question.)

The numerology energy represented by the number 5, as your question suggests, has a good resonance for an acting career. The resonance of the energy represented by the number 3 is the most creative of all energies represented by single-digit numbers and can be good for both music and acting.

Your current personality number, the number 7, is an introspective number. There is a lot of thinking and a tendency to want things to be perfect. That could dampen creativity if it is given more time or acknowledgement than the energies represented by your other core numbers.

The rest of your core numbers tend to support music/art/acting types of careers or don't affect it either way.

Your proposed professional name (current middle name as new first name and new middle name as a alternate-spelled current first name) would resonate with both a destiny number 5 and a personality number 3. It is certainly something to be seriously considered.

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