Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Career and Education

Excel In Studies

Hello, could it be possible to excel in studies with the help of numerology. If so, could you please help me.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

In a sense, it can help you excel in studies, but perhaps not the way you're wanting it to. Let me explain.

Numerology is a method of revealing tendencies. It can be used to reveal what is most likely.

To excel in studies, use numerology to determine which subjects you are most likely to excel in, which are the subjects you tend to have the most aptitude for. The Career Suggestions Tool can be used. Then study those subjects.

Numerologically calculated personal day numbers can help determine which days are likely to be easier for study and which days are likely to be difficult.

When you are in university, whether or not studying subjects with aptitude determined by using numerology, knowing your personal day numbers can help.

When personal day numbers are known in advance, extra time can be set aside for studying during the easier study days. And recreation can be planned instead of studying for difficult study days.

Use the Numerology Personal Day Number Calculator to determine your personal day numbers.

A personal day number 7 is likely to be an easy study day. It is the best number for studying.

Other good personal day numbers for studying are 9 and 4.

Probably the most difficult number for studying (except for very short intense efforts) is the number 5. Numbers 3 and 1 also have their distractions.

Numbers 2, 6, and 8 are neither inherently easy nor inherently difficult. Their effect on your study tends to reflect how you approach the study itself. If you approach with the idea that it is difficult, the vibrations of the numbers 2, 6, and 8 will tend to agree. If the study is approached with determination or the idea it will be easy, the vibrations of the numbers tend to agree with that.

How you approach your study also affects the other six numbers. But 2, 6, and 8 are affected more by attitude because they are more open to influence either way.

By the way, your name number is a 7. Your aptitude for excelling in study is likely to be much higher than someone with a name or birth date number 5.

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