Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Career and Education

Starting New Business With Partner

Starting new business with my partner. Want to check if our partnership will give us success in business and give us growth as well in terms of income. [partner name and birth date removed]

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Numerology has calculations that can be used to determine compatibility. But it has no calculations for predetermination of success or income.

A quick way to determine if there is a high degree of compatibility according to numerology is to get a free numerology reading for each of you. Print the two readings or put them on separate screens so they can be compared.

Compatibility of numbers can be checked at the compatible and incompatible numbers chart.

With the two readings at hand, compare the destiny numbers. For you, it's the number 9 and for your partner it's the number 5. Those two numbers are somewhat compatible.

Then compare the heart's desire numbers. For both of you, it's the number 8. Identical numbers are the most compatible of all.

Compare the personality numbers. For you, it's the number 1. For your partner, it's the number 6. Those two numbers are somewhat incompatible with each other.

Finally, compare the life path numbers. For you, it's the number 4 and for your partner it's the number 3. Those two numbers are incompatible.

There are many more numerology chart positions that can be compared, including the numbers of the various cycles the two of you are and will be within. But the above are the main ones.

Two other areas to consider: The type of business and the area of responsibilities you each will have.

When the type of business resonates with your numerology charts, it's more likely to be fun to work with and, thus, more likely to be a success.

Similarly, when the responsibilities you each assume resonate with your individual charts, the more likely they are to be fulfilled with readiness and satisfaction.

When the focus is on the business rather than on the individuals, then two people in a business relationship, each assuming the responsibilities they're best suited for, can result in a healthy business — even if the two individuals themselves have incompatible numerology charts.

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