Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Career and Education

Two Goals to Focus On

What should I focus on to make my dreams of being a paid recording artist? Or traveling musician?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

In order to reach a goal, the goal must be defined and clear.

Which do you prefer, being a paid recording artist or being a traveling musician?

A dual goal is hard to reach and may never happen. The more specific a goal is stated, the sharper focus on the event or situation to be reached, the more likely the goal will be reached.

There's nothing wrong with having two goals, such as becoming both a paid recording artist and a traveling musician. But the dual goal tends to make both hard to reach.

Consider that it might be better to choose one or the other and define it in detail for yourself. It would be an easier goal to reach because you can focus on it in detail and have that focus at hand when life requires you to make decisions.

The other of the two can be relegated to being a desire instead of a goal.

When a goal is focused on, other desires may find ways to manifest themselves.

You have more letters in your name that are represented by the number 5 than any other number — the e's, n's, and w's. This can give you a sense of freedom. The number 9 as the heart's desire and the number 11 as your current life period cycle tend to give you a tolerant and spiritual outlook on life.

Make a clear and specific goal for your life and it will be easier to spot the things that would distract you from the goal.

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