Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Career and Education
7:07, 17:07, and the Number 7
Why do I keep seeing 7:07 & 17:07 on my clock? 17:07 is my birth date and I've been noticing this for quite a few years and it is becoming more regular and now seems to be every day. I also notice '7' around me when I'm out & about.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Yes, what you're seeing are numbers from your birth date. It's not uncommon to notice those numbers more than other numbers that are unrelated to one's numerology chart.
When a person wonders if seeing the numbers has special meaning, that's when the numbers begin to be seen even more often. The mind doesn't like mysteries and tends to direct the consciousness' focus to anything that might help resolve it — which includes the number or numbers to which the mystery is bound.
The index to repetitive numbers has links to articles with more explanation about the mechanism.
The index for responses to questions about number meanings contains many, many questions asked about seeing certain numbers repetitively. Scan the titles and know you're not alone.
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