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Starting a Business, 5 Life Path in a 9 Pinnacle and...
I'm a 5 life path in a 9 pinnacle cycle and in a 6 personal year. I am also going into 8 personal month(Nov). In November and December, I am opening my own business. Since January is a 1 month for me in a 7 year, what should I be mindful of as I embark on this new business journey? I know 7 years are more about inner refection vs. business endeavors. How do I deal? Thoughts?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Because the personal year and month cycles are shorter than the pinnacle and life period cycles, they tend to be noticed more. They're noticed because there's a change.
However, they don't have more influence. They have less influence than the longer cycles. Imagine a river with a small stream emptying into it. The river representing the longer cycles and the small stream the short cycles. Because the small stream is something new, it's noticed. But it doesn't affect the river as much as it seems it might. The small stream is simply integrated into the river and the flow goes on.
Giving the personal year and month number extra attention and credence gives them additional power. Your own attention, your essence, is empowering them to a degree. Still, they generally are less powerful than the larger cycles.
A 5 life path, for example, tends to bring new events and circumstances into your life, thing's you've never handled before, and also opportunities to express your sense of personal freedom.
Although not a cycle, the life path is the influence within which birthdate-
Your current life period cycle, also being a 5, resonates with your life path and enhances the 5 vibration.
A 9 pinnacle cycle tends to focus your goals to things with a potential to help mankind and groups whose purpose is to help mankind. It may also affect the type of events and circumstances you encounter as you live life during the pinnacle's period, but less so than the life period cycle.
Within the life path/life period cycle/pinnacle cycle mix are the personal year and personal month influences.
The number 6 personal year in a pinnacle 9 is actually pretty good. The two resonate well with each other and tend to enhance each other's influence. With it's home and harmony influence, the 6 can be a restraining number on the 5's tendency to pursue new areas of interest on whim.
Being sensitized to its influence, you're likely already feeling some of the effects of the approaching personal year 7, as the cycles do overlap some.
A personal year 7 in that mix will tend to focus your attention inward for real, dependable answers. (The 5 tends to focus outward for answers, or inward if it pertains to sensuality, and pretty much any answer that seems realistic and resonates with the 5 vibration is acceptable.) The 7 also tends to focus attention to studying the material you need to know for this period of life.
A 7 personal year is a very, very good number for a 5 life path starting or stabilizing a business or taking a business to the next level. It won't lasso you, but it's wisdom and urge to find answers of substance inside yourself and inclination to study relevant material will be present during the year.
Within that mix are the personal month cycles. While they remain for the whole month (with a few days overlap from month to month), they have less effect than the personal year – unless you pay special attention to the influence and draw on it.
Which is a good reason to be aware of ones personal month numbers.
If a personal month number is compatible to the current goals, it can be drawn on by given it special attention, making the influence stronger. On the other hand, if the number is incompatible, the influence can be mostly ignored; just being aware it's present should be sufficient.
Here are two articles that talk about how numerology cycles affect each other.
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