Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Career and Education
Good Career for Me
Hello. I want to ask about my career. Although I am a genius student, I am so much confused about my career, which career is good for me. I wanted to do mbbs but unfortunately I couldn't get admission last year. My father always wanted me to do bba now I am doing bba but still I am not satisfied. Please help me as soon as possible.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
In your numerology chart, both your destiny number and your personality number are the master number 11. Among other things, the master number 11 is highly intuitive and generally isn't materially oriented.
Your life path number is the number 8 which, among other things, generally is comfortable with executive positions in large corporations and is oriented for material acquisition.
The two may seem to be incompatible. However, looked at another way, each can be seen to provide something the other doesn't have — the spiritual and the material.
If the two aspects seem incompatible, it can indeed be a reason for feeling confused or at a loss about what to do. If you realize that your life path and your destiny can be companions and experience the resonance in your life, the feeling of disorientation should subside.
Regarding what career is good for you, that must be your decision. Numerology can help with career suggestions. But the choice will still need to be your own.
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