Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Career and Education

Company Name for Clothing Store

Please correct my name and please help me with naming my clothes store which I am planning to start. I am planning to name it as "TRENDI THREADS". Please suggest whether it is good or bad and on my name too. Thank you.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

In terms of numerology, there is nothing about your name to correct. If there's something in your name that you don't like, please ask another question specifically for that.

The store name "Trendi Threads" has the number 1 for its destiny number. The energy the number 1 represents includes, among other things, independence and self-sufficiency — a nice energy for a business.

"Trendi Threads" and your own numerology chart both have the number 2 and the number 8 as core numbers. The number 2 energy includes cooperation and teamwork. The number 8 energy includes business activities and material acquisition. Both of those numbers are also good for a clothing business.

The index to company name articles and tools is a rich resource for using numerology to name a company. It makes additional information available that applies to your question.

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