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Jewelry Business Company Name and Partnership

I am doing Jewelery designing business from 4.5yrs but not getting any success. I want to know if my business name that is MG is doesn't suits me? If yes, then what is the suitable name? Should I go for partnerships? Please guide me about future of my business.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

I can provide information according to my understanding of numerology. But I will not make recommendations. You know better what your life experiences and expectations are than I do; thus you are the person who must make those life decisions.

The letter M is represented by the number 4. The letter G is represented by the number 7. Together, they add up to the number 11.

The numerology number 4's essence contains the ideas of focus and foundation and tends to be conscientious, methodical, and pragmatic.

The numerology number 7's essence tends to be introspective, analytical, spiritual, intuitive, and wise.

Together, MG adds up to the number 11. The 11's essence is about intuition, spirituality, charisma, and teaching.

While 4, 7, and 11 are nice numbers, other numbers may be better for a jewelry business. Consider the numbers 3 and 5.

The name MG also has no vowels. Vowels bring feelings and heart to a name.

Names can be considered that have MG as a base. And completely new names can be considered. As an illustration of things to consider, let's use the name Mugi.

The name Mugi has each of the desirable numbers. And it has vowels. The first vowel ("u") is a 3. The first vowel of a name indicates the heart's leaning, what the heart distinctly desires. The numerology essence of the number 3 is a number of creative self-expression, social interaction, optimism, and inspiration. It is a good number for a jewelry design business.

The name Mugi calculates to the number 5. The essence of the number 5 is curiosity, sensuality, wit, adventure, and expression of personal freedom. It is also a good number for a jewelry design business.

Mugi is just one suggestion for a name for a jewelry business. As you think of other possible names, use the professional numerology numbers calculator to see what numbers the names have. (The birth date fields can be left blank for this.) You're looking for a 3 or a 5 at one of these positions, in order of importance: (1) The single-digit total of the name, (2) the number of the first letter of the name, and (3) the number of the first vowel of the name.

See the numerology compatibility article before taking on a business partnership. The web site has other articles and calculators related to partnerships.

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